President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
Independent is not an independent but rather a Trumpbot, at least on this issue.

And it's not an economic argument. The jobs we lost in the 80s and 90s aren't three. This is a political/cultural move to play to the rust belt. If other countries close off trade to us, we will see rising costs and falling jobs.

the problem is Donald and his worshippers hate eduction, expertise and ability. so, what does Donald do, he doesn't listen to the people who actually know anything... and the people he appoints to cabinet level positions are intentionally chosen for their lack of ability.... an intentional fuck you to smart people.
Like Ben Carson. I wonder what damage he’s doing or Betsy devos

and that's the least of it.... its the department of state, with Vlad's hand-picked secretary and recipient of the Russian "friendship medal"... where the real problem is.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
Independent is not an independent but rather a Trumpbot, at least on this issue.

And it's not an economic argument. The jobs we lost in the 80s and 90s aren't three. This is a political/cultural move to play to the rust belt. If other countries close off trade to us, we will see rising costs and falling jobs.

the problem is Donald and his worshippers hate eduction, expertise and ability. so, what does Donald do, he doesn't listen to the people who actually know anything... and the people he appoints to cabinet level positions are intentionally chosen for their lack of ability.... an intentional fuck you to smart people.
Like Ben Carson. I wonder what damage he’s doing or Betsy devos

and that's the least of it.... its the department of state, with Vlad's hand-picked secretary and recipient of the Russian "friendship medal"... where the real problem is.
I actually like Rex tillerson.
Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
Independent is not an independent but rather a Trumpbot, at least on this issue.

And it's not an economic argument. The jobs we lost in the 80s and 90s aren't three. This is a political/cultural move to play to the rust belt. If other countries close off trade to us, we will see rising costs and falling jobs.

the problem is Donald and his worshippers hate eduction, expertise and ability. so, what does Donald do, he doesn't listen to the people who actually know anything... and the people he appoints to cabinet level positions are intentionally chosen for their lack of ability.... an intentional fuck you to smart people.
Like Ben Carson. I wonder what damage he’s doing or Betsy devos

and that's the least of it.... its the department of state, with Vlad's hand-picked secretary and recipient of the Russian "friendship medal"... where the real problem is.
I actually like Rex tillerson.
Because he's a gentleman...who is a Globalist.
He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
You need therapy.

You support a madman and I need therapy? That's rich. We'll all see who is or is not delusional very soon. The investigation into the yellow scourge is heating up and Mueller is getting more and more hard evidence of not only collusion but Money laundering, treason, but it'll be called Conspiracy against the U.S., Obstruction of justice, and more than likely tax evasion or other charges of a financial nature. And all of us on the side of our country will rejoice and toast the end of the yellow scourge and the beginnings of the healing. And you'll be wondering how on earth you could have been such a fool. No sympathy from me, you made your bed and now you'll have to just learn to live with those moronic decisions. I hope it becomes a cautionary tale for all you naive suckers. Can I interest you in a Tie made in Bangladesh?
As I stated earlier today...
Fuck Trump.
I support the platform.
Mueller ain't accomplishing shit except for the huge lulu check he gets every two weeks.
I bet you're drooling at night hoping for "President Pence".
You're such a demented moron.

Hi, .Demented Moron here. How the fuck do you know what Mueller has or doesn't have? Just because his sheep can't see what's right in front of them doesn't mean everyone is brain dead. We haven't had any reason to celebrate lately (since Jan 20) but soon there will be quite a lot to cheer about. Our country will have carved out the diseased portion of our govt and the healing can begin. I just hope our allies don't think the whole population is as clueless and out of touch with reality as Trump and his rats who are abandoning the sinking ship of fools are. Maybe we can mend relationships and apologize for the temporary insanity. And, BTW if you don't mind I prefer to be called DeMo. Sounds snappy.
This tariff ain’t going to happen. Trump is a weakling, and weaklings always back down.

Mark my words.
Actually there is a much simpler way to straighten out the mess. We have many types of brain drain visas and residence permits. Trump should use them to the max to do just that.
Which in no way challenges my point.

We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.
I’m not going to say we have some trade imbalances but there’s a right way to fix them and a wrong way. Consequences.

You would need to first point out the specific flaw and then explain how you’re gonna fix it. Trump wants to do what? Sounds like he’s not that bright. Are we going to tariff the shoe industry and help those workers?

The flaw, imo, is hidden in the details of a million pages of trade laws and regulations and subsidizes that effectively fixes the trade "game" against US.

It is a broad problem and Trump is addressing it with a broad solution.

These other nations, they didn't accidentally build trade barriers. They know what they need to do to fix it.

This is on them.

Or they can blow up world trade and see how they like that.
You really believe trumps going to do that to business and for workers?

I think Trump is the only one that even claimed he would try.
Oh yes Trump has no problem saying something that isn't true.

I saw this and thought of you

On Inauguration Day, President Trump stood in front of the U.S. Capitol and vowed that his “America First” agenda would bring jobs back to the United States.

“We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs,” he declared, adding: “We will follow two simple rules — buy American and hire American.”

Looking on from the front of the stage was Trump’s daughter Ivanka, the celebrity and fashion entrepreneur who would soon join him in the White House.

The first daughter’s cause would be improving the lives of working women, a theme she had developed at her clothing line. She also brought a direct link to the global economy the president was railing against — a connection that was playing out at that very moment on the Pacific coast.

As the Trumps stood on stage, a hulking container ship called the OOCL Ho Chi Minh City was pulling into the harbor of Long Beach, Calif., carrying around 500 pounds of foreign-made Ivanka Trump spandex-knit blouses.

Another 10 ships hauling Ivanka Trump-branded shoes, cardigans and leather handbags bound for the United States were floating in the north Pacific and Atlantic oceans and off the coasts of Malta, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea and Yemen.

Those global journeys — along with millions of pounds of Ivanka Trump products imported into the United States in more than 2,000 shipments since 2010 — illustrate how her business practices collide with some of the key principles she and her father have championed in the White House.

She talks about working women. Her father says “buy American.” We go inside Ivanka Inc.

The irony of a billionaire who has outsourced being the ONLY one who even says he would try, has been repeatedly discussed.

What point do you think that makes?
2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.

Whomever told you the US did not subsidize industries was lying to you.

We have a trade deficit because the citizens of this country have the financial power to buy things from other countries. Just like the trade deficit you have with your grocery store.

1. I'm not sure what penny ante crap you are referring to, but if we are, the results show we are doing it very badly, and it does not change the fact that our trade policy needs drastic change.

2. German consumers aren't free to buy shit? Japanese consumers aren't free to buy shit? Chinese consumers aren't free to buy shit?

German and Japanese people are free to consume but there is no consumer culture as there is in the US. Both countries have higher savings rates than the US. The Japanese government has tried to encourage more consumption but has largely failed. China is essentially a third world country. Per capita income is closer to that of a third world country.
In the 35 years since Reagan screwed up our tax rates to Pander to the riches, our rate of saving that

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.
Pence as "Trump Whisperer" :9:
GOP Leaders Look to Pence on Tariffs :bigboy:
“Pence, according to more than a half-dozen White House and Capitol Hill aides, has been quietly delivering messages to the president from Republicans on the Hill, who have publicly opposed the tariffs plan set to be announced as early as Thursday—though he’s made sure to maintain a studiously neutral position, to the frustration of some who had hoped he would do more to exert influence over Trump.:71::777:
You evidently that US workers are rated most productive only because they work more hours, right?
Of course not because you're an idiot.

I live in Republican territory & our school districts are run by REPUBLICANS. Look at that map you Trumpettes keep parading & look at all those red states. You brag about how many State legislatures Republicas control & how masny Republican governors there are. So reaklly, how rthe fuck can you make such an stupid ignorant comment?

Don't blame your failure in school on Democrats. Democrats want to properly fund schools & Republicans want to prioperly fund corporations.
Seems to me the teachers are Democrats at least the good ones LOL and the administrators are Republicans and gym teachers...

The Administrators are even more likely to be dems.

Do you even know any teachers?
I was a teacher for 10 years...

Then why you talking shit about administrators being republicans? Were you teaching in freaking Alaska or rural Montana?
Rural upstate New York five or six schools.

How much flak you take from those republicans for being a liberal? They shit can your career?
2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.

Whomever told you the US did not subsidize industries was lying to you.

We have a trade deficit because the citizens of this country have the financial power to buy things from other countries. Just like the trade deficit you have with your grocery store.

1. I'm not sure what penny ante crap you are referring to, but if we are, the results show we are doing it very badly, and it does not change the fact that our trade policy needs drastic change.

2. German consumers aren't free to buy shit? Japanese consumers aren't free to buy shit? Chinese consumers aren't free to buy shit?

German and Japanese people are free to consume but there is no consumer culture as there is in the US. Both countries have higher savings rates than the US. The Japanese government has tried to encourage more consumption but has largely failed. China is essentially a third world country. Per capita income is closer to that of a third world country.
In the 35 years since Reagan screwed up our tax rates to Pander to the riches, our rate of saving that

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

Blaming the consumption of imports on politicians is ridiculous. Americans, like every other population on earth, have a choice. They can buy American. No one is forcing them to buy imports. They buy imports because they’re cheaper. YOU, as in the US population, are the authors of your own misfortune.

When I bought my new sofa two years ago, I made a point of buying one that was made in Canada. I could have gone to a cheap discount store and bought an import for less, but I wanted something well built which will last. And I wanted to support Canadian companies.

Studies have routines shown that Canadians will pay a bit more if something is made in Canada. Americans don’t do that. They shop for the lowest possible price. Then they complain about their jobs being off-shored.

It’s not the government that shipped your jobs overseas, it’s American consumers in their quest for ever lower prices who are largely to blame.

The US has always valued cheap goods and relied on cheap labour over jobs for their citizens. Your economy was built on slave labour, then “guest workers” who could be shipped home when times got tough, and now illegal immigrants.

Until Americans start buying American, you’re going to have trade deficits, and off-shoring.
You evidently that US workers are rated most productive only because they work more hours, right?
Of course not because you're an idiot.

I live in Republican territory & our school districts are run by REPUBLICANS. Look at that map you Trumpettes keep parading & look at all those red states. You brag about how many State legislatures Republicas control & how masny Republican governors there are. So reaklly, how rthe fuck can you make such an stupid ignorant comment?

Don't blame your failure in school on Democrats. Democrats want to properly fund schools & Republicans want to prioperly fund corporations.
Seems to me the teachers are Democrats at least the good ones LOL and the administrators are Republicans and gym teachers...

The Administrators are even more likely to be dems.

Do you even know any teachers?
I was a teacher for 10 years...

Then why you talking shit about administrators being republicans? Were you teaching in freaking Alaska or rural Montana?
Because I know what I'm talking about, not just parroting High School grad bought off GOP pundits, dupe. Our problems aren't due to liberals, but due to lying scumbag GOP propaganda and idiots like you..

Jeez, that's kind of odd.

You are ridiculing people for being the people you educated....

Do you see that you just insulted yourself?
1. Their government obviously disagree, or they would not feel they needed to cheat in order to win.

2. Productivity of US workers is better than German. These Are the Most Productive Countries in the World

3. Which party dominates the Education Industry from kindergarten to post grad? HInt: It's not the republicans.

4. My post was completely on topic. Drop the stop rhetorical games.
We still have 3 2 six million technical jobs going begging because the GOP blocks spending money on training and education for workers, unlike Germany, and we also don't have other government support for industry, like subsidies, all to save the greedy idiot mega-rich GOP from paying their fair share in taxes, dupe. 35 years of slowly ruining the middle class and the country. Great job GOP.

1. We'v been throwing money at "training" for decades, it's become nothing but a buzzword, not a real policy.

2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.
Bulshit idiot. Must save greedy idiot mega-rich brainwashers from paying their fair share, right dupe ? And of course we don't tax our giant corporations enough either , a subsidy in itself...

1. My point on "training" stands.

2. My point on our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry stands. YOu have not explained why we should let them fuck US.

3. We do tax corporation plenty. Does the U.S. have the highest corporate tax rate in the free world?

"But whereas the statutory rate is relatively straightforward and uncontroversial, different, reputable organizations have published very different estimates of the effective tax rate that corporations pay.

The most recent estimate comes from the World Bank and International Finance Commission, which put the United States’ effective rate for 2014 at 27.9 percent. That’s second-highest behind New Zealand among OECD countries and 15th-highest among the 189 countries measured.

In 2011, the Tax Foundation published a survey of 13 prior estimates of the United States’ effective tax rate from 2005 to 2011. All 13 studies pegged the U.S.’s rate as above average, but none had the U.S. rate first overall.

Another 2011 study by the Congressional Research Service put the U.S. effective rate at 27.1 percent, slightly lower than the OECD average of 27.7 percent."
Blah blah blah... But You dupes always talk about Airbus but Boeing very often pays nothing in taxes...Boeing Paid No Federal Income Tax Last Year: Analysis | HuffPost
1. Their government obviously disagree, or they would not feel they needed to cheat in order to win.

2. Productivity of US workers is better than German. These Are the Most Productive Countries in the World

3. Which party dominates the Education Industry from kindergarten to post grad? HInt: It's not the republicans.

4. My post was completely on topic. Drop the stop rhetorical games.
We still have 3 2 six million technical jobs going begging because the GOP blocks spending money on training and education for workers, unlike Germany, and we also don't have other government support for industry, like subsidies, all to save the greedy idiot mega-rich GOP from paying their fair share in taxes, dupe. 35 years of slowly ruining the middle class and the country. Great job GOP.

1. We'v been throwing money at "training" for decades, it's become nothing but a buzzword, not a real policy.

2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.
Bulshit idiot. Must save greedy idiot mega-rich brainwashers from paying their fair share, right dupe ? And of course we don't tax our giant corporations enough either , a subsidy in itself...

1. My point on "training" stands.

2. My point on our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry stands. YOu have not explained why we should let them fuck US.

3. We do tax corporation plenty. Does the U.S. have the highest corporate tax rate in the free world?

"But whereas the statutory rate is relatively straightforward and uncontroversial, different, reputable organizations have published very different estimates of the effective tax rate that corporations pay.

The most recent estimate comes from the World Bank and International Finance Commission, which put the United States’ effective rate for 2014 at 27.9 percent. That’s second-highest behind New Zealand among OECD countries and 15th-highest among the 189 countries measured.

In 2011, the Tax Foundation published a survey of 13 prior estimates of the United States’ effective tax rate from 2005 to 2011. All 13 studies pegged the U.S.’s rate as above average, but none had the U.S. rate first overall.

Another 2011 study by the Congressional Research Service put the U.S. effective rate at 27.1 percent, slightly lower than the OECD average of 27.7 percent."
Blah blah blah... But You dupes always talk about Airbus but Boeing very often pays nothing in taxes...Boeing Paid No Federal Income Tax Last Year: Analysis | HuffPost

1. Their point about deferring taxes during a period of high investment seems reasonable.

2. Are you trying to imply that those tax deferrals balance out the subsidizes our trade "partners" have been doing? The massive trade deficits seem to undermine your claim.
Which in no way challenges my point.

We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.
I’m not going to say we have some trade imbalances but there’s a right way to fix them and a wrong way. Consequences.

You would need to first point out the specific flaw and then explain how you’re gonna fix it. Trump wants to do what? Sounds like he’s not that bright. Are we going to tariff the shoe industry and help those workers?

The flaw, imo, is hidden in the details of a million pages of trade laws and regulations and subsidizes that effectively fixes the trade "game" against US.

It is a broad problem and Trump is addressing it with a broad solution.

These other nations, they didn't accidentally build trade barriers. They know what they need to do to fix it.

This is on them.

Or they can blow up world trade and see how they like that.
You really believe trumps going to do that to business and for workers?

I think Trump is the only one that even claimed he would try.
So why is his top economic advisor leaving? They say trumps talk about tariffs had something to do with it.

David dennison

Don't know, don't care. If he wasn't up for Trump's America First agenda, he was stupid to get on board in the first place.
German and Japanese people are free to consume but there is no consumer culture as there is in the US. Both countries have higher savings rates than the US. The Japanese government has tried to encourage more consumption but has largely failed. China is essentially a third world country. Per capita income is closer to that of a third world country.
In the 35 years since Reagan screwed up our tax rates to Pander to the riches, our rate of saving that's gone totally to hell, stupid. Under Bush it was negative. Before the corrupt 2008 bush World depression...

Run along Karl, you lost.
Because of totally misinformed Dupes like you Gomer.

Sure thing Karl.
How's the Hillary, Foundation, Obama, holder, etc etc etc prosecutions coming along, fool?

With the political bias revealed in the FBI, gloating about past failed investigations, is not really called for.
I’m not going to say we have some trade imbalances but there’s a right way to fix them and a wrong way. Consequences.

You would need to first point out the specific flaw and then explain how you’re gonna fix it. Trump wants to do what? Sounds like he’s not that bright. Are we going to tariff the shoe industry and help those workers?

The flaw, imo, is hidden in the details of a million pages of trade laws and regulations and subsidizes that effectively fixes the trade "game" against US.

It is a broad problem and Trump is addressing it with a broad solution.

These other nations, they didn't accidentally build trade barriers. They know what they need to do to fix it.

This is on them.

Or they can blow up world trade and see how they like that.
You really believe trumps going to do that to business and for workers?

I think Trump is the only one that even claimed he would try.
Oh yes Trump has no problem saying something that isn't true.

I saw this and thought of you

On Inauguration Day, President Trump stood in front of the U.S. Capitol and vowed that his “America First” agenda would bring jobs back to the United States.

“We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs,” he declared, adding: “We will follow two simple rules — buy American and hire American.”

Looking on from the front of the stage was Trump’s daughter Ivanka, the celebrity and fashion entrepreneur who would soon join him in the White House.

The first daughter’s cause would be improving the lives of working women, a theme she had developed at her clothing line. She also brought a direct link to the global economy the president was railing against — a connection that was playing out at that very moment on the Pacific coast.

As the Trumps stood on stage, a hulking container ship called the OOCL Ho Chi Minh City was pulling into the harbor of Long Beach, Calif., carrying around 500 pounds of foreign-made Ivanka Trump spandex-knit blouses.

Another 10 ships hauling Ivanka Trump-branded shoes, cardigans and leather handbags bound for the United States were floating in the north Pacific and Atlantic oceans and off the coasts of Malta, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea and Yemen.

Those global journeys — along with millions of pounds of Ivanka Trump products imported into the United States in more than 2,000 shipments since 2010 — illustrate how her business practices collide with some of the key principles she and her father have championed in the White House.

She talks about working women. Her father says “buy American.” We go inside Ivanka Inc.

The irony of a billionaire who has outsourced being the ONLY one who even says he would try, has been repeatedly discussed.

What point do you think that makes?

I don't think he has a problem with outsourcing. You probably think he wants to fix the rigged system. I don't.
Why is the US constantly having massive trade deficits, with nearly all of our partners?
Because we’re crazy rich and we want the rest of the world’s stuff

That's not why the EU subsidized Airbus, to the loss of thousands of very high tech, high paying jobs.

They couldn't compete, so they cheated and benefited their workers and their economies at the expense of ours.

I want those jobs back for America and Americans.

This was not the way Free Trade was supposed to work.

If I remember correctly Ryanair (one of Europe's largest airlines) ordered 100s of Boeings over the years which is US government backed

Ryanair orders 100 Boeing 737s
"For Boeing, in financial difficulties for the last quarter, 85% of the deal will be guaranteed by the US government."

These types of deals have continued for years... Ryanair runs an almost all new fleet.

Now here is the problem...

View attachment 179771

That is Germany and it is high end steel US imports which it has trouble producing themselves.... Look where china is...

The Limits of 'Made in America' Economics

"The E.U. has sworn to fight back if the Trump White House goes ahead and is reportedly already preparing measures, such as levies on American whiskey, rum, orange juice, potatoes, and tomatoes."

This was just stupid...

That one deal does not change the fact of Airbus supports, nor the mindset that it reveals in their governments.

They are out to fuck US, and they have been doing so.

If their response to US refuses to be their bitch is to blow up world trade,

so much for them being the mature ones.

And what is the problem? I thought Trade Deficits didn't matter?

So what are they pissed off about?

Seems they think that trade surplus matter to them.


The US wasn't looking to screw Europe when they placed in these huge guaranteed loans for Boeing purchases in 2002-3... They were defending American jobs... Guess what EU defend EU jobs too..

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

When Europe’s taxpayers objected to the $26 billion in subsidies Airbus had gotten by 1990, German aerospace coordinator Erich Riedl was dismissive, “We don’t care about criticism from small-minded pencil-pushers.”

The facts are that like the US, EU has a few stupid tarrifs too... This happens but what Trump did here was to throw start a pissing war...

I actually hope the EU does nothing... Tarrifs will cost just US jobs most..

If trade deficits/surpluses don't matter, than why would they do anything?

But it must be said with US having real enemies around the world, Trump goes and picks fights with his allies to the point where he will hurt US business and jobs to try and prove a point...

Loss of jobs, cause real pain to people. White Americans actually had a DECLINE in life span last report. A freaking decline.

This is not about not being able to afford a new SUV ever other year. People are dying. Whole towns are dying. Lots of them.

By the way German Steel is make a lot of high carbon-high quality steel used in certain areas... Not all Steel is the same... China's is usually low grade... Japan can make a steel to a standard that no else is making (they also produce some crap too)...

When US manufacturing is using steel they need certain types of steel, Trump for example used cheap Chinese steel in his buildings, maybe that is what he wanted and the Chinese are good at cheap.

So trying to paint Canada and EU as some kind of enemy is just a joke... They pay their workers well and have different ways of working... US steel jobs have been robbed by automation, since 1990 US Steel production is only down 12.5% but US Steel Jobs are down 57%

Automation is not an excuse to let other people US. Germany has TWICE the level of manufacturing employment we have.
Germany's behavior, revealed in the WTO airbus ruling, shows that they don't believe that their workers are better, they think they need to subsidize their manufacturers to take American jobs.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

When Europe’s taxpayers objected to the $26 billion in subsidies Airbus had gotten by 1990, German aerospace coordinator Erich Riedl was dismissive, “We don’t care about criticism from small-minded pencil-pushers.”


"smaller", "Menial", these are just meaningless buzzwords. Airplane and car manufacturing is not menial, nor low paying.

These nations desperately want these jobs. Why do you think that is?
Their workers are better, that's why they have more manufacturing jobs and we have 3 to 6 million techie manufacturing jobs going begging. The GOP makes us stupid in order to protect their precious greedy idiot mega-rich a-holes. Try staying on subject.

1. Their government obviously disagree, or they would not feel they needed to cheat in order to win.

2. Productivity of US workers is better than German. These Are the Most Productive Countries in the World

3. Which party dominates the Education Industry from kindergarten to post grad? HInt: It's not the republicans.

4. My post was completely on topic. Drop the stop rhetorical games.
We still have 3 2 six million technical jobs going begging because the GOP blocks spending money on training and education for workers, unlike Germany, and we also don't have other government support for industry, like subsidies, all to save the greedy idiot mega-rich GOP from paying their fair share in taxes, dupe. 35 years of slowly ruining the middle class and the country. Great job GOP.

1. We'v been throwing money at "training" for decades, it's become nothing but a buzzword, not a real policy.

2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.

Trump just subsidized our corporations through his dumbass tax cut.

Did you just implicitly admit my two points you "replied to", but did not challenge?

1. We'v been throwing money at "training" for decades, it's become nothing but a buzzword, not a real policy.

2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.
Germany's behavior, revealed in the WTO airbus ruling, shows that they don't believe that their workers are better, they think they need to subsidize their manufacturers to take American jobs.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

When Europe’s taxpayers objected to the $26 billion in subsidies Airbus had gotten by 1990, German aerospace coordinator Erich Riedl was dismissive, “We don’t care about criticism from small-minded pencil-pushers.”


"smaller", "Menial", these are just meaningless buzzwords. Airplane and car manufacturing is not menial, nor low paying.

These nations desperately want these jobs. Why do you think that is?
Their workers are better, that's why they have more manufacturing jobs and we have 3 to 6 million techie manufacturing jobs going begging. The GOP makes us stupid in order to protect their precious greedy idiot mega-rich a-holes. Try staying on subject.

1. Their government obviously disagree, or they would not feel they needed to cheat in order to win.

2. Productivity of US workers is better than German. These Are the Most Productive Countries in the World

3. Which party dominates the Education Industry from kindergarten to post grad? HInt: It's not the republicans.

4. My post was completely on topic. Drop the stop rhetorical games.

You evidently that US workers are rated most productive only because they work more hours, right?
Of course not because you're an idiot.

I live in Republican territory & our school districts are run by REPUBLICANS. Look at that map you Trumpettes keep parading & look at all those red states. You brag about how many State legislatures Republicas control & how masny Republican governors there are. So reaklly, how rthe fuck can you make such an stupid ignorant comment?

Don't blame your failure in school on Democrats. Democrats want to properly fund schools & Republicans want to prioperly fund corporations.

1. THe link I posted ranked the nations by gdp PER HOUR WORKED, and we were number 5, Germany number 8, so who's the idiot now, asshole?

So, to keep track, your stated reason for US not having twice the level of manufacturing employment, like Germany, was just proved wrong, with hard numbers.

2. I point to the whole industry, the people that do the actual teaching, the ones that implement polices, the ones that come up with policies, and you point to politicians, as though liberals follow orders they don't like.

So, let me get this straight.

You claimed that US workers were the most productive & now you are claiming they are not and ytou have the nerve to call someone else an asshole? My God.
You flip flop more than your orange hero.

I was responding to Franco's claim that our workers are poorly trained due to republicans.

He made that claim because he want's to blame American workers for our massive trade deficits.

I blame Trade Policy, ours and our trade "partners", not our workers.
I just read in a newspaper that a steel production company has opened up its doors and is getting ready to start making US steel again. Making our own steel makes us less dependent on foreign countries, especially those who hate our guts. Oh, the horror.


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