President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.
name 2
List of American federal politicians convicted of crimes - Wikipedia
this is just federal

No, list two that haven't been convicted yet. From the REPUBLICAN side of the isle.

Or is Trump the only con man in the GOP?
I’m not in!
I presume Canada does not allow frivolous lawsuits against MDs.

most jurisdictions provide that a panel hear proposed medical malpractice suits prior to plaintiff's attorney being allowed to commence an action. so I'm not quite sure what "frivolous" cases you're talking about. Plaintiff's lose sometimes... that does not mean their case was "frivolous".

and if a case IS "frivolous" it's up to defendant to make a motion to dismiss....
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
I’m sure we have different deals with different nations.
Any firm that offshores should be treated as a foreign entity.

even trump companies?
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.

Name two Republicans who are con men but haven't been convicted yet. You seem to be suggesting that all politicians are con men, not just Trump. Ok, well let us know who the others are. Specifically in the GOP. Or are you going to say there aren't any and then in that case Trump is unique.
yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.
name 2
List of American federal politicians convicted of crimes - Wikipedia
this is just federal

No, list two that haven't been convicted yet. From the REPUBLICAN side of the isle.

Or is Trump the only con man in the GOP?
WTF are you talking about??
Fuck Trump.
I voted the platform, not the man.

yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.
name 2
Blagojevich---big time jackass con man

You had to go back to 2009 to find a con man?

This is the problem with Republicans. They have been convinced that all politicians are con men. Who convinced them of this? It was the Republicans. Why? Because that way whenever they get caught doing something wrong, their faithful followers blow it off. Why? Because "all politicians are con men".

So Republicans can never lose when it comes to their supporters. They could shoot someone dead in the streets and not lose one supporter.

And Republicans don't care if you get turned off to the whole process and just don't show up to vote at all. It's the next best thing to getting you to vote for them. If you aren't going to vote for them at least stay home. Then they still win.
most jurisdictions provide that a panel hear proposed medical malpractice suits prior to plaintiff's attorney being allowed to commence an action. so I'm not quite sure what "frivolous" cases you're talking about. Plaintiff's lose sometimes... that does not mean their case was "frivolous".

and if a case IS "frivolous" it's up to defendant to make a motion to dismiss....
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
Independent is not an independent but rather a Trumpbot, at least on this issue.

And it's not an economic argument. The jobs we lost in the 80s and 90s aren't three. This is a political/cultural move to play to the rust belt. If other countries close off trade to us, we will see rising costs and falling jobs.
When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.
name 2
List of American federal politicians convicted of crimes - Wikipedia
this is just federal

No, list two that haven't been convicted yet. From the REPUBLICAN side of the isle.

Or is Trump the only con man in the GOP?
WTF are you talking about??
I said, "i can't believe people would vote for that con man" and someone said basically that they are all con men. Well, if that's true you should be able to name 2 GOP con men who are currently serving but haven't been caught yet.

I know which ones you will toss under the bus. Any of them who went against Trump. LOL.
yeah, but the "platform" is venal and run by an amoral lunatic.

When I see con men like Trump or Billy Graham I wonder how people fall for their crap. Ok before they are caught fine but how do people still believe in Trump or Billy after it comes out that they are clearly con men and liars? Trump, after using charity to get rich, not paying contractors, going bankrupt how many times, gaming the system at every turn. And yet they think this guy is sincere because he said he was? I just don't get it. I understand electing someone good to change Washington but I can't believe they believed Trump would be that guy. He sure sold them through reality tv. They truly believe he's a good person.

And back to Billy Graham. How can anyone consider him a real honest and sincere person when he got caught talking to Nixon and saying what he really feels about the Jews? If you catch a preacher being an asshole secretly, I don't ever want to hear from that guy again. You can not ask for forgiveness when the reality is deep down you are really a scumbag. No we can not pretend you never said those things.

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued.

Graham also confided in Nixon that he hid his true feelings about Jews from them: ''I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (then executive editor) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all -- I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.''

Graham, who had a long history of supporting Israel, apologized profusely after the tapes' release and said he had no recollection of the conversation.

"If it wasn't on tape, I would not have believed it," Graham told Newsweek. "I guess I was trying to please. I felt so badly about myself - I couldn't believe it. I went to a meeting with Jewish leaders and I told them I would crawl to them to ask their forgiveness."
Because there are so many politicians who aren’t con men.
name 2
Blagojevich---big time jackass con man

You had to go back to 2009 to find a con man?

This is the problem with Republicans. They have been convinced that all politicians are con men. Who convinced them of this? It was the Republicans. Why? Because that way whenever they get caught doing something wrong, their faithful followers blow it off. Why? Because "all politicians are con men".

So Republicans can never lose when it comes to their supporters. They could shoot someone dead in the streets and not lose one supporter.

And Republicans don't care if you get turned off to the whole process and just don't show up to vote at all. It's the next best thing to getting you to vote for them. If you aren't going to vote for them at least stay home. Then they still win.
hahahaah---THREE out of FOUR corrupt/conmen Il governers !!!!!!!!!!!
did you not read that??!!!??
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
Independent is not an independent but rather a Trumpbot, at least on this issue.

And it's not an economic argument. The jobs we lost in the 80s and 90s aren't three. This is a political/cultural move to play to the rust belt. If other countries close off trade to us, we will see rising costs and falling jobs.

the problem is Donald and his worshippers hate eduction, expertise and ability. so, what does Donald do, he doesn't listen to the people who actually know anything... and the people he appoints to cabinet level positions are intentionally chosen for their lack of ability.... an intentional fuck you to smart people.
Another idiot who does not seem that American workers making a paycheck is more important than the portfolios of Soros and Buffet. If your going to be a superpower you need an industrial base. Wall Street thinks all the fucking peasants will live on McDonald and Wal-Mart wages. Guess they think it’s better to destroy an American family so near slave labor can occur in China.
And the question, how can Canadian workers make steel cheaper? Answer, Canada provides healthcare at 1/4 the cost. You blame them for our workers being not as competive, so yeah, $9 an hour.
I’m not in!
I presume Canada does not allow frivolous lawsuits against MDs.

most jurisdictions provide that a panel hear proposed medical malpractice suits prior to plaintiff's attorney being allowed to commence an action. so I'm not quite sure what "frivolous" cases you're talking about. Plaintiff's lose sometimes... that does not mean their case was "frivolous".

and if a case IS "frivolous" it's up to defendant to make a motion to dismiss....
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

that's what insurance is. and when a doctor screws up, they cause a lot of damage. the only response to that which I've ever heard from rightwingnuts is to limit damages payable to injured parties.

that is idiotic.... but i'll go with it as soon as doctors can limit the damage they cause when they screw up.

I couldn't agree more. To hell with protecting consumers and sick folks. Protect the folks who do the damage. That will lead to a better system and better outcomes for future patients, right? The Paul Ryans of this world are scumbags.

And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
China builds a larger military and takes your life away from you.

China only supplies 4% of our steel. How is this going to hit them? Try educating yourself moron.,
Educate yourself. Tariffs long overdue...
Tariffs on steel, aluminum are long overdue
Conservatives now support artificially setting the price for commodities. Conservative socialism is hitting it's stride. Other ways cons meddle in the free market? Punishing a company like Delta for making decisions that they think are best for their bottom line. And of course steering government contracts to their friends and family, their donators, to the tune of billions of dollars, even though their friends can't do the job.

All this has been tried before. The Soviet's had a planned economy all the way from 1920 to 1980. They, two artificially tried to change the economics of the free enterprise system.
What is "all this?" A couple of tariffs turns us into a planned economy?

Yes it does. The effects of this are wide reaching. 144 million workers in steel producing industries will be hurt. Millions more consumers will be hurt.
Consumers? Of what? Dollar Store products? Traitor assholes at Wal Mart? The best thing that could ever happen to America is shutting down Wal Mart and creating real heavy industry as the driving force behind our economy.
refer to Wikipedia's article entitled “Import Certificates”

These and similar schemes seem to be widely in use by countries that import U.S. goods, but the idea is verboten for the U.S. itself.

Annual trade deficits are always net detrimental to their nations' GDPs and thus to some extent detrimental to their numbers of jobs. ... I'm opposed to USA current seeking a policy of pure free trade that entirely tolerates annual trade deficits of goods.

This is a very frustrating subject. "Free trade" advocacy in U.S. political context is almost always in favor of freely accepting imports to the U.S. without any effort to require U.S. trade partners to accept our exports without unfair one-sided tariffs.

Although we all benefit from cheaper imported goods, annual trade deficits' net detriments to USA's economy is primarily to the financial net detriment of USA's aggregate employees, their dependents, and enterprises more dependent upon the financial conditions of those segments of USA's population.

I agree with you for the most part. However we have a large permanent underclass in the U.S. who, if they don't have felony records for petty crimes, have mental illness records, or trouble getting along with previous employers, or alleged bad rental history, or for some other reason are permanently excluded from employment and housing. The underclass in the U.S. cannot survive without access to cheap staple goods.

The permanent and irrevocable downward mobility problem in the U.S. must be fixed before we can enforce "our" side of the fair trade bargain against Europe and Asia. THEY TOOK OUR JOBS AWAY, and the U.S. government is not willing to give us our jobs back as it proposes to "fix" the trade imbalance.
most jurisdictions provide that a panel hear proposed medical malpractice suits prior to plaintiff's attorney being allowed to commence an action. so I'm not quite sure what "frivolous" cases you're talking about. Plaintiff's lose sometimes... that does not mean their case was "frivolous".

and if a case IS "frivolous" it's up to defendant to make a motion to dismiss....
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
You need therapy.
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
Independent is not an independent but rather a Trumpbot, at least on this issue.

And it's not an economic argument. The jobs we lost in the 80s and 90s aren't three. This is a political/cultural move to play to the rust belt. If other countries close off trade to us, we will see rising costs and falling jobs.
Jerkoff, I see hands on what both “Parties” have done to the US.
I only had two people to vote for and Sanders lost as the nominee.
You’re Canadian?
Then fuck off concerning the US.
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
Independent is not an independent but rather a Trumpbot, at least on this issue.

And it's not an economic argument. The jobs we lost in the 80s and 90s aren't three. This is a political/cultural move to play to the rust belt. If other countries close off trade to us, we will see rising costs and falling jobs.

the problem is Donald and his worshippers hate eduction, expertise and ability. so, what does Donald do, he doesn't listen to the people who actually know anything... and the people he appoints to cabinet level positions are intentionally chosen for their lack of ability.... an intentional fuck you to smart people.
Hyperbole much?
Why do you think the average MD pays between 120K - 200k, post tax, for Liability Insurance?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
You need therapy.

You support a madman and I need therapy? That's rich. We'll all see who is or is not delusional very soon. The investigation into the yellow scourge is heating up and Mueller is getting more and more hard evidence of not only collusion but Money laundering, treason, but it'll be called Conspiracy against the U.S., Obstruction of justice, and more than likely tax evasion or other charges of a financial nature. And all of us on the side of our country will rejoice and toast the end of the yellow scourge and the beginnings of the healing. And you'll be wondering how on earth you could have been such a fool. No sympathy from me, you made your bed and now you'll have to just learn to live with those moronic decisions. I hope it becomes a cautionary tale for all you naive suckers. Can I interest you in a Tie made in Bangladesh?
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
You need therapy.

You support a madman and I need therapy? That's rich. We'll all see who is or is not delusional very soon. The investigation into the yellow scourge is heating up and Mueller is getting more and more hard evidence of not only collusion but Money laundering, treason, but it'll be called Conspiracy against the U.S., Obstruction of justice, and more than likely tax evasion or other charges of a financial nature. And all of us on the side of our country will rejoice and toast the end of the yellow scourge and the beginnings of the healing. And you'll be wondering how on earth you could have been such a fool. No sympathy from me, you made your bed and now you'll have to just learn to live with those moronic decisions. I hope it becomes a cautionary tale for all you naive suckers. Can I interest you in a Tie made in Bangladesh?
As I stated earlier today...
Fuck Trump.
I support the platform.
Mueller ain't accomplishing shit except for the huge lulu check he gets every two weeks.
I bet you're drooling at night hoping for "President Pence".
You're such a demented moron.
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
Independent is not an independent but rather a Trumpbot, at least on this issue.

And it's not an economic argument. The jobs we lost in the 80s and 90s aren't three. This is a political/cultural move to play to the rust belt. If other countries close off trade to us, we will see rising costs and falling jobs.

the problem is Donald and his worshippers hate eduction, expertise and ability. so, what does Donald do, he doesn't listen to the people who actually know anything... and the people he appoints to cabinet level positions are intentionally chosen for their lack of ability.... an intentional fuck you to smart people.
Like Ben Carson. I wonder what damage he’s doing or Betsy devos

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