President tells China "Let people say what they think"

the problem is that the architect of gitmo and the president who presided over the FISA and abu ghraib and who is pro-waterboarding really has questionable standing .... and little moral authority.

It's one of those little things that we need to get back....

Here we go with that "get back" crap again. When back there did we have what ?? Are we all getting a Delorean if Obama is elected ?
i applaud our president, in this instance, for being diplomatic and supporting the athletes and the spirit of the olympic games...if the world wants to see positive progress in china, i think it begins with shedding more light on their human rights record...

there were protests all over the world today and the president of the united states of america stood up for chinese citizens' freedom to speak their minds. i choose to put everything else aside and applaud that.

Again, if you the President gave two shits about China's record, you would not have gone ... if you are invited to a country as the leader you act like one and not take pot shots at those hosting...

Speaking of taking a stand, anybody catch bush and putin all buddy buddy during the opening ceremony... I think the conversation went something like .. Damn bo, your tanks got some big guns on em... I'll bet those georgians ran like little some scared little fillys when those things rolled over the border...
Let's just say that at least some of us find it somewhat amusing that Bush is lecturing anyone about how to run their nation.
the problem is that the architect of gitmo and the president who presided over the FISA and abu ghraib and who is pro-waterboarding really has questionable standing .... and little moral authority.

It's one of those little things that we need to get back....

I will watch the Olympics, too. I always enjoy watching them.

But for Pres. Bush to say "Let people say what they think" ... I think that comment was directed more to American citizens that it was the Chinese.

Another case of Bush :eusa_whistle: (blowing smoke) out of his a$$. :cuckoo:

Really? What would you have him say?

I'd say this is a case of granny blowing smoke out HER ass. Just more evidence of the Bush can do no right crowd. Without causing some international incident or loudly-vocal feigned indignation on the part of the Chinese, Bush pretty much slammed China for its repression of freedom of speech.

I surely hope if Obama is elected that I don't see a bunch of confused liberals wondering why Obama gets the same treatment -- he can do no right. It's just people that think EXACTLY like you on the opposite side of the aisle.
Here we go with that "get back" crap again. When back there did we have what ?? Are we all getting a Delorean if Obama is elected ?

Right? We're going to "get back" something we never had. "Moral authority" translates to we give, give and give and don't ask a thing in return nor dare comment on how the bloodsuckers we're giving to use what we give.

Let us say a word or act in any way and we've lost our "moral authority." That would be our "moral authority" from the same crowd that whines loudest about anyone pushing morals on them.

Strip away the smoke and they're just hypocrites who want to replace someone else's morals with their own; otherwise, peas in a pod with those they rail against.
i found another good site: Home | Human Rights Watch

The Chinese government are collectively a bunch of scumbags. IF I was an Olympic athlete, NO WAY would I go.

Bush has pissed me off more often than not. I just don't see what the problem is in this particular instance. Well, except that the hacks have to have something to say. If he alone discovered the cure for cancer, the left wingnuts would find something wrong with it.

If I wanted to insult the Chinese government, I'd have sent Cheney over ....:eusa_angel:
The Chinese government are collectively a bunch of scumbags. IF I was an Olympic athlete, NO WAY would I go.

Bush has pissed me off more often than not. I just don't see what the problem is in this particular instance. Well, except that the hacks have to have something to say. If he alone discovered the cure for cancer, the left wingnuts would find something wrong with it.

If I wanted to insult the Chinese government, I'd have sent Cheney over ....:eusa_angel:

Gunny, I think you are way off here. He went to the most repressive regime on earth, dedicated a $434M endorsement and contribution to the Chinese economy and then let a one liner go about how people should be able to speak.

Meanwhile, try coming back into America with a Cuban stamp on your passport. Cuba couldn't invade itself at this point.

When he stops in Tehran and Havana he won't be a communist sypathizing hypocrite who didn't have the ball to at the very least stay home for the opening ceremonies because it would hurt the commies feelings.

You know what hurt Iraqis feelings? Shock and awe.

He's almost the worst piece of shit ever.
Gunny, I think you are way off here. He went to the most repressive regime on earth, dedicated a $434M endorsement and contribution to the Chinese economy and then let a one liner go about how people should be able to speak.

Meanwhile, try coming back into America with a Cuban stamp on your passport. Cuba couldn't invade itself at this point.

When he stops in Tehran and Havana he won't be a communist sypathizing hypocrite who didn't have the ball to at the very least stay home for the opening ceremonies because it would hurt the commies feelings.

You know what hurt Iraqis feelings? Shock and awe.

He's almost the worst piece of shit ever.

fwiw, i didn't post this thread as some tribute to george bush.
i did not vote for george dubblya bush.

i think the importance of the principle of international diplomacy ultimately transcends the individual leaders...

as i said, i support the athletes and the spirit of the games and i hope this world spotlight will serve to draw attention to china's atrocious human rights record...

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