President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Car and aircraft companies stocks took a dip today -- any company that depends on steel and aluminum will be forced to raise prices and their stocks will drop.

Funny, where are all the Libertarians quoting Ayn Rand when you need them. If u.s. steel and aluminum were quality products at a competitive prices, people wouldn't need to import.

BTW - the import business, shipping, transport are also going to be hurt by this.

Why should companies be forced to pay more money for lower quality? Just because it's Made In America? I support buying American, but when it's my choice and for a product that doesn't need to be in shop all the time.

And the Rx companies have also manipulated the law, forbidding us from shopping for the best price on meds.

So much for a "free market" and consumer buying power.

Car and aircraft companies stocks took a dip today -- any company that depends on steel and aluminum will be forced to raise prices and their stocks will drop.

Funny, where are all the Libertarians quoting Ayn Rand when you need them. If u.s. steel and aluminum were quality products at a competitive prices, people wouldn't need to import.

BTW - the import business, shipping, transport are also going to be hurt by this.

Why should companies be forced to pay more money for lower quality? Just because it's Made In America? I support buying American, but when it's my choice and for a product that doesn't need to be in shop all the time.

And the Rx companies have also manipulated the law, forbidding us from shopping for the best price on meds.

So much for a "free market" and consumer buying power.

Sorry that paying your employers a reasonable wage is so offensive to you.
Should we allow other countries like communist China to dump steel in the U.S. killing jobs for American workers? That's what liberals in this thread are saying. If China dumping steel into the U.S. was hurting illegals the liberals would be in an uproar.

Get back with us at the end of the year and again tell us how these tariffs are the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Killing American jobs is why you bunch of dummies lost the election.

So dorks, china and europe say they will now cut buying ag products from the US, how will that workout for the flyover crowd

Typical response from you people, we should just bend over and let China screw us? Talk to the hand you gutless nancy :eusa_hand:
Stock market is in the green, Trump opens his mouth and threatens tariffs and the possibility of a trade war. Stocks drop sharply and close down 420 points for the day.

Wonder what's gonna happen tomorrow?

And, if the stock market drops again tomorrow, do you think Trump will change his mind and back down?
Filthy Don is a financial knucklehead with failed businesses and 8 bankrupcies..and now begging for loans from overseas.

He has to remember that other countries can also raise tarriffs and buy steel from China and Japan who also invest or partially own steel plants here in the USA.

It may add or lose a few thousand jobs depending how decisions are made in the company boards.
Should we allow other countries like communist China to dump steel in the U.S. killing jobs for American workers? That's what liberals in this thread are saying. If China dumping steel into the U.S. was hurting illegals the liberals would be in an uproar.

Get back with us at the end of the year and again tell us how these tariffs are the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Killing American jobs is why you bunch of dummies lost the election.

So dorks, china and europe say they will now cut buying ag products from the US, how will that workout for the flyover crowd

Typical response from you people, we should just bend over and let China screw us? Talk to the hand you gutless nancy :eusa_hand:

How are the Chinese screwing? Please break it down. Chinese and Japanese investments in our steel industry is huge.
That is Germany and it is high end steel US imports which it has trouble producing themselves.... Look where china is...

The Limits of 'Made in America' Economics

"The E.U. has sworn to fight back if the Trump White House goes ahead and is reportedly already preparing measures, such as levies on American whiskey, rum, orange juice, potatoes, and tomatoes."

This was just stupid...

Except Germany imports their steel too.

Germany is the world’s second-largest
steel importer. In year-to-date
2017 (through September), further
referred to as YTD 2017, Germany
imported 20.8 million metric tons of steel, a 6 percent increase from
19.5 million metric tons in YTD 20
16. Germany’s imports represented
about 7 percent of all steel imported globally in 2016. The volume of
Germany’s 2016 steel imports was just
over 4 million metric tons less
than that of the world’s largest impo
rter, the United States.
So, are we getting German Steel, or steel made in China, exported by German?

I dabble in blacksmithing and tool making...I know many of the German steel companies outsource to China.

Chinese steel.png

How China put German rust-belt city on the map

As of 2017, the largest sources of net steel imports to the US were, in descending order, Canada, Brazil, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, and Turkey.[12]

These countries could easily buy steel from China and Japan at lower costs.
As usual GOP voters are Mindless drones... No principles no knowledge unbelievable. GOP did this in the twenties, they never learn.

Filthy Don extent of business is flapping his mouth into the breeze like a windsock.....Hence, his failed casinos, steak ventures, construction, and Universitity $25M lawsuit.

I'm sure he's also ready to pick up that wall check from Mexico like he promised 14 months ago. :113:
Trump is trying to work another UnitedTech/Carrier bogus deal.

Hey, Filthy Don, are the 1000 Carriers getting their jobs backs after your mad negotiating deals take place. :113:
That is Germany and it is high end steel US imports which it has trouble producing themselves.... Look where china is...

The Limits of 'Made in America' Economics

"The E.U. has sworn to fight back if the Trump White House goes ahead and is reportedly already preparing measures, such as levies on American whiskey, rum, orange juice, potatoes, and tomatoes."

This was just stupid...

Except Germany imports their steel too.

Germany is the world’s second-largest
steel importer. In year-to-date
2017 (through September), further
referred to as YTD 2017, Germany
imported 20.8 million metric tons of steel, a 6 percent increase from
19.5 million metric tons in YTD 20
16. Germany’s imports represented
about 7 percent of all steel imported globally in 2016. The volume of
Germany’s 2016 steel imports was just
over 4 million metric tons less
than that of the world’s largest impo
rter, the United States.
So, are we getting German Steel, or steel made in China, exported by German?

I dabble in blacksmithing and tool making...I know many of the German steel companies outsource to China.

View attachment 179780

How China put German rust-belt city on the map

Chinese steel.png

Top 10 Steel Producing Countries In The World
Worked great back in 2002:
The protection of the steel industry in the United States had unintended consequences and perverse effects: it reduced production of steel in the United States,[how?] increased costs to users, and increased unemployment in associated industries. A study from 2003 found that around 200,000 jobs were lost as a result.[6][7]
I wonder what Trump tower is built from?

And Obama's chinese tires.
I remember the Bush’s flooded the market too with cheap Chinese tires
GOP Meltdown Over Trump’s Plan for Tariffs

who could have predicted that President Cuckoo J. Alzheimers would royally fuck up everything at random
So ... it's OK to sell out the United States to Russia and the White House to the highest bidder. But raising tariffs makes Republicans break ranks and "meltdown"?
Fuck you, Republicans. You are traitors no matter how you cut it.

Anthony Bourdain @Bourdain

I have a hard time picturing Spambo running towards anything that’s not a Fixins Bar or a buffet

2:43 AM - Feb 27, 2018
The Dow lost 576 points after his announcement. It was up and looking good when he had to open his mouth.

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