President Stalin speaks.

How many terrorists did Bush kill?

and, Obama?

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

Obama violated the 5th and 14th Amendments. He must be impeached and prosecuted, or we must admit that the concept of the rule of law is a farce.

Now we have the gun runner declaring that Obama can kill anyone he feels like killing.

Pol Pot called, he wants credit for this administration.
How many terrorists did Bush kill?

and, Obama?

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

Obama violated the 5th and 14th Amendments. He must be impeached and prosecuted, or we must admit that the concept of the rule of law is a farce.

Now we have the gun runner declaring that Obama can kill anyone he feels like killing.

Pol Pot called, he wants credit for this administration.

THAT's how you dodge the obvious?

You need to take this to the SCOTUS.

Let us know what they say about it.
How many terrorists did Bush kill?

and, Obama?

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

Obama violated the 5th and 14th Amendments. He must be impeached and prosecuted, or we must admit that the concept of the rule of law is a farce.

Now we have the gun runner declaring that Obama can kill anyone he feels like killing.

Pol Pot called, he wants credit for this administration.

The 5th and 14th? I thought you guys only impeached over blowjobs?
THAT's how you dodge the obvious?

You need to take this to the SCOTUS.

Obama needs to be impeached, today.

His violations of due process are clear and irrefutable. He depends on his status as being above the law.

As for the Holder pronouncement, the way it works is that first a tort must occur. That Holder declares Obama can kill at will is not subject to judicial review. WHEN Obama uses a drone to take out the GOP precinct in Missouri or a woman registering voters for Joe Arpaio in Arizona, then judicial action may be taken.

Let us know what they say about it.

They said that you're an idiot and don't understand the judicial process.
So....Which is it?

The 5th or 14th amendment that covers blowjobs?

How old were you when your last braincell died?

Our President has a 2nd Amendment right to use can look it up

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
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So....Which is it?

The 5th or 14th amendment that covers blowjobs?

How old were you when your last braincell died?

Our President has a 2nd Amendment right to use can look it up

Fairly young, huh?

Was it the Thunderbird or huffing oven spray that did it?

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

As long as "the people" are not the same "the people" in the 1st, 4th, 9th, or 10th - because that would completely scuttle plans to disarm the commoners....
How old were you when your last braincell died?

Our President has a 2nd Amendment right to use can look it up

Fairly young, huh?

Was it the Thunderbird or huffing oven spray that did it?

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

As long as "the people" are not the same "the people" in the 1st, 4th, 9th, or 10th - because that would completely scuttle plans to disarm the commoners....

President Obama is one of "The people" He has a long form birth certificate and everything

He is allowed to have drones as part of his "Well regulated militia"
President Obama is one of "The people" He has a long form birth certificate and everything

If Dear Leader goes to buy an AR15, I promise Wayne LaPierre won't try to stop him.

He is allowed to have drones as part of his "Well regulated militia"

Kewl, I want to see his skinny ass pick one up and "bear" it..

Again, if it were Baby Bush asserting this right, you guys would be backing him to the hilt.

But when the Black Guy does it....

There are many republicans that blame GWB for ruining the republican party including myself. Don't paint with such a broad brush.

And it was the democrats that brought down the republican black candidate Herman Cain so fuck off with your constant racist accusations.

They have no power here.
Again, if it were Baby Bush asserting this right, you guys would be backing him to the hilt.

But when the Black Guy does it....

There are many republicans that blame GWB for ruining the republican party including myself. Don't paint with such a broad brush.

And it was the democrats that brought down the republican black candidate Herman Cain so fuck off with your constant racist accusations.

They have no power here.

Cain was running against Republicans......the Republucans brought him down for chasing white wimmin. Imagine that
Cain was running against Republicans......the Republucans brought him down for chasing white wimmin. Imagine that

Of course by "Republucans " you mean the DNC press. And by "chasing white wimmin" you mean he wandered off the DNC plantation.

Democrats wanted Cain to win the GOP primary. It was Republicans who knew that their base would not support a black man chasing white women
Democrats wanted Cain to win the GOP primary.


Almost as much as Hitler wanted to convert to Judaism..

It was Republicans who knew that their base would not support a black man chasing white women

Say, did you racists ever stop to look at Ginger White before putting on your robes and hoods?


Her NAME is "White," Moron.
Democrats wanted Cain to win the GOP primary.


Almost as much as Hitler wanted to convert to Judaism..

It was Republicans who knew that their base would not support a black man chasing white women

Say, did you racists ever stop to look at Ginger White before putting on your robes and hoods?


Her NAME is "White," Moron.

Cain was the weakest candidate in the GOP primary Dems wanted him to beat Romney and then he would be easy pickings against Obama

Republicans were terrified a black man would be their candidate. That is why they trashed his campaign
Cain was the weakest candidate in the GOP primary Dems wanted him to beat Romney and then he would be easy pickings against Obama

democrats, including you, pushed Romney from day one. A quick perusal of this forum for a year ago proves that.

Republicans were terrified a black man would be their candidate. That is why they trashed his campaign

democrats were terrified of a black Republican, it undercut the entire racial aspect that was vital to the campaign.

Further, the demagoguery used against Cain is typical of the DNC press. What MSNBC, the NY Times and the rest did to defame Cain and smear his character is a fine art your shameful party employs against any threat, Palin, Bachman, Jindal, etc. Demagoguery is a huge part of the DNC campaign strategy.

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