President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His 1st Year in Office

First President with over $20 trillion in debt

A disgrace

Indeed. Disgrace to the president before him for whom it took only 8 years to do to the debt the same as it took 200 years for others.

$20 trillion in Debt and what does Crooked Donnie do?

Cut taxes to add another $1.5 trillion

And which the money will be offshored to some bank in some country that pays next to

It pretty much takes the money from the working man and transfers it to some other country. lol. lol, lol damn.
What an incredible feat by this nationalist populist president of White European heritage. The dividends of him brining office is paying off and making America great again.

President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office

Does GatewayPundit pay you to post on here? All your links go to this blog.

Even the editors agree with me:

"Today The Gateway Pundit is one of the top political websites..... It is consistently ranked as one of the top political blogs..."


Do you know what a blog is, Stevie? As opposed to a legitimate news bureau?
Incredible incredible winnings.

LOL at the butthurt of the leftists here.

There's no butthurt. Trump is at 38% approval with an economy that should have him at 58% approval.
Irrelevant to the thread topic.

It's a political observation. If it's not relevant then you're admitting your thread doesn't belong in politics.

It belongs in the blog forums. It's not news.
Incredible incredible winnings.

LOL at the butthurt of the leftists here.

There's no butthurt. Trump is at 38% approval with an economy that should have him at 58% approval.

People like infrastructure, science, education and the safetynet.
67% approve of gay marriage
60% approve of a higher minimum wage
60% approve of pot
Most people don't like the extreme right wing policies
Those people should vote every two years
National debt on Jan. 20: $19.96 trillion
National debt now: $20.5 trillion

Americans not in labor force on Jan. 20: 95,161,653
American not in labor force now: 95,419,330

Gee that's and increase of .9 billion....Meanwhile Obama DOUBLED the national debt.
The bills from Afghanistan, and Iraq came due...........when Bush II was President, the rocky 1st year belonged to Clinton, then Obama could take no credit for the 4/09 upswing, it was Bush II's. Now Trump did -0- but grin and bellow/belch, a possible modest tick upward is his. With the flurry of firings, resigners and angry exchanges, has he named anyone to OMB?
National debt on Jan. 20: $19.96 trillion
National debt now: $20.5 trillion

Americans not in labor force on Jan. 20: 95,161,653
American not in labor force now: 95,419,330

Gee that's and increase of .9 billion....Meanwhile Obama DOUBLED the national debt.

No, actually Obama did not double the national debt. The only POTUS that accomplished that was Reagan.

The debt went up by 88% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% that Bush II added to it.
Last edited:
National debt on Jan. 20: $19.96 trillion
National debt now: $20.5 trillion

Americans not in labor force on Jan. 20: 95,161,653
American not in labor force now: 95,419,330

Gee that's and increase of .9 billion....Meanwhile Obama DOUBLED the national debt.

No, actually Obama did not double the national debt. The only POTUS that accomplished that was Reagan.

The debt went up by 88% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% that Bush II added to it.

OK NEARLY doubled. Geesh......

"On Jan. 20, 2009, when Obama took office, the gross federal debt (which includes both public and intragovernmental debt) was $10.63 trillion. As of Aug. 3, 2016, it is $19.4 trillion."

Has our nation's debt nearly doubled under President Obama?

The national debt went up approx. 1 Trillion after Obama's first ten months. Trump's debt rise within the first 10 months is approximately the same but a bit lower. What's the big fucking deal?
National debt on Jan. 20: $19.96 trillion
National debt now: $20.5 trillion

Americans not in labor force on Jan. 20: 95,161,653
American not in labor force now: 95,419,330

Gee that's and increase of .9 billion....Meanwhile Obama DOUBLED the national debt.
The debt rose $9 trillion dollars under a recovering economy under Obama in 8 years. Under a strong economy, the debt has risen $600 billion under Trump in less than 10 months.

Reagan is your hero and he tripled the debt. So kindly, go fuck yourself.
National debt on Jan. 20: $19.96 trillion
National debt now: $20.5 trillion

Americans not in labor force on Jan. 20: 95,161,653
American not in labor force now: 95,419,330

Gee that's and increase of .9 billion....Meanwhile Obama DOUBLED the national debt.
The debt rose $9 trillion dollars under a recovering economy under Obama in 8 years. Under a strong economy, the debt has risen $600 billion under Trump in less than 10 months.

Reagan is your hero and he tripled the debt. So kindly, go fuck yourself.

Behold the Obama apologists have come out from under their moss covered rocks. Nice try at deflecting to Reagan which was a different time and different economy. What a stupid fucking argument. BTW GDP under Obama averaged at approx. 1.9% by the end of his term. After 10 months, GDP under Trump is at: 3.3% which exceeds the Commerce Dept's dismal 2.6% GDP prediction.
Last edited:
National debt on Jan. 20: $19.96 trillion
National debt now: $20.5 trillion

Americans not in labor force on Jan. 20: 95,161,653
American not in labor force now: 95,419,330

Gee that's and increase of .9 billion....Meanwhile Obama DOUBLED the national debt.
The debt rose $9 trillion dollars under a recovering economy under Obama in 8 years. Under a strong economy, the debt has risen $600 billion under Trump in less than 10 months.

Reagan is your hero and he tripled the debt. So kindly, go fuck yourself.

Behold the Obama apologists have come out from under their moss covered rocks. Nice try at deflecting to Reagan which was a different time and different economy. What a stupid fucking argument.
LOL! Hey cupcake, Obama had very different circumstances as President too. Guess we can completely dismiss everything!

When Trump adds another $9+ trillion to the debt, we’ll just call it fake news! :rofl:
National debt on Jan. 20: $19.96 trillion
National debt now: $20.5 trillion

Americans not in labor force on Jan. 20: 95,161,653
American not in labor force now: 95,419,330

Gee that's and increase of .9 billion....Meanwhile Obama DOUBLED the national debt.
The debt rose $9 trillion dollars under a recovering economy under Obama in 8 years. Under a strong economy, the debt has risen $600 billion under Trump in less than 10 months.

Reagan is your hero and he tripled the debt. So kindly, go fuck yourself.

Behold the Obama apologists have come out from under their moss covered rocks. Nice try at deflecting to Reagan which was a different time and different economy. What a stupid fucking argument.
LOL! Hey cupcake, Obama had very different circumstances as President too. Guess we can completely dismiss everything!

When Trump adds another $9+ trillion to the debt, we’ll just call it fake news! :rofl:

OH I see...'different circumstances' for Obama but yet you try to bring up Reagan without citing the OBVIOUS different decades old economic environment. That is disingenuous and really downright foolish IMO. Shove your 'cupcake' where the sun don't shine and stop trying to win an argument by calling others juvenile names.
National debt on Jan. 20: $19.96 trillion
National debt now: $20.5 trillion

Americans not in labor force on Jan. 20: 95,161,653
American not in labor force now: 95,419,330

Gee that's and increase of .9 billion....Meanwhile Obama DOUBLED the national debt.

No, actually Obama did not double the national debt. The only POTUS that accomplished that was Reagan.

The debt went up by 88% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% that Bush II added to it.

OK NEARLY doubled. Geesh......

"On Jan. 20, 2009, when Obama took office, the gross federal debt (which includes both public and intragovernmental debt) was $10.63 trillion. As of Aug. 3, 2016, it is $19.4 trillion."

Has our nation's debt nearly doubled under President Obama?

The national debt went up approx. 1 Trillion after Obama's first ten months. Trump's debt rise within the first 10 months is approximately the same but a bit lower. What's the big fucking deal?

Take it up with the House. That's where all spending originates from.

Obama inherited the worst recession since the great depression.

Trump inherited a booming economy.

Obama had to deal with two wars that were being paid for on the country's credit card. And $2 trillion worth of tax cuts that went straight to the debt.

There's $6 trillion of that debt right there. That paid no dividends to nobody, and damn near crashed the world economy, including the entire US housing market.

Trump inherited a deficit half of what his predecessor did.

Obama Put back banking regulations that saved not only the housing market, but the US auto industry, and created more energy jobs than at any time in history, including the booming alternative energy industry that has kept prices down, and created the highest paying jobs for workers in any industry.

Trump has taken steps to hurt the alternative energy industry that will cost 80,000 of those jobs.

House Republicans just passed deregulatory legislation, and tax cuts that will instantly add another $2 trillion to the debt, take away healthcare from 13 million people, and lose most of those 80,000 high paying alternative energy jobs.

But hey, what's the big deal?
National debt on Jan. 20: $19.96 trillion
National debt now: $20.5 trillion

Americans not in labor force on Jan. 20: 95,161,653
American not in labor force now: 95,419,330

Gee that's and increase of .9 billion....Meanwhile Obama DOUBLED the national debt.
The debt rose $9 trillion dollars under a recovering economy under Obama in 8 years. Under a strong economy, the debt has risen $600 billion under Trump in less than 10 months.

Reagan is your hero and he tripled the debt. So kindly, go fuck yourself.

Behold the Obama apologists have come out from under their moss covered rocks. Nice try at deflecting to Reagan which was a different time and different economy. What a stupid fucking argument.
LOL! Hey cupcake, Obama had very different circumstances as President too. Guess we can completely dismiss everything!

When Trump adds another $9+ trillion to the debt, we’ll just call it fake news! :rofl:

OH I see...'different circumstances' for Obama but yet you try to bring up Reagan without citing the OBVIOUS different decades old economic environment. That is disingenuous and really downright foolish IMO. Shove your 'cupcake' where the sun don't shine and stop trying to win an argument by calling others juvenile names.
You crucify Obama for doubling the debt, and dismissed Reagan for tripling it! What a fucking fraud you are! What a disgusting, pathetic fraud! :rofl:

You cuckhold little bitch :321:
You crucify Obama for doubling the debt, and dismissed Reagan for tripling it! What a fucking fraud you are! What a disgusting, pathetic fraud! :rofl:

You cuckhold little bitch :321:

Ahh, the calling of names which signals that I won!! Thanks

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