President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

some folks are sayin Trump's tariffs will raise the cost of your beer!

Cans are made of aluminum so it will cost more to put beer in a can, They can do one of two things. Raise the price or cut costs by laying people off.
The cost increase will be about $0.0001 per can.

You're such a dope.

Costs go up for everything for everyone. Even businesses. If everything a business buys costs more, prices will have to rise as well, dope. It's not just cans. Its everything.
Costs will go up by a trivial amount, moron. They don't multiply like rabbits. The material component of most manufactured items constitutes a small percentage of the cost. The bulk of costs is labor and capital investment.

Even if the cost of the completed product is double the price increase of steel, that's still only 1% for a washing machine, and it's probably less for most other products.

I don't support tariffs, but the hyperventilating over this one is pure politics.

You're wrong, retard.

You're focusing on a single product rather than the total cost to the economy.
Obviously you can't do simple math. Consider the item we've been discussing: a washing machine. As I've already pointed out, and you have failed to debunk, the cost of the steel in it will increase by 0.5%. Let's say you want to consider how the cost of the steel in the robots that make it will affect the price. A sophisticated industrial robot probable costs half a million dollars. It probably wieghs less than a ton, so the cost of the steel in it will go up by $125. $125/$500.000 = 0.025% increase in the price. A similar calculation can be done for anything else used to produce the washing machine. The bottom line is that consumers won't even notice any price increases.

Once again, I have to point out that you dumbass snowflakes had no problem with Obama tripling the price of energy with his so-called` "Clean Energy Program." It takes energy to manufucture virtually everything, especiall steel and especially aluminum. Considering that, one has to conclude that your hyperventilating about this tariff is pure politics.
"Why does Trump enjoy giving appearance of chaos around his adminstration despite having a clear, brilliantly designed strategic trap set for his enemies? Because you always cover the trap with leaves so the bear doesn't see it."

I guess I'm just missing the brilliant plan for this country that your hero is implementing, right? LOL Is Javanka part of that plan? How so? How about the payola to hookers, part of the plan? Well I guess we of limited intellect just fail to see the brilliance. Yeah, that's it.

Do you have any arrows in your quiver other than the lowest and cheapest brand of insult? When you post stuff like the above you only convince me that your a brainless moron.
"Why does Trump enjoy giving appearance of chaos around his adminstration despite having a clear, brilliantly designed strategic trap set for his enemies? Because you always cover the trap with leaves so the bear doesn't see it."

I guess I'm just missing the brilliant plan for this country that your hero is implementing, right? LOL Is Javanka part of that plan? How so? How about the payola to hookers, part of the plan? Well I guess we of limited intellect just fail to see the brilliance. Yeah, that's it.

Do you have any arrows in your quiver other than the lowest and cheapest brand of insult? When you post stuff like the above you only convince me that your a brainless moron.

Am I upsetting you? Well, forgiveness is good for the soul. If anyone could teach how to bring a discussion to a crashing halt with insults, it's you. And, BTW it's You're a brainless idiot. Not Your. So I guess we can see who is brainless. This is too easy.
Cans are made of aluminum so it will cost more to put beer in a can, They can do one of two things. Raise the price or cut costs by laying people off.
The cost increase will be about $0.0001 per can.

You're such a dope.

Costs go up for everything for everyone. Even businesses. If everything a business buys costs more, prices will have to rise as well, dope. It's not just cans. Its everything.
Costs will go up by a trivial amount, moron. They don't multiply like rabbits. The material component of most manufactured items constitutes a small percentage of the cost. The bulk of costs is labor and capital investment.

Even if the cost of the completed product is double the price increase of steel, that's still only 1% for a washing machine, and it's probably less for most other products.

I don't support tariffs, but the hyperventilating over this one is pure politics.

You're wrong, retard.

You're focusing on a single product rather than the total cost to the economy.
Obviously you can't do simple math. Consider the item we've been discussing: a washing machine. As I've already pointed out, and you have failed to debunk, the cost of the steel in it will increase by 0.5%. Let's say you want to consider how the cost of the steel in the robots that make it will affect the price. A sophisticated industrial robot probable costs half a million dollars. It probably wieghs less than a ton, so the cost of the steel in it will go up by $125. $125/$500.000 = 0.025% increase in the price. A similar calculation can be done for anything else used to produce the washing machine. The bottom line is that consumers won't even notice any price increases.

Once again, I have to point out that you dumbass snowflakes had no problem with Obama tripling the price of energy with his so-called` "Clean Energy Program." It takes energy to manufucture virtually everything, especiall steel and especially aluminum. Considering that, one has to conclude that your hyperventilating about this tariff is pure politics.

You seem to be obsessed with washing machines. Do you need one? Because I could give you such a deal, before the price goes up.
"Why does Trump enjoy giving appearance of chaos around his adminstration despite having a clear, brilliantly designed strategic trap set for his enemies? Because you always cover the trap with leaves so the bear doesn't see it."

I guess I'm just missing the brilliant plan for this country that your hero is implementing, right? LOL Is Javanka part of that plan? How so? How about the payola to hookers, part of the plan? Well I guess we of limited intellect just fail to see the brilliance. Yeah, that's it.
Sen Sasse ""Trade penalties A MASSIVE tax increase on American families""
Do not ever condescend to me on this board about the impact of our government allowing our jobs to be robbed because of poor trade policies in exchange for a few $$$.

Well, what goes around comes around or whatever and I will condescend you and anyone else I see fit.
Does Hillary Clinton, Mika Bresinski, or Anderson Cooper even know what a working class 8 hour day is like? From their sheltered world? I would be coated in black from head to toe in the mill I used to work in. Sweat your ass off in January. But it paid the bills, got you into the middle class and was the American Dream. Was. Thanks Democrats for selling that out.

Oh wow I worked in a drop forge plant and aluminum mold plant during the summer months when factories had no ac so cry me a river.
"Why does Trump enjoy giving appearance of chaos around his adminstration despite having a clear, brilliantly designed strategic trap set for his enemies? Because you always cover the trap with leaves so the bear doesn't see it."

I guess I'm just missing the brilliant plan for this country that your hero is implementing, right? LOL Is Javanka part of that plan? How so? How about the payola to hookers, part of the plan? Well I guess we of limited intellect just fail to see the brilliance. Yeah, that's it.

Open your’s happening all around you...Donny’s banging porn stars and Playmates and partying like a rock star at Mara Lago...meanwhile nothing but winning and greatness is happening under this doesn’t it?
Bang more hookers Donny!
"Why does Trump enjoy giving appearance of chaos around his adminstration despite having a clear, brilliantly designed strategic trap set for his enemies? Because you always cover the trap with leaves so the bear doesn't see it."

I guess I'm just missing the brilliant plan for this country that your hero is implementing, right? LOL Is Javanka part of that plan? How so? How about the payola to hookers, part of the plan? Well I guess we of limited intellect just fail to see the brilliance. Yeah, that's it.

Open your’s happening all around you...Donny’s banging porn stars and Playmates and partying like a rock star at Mara Lago...meanwhile nothing but winning and greatness is happening under this doesn’t it?
Bang more hookers Donny!
European Union threatens to target Harley, Levi, U.S. whiskey
"Why does Trump enjoy giving appearance of chaos around his adminstration despite having a clear, brilliantly designed strategic trap set for his enemies? Because you always cover the trap with leaves so the bear doesn't see it."

I guess I'm just missing the brilliant plan for this country that your hero is implementing, right? LOL Is Javanka part of that plan? How so? How about the payola to hookers, part of the plan? Well I guess we of limited intellect just fail to see the brilliance. Yeah, that's it.

Open your’s happening all around you...Donny’s banging porn stars and Playmates and partying like a rock star at Mara Lago...meanwhile nothing but winning and greatness is happening under this doesn’t it?
Bang more hookers Donny!
European Union threatens to target Harley, Levi, U.S. whiskey

Let's see if he even goes through with it, you know one day he's for it and the next against. My thought is he won't pull the trigger.
"Why does Trump enjoy giving appearance of chaos around his adminstration despite having a clear, brilliantly designed strategic trap set for his enemies? Because you always cover the trap with leaves so the bear doesn't see it."

I guess I'm just missing the brilliant plan for this country that your hero is implementing, right? LOL Is Javanka part of that plan? How so? How about the payola to hookers, part of the plan? Well I guess we of limited intellect just fail to see the brilliance. Yeah, that's it.

Open your’s happening all around you...Donny’s banging porn stars and Playmates and partying like a rock star at Mara Lago...meanwhile nothing but winning and greatness is happening under this doesn’t it?
Bang more hookers Donny!

The only winning going on is with his bankbook. Greatness? Ask the rest of the free world how great they think he is. Russia on the other hand would probably agree with you. Putin's probably having his own version of golden showers watching things unfold. Laughing really hard can do that.
"Why does Trump enjoy giving appearance of chaos around his adminstration despite having a clear, brilliantly designed strategic trap set for his enemies? Because you always cover the trap with leaves so the bear doesn't see it."

I guess I'm just missing the brilliant plan for this country that your hero is implementing, right? LOL Is Javanka part of that plan? How so? How about the payola to hookers, part of the plan? Well I guess we of limited intellect just fail to see the brilliance. Yeah, that's it.

Open your’s happening all around you...Donny’s banging porn stars and Playmates and partying like a rock star at Mara Lago...meanwhile nothing but winning and greatness is happening under this doesn’t it?
Bang more hookers Donny!
European Union threatens to target Harley, Levi, U.S. whiskey

Let's see if he even goes through with it, you know one day he's for it and the next against. My thought is he won't pull the trigger.

Let's hope you're right. Speaking of triggers, watch what doesn't happen on gun control.
"Why does Trump enjoy giving appearance of chaos around his adminstration despite having a clear, brilliantly designed strategic trap set for his enemies? Because you always cover the trap with leaves so the bear doesn't see it."

I guess I'm just missing the brilliant plan for this country that your hero is implementing, right? LOL Is Javanka part of that plan? How so? How about the payola to hookers, part of the plan? Well I guess we of limited intellect just fail to see the brilliance. Yeah, that's it.

Open your’s happening all around you...Donny’s banging porn stars and Playmates and partying like a rock star at Mara Lago...meanwhile nothing but winning and greatness is happening under this doesn’t it?
Bang more hookers Donny!

The only winning going on is with his bankbook. Greatness? Ask the rest of the free world how great they think he is. Russia on the other hand would probably agree with you. Putin's probably having his own version of golden showers watching things unfold. Laughing really hard can do that.

Hmmm, that’s weird.
My corporate tax was cut by 60%, my investment portfolio has blown off the charts and my real estate investments are through the roof.
I’m pretty sure this administration isn’t trying to win the worldwide popularity contest....that costs American taxpayers too much money. This administration is all about governing on behalf of America’s best. Sucks huh?
"Why does Trump enjoy giving appearance of chaos around his adminstration despite having a clear, brilliantly designed strategic trap set for his enemies? Because you always cover the trap with leaves so the bear doesn't see it."

I guess I'm just missing the brilliant plan for this country that your hero is implementing, right? LOL Is Javanka part of that plan? How so? How about the payola to hookers, part of the plan? Well I guess we of limited intellect just fail to see the brilliance. Yeah, that's it.

Open your’s happening all around you...Donny’s banging porn stars and Playmates and partying like a rock star at Mara Lago...meanwhile nothing but winning and greatness is happening under this doesn’t it?
Bang more hookers Donny!

The only winning going on is with his bankbook. Greatness? Ask the rest of the free world how great they think he is. Russia on the other hand would probably agree with you. Putin's probably having his own version of golden showers watching things unfold. Laughing really hard can do that.

Hmmm, that’s weird.
My corporate tax was cut by 60%, my investment portfolio has blown off the charts and my real estate investments are through the roof.
I’m pretty sure this administration isn’t trying to win the worldwide popularity contest....that costs American taxpayers too much money. This administration is all about governing on behalf of America’s best. Sucks huh?

America's best. Is that code for wealthiest? Glad you're doing great. But many are not and the things that help to keep their heads above water are under attack and someone has to pay for those cuts you love so much. It's so easy to screw the powerless. And your hero (paper towel man) is just the guy to do just that.
"Why does Trump enjoy giving appearance of chaos around his adminstration despite having a clear, brilliantly designed strategic trap set for his enemies? Because you always cover the trap with leaves so the bear doesn't see it."

I guess I'm just missing the brilliant plan for this country that your hero is implementing, right? LOL Is Javanka part of that plan? How so? How about the payola to hookers, part of the plan? Well I guess we of limited intellect just fail to see the brilliance. Yeah, that's it.

Open your’s happening all around you...Donny’s banging porn stars and Playmates and partying like a rock star at Mara Lago...meanwhile nothing but winning and greatness is happening under this doesn’t it?
Bang more hookers Donny!

The only winning going on is with his bankbook. Greatness? Ask the rest of the free world how great they think he is. Russia on the other hand would probably agree with you. Putin's probably having his own version of golden showers watching things unfold. Laughing really hard can do that.

Hmmm, that’s weird.
My corporate tax was cut by 60%, my investment portfolio has blown off the charts and my real estate investments are through the roof.
I’m pretty sure this administration isn’t trying to win the worldwide popularity contest....that costs American taxpayers too much money. This administration is all about governing on behalf of America’s best. Sucks huh?

America's best. Is that code for wealthiest? Glad you're doing great. But many are not and the things that help to keep their heads above water are under attack and someone has to pay for those cuts you love so much. It's so easy to screw the powerless. And your hero (paper towel man) is just the guy to do just that.

This isn’t trivial.
America’s best=
Good quality, hard working, productive, law abiding, patriotic members of American society.

How are these folks you speak of “under attack”?
They aren’t getting more free shit?
How are “the powerless” getting screwed?
Who’s paying for my tax cut? The “powerless”?
How are people whom contribute nothing “PAYING for my tax cut”?
I guess I'm just missing the brilliant plan for this country that your hero is implementing, right? LOL Is Javanka part of that plan? How so? How about the payola to hookers, part of the plan? Well I guess we of limited intellect just fail to see the brilliance. Yeah, that's it.

Open your’s happening all around you...Donny’s banging porn stars and Playmates and partying like a rock star at Mara Lago...meanwhile nothing but winning and greatness is happening under this doesn’t it?
Bang more hookers Donny!

The only winning going on is with his bankbook. Greatness? Ask the rest of the free world how great they think he is. Russia on the other hand would probably agree with you. Putin's probably having his own version of golden showers watching things unfold. Laughing really hard can do that.

Hmmm, that’s weird.
My corporate tax was cut by 60%, my investment portfolio has blown off the charts and my real estate investments are through the roof.
I’m pretty sure this administration isn’t trying to win the worldwide popularity contest....that costs American taxpayers too much money. This administration is all about governing on behalf of America’s best. Sucks huh?

America's best. Is that code for wealthiest? Glad you're doing great. But many are not and the things that help to keep their heads above water are under attack and someone has to pay for those cuts you love so much. It's so easy to screw the powerless. And your hero (paper towel man) is just the guy to do just that.

This isn’t trivial.
America’s best=
Good quality, hard working, productive, law abiding, patriotic members of American society.

How are these folks you speak of “under attack”?
They aren’t getting more free shit?
How are “the powerless” getting screwed?
Who’s paying for my tax cut? The “powerless”?
How are people whom contribute nothing “PAYING for my tax cut”?

Who's talking about those who want a free ride? Not me. I'm talking about the working poor and disabled. It's started already with Food Stamps Chip, WIC, AFDC, and Soc Sec will be next. Somebody will pay for the revenue shortfall and it won't be the wealthy. Not all folks who depend on such programs are abusing the system. The number is tiny and compared to Corp Welfare is infinitesimal. But the knee jerk answer from the right is that nobody works. That's Ryan speak.
Open your’s happening all around you...Donny’s banging porn stars and Playmates and partying like a rock star at Mara Lago...meanwhile nothing but winning and greatness is happening under this doesn’t it?
Bang more hookers Donny!

The only winning going on is with his bankbook. Greatness? Ask the rest of the free world how great they think he is. Russia on the other hand would probably agree with you. Putin's probably having his own version of golden showers watching things unfold. Laughing really hard can do that.

Hmmm, that’s weird.
My corporate tax was cut by 60%, my investment portfolio has blown off the charts and my real estate investments are through the roof.
I’m pretty sure this administration isn’t trying to win the worldwide popularity contest....that costs American taxpayers too much money. This administration is all about governing on behalf of America’s best. Sucks huh?

America's best. Is that code for wealthiest? Glad you're doing great. But many are not and the things that help to keep their heads above water are under attack and someone has to pay for those cuts you love so much. It's so easy to screw the powerless. And your hero (paper towel man) is just the guy to do just that.

This isn’t trivial.
America’s best=
Good quality, hard working, productive, law abiding, patriotic members of American society.

How are these folks you speak of “under attack”?
They aren’t getting more free shit?
How are “the powerless” getting screwed?
Who’s paying for my tax cut? The “powerless”?
How are people whom contribute nothing “PAYING for my tax cut”?

Who's talking about those who want a free ride? Not me. I'm talking about the working poor and disabled. It's started already with Food Stamps Chip, WIC, AFDC, and Soc Sec will be next. Somebody will pay for the revenue shortfall and it won't be the wealthy. Not all folks who depend on such programs are abusing the system. The number is tiny and compared to Corp Welfare is infinitesimal. But the knee jerk answer from the right is that nobody works. That's Ryan speak.

Fair enough...explain to me how the working poor and the disabled are PAYING for my tax cuts.
Please note:
When one receives less free shit one is not PAYING for me to keep more of my own shit.
Hope I didn’t need to explain that to you.
The only winning going on is with his bankbook. Greatness? Ask the rest of the free world how great they think he is. Russia on the other hand would probably agree with you. Putin's probably having his own version of golden showers watching things unfold. Laughing really hard can do that.

Hmmm, that’s weird.
My corporate tax was cut by 60%, my investment portfolio has blown off the charts and my real estate investments are through the roof.
I’m pretty sure this administration isn’t trying to win the worldwide popularity contest....that costs American taxpayers too much money. This administration is all about governing on behalf of America’s best. Sucks huh?

America's best. Is that code for wealthiest? Glad you're doing great. But many are not and the things that help to keep their heads above water are under attack and someone has to pay for those cuts you love so much. It's so easy to screw the powerless. And your hero (paper towel man) is just the guy to do just that.

This isn’t trivial.
America’s best=
Good quality, hard working, productive, law abiding, patriotic members of American society.

How are these folks you speak of “under attack”?
They aren’t getting more free shit?
How are “the powerless” getting screwed?
Who’s paying for my tax cut? The “powerless”?
How are people whom contribute nothing “PAYING for my tax cut”?

Who's talking about those who want a free ride? Not me. I'm talking about the working poor and disabled. It's started already with Food Stamps Chip, WIC, AFDC, and Soc Sec will be next. Somebody will pay for the revenue shortfall and it won't be the wealthy. Not all folks who depend on such programs are abusing the system. The number is tiny and compared to Corp Welfare is infinitesimal. But the knee jerk answer from the right is that nobody works. That's Ryan speak.

Fair enough...explain to me how the working poor and the disabled are PAYING for my tax cuts.
Please note:
When one receives less free shit one is not PAYING for me to keep more of my own shit.
Hope I didn’t need to explain that to you.

When the promised rise in GDP doesn't materialize, then social spending is always the first to go. Already 21% cut to Food Stamps and big cuts to Medicare/medicaid expansion and a new system of block grants to the states that badly under funds these programs and leaves governors to shoulder the blame. Cuts also to federal housing, etc. You don't need to believe me, just watch for yourself what happens when Ryan gets a crack at the poor.
Every time any politician or business leader suggests protective tariffs, the globalists trot out the argument that it will start a "trade war" and will "cost us jobs." Really? Then how come China, one of the most protectionist nations on Earth, has had growth that has nearly doubled ours for a long time? How come America did so well when we followed ardently protectionist policies for decades, start with Abraham Lincoln?

And as for a "trade war," we have been in a "trade war" for decades--the globalists just don't want us to defend ourselves very much. Yes, we have some tariffs, but not to the degree that many other nations have. And, by the way, look at the industries that we do somewhat protect with tariffs, such as sugar--they are doing well.

I just love how the isolationist always being up Lincoln when talking about tariffs. Because the world has not changed at all since the days of Lincoln. When Lincoln was president it took longer to get across the country than it does for a ship to go from China to the US.

You people need to quit living in the past, the world has passed you by.

Explain what has changed in the world that means that letting other countries take our jobs is not a problem and does not hurt our citizens.

Especially as we can see how it has hurt our citizens.
The world is getting smaller and menial jobs will go to the cheapest place. We need to take advantage of our workers education and Tech ability, once the GOP allows cheaper training like Germany and other smart countries
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Sure,dope. That is the only thing made from steel and aluminum. :laugh2:
That is the thing with the largest amount of steel in it. Appliances are made of steel, but they don't weigh anything near a ton. Let's say 100 lbs of steel were used to make your washing machine. How much would the tariff add to the cost? $500 x 25% / 20 = $5.00.

These tariffs just aren't going to have that big of an impact on the economy.

I guess you simply don't have the mental capacity to see the big picture.

A car is not the biggest thing with steel, dope. How about bridges and skyscrapers. How much cost do you imagine is added for those?

Trump wants to do infrastructure but just upped the price tag considerably. Truly dumb.

Yeah, it's not only ourselves and what we consume but everything the govt consumes. It will be passed on to all of us. But narrow thinkers are his base and narrow thinkers will support this debacle.
A $5.00 price increase on a $1000 dollar washing machine? I think we'll survive it.

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Bripat is incapable of learning ANYTHING unless Sean Hannity tells him differently.

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