President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum


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I would probably agree with much of what you say but these Tariffs don't effect China hardly at all. It punishes our strong allies in Canada and Mexico and Brazil and S Korea. So, this stuff is aimed squarely at the wrong folks. And, if this actually happens, we will face similar tariffs from those folks and others while China is barely touched. Not to mention the inflation sure to follow.
Fuck them too. If they are our allies they would not be screwing us over now would they?

They are not screwing us over. I have a trade deficit with Walmart and Dollar Tree to name a couple. Consumers want products from other countries. Trump is screwing 144 million workers in steel using industries as well as millions of American consumers. You are in-American just like Trump.
What about the millions of jobs that have been lost in “steel production industry “ you Democratic Party mouthpiece. Retail jobs don’t replace manufacturing jobs and the income. If you think the greatest nation on earth can swap a steel mill job out with a “Welcome to Wal Mart” job and remain a global superpower then you are either naive or stupid.

Millions of jobs have not been lost. You are a liar. You are the one who is the Democrat mouthpiece. Bernie Sanders and Charles Schumer support this. You stand with Democrats.
I will refrain myself from exploding on your dumb ass about my personal experience of friends, suicide, and job loss due to trade policies.
The high price of ‘free’ trade: NAFTA’s failure has cost the United States jobs across the nation

You are the ignorant dumb ass. More jobs have been lost to automation and increased productivity than have gone overseas. That is fact. You can live in your little fantasy island if you want.
this is aimed only at China. it's a limited thing.

you have to do what's right and then see what the consequences are.

China only supplies us with 4% of the steel used in this country. They won't even notice it. You are as dumb as Trump is.
84% of the jobs in manufacturing that have gone away are due to automation, not companies moving out. And given the hatred you Trumpanzees have for Musk, Tesla and Space X, you are total hypocrites.
Which is why China’s FoxConn has over 500,000 prisoners.

IPhones are just assembled in China. Parts come from all over the world including the US. The developers are in the US. Trade figures do not take this into account which is why they are mis-leading.
Your post is correct but it has zero to do with the myth of automation eliminating jobs.
If there's so much automation why are all the illegals and business visas needed?

Because what libs don't tell you automation is very expensive and requires 24/7 maintenance and engineering positions which are not cheap.

You are right, this automation shit will never catch on...:21::21::21:

Wow! One whole room!

Of course these costs will get immediately passed on to consumers, which always happens whenever tariffs are raised.

not if they change sources to American manufacturers.

Easy way to avoid the tax.

No, dope. American steel still costs more. The effect will be the same.

So, a minor increase in price for the consumer, but the jobs stay here?

Sounds like a good policy to me.

A minor increase? So nice of you to decide what is minor.

It is rotten policy from a rotten President.
Which is why China’s FoxConn has over 500,000 prisoners.

IPhones are just assembled in China. Parts come from all over the world including the US. The developers are in the US. Trade figures do not take this into account which is why they are mis-leading.
Your post is correct but it has zero to do with the myth of automation eliminating jobs.
If there's so much automation why are all the illegals and business visas needed?

Because what libs don't tell you automation is very expensive and requires 24/7 maintenance and engineering positions which are not cheap.

You are right, this automation shit will never catch on...:21::21::21:

Wow! One whole room!

Luddites, you got to love them!

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I am just trying to figure out why American steel cannot compete with Canadian steel.

Are Canadians just that much better workers than Americans? Or have their steel companies just invested in more modernization than American steel companies?
IPhones are just assembled in China. Parts come from all over the world including the US. The developers are in the US. Trade figures do not take this into account which is why they are mis-leading.
Your post is correct but it has zero to do with the myth of automation eliminating jobs.
If there's so much automation why are all the illegals and business visas needed?

Because what libs don't tell you automation is very expensive and requires 24/7 maintenance and engineering positions which are not cheap.

You are right, this automation shit will never catch on...:21::21::21:

Wow! One whole room!

Luddites, you got to love them!

Sent from my iPhone using

No wonder it still takes the same amount of people to build a house or a skyscraper!
Seriously, I was expecting you to post a car wash.
"The President is proposing a massive tax increase on American families. Protectionism is weak, not strong. You'd expect a policy this bad from a leftist administration, not a supposedly Republican one." - Supercilious Ben Sasse

"i don't know that President Trump should apologize to anyone for protecting American workers and certainly not to Senator Sasse" - Sarah Hogan Sanders

The Free Traders had their chance. They blew it.

We still have the highest standard of living in the world. Nothing was blown.

1. No we don't. We are number ten, by this count. Most of the ones ahead of US are in the EU trade bloc. Want to guess how many of them have a large trade surplus with US, at our expense?

2. AND that measurement is an average. It does not take into account the damage done to huge swaths of our nation over the last 50 years.

3. AND, if you look at the potential advances that should have been made by our middle class and working poor, over the last 50 years, if we had had decent policies, you see the real cost of our stupid policies.

Yes we do. Also the cost of living in the US is much lower in the US. Look at gas taxes in Europe. Plus the value added tax.

50 years ago Silicon Valley did not exist. Nor did Microsoft. The skills required in this economy is changing. You have no clue what you are talking about. It is if, or but. Are you using a crystal ball?
"The President is proposing a massive tax increase on American families. Protectionism is weak, not strong. You'd expect a policy this bad from a leftist administration, not a supposedly Republican one." - Supercilious Ben Sasse

"i don't know that President Trump should apologize to anyone for protecting American workers and certainly not to Senator Sasse" - Sarah Hogan Sanders

The Free Traders had their chance. They blew it.

We still have the highest standard of living in the world. Nothing was blown.

1. No we don't. We are number ten, by this count. Most of the ones ahead of US are in the EU trade bloc. Want to guess how many of them have a large trade surplus with US, at our expense?

2. AND that measurement is an average. It does not take into account the damage done to huge swaths of our nation over the last 50 years.

3. AND, if you look at the potential advances that should have been made by our middle class and working poor, over the last 50 years, if we had had decent policies, you see the real cost of our stupid policies.

Yes we do. Also the cost of living in the US is much lower in the US. Look at gas taxes in Europe. Plus the value added tax.

50 years ago Silicon Valley did not exist. Nor did Microsoft. The skills required in this economy is changing. You have no clue what you are talking about. It is if, or but. Are you using a crystal ball?
Have you noticed that Silicon Valley is interested in cheap labor and not skills?
Because only Indians have skills.
If you're not an Indian, MS won't hire you.
I am just trying to figure out why American steel cannot compete with Canadian steel.

Are Canadians just that much better workers than Americans? Or have their steel companies just invested in more modernization than American steel companies?

I would venture a guess that labor costs in Canada are significantly lower than they are in the US, thanks mainly to the steelworkers union. Cheaper labor costs lead to lower prices to get the same profit and voila! I don't think Canadian workers are any better, and I highly doubt Canadian steel companies are more modernized. Although on 2nd thought that could be, if the steelworkers union has language in their contracts that says the steel companies can only do so much automation.
I remember the Bush’s flooded the market too with cheap Chinese tires

So, if cheap imports were bad then, are they good now?

Sooo, you support President Trump on this move?
No he’s starting a trade war. It’s like if trump nuked russia. You can get me to agree russia is no good but not Nuking them.

Our trade imbalance needs to be fixed but we don’t need a trade war.

There goes our tax breaks. I hear the cost of living is already going up

We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.

You are the fool. Trade imbalances are a sign of strength not weakness. Mexico has a trade surplus with the US. The standard of living in Mexico is horrible. Is that what you want. Also trade figures do not take into account certain things. The iPhone is assembled in China but the engineers are in the US. Without them there is no iPhone yet trade figures cannot account for this.
"The President is proposing a massive tax increase on American families. Protectionism is weak, not strong. You'd expect a policy this bad from a leftist administration, not a supposedly Republican one." - Supercilious Ben Sasse

"i don't know that President Trump should apologize to anyone for protecting American workers and certainly not to Senator Sasse" - Sarah Hogan Sanders

The Free Traders had their chance. They blew it.

We still have the highest standard of living in the world. Nothing was blown.

1. No we don't. We are number ten, by this count. Most of the ones ahead of US are in the EU trade bloc. Want to guess how many of them have a large trade surplus with US, at our expense?

2. AND that measurement is an average. It does not take into account the damage done to huge swaths of our nation over the last 50 years.

3. AND, if you look at the potential advances that should have been made by our middle class and working poor, over the last 50 years, if we had had decent policies, you see the real cost of our stupid policies.

Yes we do. Also the cost of living in the US is much lower in the US. Look at gas taxes in Europe. Plus the value added tax.

50 years ago Silicon Valley did not exist. Nor did Microsoft. The skills required in this economy is changing. You have no clue what you are talking about. It is if, or but. Are you using a crystal ball?
Have you noticed that Silicon Valley is interested in cheap labor and not skills?
Because only Indians have skills.
If you're not an Indian, MS won't hire you.

You think that the designers of the iPhone live in India? It takes skill to design iPhones and other high tech equipment.
Wilbur Ross: "I just bought this can today at a 7-Eleven ... and it priced at a $1.99. Who in the world is going to be too bothered?"


AND that's with the high price of convenience store shopping.

Good find!
I saw a man this morning defending the tariffs by holding up a can of Campbell Soup and an aluminum Coke can. He said there is about 2-1/2 cents of steel in the soup can and about 3 cents in the Coke can, so the increase in costs is hardly worth mentioning. My immediate thought was...what does John Deere or Peter-bilt or Carrier or Maytag or even Toyota think of the tariffs. What are those big Cats 3M uses made of?

I can't even pretend to grasp higher economics, but I know that an increase of 2-1/2 cents per can for millions of cans can add up. And I can imagine the effect on Pratt & Whitney and Boeing when it comes to a 25% increase in the cost of steel and 10% in the cost of aluminum. If he tariffs rubber, maybe we better start weaving coolie carts.

The argument was that the price increase made this a bad policy.

The can shows that price increase for each purchase is very small.

The CEOs of major manufactures, could see their small increases as "large" as they look at them as absolute numbers instead of proportionally.

But maybe they should consider that they are fucking Americans, before they try to save a few cents a ton, by fucking their fellow Americans.

And if such loyalty to their fellow citizens is too old fashioned for them to hold,

maybe they need to think what their fellow citizens' response will be if they decide they are tired of being fucked.

Why don't you fuck yourself. They have a fiduciary duty to do what is best for their shareholders. They are not in existence to create jobs. You keep talking about small increases. It may be easy for you to say that but not so easy for someone else to say., You seem to have no sympathy for the 144 million workers who work in steel using industries.
TRUMP TARIFF TALK ALREADY HAVING IMPACT: “Business investment depends on predictable policy, & relentless chaos takes its toll even if cooler heads prevail on the policies that the president is tweeting about.”


"The United States has an $800 Billion Dollar Yearly Trade Deficit because of our “very stupid” trade deals and policies. Our jobs and wealth are being given to other countries that have taken advantage of us for years. They laugh at what fools our leaders have been. No more!" - President Trump

Trump is a idiot. He doesn't have a clue what he is talking about just as you have no clue.
The Free Traders had their chance. They blew it.

We still have the highest standard of living in the world. Nothing was blown.

1. No we don't. We are number ten, by this count. Most of the ones ahead of US are in the EU trade bloc. Want to guess how many of them have a large trade surplus with US, at our expense?

2. AND that measurement is an average. It does not take into account the damage done to huge swaths of our nation over the last 50 years.

3. AND, if you look at the potential advances that should have been made by our middle class and working poor, over the last 50 years, if we had had decent policies, you see the real cost of our stupid policies.

Yes we do. Also the cost of living in the US is much lower in the US. Look at gas taxes in Europe. Plus the value added tax.

50 years ago Silicon Valley did not exist. Nor did Microsoft. The skills required in this economy is changing. You have no clue what you are talking about. It is if, or but. Are you using a crystal ball?
Have you noticed that Silicon Valley is interested in cheap labor and not skills?
Because only Indians have skills.
If you're not an Indian, MS won't hire you.

You think that the designers of the iPhone live in India? It takes skill to design iPhones and other high tech equipment.
Apple hires the best.
MS, IBM, Oracle, Citibank, Chase, etc... not so much.
And I did post MS because Bill Gates started the whole "No one has the skillset except Indians.".
"If the E.U. wants to further increase their already massive tariffs and barriers on U.S. companies doing business there, we will simply apply a Tax on their Cars which freely pour into the U.S. They make it impossible for our cars (and more) to sell there. Big trade imbalance!" - President Trump just now

no retreat, baby, no surrender.

Trump is a idiot.
"The United States has an $800 Billion Dollar Yearly Trade Deficit because of our “very stupid” trade deals and policies. Our jobs and wealth are being given to other countries that have taken advantage of us for years. They laugh at what fools our leaders have been. No more!" - President Trump

Trump is a idiot. He doesn't have a clue what he is talking about just as you have no clue.
I guess we'll find out in a year or so.
some folks are sayin Trump's tariffs will raise the cost of your beer!

Cans are made of aluminum so it will cost more to put beer in a can, They can do one of two things. Raise the price or cut costs by laying people off.
The cost increase will be about $0.0001 per can.

You're such a dope.

Costs go up for everything for everyone. Even businesses. If everything a business buys costs more, prices will have to rise as well, dope. It's not just cans. Its everything.
Costs will go up by a trivial amount, moron. They don't multiply like rabbits. The material component of most manufactured items constitutes a small percentage of the cost. The bulk of costs is labor and capital investment.

Even if the cost of the completed product is double the price increase of steel, that's still only 1% for a washing machine, and it's probably less for most other products.

I don't support tariffs, but the hyperventilating over this one is pure politics.

Why don't you shut up boy. Electrolux has suspended their plan to set up a factory in the US because of the expected high cost of steel. You know more than they do? You are a bad joke.

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