President Trump Addresses the Nation - January 8, 2019

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will have two things to say.
Everything Trump said is a lie and they will tell us how great it will be if we give them a shitload more of our money in taxes.

They will say with a big smile that we should give them their crumbs back.

They didnt ask for money and boy do you look foolish now. Trump is lieing though. The support for the wall...not border security...the wall is built on lies and exaggerations about illegal immigration. That's one reason it wouldnt be acceptable for sound of mind dems to support it. By now we should all realize that lie number 1 is that dems want open borders and no border security. That they would support no border security initiative. That's a lie. Do you agree or have you been compromised?
We have no border security, it’s obvious the numbers don’t lie
Depends on how you use them.

Trump said terrorists were pouring in through the border.

Turns out it was six.

Are six worth 20 billion?

What about the other 3,996? Where are they?
Invaders are doing worse then terrorist
AP FACT CHECK: Trump oversells wall as a solution to drugs

TRUMP: "Our southern border is a pipeline for vast quantities of illegal drugs, including meth, heroin, cocaine and fentanyl. Every week, 300 of our citizens are killed by heroin alone, 90 percent of which floods across from our southern border." — from the Oval Office on Tuesday night.

THE FACTS: A wall can't do much about that when drug trafficking is concentrated at land ports of entry, not remote stretches of the border.

The Drug Enforcement Administration says "only a small percentage" of heroin seized by U.S. authorities comes across on territory between ports of entry. The same is true of drugs generally.


Even Trump's own departments are calling him a liar every time they post facts.

Really? So if they KNOW where the drugs are coming from why then don't they stop it?

Idiots. That logic alone tells us they are lying their Swamp arse off!
I posted a link.

Use it.

Links are no good of fools don't know how to use them.

Just click on it.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will have two things to say.
Everything Trump said is a lie and they will tell us how great it will be if we give them a shitload more of our money in taxes.

They will say with a big smile that we should give them their crumbs back.

They didnt ask for money and boy do you look foolish now. Trump is lieing though. The support for the wall...not border security...the wall is built on lies and exaggerations about illegal immigration. That's one reason it wouldnt be acceptable for sound of mind dems to support it. By now we should all realize that lie number 1 is that dems want open borders and no border security. That they would support no border security initiative. That's a lie. Do you agree or have you been compromised?
We have no border security, it’s obvious the numbers don’t lie
Depends on how you use them.

Trump said terrorists were pouring in through the border.

Turns out it was six.

Are six worth 20 billion?

What about the other 3,996? Where are they?
Illegal aliens of all types are pouring across the border every single day, it is a fucking clown show down there. An absolute failure. Trump knows this to be true that is why he’s pushing so hard… He’s responsible. The pressure needs to be ratcheted up on him to do something about it.
Donald Trump hears about the failure of our border security every single day, why do you think he’s pushing so hard for some type of security?
"some type"....oh, so now that's what it is? Not a wall? Interesting.

Why do I think he is pushing so hard? He's afraid of looking like a fool. Why do I think this? He said it himself.
He knows it’s a fucking clown show down there, it’s an utter failure.
And he’s responsible… He’s feeling the pressure. More pressure Has to be put on him to secure the southern border, because it’s not obviously by the numbers
Yes, "secure the border"... how conveniently nebulous....

Okay, more border security, but no wall. That appears to be the current state of things.
We have no border security made obvious by the numbers
Our border security right now consists of stop signs basically. It’s an absolute failure a fucking clown show
AP FACT CHECK: Trump oversells wall as a solution to drugs

TRUMP: "Our southern border is a pipeline for vast quantities of illegal drugs, including meth, heroin, cocaine and fentanyl. Every week, 300 of our citizens are killed by heroin alone, 90 percent of which floods across from our southern border." — from the Oval Office on Tuesday night.

THE FACTS: A wall can't do much about that when drug trafficking is concentrated at land ports of entry, not remote stretches of the border.

The Drug Enforcement Administration says "only a small percentage" of heroin seized by U.S. authorities comes across on territory between ports of entry. The same is true of drugs generally.


Even Trump's own departments are calling him a liar every time they post facts.

Really? So if they KNOW where the drugs are coming from why then don't they stop it?

Idiots. That logic alone tells us they are lying their Swamp arse off!
I posted a link.

Use it.

Links are no good of fools don't know how to use them.

Just click on it.

I saw no link half wit.

Why not use your own words to defend your position instead.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will have two things to say.
Everything Trump said is a lie and they will tell us how great it will be if we give them a shitload more of our money in taxes.

They will say with a big smile that we should give them their crumbs back.

They didnt ask for money and boy do you look foolish now. Trump is lieing though. The support for the wall...not border security...the wall is built on lies and exaggerations about illegal immigration. That's one reason it wouldnt be acceptable for sound of mind dems to support it. By now we should all realize that lie number 1 is that dems want open borders and no border security. That they would support no border security initiative. That's a lie. Do you agree or have you been compromised?
We have no border security, it’s obvious the numbers don’t lie
Depends on how you use them.

Trump said terrorists were pouring in through the border.

Turns out it was six.

Are six worth 20 billion?

What about the other 3,996? Where are they?
Illegal aliens of all types are pouring across the border every single day, it is a fucking clown show down there. An absolute failure. Trump knows this to be true that is why he’s pushing so hard… He’s responsible. The pressure needs to be ratcheted up on him to do something about it.
That's some sad language. Why do you feel you need to exaggerate on the game border crisis? Do the facts not speak for themselves?
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will have two things to say.
Everything Trump said is a lie and they will tell us how great it will be if we give them a shitload more of our money in taxes.

They will say with a big smile that we should give them their crumbs back.

They didnt ask for money and boy do you look foolish now. Trump is lieing though. The support for the wall...not border security...the wall is built on lies and exaggerations about illegal immigration. That's one reason it wouldnt be acceptable for sound of mind dems to support it. By now we should all realize that lie number 1 is that dems want open borders and no border security. That they would support no border security initiative. That's a lie. Do you agree or have you been compromised?
We have no border security, it’s obvious the numbers don’t lie
Depends on how you use them.

Trump said terrorists were pouring in through the border.

Turns out it was six.

Are six worth 20 billion?

What about the other 3,996? Where are they?
Illegal aliens of all types are pouring across the border every single day, it is a fucking clown show down there. An absolute failure. Trump knows this to be true that is why he’s pushing so hard… He’s responsible. The pressure needs to be ratcheted up on him to do something about it.
That's some sad language. Why do you feel you need to exaggerate on the game border crisis? Do the facts not speak for themselves?
Some of the great Douche people need to be FIRED....


I want to see the great Douche run a National Emergency FFS!

Come on Great Douche,... send more troops to the border.
Trump may have set a new record. According to Factcheck, he lied at least 9 times in 10 minutes....
Retard, no one ever said it’s going to be 2,000 miles.
But you already knew that.
You’re just a scummy liar.

How long is the border ?
Less than 900 miles needs a barrier.
You read these threads.
Either you can read or leave the forum.

This says 650 miles have a barrier . I’m guessing not all wall.

9 facts you should know about the border before Trump addresses the nation
Oh! You can read.
The border is like 1900 miles . So much for your math .
Are you fucking retarded?
Now you’re just trying to save face.
You think unscable mountains on the border need a barrier?
You are a phony and a moron.
Trump has stated from day 1 that less than 900 miles need a barrier, but you’re too much of a faggot Liberal to admit you know shit about Trump’s positions on anything.
"As Trump tries to distract America, here's what we know:
1) Trump asked the Russians to hack Clinton.
2) Don Jr. met with operatives promising dirt.
3) Manafort shared polling w/ possible Russian agent.
4) Phone records indicate Cohen visited Prague.
5) Flynn lied to the FBI."
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will have two things to say.
Everything Trump said is a lie and they will tell us how great it will be if we give them a shitload more of our money in taxes.

They will say with a big smile that we should give them their crumbs back.


Well everything Trump says is a LIE.


PolitiFact awards Donald Trump its 'Lie of the Year'

FFS!? You say....

Analysis | President Trump has made 6,420 false or misleading claims over 649 days


Last edited:
How long is the border ?
Less than 900 miles needs a barrier.
You read these threads.
Either you can read or leave the forum.

This says 650 miles have a barrier . I’m guessing not all wall.

9 facts you should know about the border before Trump addresses the nation
Oh! You can read.
The border is like 1900 miles . So much for your math .
Are you fucking retarded?
Now you’re just trying to save face.
You think unscable mountains on the border need a barrier?
You are a phony and a moron.
Trump has stated from day 1 that less than 900 miles need a barrier, but you’re too much of a faggot Liberal to admit you know shit about Trump’s positions on anything.

I am watching Republican congressmen on CNN right now, who's districts cover 840 miles along the southern border that state that a wall won't work. In fact we have plenty of experience knowing walls and fences don't work. Here is a 2-1/2 minute video explaining it.

They found 240 of these in the San Diego region alone.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

Technology with more border patrol that can respond quickly is the ONLY way to go. Schumer & Pelosi already offered this up on the advice of border security experts, and Trump has dug in deep on a wall that would never work.
Less than 900 miles needs a barrier.
You read these threads.
Either you can read or leave the forum.

This says 650 miles have a barrier . I’m guessing not all wall.

9 facts you should know about the border before Trump addresses the nation
Oh! You can read.
The border is like 1900 miles . So much for your math .
Are you fucking retarded?
Now you’re just trying to save face.
You think unscable mountains on the border need a barrier?
You are a phony and a moron.
Trump has stated from day 1 that less than 900 miles need a barrier, but you’re too much of a faggot Liberal to admit you know shit about Trump’s positions on anything.

I am watching Republican congressmen on CNN right now, who's districts cover 840 miles along the southern border that state that a wall won't work. In fact we have plenty of experience knowing walls and fences don't work. Here is a 2-1/2 minute video explaining it.

They found 240 of these in the San Diego region alone.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

Technology with more border patrol that can respond quickly is the ONLY way to go. Schumer & Pelosi already offered this up on the advice of border security experts, and Trump has dug in deep on a wall that would never work.

Fact remains we have no border security, it’s a fucking joke. The numbers show this to be true
Less than 900 miles needs a barrier.
You read these threads.
Either you can read or leave the forum.

This says 650 miles have a barrier . I’m guessing not all wall.

9 facts you should know about the border before Trump addresses the nation
Oh! You can read.
The border is like 1900 miles . So much for your math .
Are you fucking retarded?
Now you’re just trying to save face.
You think unscable mountains on the border need a barrier?
You are a phony and a moron.
Trump has stated from day 1 that less than 900 miles need a barrier, but you’re too much of a faggot Liberal to admit you know shit about Trump’s positions on anything.

I am watching Republican congressmen on CNN right now, who's districts cover 840 miles along the southern border that state that a wall won't work. In fact we have plenty of experience knowing walls and fences don't work. Here is a 2-1/2 minute video explaining it.

They found 240 of these in the San Diego region alone.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

Technology with more border patrol that can respond quickly is the ONLY way to go. Schumer & Pelosi already offered this up on the advice of border security experts, and Trump has dug in deep on a wall that would never work.

We need comprehensive border protection just like Israel and Egypt.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will have two things to say.
Everything Trump said is a lie and they will tell us how great it will be if we give them a shitload more of our money in taxes.

They will say with a big smile that we should give them their crumbs back.

How does one pay for a 2000mile wall? Tax cuts ?
Retard, no one ever said it’s going to be 2,000 miles.
But you already knew that.
You’re just a scummy liar.

How long is the border ?
As long as my dick.
In that case, the single dollar that Pelosi offered should be sufficient.

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