President pants on fire is at it again

The New York Times...ugh......mouthpiece of the CFR.....not a source that I would trust in the slightest.
Anti-Trump stories SELLS big time to a good percentage of Americans. These Americans need anti-Trump stories like a crackhead needs crack.

Had Hillary won, CNN and MSLSD are probably out of business. Trump is the best thing to happen to those two networks in a long time...and they know it. It has made Rachel Maddow number one...yet clearly she is a tool of the criminal establishment.

It is sad. Very sad.
Attack the source all you want, I have just as much distrust and frustration with our media... but the op links to direct quotes from trump that are then fact checked. I’ve heard him say half the things pointed out in the article. So what exactly do you take issue with? The claim that he said these falsehoods or the accuracy of the fact checks? Do you doubt all of them or just some... what specifically?

The so-called "facts" are bogus. Leftwing opinions aren't facts.
Quote the “facts” that you disagree with in the article and then provide a counter argument with supporting evidence. That’s how these things are supposed to work if you want people to take you seriously. Don’t make me hold your hand like a grade schooler. Step it up and make an intelligent arguement to win the debate. Enough with the childish name calling and empty statements. Do better.

I've been through this 1000 times already. No amount of evidence or logic is ever going to dissuade snowflakes from their idiocies. I have better things to focus on then some hit piece produced by the fake news media.
LOL MEDIA is fake FBI is crooked Are you FN kidding or are you really that stupid to believe anything the pussy grabber says?
This one is a “lie”? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

He gave a premature estimate of the cost of the wars in the Middle East.
The $7 trillion cost, “as of about a month ago,” that Mr. Trump cited appears to refer to an assessment from Brown University that tallies war appropriations, increases in the Pentagon’s war budget, veterans’ care, increases in spending at the Department of Homeland Security and interest payments. Researchers at Brown estimated in September that war spending had reached $4.8 trillion and could total $7.9 trillion by 2053.

Hold on, Trump said it would cost $7 trillion, but estimates are from $4.8 trillion to $7.9 Trump “lied”?:badgrin:

I mean, come on.

This article is hilarious. Thanks to OP for showing how full of shit the NYT is.

You are not a very smart person, are you. Trump said that "as of a month ago the wars cost 7 trillion", which was untrue. So, again either Trump is a liar or he is too stupid to realize that the 7 trillion is future estimate.

So, which is it? Liar or stupid? There really is no other option.

He falsely claimed to have “essentially gutted and ended Obamacare.”

As part of the tax law, Republicans repealed the Affordable Care Act’s so-called individual mandate that required that most people have health insurance, but that does not amount to a full repeal of the current health care law.
The mandate is, indeed, a core component of the Affordable Care Act. But other vital parts of the current law — the expansion of Medicaid eligibility, rules stipulating insurance policies cover essential health benefits and new taxes to pay for the cost of subsidized coverage — remain intact.
Anti-Trump stories SELLS big time to a good percentage of Americans. These Americans need anti-Trump stories like a crackhead needs crack.

Had Hillary won, CNN and MSLSD are probably out of business. Trump is the best thing to happen to those two networks in a long time...and they know it. It has made Rachel Maddow number one...yet clearly she is a tool of the criminal establishment.

It is sad. Very sad.
Attack the source all you want, I have just as much distrust and frustration with our media... but the op links to direct quotes from trump that are then fact checked. I’ve heard him say half the things pointed out in the article. So what exactly do you take issue with? The claim that he said these falsehoods or the accuracy of the fact checks? Do you doubt all of them or just some... what specifically?

The so-called "facts" are bogus. Leftwing opinions aren't facts.
Quote the “facts” that you disagree with in the article and then provide a counter argument with supporting evidence. That’s how these things are supposed to work if you want people to take you seriously. Don’t make me hold your hand like a grade schooler. Step it up and make an intelligent arguement to win the debate. Enough with the childish name calling and empty statements. Do better.

I've been through this 1000 times already. No amount of evidence or logic is ever going to dissuade snowflakes from their idiocies. I have better things to focus on then some hit piece produced by the fake news media.
LOL MEDIA is fake FBI is crooked Are you FN kidding or are you really that stupid to believe anything the pussy grabber says?
I don't believe it because Trump says so. The facts are obvious to anyone willing to open his eyes and look.
This one is a “lie”? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

He gave a premature estimate of the cost of the wars in the Middle East.
The $7 trillion cost, “as of about a month ago,” that Mr. Trump cited appears to refer to an assessment from Brown University that tallies war appropriations, increases in the Pentagon’s war budget, veterans’ care, increases in spending at the Department of Homeland Security and interest payments. Researchers at Brown estimated in September that war spending had reached $4.8 trillion and could total $7.9 trillion by 2053.

Hold on, Trump said it would cost $7 trillion, but estimates are from $4.8 trillion to $7.9 Trump “lied”?:badgrin:

I mean, come on.

This article is hilarious. Thanks to OP for showing how full of shit the NYT is.

You are not a very smart person, are you. Trump said that "as of a month ago the wars cost 7 trillion", which was untrue. So, again either Trump is a liar or he is too stupid to realize that the 7 trillion is future estimate.

So, which is it? Liar or stupid? There really is no other option.
And this off balanced pos can send nukes to NK with nothing stopping him??? Are all republicans crazy?
Is our president being fed bad information or deliberately choosing to distort the facts? If he is getting bad data then the carelessness of not vetting before repeating is embarrassing and the alternative makes him an outright liar. None of it is even necessary, all it does is discredit what he says... are we living in the twilight zone or is it just cool to act this way now?

10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times - The New York Times 10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times — The New York Times
Why would any decent hard working politician in their right mind tell the truth to a commie rag like the NYT?
This one is a “lie”? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

He gave a premature estimate of the cost of the wars in the Middle East.
The $7 trillion cost, “as of about a month ago,” that Mr. Trump cited appears to refer to an assessment from Brown University that tallies war appropriations, increases in the Pentagon’s war budget, veterans’ care, increases in spending at the Department of Homeland Security and interest payments. Researchers at Brown estimated in September that war spending had reached $4.8 trillion and could total $7.9 trillion by 2053.

Hold on, Trump said it would cost $7 trillion, but estimates are from $4.8 trillion to $7.9 Trump “lied”?:badgrin:

I mean, come on.

This article is hilarious. Thanks to OP for showing how full of shit the NYT is.
All in all it's been a disasterous 1st year for America
Trump should be very specific about the nature of those immigrants coming into the US via the’s not like they are all a basket of deplorables!

With no evidence, he accused other countries of sending their “worst people” through the diversity visa lottery.

Mr. Trump correctly noted that the man accused of killing eight people in a terrorist attack in October in New York entered the United States from Uzbekistan through the diversity immigration visa program. But he was wrong to draw the sweeping conclusion that other countries use the program to expel the “bad, worse” members of their societies.
Foreign government do not select entrants, but rather millions of individuals enter the lottery of their own volition. A computer chooses winners at random and, before receiving a visa, those selected must undergo a screening process that bars criminals and the indigent.
Immigrants who have been admitted through the program have higher rates of employment and of finding work in professional or managerial occupations than most other immigrants.

Every single example of Trump lying in the posted article are, well, lies.

Why the fuck Trump gave an interview to that piece of shit rag is mind boggling.

They are not a news organization. They are liberal activists...period.
This one is a “lie”? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

He gave a premature estimate of the cost of the wars in the Middle East.
The $7 trillion cost, “as of about a month ago,” that Mr. Trump cited appears to refer to an assessment from Brown University that tallies war appropriations, increases in the Pentagon’s war budget, veterans’ care, increases in spending at the Department of Homeland Security and interest payments. Researchers at Brown estimated in September that war spending had reached $4.8 trillion and could total $7.9 trillion by 2053.

Hold on, Trump said it would cost $7 trillion, but estimates are from $4.8 trillion to $7.9 Trump “lied”?:badgrin:

I mean, come on.

This article is hilarious. Thanks to OP for showing how full of shit the NYT is.
All in all it's been a disasterous 1st year for America
It's been a great year. I couldn't be happier. It has only been "disastrous" for petulant gullible snowflakes like you.
Attack the source all you want, I have just as much distrust and frustration with our media... but the op links to direct quotes from trump that are then fact checked. I’ve heard him say half the things pointed out in the article. So what exactly do you take issue with? The claim that he said these falsehoods or the accuracy of the fact checks? Do you doubt all of them or just some... what specifically?

The so-called "facts" are bogus. Leftwing opinions aren't facts.
Quote the “facts” that you disagree with in the article and then provide a counter argument with supporting evidence. That’s how these things are supposed to work if you want people to take you seriously. Don’t make me hold your hand like a grade schooler. Step it up and make an intelligent arguement to win the debate. Enough with the childish name calling and empty statements. Do better.

I've been through this 1000 times already. No amount of evidence or logic is ever going to dissuade snowflakes from their idiocies. I have better things to focus on then some hit piece produced by the fake news media.
LOL MEDIA is fake FBI is crooked Are you FN kidding or are you really that stupid to believe anything the pussy grabber says?
I don't believe it because Trump says so. The facts are obvious to anyone willing to open his eyes and look.
What facts ? That countries laugh at us now ? Any good America had achieved world wide is lost now because of that idiot in our WH
The so-called "facts" are bogus. Leftwing opinions aren't facts.
Quote the “facts” that you disagree with in the article and then provide a counter argument with supporting evidence. That’s how these things are supposed to work if you want people to take you seriously. Don’t make me hold your hand like a grade schooler. Step it up and make an intelligent arguement to win the debate. Enough with the childish name calling and empty statements. Do better.

I've been through this 1000 times already. No amount of evidence or logic is ever going to dissuade snowflakes from their idiocies. I have better things to focus on then some hit piece produced by the fake news media.
LOL MEDIA is fake FBI is crooked Are you FN kidding or are you really that stupid to believe anything the pussy grabber says?
I don't believe it because Trump says so. The facts are obvious to anyone willing to open his eyes and look.
What facts ? That countries laugh at us now ? Any good America had achieved world wide is lost now because of that idiot in our WH

That's definitely not a fact. What "good" is being lost? I couldn't give a rat's ass what European politicians say about us. They're all sending their countries swirling down the toilet bowl.
Trump should be very specific about the nature of those immigrants coming into the US via the’s not like they are all a basket of deplorables!

With no evidence, he accused other countries of sending their “worst people” through the diversity visa lottery.

Mr. Trump correctly noted that the man accused of killing eight people in a terrorist attack in October in New York entered the United States from Uzbekistan through the diversity immigration visa program. But he was wrong to draw the sweeping conclusion that other countries use the program to expel the “bad, worse” members of their societies.
Foreign government do not select entrants, but rather millions of individuals enter the lottery of their own volition. A computer chooses winners at random and, before receiving a visa, those selected must undergo a screening process that bars criminals and the indigent.
Immigrants who have been admitted through the program have higher rates of employment and of finding work in professional or managerial occupations than most other immigrants.

Every single example of Trump lying in the posted article are, well, lies.

Why the fuck Trump gave an interview to that piece of shit rag is mind boggling.

They are not a news organization. They are liberal activists...period.
NY Times one of the MOST RESPECTED newspapers in the world and comparing it to the WHITE TRASH GAZZETTE you read is a big joke
Trump should be very specific about the nature of those immigrants coming into the US via the’s not like they are all a basket of deplorables!

With no evidence, he accused other countries of sending their “worst people” through the diversity visa lottery.

Mr. Trump correctly noted that the man accused of killing eight people in a terrorist attack in October in New York entered the United States from Uzbekistan through the diversity immigration visa program. But he was wrong to draw the sweeping conclusion that other countries use the program to expel the “bad, worse” members of their societies.
Foreign government do not select entrants, but rather millions of individuals enter the lottery of their own volition. A computer chooses winners at random and, before receiving a visa, those selected must undergo a screening process that bars criminals and the indigent.
Immigrants who have been admitted through the program have higher rates of employment and of finding work in professional or managerial occupations than most other immigrants.

Every single example of Trump lying in the posted article are, well, lies.

Why the fuck Trump gave an interview to that piece of shit rag is mind boggling.

They are not a news organization. They are liberal activists...period.
NY Times one of the MOST RESPECTED newspapers in the world and comparing it to the WHITE TRASH GAZZETTE you read is a big joke

It's only respected by idiots who are too stupid to know better.
Did the NYT do this with Obama?

Trump said the cost of the wars in the Middle East will be $7 Trillion, but the New York Times says he is a liar because estimates are $5 -$8 Trillion...not exactly $7 Trillion?

Come....the fuck....on.
Quote the “facts” that you disagree with in the article and then provide a counter argument with supporting evidence. That’s how these things are supposed to work if you want people to take you seriously. Don’t make me hold your hand like a grade schooler. Step it up and make an intelligent arguement to win the debate. Enough with the childish name calling and empty statements. Do better.

I've been through this 1000 times already. No amount of evidence or logic is ever going to dissuade snowflakes from their idiocies. I have better things to focus on then some hit piece produced by the fake news media.
LOL MEDIA is fake FBI is crooked Are you FN kidding or are you really that stupid to believe anything the pussy grabber says?
I don't believe it because Trump says so. The facts are obvious to anyone willing to open his eyes and look.
What facts ? That countries laugh at us now ? Any good America had achieved world wide is lost now because of that idiot in our WH

That's definitely not a fact. What "good" is being lost? I couldn't give a rat's ass what European politicians say about us. They're all sending their countries swirling down the toilet bowl.
Begging your pardon but Europe is doing quite well and will without us Ever listen to investing channels?? All say Europe is a better place for your investments than America Japan too
Is our president being fed bad information or deliberately choosing to distort the facts? If he is getting bad data then the carelessness of not vetting before repeating is embarrassing and the alternative makes him an outright liar. None of it is even necessary, all it does is discredit what he says... are we living in the twilight zone or is it just cool to act this way now?

10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times - The New York Times 10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times — The New York Times

Fake news.
RWNJ Definition of fake news....anything critical of Trump.
Is our president being fed bad information or deliberately choosing to distort the facts? If he is getting bad data then the carelessness of not vetting before repeating is embarrassing and the alternative makes him an outright liar. None of it is even necessary, all it does is discredit what he says... are we living in the twilight zone or is it just cool to act this way now?

10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times - The New York Times 10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times — The New York Times

Fake news.
RWNJ Definition of fake news....anything critical of Trump.

In a 30-minute interview, President Trump made 24 false or misleading claims
Is our president being fed bad information or deliberately choosing to distort the facts? If he is getting bad data then the carelessness of not vetting before repeating is embarrassing and the alternative makes him an outright liar. None of it is even necessary, all it does is discredit what he says... are we living in the twilight zone or is it just cool to act this way now?

10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times - The New York Times 10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times — The New York Times

Fake news.
RWNJ Definition of fake news....anything critical of Trump.
And if he's not attacking the media he bashes our FBI He is a sick man
When Trump says the cost of the wars in the Middle East are $7 Trillion, and the New York Times calls him a liar because estimates are $5-$8 Trillion...the bias is obvious to anyone who is living above room temperature.

$7 Trillion? You fucking liar! It’s $5-$8 Trillion! Not exactly $7 trillion......liar!!!!
Is our president being fed bad information or deliberately choosing to distort the facts? If he is getting bad data then the carelessness of not vetting before repeating is embarrassing and the alternative makes him an outright liar. None of it is even necessary, all it does is discredit what he says... are we living in the twilight zone or is it just cool to act this way now?

10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times - The New York Times 10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times — The New York Times

Fake news.
RWNJ Definition of fake news....anything critical of Trump.

Why don’t you break down the article and tell us about the Trump lies from the interview?

Prove to us that the article isn’t biased.

You can start with the $7 Trillion cost of Middle East Wars alleged lie.

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