President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

The world is getting smaller and menial jobs will go to the cheapest place. We need to take advantage of our workers education and Tech ability, once the GOP allows cheaper training like Germany and other smart countries

Germany's behavior, revealed in the WTO airbus ruling, shows that they don't believe that their workers are better, they think they need to subsidize their manufacturers to take American jobs.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

When Europe’s taxpayers objected to the $26 billion in subsidies Airbus had gotten by 1990, German aerospace coordinator Erich Riedl was dismissive, “We don’t care about criticism from small-minded pencil-pushers.”


"smaller", "Menial", these are just meaningless buzzwords. Airplane and car manufacturing is not menial, nor low paying.

These nations desperately want these jobs. Why do you think that is?
Their workers are better, that's why they have more manufacturing jobs and we have 3 to 6 million techie manufacturing jobs going begging. The GOP makes us stupid in order to protect their precious greedy idiot mega-rich a-holes. Try staying on subject.

1. Their government obviously disagree, or they would not feel they needed to cheat in order to win.

2. Productivity of US workers is better than German. These Are the Most Productive Countries in the World

3. Which party dominates the Education Industry from kindergarten to post grad? HInt: It's not the republicans.

4. My post was completely on topic. Drop the stop rhetorical games.

You evidently that US workers are rated most productive only because they work more hours, right?
Of course not because you're an idiot.

I live in Republican territory & our school districts are run by REPUBLICANS. Look at that map you Trumpettes keep parading & look at all those red states. You brag about how many State legislatures Republicas control & how masny Republican governors there are. So reaklly, how rthe fuck can you make such an stupid ignorant comment?

Don't blame your failure in school on Democrats. Democrats want to properly fund schools & Republicans want to prioperly fund corporations.

1. THe link I posted ranked the nations by gdp PER HOUR WORKED, and we were number 5, Germany number 8, so who's the idiot now, asshole?

So, to keep track, your stated reason for US not having twice the level of manufacturing employment, like Germany, was just proved wrong, with hard numbers.

2. I point to the whole industry, the people that do the actual teaching, the ones that implement polices, the ones that come up with policies, and you point to politicians, as though liberals follow orders they don't like.

So, let me get this straight.

You claimed that US workers were the most productive & now you are claiming they are not and ytou have the nerve to call someone else an asshole? My God.
You flip flop more than your orange hero.
I’m not in!
I presume Canada does not allow frivolous lawsuits against MDs.

most jurisdictions provide that a panel hear proposed medical malpractice suits prior to plaintiff's attorney being allowed to commence an action. so I'm not quite sure what "frivolous" cases you're talking about. Plaintiff's lose sometimes... that does not mean their case was "frivolous".

and if a case IS "frivolous" it's up to defendant to make a motion to dismiss....
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

that's what insurance is. and when a doctor screws up, they cause a lot of damage. the only response to that which I've ever heard from rightwingnuts is to limit damages payable to injured parties.

that is idiotic.... but i'll go with it as soon as doctors can limit the damage they cause when they screw up.
There should be ways to audit a physician’s competency.
Oh yeah, that'll fix the HC system. Come on, you just want to protect people who are not competitive.
most jurisdictions provide that a panel hear proposed medical malpractice suits prior to plaintiff's attorney being allowed to commence an action. so I'm not quite sure what "frivolous" cases you're talking about. Plaintiff's lose sometimes... that does not mean their case was "frivolous".

and if a case IS "frivolous" it's up to defendant to make a motion to dismiss....
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

that's what insurance is. and when a doctor screws up, they cause a lot of damage. the only response to that which I've ever heard from rightwingnuts is to limit damages payable to injured parties.

that is idiotic.... but i'll go with it as soon as doctors can limit the damage they cause when they screw up.
There should be ways to audit a physician’s competency.
Oh yeah, that'll fix the HC system. Come on, you just want to protect people who are not competitive.
There is a world of difference between a System and an Aspect of a system.
They took 3 million jobs; good for your portfolio.
And since Obama, they have been taking Accounting, Attorney and University jobs away from Americans.
But I know you don’t care as long as you have yours.
And in case you’re wondering, most of those people voted for the Orange Clown.

Exactly how did they "take" the jobs? What does that even mean?

My wife works with a couple Indian doctors at her hospital, did they take the jobs from American doctors?
Yes, they did.
It’s obvious you never worked in that capacity.
Since 2004, businesses were no longer required to interview Americans for any IT related positions.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of non-Indians, both business visas and citizens, were laid off and replaced by plane loads of Indian H1-Bs, without so much as an interview being required.
Trump and Sanders ran on this platform so it’s obvious you didn’t watch any of their interviews or speeches.
Trump is now requiring interviews and Indians are being sent back home.
It’s amazing how everyone I know in my 2 Temples, even those working in non IT capacities, know this.
And you don’t.

So, this does not explain why the Indians were being hired over everyone else.
24/7 availability
Complete compliance (they take shit from boss man).
They don’t point out legal infractions.
You ever wonder why it’s almost impossible to prove a financial institutionnis doing something illegal.
Non-Indians put activity auditing and wouldn’t take it out because that’s illegal.
Indians know zip and will do what they’re told.
Hindus are dindus.
Yet we have full employment?
Same question...serving food for $9.00/hr?
And the question, how can Canadian workers make steel cheaper? Answer, Canada provides healthcare at 1/4 the cost. You blame them for our workers being not as competive, so yeah, $9 an hour.
I’m not in!
I presume Canada does not allow frivolous lawsuits against MDs.

most jurisdictions provide that a panel hear proposed medical malpractice suits prior to plaintiff's attorney being allowed to commence an action. so I'm not quite sure what "frivolous" cases you're talking about. Plaintiff's lose sometimes... that does not mean their case was "frivolous".

and if a case IS "frivolous" it's up to defendant to make a motion to dismiss....
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Why Trust Mamas' Boys Who Don't Earn a Living Until They Are 26?

Because they get the job only because they can through 8 years of college without a job. That absurd criterion is why they are incompetent and desperately need insurance to pay for their inevitable mistakes.
Our Granite City Works facility and employees, as well as the surrounding community, have suffered too long from the unending waves of unfairly traded steel products that have flooded U.S. markets,
US jobs coming back ALREADY because of the tariffs !!!
Trump's tariff leads U.S. Steel to reopen Granite City steel facility
hillary Worked for Goldwater in 1964, Proof That She's a Mole

Another blue state being lost by the anti-working-class snobs who took over the formerly Democratic Party.
Same question...serving food for $9.00/hr?
And the question, how can Canadian workers make steel cheaper? Answer, Canada provides healthcare at 1/4 the cost. You blame them for our workers being not as competive, so yeah, $9 an hour.
I’m not in!
I presume Canada does not allow frivolous lawsuits against MDs.

most jurisdictions provide that a panel hear proposed medical malpractice suits prior to plaintiff's attorney being allowed to commence an action. so I'm not quite sure what "frivolous" cases you're talking about. Plaintiff's lose sometimes... that does not mean their case was "frivolous".

and if a case IS "frivolous" it's up to defendant to make a motion to dismiss....
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Why Trust Mamas' Boys Who Don't Earn a Living Until They Are 26?

Because they get the job only because they can through 8 years of college without a job. That absurd criterion is why they are incompetent and desperately need insurance to pay for their inevitable mistakes.
I belong to a very large community and very few of the MDs I know have ever been sued.
2 were sued for sexual harassment of staff and 1 for Medicare fraud.
We should not have given tax breaks back in 2007 to companies going overseas. We should have told them we would tariff them if they left. But even that might be difficult to do. How can you stop a company from moving to Mexico to manufacture there when so many other companies are there manufacturing? This is a toughy.
I’m sure we have different deals with different nations.
Any firm that offshores should be treated as a foreign entity.

even trump companies?
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
We should not have given tax breaks back in 2007 to companies going overseas. We should have told them we would tariff them if they left. But even that might be difficult to do. How can you stop a company from moving to Mexico to manufacture there when so many other companies are there manufacturing? This is a toughy.
I’m sure we have different deals with different nations.
Any firm that offshores should be treated as a foreign entity.

even trump companies?
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.
We should not have given tax breaks back in 2007 to companies going overseas. We should have told them we would tariff them if they left. But even that might be difficult to do. How can you stop a company from moving to Mexico to manufacture there when so many other companies are there manufacturing? This is a toughy.
I’m sure we have different deals with different nations.
Any firm that offshores should be treated as a foreign entity.

even trump companies?
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
because I'm a DUMBASS !!!
I’m sure we have different deals with different nations.
Any firm that offshores should be treated as a foreign entity.

even trump companies?
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.
name 2
even trump companies?
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.
name 2
I can’t; they’re all out for themselves.
even trump companies?
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.
name 2
List of American federal politicians convicted of crimes - Wikipedia
this is just federal
even trump companies?
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.
name 2
Blagojevich---big time jackass con man
even trump companies?
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.
name 2
' last seven governors, four have ended up in prison.
4 of state's last 7 governors went to prison
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.
name 2
Blagojevich---big time jackass con man
he could run for president,,,,,Republicans seem to like those kind
yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.
name 2
Blagojevich---big time jackass con man
he could run for president,,,,,Republicans seem to like those kind
Was he for Comparative Advantage?
Same question...serving food for $9.00/hr?
And the question, how can Canadian workers make steel cheaper? Answer, Canada provides healthcare at 1/4 the cost. You blame them for our workers being not as competive, so yeah, $9 an hour.
I’m not in!
I presume Canada does not allow frivolous lawsuits against MDs.

most jurisdictions provide that a panel hear proposed medical malpractice suits prior to plaintiff's attorney being allowed to commence an action. so I'm not quite sure what "frivolous" cases you're talking about. Plaintiff's lose sometimes... that does not mean their case was "frivolous".

and if a case IS "frivolous" it's up to defendant to make a motion to dismiss....
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
And the question, how can Canadian workers make steel cheaper? Answer, Canada provides healthcare at 1/4 the cost. You blame them for our workers being not as competive, so yeah, $9 an hour.
I’m not in!
I presume Canada does not allow frivolous lawsuits against MDs.

most jurisdictions provide that a panel hear proposed medical malpractice suits prior to plaintiff's attorney being allowed to commence an action. so I'm not quite sure what "frivolous" cases you're talking about. Plaintiff's lose sometimes... that does not mean their case was "frivolous".

and if a case IS "frivolous" it's up to defendant to make a motion to dismiss....
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

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