President Orders 5,000 Troops to US Border

Sucks to be an illegal, they will be stopped.

They are not illegals.... They would be Refugees...

People seeking Asylum are not criminals or illegals...

They are not applicable for asylum as they were offered it in Mexico. So they are automatically disqualified. This is an invasion and should be treated as such.
If we are unable to stop these invading illegals maybe it’s time we get serious abd round up all 22million illegals in our country and send them home. Build a wall, station troops along the border and send them all home. We seem to be the only country in the world that has no right to stop invaders and we need to get serious or lose the country that has stood for freedom and liberty for its citizens. Citizens, not invaders. Arrest them, put them in camps until we can arrange transportation to their home countries.
You might want to enlighten yourself a bit more there scholar. The troops aren’t headed there to wipe the asses of wetbacks...they’re headed there to act as military personnel does against a hostile Army.
Start with this......The Insurrection Act:
The Insurrection Act represents what is considered an acceptable use of soldiers: authorized by the President himself, as the ultimate tool through which the United States exercises its sovereign authority within its borders. Use of soldiers is a last resort; the President may only approve it under the Insurrection Act when he determines that the civil authorities are unwilling or unable to enforce the laws. The President must make a proclamation ordering those involved to disperse. But once the President has invoked the Insurrection Act, the Posse Comitatus Act does not apply.

Well, maybe the reason that the military has never been used in modern time to detain illegals is that nobody ever thought of it before...!!!!!!! me it was thought of....nobody had the balls to declare an insurrection when it came to poor illegals.

So Trump will? Did he say that he was going to? If he did, he lied.

Maybe, maybe not. Are you going to be pissed if he does the right thing for good, REAL Americans?
Do prefer he puts Mexico first?

I prefer that he fulfil his oath to protect the Constitution

Oh I get think the U.S. Constitution was framed and authored for Mexico...or you wish it was? That’s super American of you.
I get the feeling you really like the ‘loopholes’ which benefit wetbacks while fucking over good, REAL I right?
What part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from?
Sorry, Cant seem to stop commenting on this topic, hard to believe all the gung ho's afraid of nothing posters who now seem so terrified of less than 7ooo people, including women & baby's. is this a political boondoggle like the army hiding out in underground Walmart caves ready to invade TEXAS. remember that one? that's what I think, keep the convinced living in fear, hell lets spend the money to send 5000 of our service people down there, with the army & the border people we could have two or even 3 people for every man woman & child. but you know what it wont be enough because the boggy man is coming to get you.
Sorry, Cant seem to stop commenting on this topic, hard to believe all the gung ho's afraid of nothing posters who now seem so terrified of less than 7ooo people, including women & baby's. is this a political boondoggle like the army hiding out in underground Walmart caves ready to invade TEXAS. remember that one? that's what I think, keep the convinced living in fear, hell lets spend the money to send 5000 of our service people down there, with the army & the border people we could have two or even 3 people for every man woman & child. but you know what it wont be enough because the boggy man is coming to get you.

Well a new caravan is already on it's way. That's because we (so far) didn't do anything to stop invaders. And if we let these 7,000 in, the next batch will be 20,000. After that,40,000.

Afterwards it will be known to the world the USA is a borderless country. Don't worry about USA laws, they won't enforce them. They will keep pandering to law breakers so just come on over.
Sorry, Cant seem to stop commenting on this topic, hard to believe all the gung ho's afraid of nothing posters who now seem so terrified of less than 7ooo people, including women & baby's. is this a political boondoggle like the army hiding out in underground Walmart caves ready to invade TEXAS. remember that one? that's what I think, keep the convinced living in fear, hell lets spend the money to send 5000 of our service people down there, with the army & the border people we could have two or even 3 people for every man woman & child. but you know what it wont be enough because the boggy man is coming to get you.

Someone evidently has no clue as to the impact illegal immigrants have on this country.
So the 5 time draft dodger, from a family of generational draft dodgers is going to waste tax payers money sending combat killing machines to do clerical and other menial work at the border?
Hey, someone has to shoot these scoundrels...

Sorry, Cant seem to stop commenting on this topic, hard to believe all the gung ho's afraid of nothing posters who now seem so terrified of less than 7ooo people, including women & baby's. is this a political boondoggle like the army hiding out in underground Walmart caves ready to invade TEXAS. remember that one? that's what I think, keep the convinced living in fear, hell lets spend the money to send 5000 of our service people down there, with the army & the border people we could have two or even 3 people for every man woman & child. but you know what it wont be enough because the boggy man is coming to get you.

Haha...silly, shortsighted LefTards can’t see past their noses.
It’s no wonder so many LefTard kids are all fucked up in the head...this is the “don’t look to tomorrow” backwards type of shit they’re taught.
So the 5 time draft dodger, from a family of generational draft dodgers is going to waste tax payers money sending combat killing machines to do clerical and other menial work at the border?
Hey, someone has to shoot these scoundrels...


Yep, those disgusting fat slobs look like starving refugees to me. Post some more would you please?
If we are unable to stop these invading illegals maybe it’s time we get serious abd round up all 22million illegals in our country and send them home. Build a wall, station troops along the border and send them all home. We seem to be the only country in the world that has no right to stop invaders and we need to get serious or lose the country that has stood for freedom and liberty for its citizens. Citizens, not invaders. Arrest them, put them in camps until we can arrange transportation to their home countries.
Hey, that’s a great idea. We can herd them in trains to these “camps” (wink, wink) until we come up with the “solution” (wink, wink) to get them out of the country.
So the 5 time draft dodger, from a family of generational draft dodgers is going to waste tax payers money sending combat killing machines to do clerical and other menial work at the border?
Hey, someone has to shoot these scoundrels...

Look how tiny her ankles are compared to her disgustingly fat body. How is that possible? Do the laws of physics not apply to illegals like our immigration laws dont?
The WH needs to issue EOs that that temporarily gives the troops the power to stop the invasion at the southern border and immediately deport the invaders. Otherwise all we have is the border patrol, and they would be overwhelmed. So I like the troops there, but we need to allow them to "detain" illegals.
No, we don't.

The military exists for a singular purpose - to kill people and break shit. End of story. They are not police and using the military as police NEVER works out well. It seems there are far to few that realize this anymore.

Actually, you are wrong. The military exist to defend the Constitution and by default, the nation.

There is no function more basic to the defense of a nation than to defend its borders.

It was the job of the military to defend the borders for the first 150 years or so of the nation's existence and they should be doing it now.

Border defense is not a police function.

That is very true...

And if this was an invading army or a least Militia then there is a case...

But if these people present themselves as asylum seekers then that is not an invasion and it isn't even illegal...

As to people who say that should seek safety in Mexico? If you are fleeing gang violence in Honduras, those gangs should have plenty of power to still get you in Mexico...
MS-13 and Barrio 18 are a gangs which originated in the US and has the main power in Central America fuelled by US Drug market...
So the 5 time draft dodger, from a family of generational draft dodgers is going to waste tax payers money sending combat killing machines to do clerical and other menial work at the border?
Hey, someone has to shoot these scoundrels...

3 maybe 4 women in that photo. About 15 men.

Do you not see a problem there???
Liberals see poor desperate people. I see an average of 30 years of government assistance, medical care, and a fair amount of crime and disease. Some will become contributors but they will be a small percentage.

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