President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Seems to me the teachers are Democrats at least the good ones LOL and the administrators are Republicans and gym teachers...

The Administrators are even more likely to be dems.

Do you even know any teachers?
I was a teacher for 10 years...

Then why you talking shit about administrators being republicans? Were you teaching in freaking Alaska or rural Montana?
Rural upstate New York five or six schools.
Must suck being fired so many times.
I was a substitute for several years. After teaching in a private school for several years not enough money.
so the Japanese imported/imports Yamaha/Honda/etc for years and told us FU when we wanted to export rice to Japan
that's real fair
No one said we should not retaliate for unfair competition. But what Trump, and you, are saying is I should pay more to protect inefficient American workers. Fuck that.
Tell me what MS, Oracle and IBM have accomplished since 1998.
When the market crashed in 2008 the Indians were let go but weren’t sent home.
They simply replaced millions of minorities in the workforce.
And after Bill Gates finished telling the world that any non-Indian that was replaced was because they were lacking the skillset to even take a shit, millions of Americans can’t get jobs.
Yet we have full employment?
Same question...serving food for $9.00/hr?
And the question, how can Canadian workers make steel cheaper? Answer, Canada provides healthcare at 1/4 the cost. You blame them for our workers being not as competive, so yeah, $9 an hour.
I’m not in!
I presume Canada does not allow frivolous lawsuits against MDs.
How sweet for you. But don't bitch about other countries having more productive workers. God didn't say I had to pay more to make the world fair.
Who’s more productive than America?
And please define “productive”.
In economics, productive is defined as cost, not quality.
1. I'm not sure what penny ante crap you are referring to, but if we are, the results show we are doing it very badly, and it does not change the fact that our trade policy needs drastic change.

2. German consumers aren't free to buy shit? Japanese consumers aren't free to buy shit? Chinese consumers aren't free to buy shit?

German and Japanese people are free to consume but there is no consumer culture as there is in the US. Both countries have higher savings rates than the US. The Japanese government has tried to encourage more consumption but has largely failed. China is essentially a third world country. Per capita income is closer to that of a third world country.
In the 35 years since Reagan screwed up our tax rates to Pander to the riches, our rate of saving that's gone totally to hell, stupid. Under Bush it was negative. Before the corrupt 2008 bush World depression...

Run along Karl, you lost.
Because of totally misinformed Dupes like you Gomer.

Sure thing Karl.
How's the Hillary, Foundation, Obama, holder, etc etc etc prosecutions coming along, fool?
so the Japanese imported/imports Yamaha/Honda/etc for years and told us FU when we wanted to export rice to Japan
that's real fair
No one said we should not retaliate for unfair competition. But what Trump, and you, are saying is I should pay more to protect inefficient American workers. Fuck that.
no--for you to protect countries using just about slave labor
so the Japanese imported/imports Yamaha/Honda/etc for years and told us FU when we wanted to export rice to Japan
that's real fair
No one said we should not retaliate for unfair competition. But what Trump, and you, are saying is I should pay more to protect inefficient American workers. Fuck that.
Prove they’re less productive.
And the stated purpose of Globalization is to equalize the quality of life for all mankind.
What a crock of shit.
We should not have given tax breaks back in 2007 to companies going overseas. We should have told them we would tariff them if they left. But even that might be difficult to do. How can you stop a company from moving to Mexico to manufacture there when so many other companies are there manufacturing? This is a toughy.
We should not have given tax breaks back in 2007 to companies going overseas. We should have told them we would tariff them if they left. But even that might be difficult to do. How can you stop a company from moving to Mexico to manufacture there when so many other companies are there manufacturing? This is a toughy.
I’m sure we have different deals with different nations.
Any firm that offshores should be treated as a foreign entity.
Same question...serving food for $9.00/hr?
And the question, how can Canadian workers make steel cheaper? Answer, Canada provides healthcare at 1/4 the cost. You blame them for our workers being not as competive, so yeah, $9 an hour.
I’m not in!
I presume Canada does not allow frivolous lawsuits against MDs.

most jurisdictions provide that a panel hear proposed medical malpractice suits prior to plaintiff's attorney being allowed to commence an action. so I'm not quite sure what "frivolous" cases you're talking about. Plaintiff's lose sometimes... that does not mean their case was "frivolous".

and if a case IS "frivolous" it's up to defendant to make a motion to dismiss....
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

that's what insurance is. and when a doctor screws up, they cause a lot of damage. the only response to that which I've ever heard from rightwingnuts is to limit damages payable to injured parties.

that is idiotic.... but i'll go with it as soon as doctors can limit the damage they cause when they screw up.
We should not have given tax breaks back in 2007 to companies going overseas. We should have told them we would tariff them if they left. But even that might be difficult to do. How can you stop a company from moving to Mexico to manufacture there when so many other companies are there manufacturing? This is a toughy.
I’m sure we have different deals with different nations.
Any firm that offshores should be treated as a foreign entity.

even trump companies?
And the question, how can Canadian workers make steel cheaper? Answer, Canada provides healthcare at 1/4 the cost. You blame them for our workers being not as competive, so yeah, $9 an hour.
I’m not in!
I presume Canada does not allow frivolous lawsuits against MDs.

most jurisdictions provide that a panel hear proposed medical malpractice suits prior to plaintiff's attorney being allowed to commence an action. so I'm not quite sure what "frivolous" cases you're talking about. Plaintiff's lose sometimes... that does not mean their case was "frivolous".

and if a case IS "frivolous" it's up to defendant to make a motion to dismiss....
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

that's what insurance is. and when a doctor screws up, they cause a lot of damage. the only response to that which I've ever heard from rightwingnuts is to limit damages payable to injured parties.

that is idiotic.... but i'll go with it as soon as doctors can limit the damage they cause when they screw up.
There should be ways to audit a physician’s competency.
We should not have given tax breaks back in 2007 to companies going overseas. We should have told them we would tariff them if they left. But even that might be difficult to do. How can you stop a company from moving to Mexico to manufacture there when so many other companies are there manufacturing? This is a toughy.
I’m sure we have different deals with different nations.
Any firm that offshores should be treated as a foreign entity.

even trump companies?
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.
I’m not in!
I presume Canada does not allow frivolous lawsuits against MDs.

most jurisdictions provide that a panel hear proposed medical malpractice suits prior to plaintiff's attorney being allowed to commence an action. so I'm not quite sure what "frivolous" cases you're talking about. Plaintiff's lose sometimes... that does not mean their case was "frivolous".

and if a case IS "frivolous" it's up to defendant to make a motion to dismiss....
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

that's what insurance is. and when a doctor screws up, they cause a lot of damage. the only response to that which I've ever heard from rightwingnuts is to limit damages payable to injured parties.

that is idiotic.... but i'll go with it as soon as doctors can limit the damage they cause when they screw up.
There should be ways to audit a physician’s competency.

competence and negligence are two difference things. A doctor can be quite competent on almost all days but on one day in particular can make a horrible mistake.

the reality is, for there to be malpractice at all, the injury can't be one which is a potential side effect of the doctor's treatment or acts. it has to be something that the patient couldn't have consented to. the whole "tort reform" mentality is fueled by insuance companies which already have extraordinarily high profit margins. Pricing takes into consideration just these things.

but they'd save a lot of money if they actually settled med mal cases more and didn't make them go to trial in most instances.
We should not have given tax breaks back in 2007 to companies going overseas. We should have told them we would tariff them if they left. But even that might be difficult to do. How can you stop a company from moving to Mexico to manufacture there when so many other companies are there manufacturing? This is a toughy.
I’m sure we have different deals with different nations.
Any firm that offshores should be treated as a foreign entity.

even trump companies?
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.
We should not have given tax breaks back in 2007 to companies going overseas. We should have told them we would tariff them if they left. But even that might be difficult to do. How can you stop a company from moving to Mexico to manufacture there when so many other companies are there manufacturing? This is a toughy.
I’m sure we have different deals with different nations.
Any firm that offshores should be treated as a foreign entity.

even trump companies?
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.
There is no evidence of that. Actually you are taking the liberal position. You are saying what liberals are saying.

Why is the US constantly having massive trade deficits, with nearly all of our partners?
Because we’re crazy rich and we want the rest of the world’s stuff

That's not why the EU subsidized Airbus, to the loss of thousands of very high tech, high paying jobs.

They couldn't compete, so they cheated and benefited their workers and their economies at the expense of ours.

I want those jobs back for America and Americans.

This was not the way Free Trade was supposed to work.

If I remember correctly Ryanair (one of Europe's largest airlines) ordered 100s of Boeings over the years which is US government backed

Ryanair orders 100 Boeing 737s
"For Boeing, in financial difficulties for the last quarter, 85% of the deal will be guaranteed by the US government."

These types of deals have continued for years... Ryanair runs an almost all new fleet.

Now here is the problem...

View attachment 179771

That is Germany and it is high end steel US imports which it has trouble producing themselves.... Look where china is...

The Limits of 'Made in America' Economics

"The E.U. has sworn to fight back if the Trump White House goes ahead and is reportedly already preparing measures, such as levies on American whiskey, rum, orange juice, potatoes, and tomatoes."

This was just stupid...

That one deal does not change the fact of Airbus supports, nor the mindset that it reveals in their governments.

They are out to fuck US, and they have been doing so.

If their response to US refuses to be their bitch is to blow up world trade,

so much for them being the mature ones.

And what is the problem? I thought Trade Deficits didn't matter?

So what are they pissed off about?

Seems they think that trade surplus matter to them.


The US wasn't looking to screw Europe when they placed in these huge guaranteed loans for Boeing purchases in 2002-3... They were defending American jobs... Guess what EU defend EU jobs too..

The facts are that like the US, EU has a few stupid tarrifs too... This happens but what Trump did here was to throw start a pissing war...

I actually hope the EU does nothing... Tarrifs will cost just US jobs most..

But it must be said with US having real enemies around the world, Trump goes and picks fights with his allies to the point where he will hurt US business and jobs to try and prove a point...

By the way German Steel is make a lot of high carbon-high quality steel used in certain areas... Not all Steel is the same... China's is usually low grade... Japan can make a steel to a standard that no else is making (they also produce some crap too)...

When US manufacturing is using steel they need certain types of steel, Trump for example used cheap Chinese steel in his buildings, maybe that is what he wanted and the Chinese are good at cheap.

So trying to paint Canada and EU as some kind of enemy is just a joke... They pay their workers well and have different ways of working... US steel jobs have been robbed by automation, since 1990 US Steel production is only down 12.5% but US Steel Jobs are down 57%
Why is the US constantly having massive trade deficits, with nearly all of our partners?
Because we’re crazy rich and we want the rest of the world’s stuff

That's not why the EU subsidized Airbus, to the loss of thousands of very high tech, high paying jobs.

They couldn't compete, so they cheated and benefited their workers and their economies at the expense of ours.

I want those jobs back for America and Americans.

This was not the way Free Trade was supposed to work.

If I remember correctly Ryanair (one of Europe's largest airlines) ordered 100s of Boeings over the years which is US government backed

Ryanair orders 100 Boeing 737s
"For Boeing, in financial difficulties for the last quarter, 85% of the deal will be guaranteed by the US government."

These types of deals have continued for years... Ryanair runs an almost all new fleet.

Now here is the problem...

View attachment 179771

That is Germany and it is high end steel US imports which it has trouble producing themselves.... Look where china is...

The Limits of 'Made in America' Economics

"The E.U. has sworn to fight back if the Trump White House goes ahead and is reportedly already preparing measures, such as levies on American whiskey, rum, orange juice, potatoes, and tomatoes."

This was just stupid...

That one deal does not change the fact of Airbus supports, nor the mindset that it reveals in their governments.

They are out to fuck US, and they have been doing so.

If their response to US refuses to be their bitch is to blow up world trade,

so much for them being the mature ones.

And what is the problem? I thought Trade Deficits didn't matter?

So what are they pissed off about?

Seems they think that trade surplus matter to them.


The US wasn't looking to screw Europe when they placed in these huge guaranteed loans for Boeing purchases in 2002-3... They were defending American jobs... Guess what EU defend EU jobs too..

The facts are that like the US, EU has a few stupid tarrifs too... This happens but what Trump did here was to throw start a pissing war...

I actually hope the EU does nothing... Tarrifs will cost just US jobs most..

But it must be said with US having real enemies around the world, Trump goes and picks fights with his allies to the point where he will hurt US business and jobs to try and prove a point...

By the way German Steel is make a lot of high carbon-high quality steel used in certain areas... Not all Steel is the same... China's is usually low grade... Japan can make a steel to a standard that no else is making (they also produce some crap too)...

When US manufacturing is using steel they need certain types of steel, Trump for example used cheap Chinese steel in his buildings, maybe that is what he wanted and the Chinese are good at cheap.

So trying to paint Canada and EU as some kind of enemy is just a joke... They pay their workers well and have different ways of working... US steel jobs have been robbed by automation, since 1990 US Steel production is only down 12.5% but US Steel Jobs are down 57%
Here’s my take...
I buy mostly German and Japanese products because they get excellent reviews.
I pay more and get a better, longer lasting, product.
Many people who don’t have the chance to make more money buy Chinese shit.
More jobs, more money spent on goods and lower taxes to support welfare programs.
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President Trump has the spine to say: "wait a minute fellas, we've been taken advantage of for far too long"

No need to address sweatshopping collaborators who are in on the globalist looting. I've read about the independent oilman who naively warned Jersey Standard (Exxon) in the 60s that we were becoming dependent on Arab oil. He was right, but the major petrocrats benefited from the fake dependence as much as the jihadist OPECkers did.
The world is getting smaller and menial jobs will go to the cheapest place. We need to take advantage of our workers education and Tech ability, once the GOP allows cheaper training like Germany and other smart countries

Germany's behavior, revealed in the WTO airbus ruling, shows that they don't believe that their workers are better, they think they need to subsidize their manufacturers to take American jobs.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

When Europe’s taxpayers objected to the $26 billion in subsidies Airbus had gotten by 1990, German aerospace coordinator Erich Riedl was dismissive, “We don’t care about criticism from small-minded pencil-pushers.”


"smaller", "Menial", these are just meaningless buzzwords. Airplane and car manufacturing is not menial, nor low paying.

These nations desperately want these jobs. Why do you think that is?
Their workers are better, that's why they have more manufacturing jobs and we have 3 to 6 million techie manufacturing jobs going begging. The GOP makes us stupid in order to protect their precious greedy idiot mega-rich a-holes. Try staying on subject.

1. Their government obviously disagree, or they would not feel they needed to cheat in order to win.

2. Productivity of US workers is better than German. These Are the Most Productive Countries in the World

3. Which party dominates the Education Industry from kindergarten to post grad? HInt: It's not the republicans.

4. My post was completely on topic. Drop the stop rhetorical games.
We still have 3 2 six million technical jobs going begging because the GOP blocks spending money on training and education for workers, unlike Germany, and we also don't have other government support for industry, like subsidies, all to save the greedy idiot mega-rich GOP from paying their fair share in taxes, dupe. 35 years of slowly ruining the middle class and the country. Great job GOP.

1. We'v been throwing money at "training" for decades, it's become nothing but a buzzword, not a real policy.

2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.

Trump just subsidized our corporations through his dumbass tax cut.

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