President pants on fire is at it again

From the article:

He misrepresented what a senator has said about the Russia investigation.
According to Mr. Trump, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, appeared “on television saying there is no collusion” between his campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. Ms. Feinstein has said she has not yet seen evidence of collusion, not that the evidence shows no collusion.


That’s a “lie”? Really?

What a fucking joke.

Trump said Feinstein said there was no collusion.....she said she hasn’t seen any evidence of collusion.

The New York Times says the evidence must prove there is no collusion?

Hey NEW YORK TIMES.....if there is no collusion, there won’t be any evidence of collusion.

The NYT are the fucking liars,

NYT can’t prove they aren’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy. I want to see specific evidence that the NYT isn’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy.

I'm under the impression some of the moonbat posters are computer generated algorithms because no sentient person should be able to say some of the stupid shit they do, without being ashamed of themselves.

Is our president being fed bad information or deliberately choosing to distort the facts? If he is getting bad data then the carelessness of not vetting before repeating is embarrassing and the alternative makes him an outright liar. None of it is even necessary, all it does is discredit what he says... are we living in the twilight zone or is it just cool to act this way now?

10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times - The New York Times 10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times — The New York Times

Fake news.
RWNJ Definition of fake news....anything critical of Trump.

Why don’t you break down the article and tell us about the Trump lies from the interview?

Prove to us that the article isn’t biased.

You can start with the $7 Trillion cost of Middle East Wars alleged lie.
Anytime there is an article critical of Trump the Trump Team brays fake news. It is a bit like the boy who cried wolf.
When Trump says the cost of the wars in the Middle East are $7 Trillion, and the New York Times calls him a liar because estimates are $5-$8 Trillion...the bias is obvious to anyone who is living above room temperature.

$7 Trillion? You fucking liar! It’s $5-$8 Trillion! Not exactly $7 trillion......liar!!!!
Hey I know ALL about taxes lol the lies keep coming ......I respect Holder
Is our president being fed bad information or deliberately choosing to distort the facts? If he is getting bad data then the carelessness of not vetting before repeating is embarrassing and the alternative makes him an outright liar. None of it is even necessary, all it does is discredit what he says... are we living in the twilight zone or is it just cool to act this way now?

10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times - The New York Times 10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times — The New York Times

Fake news.
RWNJ Definition of fake news....anything critical of Trump.

Why don’t you break down the article and tell us about the Trump lies from the interview?

Prove to us that the article isn’t biased.

You can start with the $7 Trillion cost of Middle East Wars alleged lie.
Anytime there is an article critical of Trump the Trump Team brays fake news. It is a bit like the boy who cried wolf.

Break down the article for us the folly of our ways.

Start with the $7 Trillion cost of Middle Eastern Wars lie by Trump.
Is our president being fed bad information or deliberately choosing to distort the facts? If he is getting bad data then the carelessness of not vetting before repeating is embarrassing and the alternative makes him an outright liar. None of it is even necessary, all it does is discredit what he says... are we living in the twilight zone or is it just cool to act this way now?

10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times - The New York Times 10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times — The New York Times

Fake news.
RWNJ Definition of fake news....anything critical of Trump.

Why don’t you break down the article and tell us about the Trump lies from the interview?

Prove to us that the article isn’t biased.

You can start with the $7 Trillion cost of Middle East Wars alleged lie.
Anytime there is an article critical of Trump the Trump Team brays fake news. It is a bit like the boy who cried wolf.

Break down the article for us the folly of our ways.

Start with the $7 Trillion cost of Middle Eastern Wars lie by Trump.

Here is what the article said. What is wrong with it?

He gave a premature estimate of the cost of the wars in the Middle East.
The $7 trillion cost, “as of about a month ago,” that Mr. Trump cited appears to refer to an assessment from Brown University that tallies war appropriations, increases in the Pentagon’s war budget, veterans’ care, increases in spending at the Department of Homeland Security and interest payments. Researchers at Brown estimated in September that war spending had reached $4.8 trillion and could total $7.9 trillion by 2053.
Anytime there is an article critical of Trump the Trump Team brays fake news. It is a bit like the boy who cried wolf.

Kinda like when you moonbats would chirp "faux news" when someone posted a link from them? Your problem is that many of the leftist media people get caught deliberately altering facts to inflame parts of society.
Is our president being fed bad information or deliberately choosing to distort the facts? If he is getting bad data then the carelessness of not vetting before repeating is embarrassing and the alternative makes him an outright liar. None of it is even necessary, all it does is discredit what he says... are we living in the twilight zone or is it just cool to act this way now?

10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times - The New York Times 10 Falsehoods From Trump’s Interview With The Times — The New York Times

Fake news.
RWNJ Definition of fake news....anything critical of Trump.

Why don’t you break down the article and tell us about the Trump lies from the interview?

Prove to us that the article isn’t biased.

You can start with the $7 Trillion cost of Middle East Wars alleged lie.
Anytime there is an article critical of Trump the Trump Team brays fake news. It is a bit like the boy who cried wolf.

Break down the article for us the folly of our ways.

Start with the $7 Trillion cost of Middle Eastern Wars lie by Trump.
Just go to FACT CHECK they''ll put you straight ,,,,,or is that fake too??
Wow, this is a hard hitting article!

Did Obama lie when he said there were 57 states? :badgrin:

He exaggerated the number of followers he has on social media.:badgrin:

Mr. Trump, who began the year by falsely claiming the largest inaugural crowd ever, ended it by playing up the extent of his support on social media. As of Friday, Mr. Trump has 45.4 million followers on Twitter, 24.2 million on Facebook and 8.1 million on Instagram, for a total of 77.7 million, less than half of the 158 million he claimed. (The White House’s accounts on those same platforms would bring him up to 106 million.)
Yea. It’s an indefensible bullshit article.

Thanks for confirming, Libs.
We are a country of laws Evidently Trump thinks he's back in his RE kingdom where he says sheet and all his subjects say what color He knows how to campaign Too bad he doesn't know how to govern
Liberals, what lie from the posted article is the worst?

Out of the 10 lies, which one is the worst Trump lie and why, specifically?
Wow, this is a hard hitting article!

Did Obama lie when he said there were 57 states? :badgrin:

He exaggerated the number of followers he has on social media.:badgrin:

Mr. Trump, who began the year by falsely claiming the largest inaugural crowd ever, ended it by playing up the extent of his support on social media. As of Friday, Mr. Trump has 45.4 million followers on Twitter, 24.2 million on Facebook and 8.1 million on Instagram, for a total of 77.7 million, less than half of the 158 million he claimed. (The White House’s accounts on those same platforms would bring him up to 106 million.)
Most of those I bet are in it for the laughs
Trump says $7 Trillion, but he is a liar, because it’s really $5-$8 Trillion, no one knows for Trump is a liar.

Trump said Strange was up 20 points, but it was only 16 points,so Trump is a liar.

Feinstein said she has not seen any evidence of Trump/Putin colluding to rig the election, so Trump is a liar when he said that Feinstein said there was no collusion.

Trump said he killed Obamacare...that’s a when Obamacare dies, it’s not because of Trump.

That article is absolutely hilarious!
Trump says $7 Trillion, but he is a liar, because it’s really $5-$8 Trillion, no one knows for Trump is a liar.

Trump said Strange was up 20 points, but it was only 16 points,so Trump is a liar.

Feinstein said she has not seen any evidence of Trump/Putin colluding to rig the election, so Trump is a liar when he said that Feinstein said there was no collusion.

Trump said he killed Obamacare...that’s a when Obamacare dies, it’s not because of Trump.

That article is absolutely hilarious!
If you believe the liar Trump has one honest bone in his body you are indeed a very loyal subject
I’d say the NYT bias against Trump is obvious and proven in this article.

If he says 7, and you call him a liar, because the estimates are 5-8, you are biased as fuck.
Tough to defend that article, huh?
Tough to defend these?? got 100 of them
He is wrong that “for years, they haven’t been able to get tax cuts, many, many years since Reagan.”
President Ronald Reagan, who enacted a major tax cut in 1981 and lowered tax rates again in 1986, was hardly the last president to have done so. President Bill Clinton signed the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. President George W. Bush enacted two major tax cuts in 2001 and 2003. The stimulus passed under President Barack Obama included hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts, and Mr. Obama later extended the Bush tax cuts with the American Tax Payer Relief Act of 2012.

He inaccurately suggested the plan wouldn’t help the wealthy.
Mr. Trump insisted that the tax bill is “not good for me” or the wealthy. Referring to Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the minority leader, the president said: “I keep hearing Schumer, ‘This is for the wealthy!’ If it is, my friends don’t know about it.”
From the article:

He misrepresented what a senator has said about the Russia investigation.
According to Mr. Trump, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, appeared “on television saying there is no collusion” between his campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. Ms. Feinstein has said she has not yet seen evidence of collusion, not that the evidence shows no collusion.


That’s a “lie”? Really?

What a fucking joke.

Trump said Feinstein said there was no collusion.....she said she hasn’t seen any evidence of collusion.

The New York Times says the evidence must prove there is no collusion?

Hey NEW YORK TIMES.....if there is no collusion, there won’t be any evidence of collusion.

The NYT are the fucking liars,

NYT can’t prove they aren’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy. I want to see specific evidence that the NYT isn’t run by Space Chickens from another galaxy.
Yep, that's the kind of word parsing leftwingers engage in to claim Trump lied. Whenever they make such claims a just insert my fingers in my ears. It's really just a form of masturbation for them.
Take your own advice. The article said they were “false” or “misleading” statements. Which they were. You haven’t even tried to prove otherwise

Feinstein said she hasn’t seen evidence of collusion.

Trump said Feinstein said there wasn’t collusion.

That’s not a LIE by Trump.
Never said it was a lie. But the two statements are not equal so trumps statement was misleading, inaccurate at best
my Favorite fact check.....who is POTUS?

Can we fact check that?

I say it’s Donald Trump. Am I lying?

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