President pants on fire is at it again

Why did he grant an interview to that bird cage flooring?
My guess is because he likes the attention and he likes stirring up controversy like this. I’d go so far to say that I believe he likes lying like this and then watching people fight over it. He likes watching his opponents whine and complain and he likes watching his puppets defend his lies. It’s a power thing. IMO
Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

No there is a pattern, and it goes like this:

#1. Trump makes a statement
#2. The media researches and says Trump didn't tell the truth/embellished the truth
#3. Trump or Huckabee-Sanders calls out Fake News and denies it is a lie
#4. Trump supporters parrot Trump that it is Fake News and the media is just out to get Trump
#5. The media doubles down and provides clear evidence Trump lied
#6. Trump supporters accept Trump lied, but say, "But all politicians lie, it's not a big deal. He lies less than others Presidents."
#7. Trump makes a controversial tweet to deflect from his lie

Rinse and Repeat

Spot on and it's over and over and crypat the crybaby falls right into it every time.
From the article:

He misrepresented what a senator has said about the Russia investigation.
According to Mr. Trump, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, appeared “on television saying there is no collusion” between his campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. Ms. Feinstein has said she has not yet seen evidence of collusion, not that the evidence shows no collusion.


That’s a “lie”? Really?

What a fucking joke.

Trump said Feinstein said there was no collusion.....she said she hasn’t seen any evidence of collusion.

The New York Times says the evidence must prove there is no collusion?

Hey NEW YORK TIMES.....if there is no collusion, there won’t be any evidence of collusion.

The NYT are the fucking liars,

NYT can’t prove they aren’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy. I want to see specific evidence that the NYT isn’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy.
Fake news.

Yes, Trump is fake news.

Trump is the president. Live with it.
That’s your third deflection. Care to address the op and what specifically you think is fake news?
I have no interest in trying to pound logic and sense into someone who is immune to it.

If only you had the intelligence to see the irony in this post. The science denier wants to talk about logic! That is classic!

You believe you are capable of committing logic?

Now that's funny!
From the article:

He misrepresented what a senator has said about the Russia investigation.
According to Mr. Trump, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, appeared “on television saying there is no collusion” between his campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. Ms. Feinstein has said she has not yet seen evidence of collusion, not that the evidence shows no collusion.


That’s a “lie”? Really?

What a fucking joke.

Trump said Feinstein said there was no collusion.....she said she hasn’t seen any evidence of collusion.

The New York Times says the evidence must prove there is no collusion?

Hey NEW YORK TIMES.....if there is no collusion, there won’t be any evidence of collusion.

The NYT are the fucking liars,

NYT can’t prove they aren’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy. I want to see specific evidence that the NYT isn’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy.
Yep, that's the kind of word parsing leftwingers engage in to claim Trump lied. Whenever they make such claims a just insert my fingers in my ears. It's really just a form of masturbation for them.
From the article:

He misrepresented what a senator has said about the Russia investigation.
According to Mr. Trump, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, appeared “on television saying there is no collusion” between his campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. Ms. Feinstein has said she has not yet seen evidence of collusion, not that the evidence shows no collusion.


That’s a “lie”? Really?

What a fucking joke.

Trump said Feinstein said there was no collusion.....she said she hasn’t seen any evidence of collusion.

The New York Times says the evidence must prove there is no collusion?

Hey NEW YORK TIMES.....if there is no collusion, there won’t be any evidence of collusion.

The NYT are the fucking liars,

NYT can’t prove they aren’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy. I want to see specific evidence that the NYT isn’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy.
Thanks for actually pointing to something although I disagree with your assessment. Trumps statment wasn’t exactly a lie IMO but it was a mischaracterization if what the senator said, was it not? He quoted her as saying there is no collusion. That is not what she said. She said she hadn’t seen evidence of collusion yet. Not a big deal, but also not an accurate statement on trumps part. Pretty simple
The New York Times...ugh......mouthpiece of the CFR.....not a source that I would trust in the slightest.
Anti-Trump stories SELLS big time to a good percentage of Americans. These Americans need anti-Trump stories like a crackhead needs crack.

Had Hillary won, CNN and MSLSD are probably out of business. Trump is the best thing to happen to those two networks in a long time...and they know it. It has made Rachel Maddow number one...yet clearly she is a tool of the criminal establishment.

It is sad. Very sad.
Attack the source all you want, I have just as much distrust and frustration with our media... but the op links to direct quotes from trump that are then fact checked. I’ve heard him say half the things pointed out in the article. So what exactly do you take issue with? The claim that he said these falsehoods or the accuracy of the fact checks? Do you doubt all of them or just some... what specifically?

The so-called "facts" are bogus. Leftwing opinions aren't facts.

The OP is a liar. The liberal media is waging a Headline war against Trump. They print a big headline Trump Lies, Trump Falsehoods, but the content of the article is BS like the trash this moron OP linked to. Its the headline that's intended to do the damage to Trump, even though its false and can't be backed up. I read the first two claims by the NY Times shocker its the NY Times that's lying.
Again I’ll say... prove it! It should be easy, take the claim you think is a lie and then provide evidence to show it’s a lie. I don’t see what’s so hard about that. You would easily win the debate, yet you stick to name calling and vague generalities.

Any objective reader can see the NY Times is being intentionally dishonest, as are you. Trump met Manafort in 2011 and Manafort's legal issues began in 2006 just as Trump claimed its printed right in the article you linked to HELLO. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: This is NY Times spin, intentional twisted nonsense but all that matters is that headline spinning the narrative that Trump is a liar we know exactly what the filthy lowlife scum of the earth liberals are doing. :eusa_hand:
Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

No there is a pattern, and it goes like this:

#1. Trump makes a statement
#2. The media researches and says Trump didn't tell the truth/embellished the truth
#3. Trump or Huckabee-Sanders calls out Fake News and denies it is a lie
#4. Trump supporters parrot Trump that it is Fake News and the media is just out to get Trump
#5. The media doubles down and provides clear evidence Trump lied
#6. Trump supporters accept Trump lied, but say, "But all politicians lie, it's not a big deal. He lies less than others Presidents."
#7. Trump makes a controversial tweet to deflect from his lie

Rinse and Repeat

Spot on and it's over and over and crypat the crybaby falls right into it every time.

I see you're taking selfies this morning.
From the article:

He misrepresented what a senator has said about the Russia investigation.
According to Mr. Trump, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, appeared “on television saying there is no collusion” between his campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. Ms. Feinstein has said she has not yet seen evidence of collusion, not that the evidence shows no collusion.


That’s a “lie”? Really?

What a fucking joke.

Trump said Feinstein said there was no collusion.....she said she hasn’t seen any evidence of collusion.

The New York Times says the evidence must prove there is no collusion?

Hey NEW YORK TIMES.....if there is no collusion, there won’t be any evidence of collusion.

The NYT are the fucking liars,

NYT can’t prove they aren’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy. I want to see specific evidence that the NYT isn’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy.
Yep, that's the kind of word parsing leftwingers engage in to claim Trump lied. Whenever they make such claims a just insert my fingers in my ears. It's really just a form of masturbation for them.
Take your own advice. The article said they were “false” or “misleading” statements. Which they were. You haven’t even tried to prove otherwise
A WORLDS RECORD 24 lies in 1/2 an hour No collusion 6 times The man has dementia Step down Trump
From the article:

He misrepresented what a senator has said about the Russia investigation.
According to Mr. Trump, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, appeared “on television saying there is no collusion” between his campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. Ms. Feinstein has said she has not yet seen evidence of collusion, not that the evidence shows no collusion.


That’s a “lie”? Really?

What a fucking joke.

Trump said Feinstein said there was no collusion.....she said she hasn’t seen any evidence of collusion.

The New York Times says the evidence must prove there is no collusion?

Hey NEW YORK TIMES.....if there is no collusion, there won’t be any evidence of collusion.

The NYT are the fucking liars,

NYT can’t prove they aren’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy. I want to see specific evidence that the NYT isn’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy.
Yep, that's the kind of word parsing leftwingers engage in to claim Trump lied. Whenever they make such claims a just insert my fingers in my ears. It's really just a form of masturbation for them.
Take your own advice. The article said they were “false” or “misleading” statements. Which they were. You haven’t even tried to prove otherwise

Feinstein said she hasn’t seen evidence of collusion.

Trump said Feinstein said there wasn’t collusion.

That’s not a LIE by Trump.
Feinstein said she hasn’t seen evidence of collusion.

Trump said Feinstein said there wasn’t collusion.

That’s not a LIE by Trump.

Well, it is an untrue statement by Trump. So either he lied or he is too stupid to know the difference.

Take your pick, but I am not really sure the latter is any better than the former.
Here is another lie by the Times.

He falsely claimed the Democrats “made the Russian story up as a hoax, as a ruse, as an excuse for losing an election.”
The United States government sounded the alarms long before Mr. Trump was elected. Publicly, in October 2016, the Obama administration formally accused the Russian government of interfering in the election. Privately, at a Group of 20 meeting in September 2016 in China, President Barack Obama told President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to “cut it out.” And John O. Brennan, the former C.I.A. director, said he also warned his Russian counterpart in a phone call that August.

We have known for fucking decades that Russia tries to influence our elections.

The Democrat lie was that Trump and Putin specifically colluded to hack the election to get Trump elected.

It’s straight up bullshit.

This is an utter shitball article.
Feinstein said she hasn’t seen evidence of collusion.

Trump said Feinstein said there wasn’t collusion.

That’s not a LIE by Trump.

Well, it is an untrue statement by Trump. So either he lied or he is too stupid to know the difference.

Take your pick, but I am not really sure the latter is any better than the former.

Search Results
Trump, Republicans try to flip the script on Russia collusion -
Nov 14, 2017 - Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and his allies in Washington are seizing on a pair of revelations about his former rival Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party aiming to flip the months-long narrative about potential Russian collusion. ... "It is now commonly agreed, after .
Here is another bullshit claim of a lie.

Trump did save coal from Obama, who was trying to kill it with regulations. The patient may eventually die, but Trump helped coal in 2017.

I call the NYT the liar.

That’s 3 Trump “lies”that the NYT lied about.

He claimed to have “saved coal,” contrary to trends reported by the government.
The number of coal mining jobs fell to about 48,600 in September 2016 from almost 90,000 in January 2012. Under Mr. Trump, employment in the sector made modest gains until this September — when job numbers reached about 51,700 — but it has since declined.
Coal production, too, increased in the first quarter of 2017, but declined in the second quarter. The Energy Information Administration, in its latest assessment of the coal sector, estimated “lower exports and no growth in coal consumption” in 2018.
Here is another bullshit claim of a lie.

Trump did save coal from Obama, who was trying to kill it with regulations. The patient may eventually die, but Trump helped coal in 2017.

I call the NYT the liar.

That’s 3 Trump “lies”that the NYT lied about.

He claimed to have “saved coal,” contrary to trends reported by the government.
The number of coal mining jobs fell to about 48,600 in September 2016 from almost 90,000 in January 2012. Under Mr. Trump, employment in the sector made modest gains until this September — when job numbers reached about 51,700 — but it has since declined.
Coal production, too, increased in the first quarter of 2017, but declined in the second quarter. The Energy Information Administration, in its latest assessment of the coal sector, estimated “lower exports and no growth in coal consumption” in 2018.
Colonel Are you giving trump all the loyalty he asked for ? Comey told him to shove it ..Why not you ? Man up
Here is more bullshit by the NYT.

Trump should have had the specific polling data in front of him?

The Times itself linked to a poll that had Strange up by 16 points....Trump said 20 points....liar!

He overstated his influence on the special Senate election in Alabama.
Mr. Trump claimed that he brought Luther Strange, the Republican appointed to fill the Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions, now the attorney general, “up by 20 points” during the Republican primary race for the special Senate election in Alabama. But that assertion is not supported by the data.
Is our president being fed bad information or deliberately choosing to distort the facts? If he is getting bad data then the carelessness of not vetting before repeating is embarrassing and the alternative makes him an outright liar. None of it is even necessary, all it does is discredit what he says... are we living in the twilight zone or is it just cool to act this way now?

10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times - The New York Times 10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times — The New York Times

The New York Times...ugh......mouthpiece of the CFR.....not a source that I would trust in the slightest.
Anti-Trump stories SELLS big time to a good percentage of Americans. These Americans need anti-Trump stories like a crackhead needs crack.

Had Hillary won, CNN and MSLSD are probably out of business. Trump is the best thing to happen to those two networks in a long time...and they know it. It has made Rachel Maddow number one...yet clearly she is a tool of the criminal establishment.

It is sad. Very sad.
Attack the source all you want, I have just as much distrust and frustration with our media... but the op links to direct quotes from trump that are then fact checked. I’ve heard him say half the things pointed out in the article. So what exactly do you take issue with? The claim that he said these falsehoods or the accuracy of the fact checks? Do you doubt all of them or just some... what specifically?

The so-called "facts" are bogus. Leftwing opinions aren't facts.
Quote the “facts” that you disagree with in the article and then provide a counter argument with supporting evidence. That’s how these things are supposed to work if you want people to take you seriously. Don’t make me hold your hand like a grade schooler. Step it up and make an intelligent arguement to win the debate. Enough with the childish name calling and empty statements. Do better.

I've been through this 1000 times already. No amount of evidence or logic is ever going to dissuade snowflakes from their idiocies. I have better things to focus on then some hit piece produced by the fake news media.
Here is more bullshit by the NYT.

Trump should have had the specific polling data in front of him?

The Times itself linked to a poll that had Strange up by 16 points....Trump said 20 points....liar!

He overstated his influence on the special Senate election in Alabama.
Mr. Trump claimed that he brought Luther Strange, the Republican appointed to fill the Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions, now the attorney general, “up by 20 points” during the Republican primary race for the special Senate election in Alabama. But that assertion is not supported by the data.
Did they ask the liar in chief why he's afraid to show his tax returns He promised and showed 1 hand picked ???
This one is a “lie”? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

He gave a premature estimate of the cost of the wars in the Middle East.
The $7 trillion cost, “as of about a month ago,” that Mr. Trump cited appears to refer to an assessment from Brown University that tallies war appropriations, increases in the Pentagon’s war budget, veterans’ care, increases in spending at the Department of Homeland Security and interest payments. Researchers at Brown estimated in September that war spending had reached $4.8 trillion and could total $7.9 trillion by 2053.

Hold on, Trump said it would cost $7 trillion, but estimates are from $4.8 trillion to $7.9 Trump “lied”?:badgrin:

I mean, come on.

This article is hilarious. Thanks to OP for showing how full of shit the NYT is.

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