President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Wilbur Ross: "I just bought this can today at a 7-Eleven ... and it priced at a $1.99. Who in the world is going to be too bothered?"


AND that's with the high price of convenience store shopping.

Good find!
I saw a man this morning defending the tariffs by holding up a can of Campbell Soup and an aluminum Coke can. He said there is about 2-1/2 cents of steel in the soup can and about 3 cents in the Coke can, so the increase in costs is hardly worth mentioning. My immediate thought was...what does John Deere or Peter-bilt or Carrier or Maytag or even Toyota think of the tariffs. What are those big Cats 3M uses made of?

I can't even pretend to grasp higher economics, but I know that an increase of 2-1/2 cents per can for millions of cans can add up. And I can imagine the effect on Pratt & Whitney and Boeing when it comes to a 25% increase in the cost of steel and 10% in the cost of aluminum. If he tariffs rubber, maybe we better start weaving coolie carts.

The argument was that the price increase made this a bad policy.

The can shows that price increase for each purchase is very small.

The CEOs of major manufactures, could see their small increases as "large" as they look at them as absolute numbers instead of proportionally.

But maybe they should consider that they are fucking Americans, before they try to save a few cents a ton, by fucking their fellow Americans.

And if such loyalty to their fellow citizens is too old fashioned for them to hold,

maybe they need to think what their fellow citizens' response will be if they decide they are tired of being fucked.
and what of the citizens who are getting fucked by the rise in prices ??? Taxcuts gone +++??

A 3 cent rise in price is hardly "fucking".
So, if cheap imports were bad then, are they good now?

Sooo, you support President Trump on this move?
No he’s starting a trade war. It’s like if trump nuked russia. You can get me to agree russia is no good but not Nuking them.

Our trade imbalance needs to be fixed but we don’t need a trade war.

There goes our tax breaks. I hear the cost of living is already going up

Trade imbalances are way overblown.

In Praise Of Trade Deficits

Also, on a smaller scale, we all run trade deficits and surpluses every day as individuals.

I have a trade surplus with my employer. I give them a product and they give me money. So, massive trade surplus there since I have never once given my employer any of my money.

On the other hand I have a massive trade deficit with my grocery store. I give them money and they give me products. Now, I could grow and create each of those products myself if I really wanted to. But it is cheaper and easier for me to get them from the grocery store, so that is why I chose to do that. Now my grocery store runs a trade deficit with each of their supplier, they give the store products in exchange for money.

Sooo, why is everyone so upset about this action, if it doesn't matter?

Just give US what we want, if it doesn't matter.

Why retaliate to this action, with a Trade War, if it doesn't matter?

The same reason I would be upset with my grocery store if they arbitrarily choose to start charging me more for my coffee
Of course these costs will get immediately passed on to consumers, which always happens whenever tariffs are raised.

not if they change sources to American manufacturers.

Easy way to avoid the tax.

No, dope. American steel still costs more. The effect will be the same.

So, a minor increase in price for the consumer, but the jobs stay here?

Sounds like a good policy to me.

But that is not what happens. There are no examples in recent history where there was a net job gain due to tariffs.

What's the history of job gains, when you just let your trade "partners" fuck you over, for decades without taking any serious steps to protect your citizens from predatory trade policies?


Time marches on, things change, job opportunities change. It is the nature of the world. At the start of the 20th century more than 40% of the country was employed providing us food. Now that percent is 2. Should we be fighting to bring back all those lost agricultural jobs?
"this is a slippery slope. more companies will ask for favors from the government. this is cronyism, pure & simple" - Supercilious Ben Sasse
The argument was that the price increase made this a bad policy.

The can shows that price increase for each purchase is very small.

The CEOs of major manufactures, could see their small increases as "large" as they look at them as absolute numbers instead of proportionally.

But maybe they should consider that they are fucking Americans, before they try to save a few cents a ton, by fucking their fellow Americans.

And if such loyalty to their fellow citizens is too old fashioned for them to hold,

maybe they need to think what their fellow citizens' response will be if they decide they are tired of being fucked.

The price increase for each purchase is very small when you are talking about a can of beer. Thank goodness I only drink beer out of a bottle!

What is the increase on a building or a bridge or a combine for a farmer?
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if we get into a war with North Korea, are we gonna take steel from china??? I DEMAND AN ANSWER NOW!
if we get into a war with North Korea, are we gonna take steel from china??? I DEMAND AN ANSWER NOW!

you do know that China is only our 11th largest source of imported of steel, right? Or am I giving you too much credit?
No, dope. American steel still costs more. The effect will be the same.

So, a minor increase in price for the consumer, but the jobs stay here?

Sounds like a good policy to me.

But that is not what happens. There are no examples in recent history where there was a net job gain due to tariffs.

What's the history of job gains, when you just let your trade "partners" fuck you over, for decades without taking any serious steps to protect your citizens from predatory trade policies?

Are we almost at full job capacity NOW ??

You look around you, at your peers and extended family, do you seriously not see a need for more and better jobs?

How many people do you know working two or more jobs, to make ends meet?

How many people do you know that are living pay check to pay check, without any security or retirement?

My mother in law was a nurse' aid, a literally shit job.

She worked in a small city about 40 minutes away. She made what amounted to a "living wage".

Her hospital was bough by a major health care complex operating out of the major city I live in, with it's large population of workers including many immigrants.

There was a very large discrepancy between the pay scales of nurse's aid between the big city, and the small.

Several dollars an hour. I'm afraid I don't recall the exact numbers.

BUT, it was enough to make a huge difference in the lives of the nurse's aids, in question.
there are jobs available but mostly in jobs that you need some specialization........and what's left in our job pool has none
Wilbur Ross: "I just bought this can today at a 7-Eleven ... and it priced at a $1.99. Who in the world is going to be too bothered?"


AND that's with the high price of convenience store shopping.

Good find!
I saw a man this morning defending the tariffs by holding up a can of Campbell Soup and an aluminum Coke can. He said there is about 2-1/2 cents of steel in the soup can and about 3 cents in the Coke can, so the increase in costs is hardly worth mentioning. My immediate thought was...what does John Deere or Peter-bilt or Carrier or Maytag or even Toyota think of the tariffs. What are those big Cats 3M uses made of?

I can't even pretend to grasp higher economics, but I know that an increase of 2-1/2 cents per can for millions of cans can add up. And I can imagine the effect on Pratt & Whitney and Boeing when it comes to a 25% increase in the cost of steel and 10% in the cost of aluminum. If he tariffs rubber, maybe we better start weaving coolie carts.

The argument was that the price increase made this a bad policy.

The can shows that price increase for each purchase is very small.

The CEOs of major manufactures, could see their small increases as "large" as they look at them as absolute numbers instead of proportionally.

But maybe they should consider that they are fucking Americans, before they try to save a few cents a ton, by fucking their fellow Americans.

And if such loyalty to their fellow citizens is too old fashioned for them to hold,

maybe they need to think what their fellow citizens' response will be if they decide they are tired of being fucked.
and what of the citizens who are getting fucked by the rise in prices ??? Taxcuts gone +++??

A 3 cent rise in price is hardly "fucking".
How many really smart guys, some in his cabinet do you need to hear from that say trump was UNHINGED making the tariff talk, before you too will admit he's an fn idiot???
'add TN Sen Lamar Alexander to list of Republicans condemning Trump tariffs: “Broad tariffs against steel and aluminum imports will raise prices on consumers and hurt American workers”'
"Trump's top pro-tariff trade WH advisor: Economist Peter Navarro, a California democrat who ran for office 5 times--and lost 5 times. (Photo taken in 1996, with Navarro standing next to a future twice failed presidential candidate.)"

TRUMP TARIFF TALK ALREADY HAVING IMPACT: “Business investment depends on predictable policy, & relentless chaos takes its toll even if cooler heads prevail on the policies that the president is tweeting about.”

some folks are sayin Trump's tariffs will raise the cost of your beer!

Cans are made of aluminum so it will cost more to put beer in a can, They can do one of two things. Raise the price or cut costs by laying people off.
The cost increase will be about $0.0001 per can.

You're such a dope.

Costs go up for everything for everyone. Even businesses. If everything a business buys costs more, prices will have to rise as well, dope. It's not just cans. Its everything.
some folks are sayin Trump's tariffs will raise the cost of your beer!

Cans are made of aluminum so it will cost more to put beer in a can, They can do one of two things. Raise the price or cut costs by laying people off.
The cost increase will be about $0.0001 per can.
One of the biggest manufacturing industries in the United States is automobile manufacturing. The average car has about 2400 lbs of steel in it and about 300 lbs of aluminum.

Yeah- the average joe won't notice the increase in the price of beer- but will in the increase in the price of a car.
The price increase will be abot $150. I doubt they will notice.

The price increase will be abot $150. I doubt they will notice.

Here's some simple math, retard.

Approx 6.3 million cars were sold in the US in 2017.
Raising the price by $150 translates to $945m more spent on cars alone.
That is nearly a billion dollars not being spent on something else, like growth.

Extrapolate that across the entire economy and you'll start to see the problem.
Let me tell you motherfuckers and the liberal motherfuckers that run this goddamn board. As well as the country club pussy fucking Republicans on the other side. You merged my post again because you are ignorant. We won World War Two because of our manufacturing base. There was a time in America that people worked in heavy manufacturing and entered the middle-class. That particular genreation survived Great Depression and won World War Two. I have the utmost respect for my 6 uncles...4 wounded in action...who were part of this generation. The test of the post war World is how long we will stand by and allow...primarily China...who has been fucking us for years , to dump their shit into” big box retailers” like Wal Mart, Target, and dollar stores. Those used to be American Jobs. What is good for Wall Street is not always good for Main Street. Trump gets it. You fuckheads in media who have never fought in a war or got your hands dirty in factory don’t get it. We don’t live on dividends from Wall Street...fuck them.

Let me tell you motherfuckers and the liberal motherfuckers that run this goddamn board. As well as the country club pussy fucking Republicans on the other side.

I would probably agree with much of what you say but these Tariffs don't effect China hardly at all. It punishes our strong allies in Canada and Mexico and Brazil and S Korea. So, this stuff is aimed squarely at the wrong folks. And, if this actually happens, we will face similar tariffs from those folks and others while China is barely touched. Not to mention the inflation sure to follow.
Fuck them too. If they are our allies they would not be screwing us over now would they?

They are not screwing us over. I have a trade deficit with Walmart and Dollar Tree to name a couple. Consumers want products from other countries. Trump is screwing 144 million workers in steel using industries as well as millions of American consumers. You are in-American just like Trump.
What about the millions of jobs that have been lost in “steel production industry “ you Democratic Party mouthpiece. Retail jobs don’t replace manufacturing jobs and the income. If you think the greatest nation on earth can swap a steel mill job out with a “Welcome to Wal Mart” job and remain a global superpower then you are either naive or stupid.

Millions of jobs have not been lost. You are a liar. You are the one who is the Democrat mouthpiece. Bernie Sanders and Charles Schumer support this. You stand with Democrats.
I will refrain myself from exploding on your dumb ass about my personal experience of friends, suicide, and job loss due to trade policies.
The high price of ‘free’ trade: NAFTA’s failure has cost the United States jobs across the nation

The world has changed. We no longer need to be the world leader in steel production. The American economy is still the strongest.
People need to shake off the idea that manufacturing is the pathway to success and improve their skills to better compete in the economy. The days of low skilled mediocre jobs is gone. People need to be specialized and flexible.
Does Hillary Clinton, Mika Bresinski, or Anderson Cooper even know what a working class 8 hour day is like? From their sheltered world? I would be coated in black from head to toe in the mill I used to work in. Sweat your ass off in January. But it paid the bills, got you into the middle class and was the American Dream. Was. Thanks Democrats for selling that out.
Your heroes Koch Brothers have no idea what an 8 hour workday is.
I don’t give a fuck about them What about my hometown...others like it? Suicides by vets who serve and can’t find a job when they get out? Fuck your paltry fucking political talking points bullshit.

We're at full employment. You're way over the top with your angry old guy, hell in a handbasket shtick.
Wilbur Ross: "I just bought this can today at a 7-Eleven ... and it priced at a $1.99. Who in the world is going to be too bothered?"


A tactic to soothe the biddable.

I see you've bought it.

The real cost to the economy of course, is not in a single can of soup but the cumulative cost of every single canned good produced in America.

Now, extrapolate that to every product.
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Does Hillary Clinton, Mika Bresinski, or Anderson Cooper even know what a working class 8 hour day is like? From their sheltered world? I would be coated in black from head to toe in the mill I used to work in. Sweat your ass off in January. But it paid the bills, got you into the middle class and was the American Dream. Was. Thanks Democrats for selling that out.
Your heroes Koch Brothers have no idea what an 8 hour workday is.
I don’t give a fuck about them What about my hometown...others like it? Suicides by vets who serve and can’t find a job when they get out? Fuck your paltry fucking political talking points bullshit.

Maybe if your GOP wouldn't lie us into wars so folks like Cheney can get richer, there would be fewer Veterans with psychological problems. Where did you stand on the Iraq war? Let me guess. All for it. BTW, you need to calm down because like Trump, you could make rash decisions.
Oh. Our wars are about $$$. OK ANTIFA burb boy. How many years military service do you have?

Two. Is that enough for you? A tour in VN with the Marines. Taught me that war is indeed about $.

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