President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Which is better/worse?

1) The US steel company making it own steel from US raw materials
2) A US steel company making its own steel using a sizeable portion of imported raw materials?
(Some steel companies might import billets to roll into steel products)
3) A foreign company builds a steel plant here in the US using US raw materials
4) A US company that owns a mill in another country
5) A foreign company owns a mill & imports it's raw materials

The answer might differ if you look at it from a jobs view than if you looked at it in terms of corporate profits or national security.

I once lost an order because the buyer wanted a guarantee that the product was manufactured in the US using US made raw materials. We had one item that was sourced from pipe yards & did not always have traceability even though we knew with some certainty they were manufactured in the US. The guy bought products made from Koppel Steel right here in PA. Koppel is a Russian owned steel mill. So yes there areAmerican jobs aty Koppel but profits go to Russia & some to Trump's buddy Vlad.

It is not always clear.

Trump wants foreign companies to build factories on the US. This is his goal. Are we going to be someone else's workforce & that's it? Not my idea of American strength.
Coal is currently the source of 40% of world electricity production.

And it's declining rapidly. What was the share of coal of world electricity production 10 years ago? It was much higher, wasn't it? So I want to know why you think you can get away with removing context in an argument that relies entirely on context? What is the share of coal in the US domestic market now vs. 10 years ago?

Coal isn't coming back. It's dying.

A single post ago, you claimed it was already dead. NOw it's "dying". And didn't we have this exact conversation before?

40 per cent of world electricity production, "dying" could take generations. That's tens of thousands of high paying jobs that you might be will to just flush and damn the people that could have had those jobs, but I'm not.

1982 Reagan in office.
1996 Bill Clinton in office.
So, your crazy anti-republican rant, and giving Obama the credit for the US solar industry, is just plain wrong.

Sigh...who holds the patents on solar cells? What country do they reside? Not the US; Germany and China. We don't hold the patents for solar cells, which are what makes solar panels work. Those patents are held overseas; we cannot manufacture solar cells without paying an exorbitant license fee to the patent holders, who reside overseas.

How is it possible you know less than nothing about this topic?[/QUOTE]

You made some claims. That you cut. I refuted them. Nothing in your new posts, challenges my refutations of your previous claims.

Link to support your claim that we can't compete with solar cell production because of patents held overseas.

Trade policy that leads to wage growth for the working class and middle class is my goal.

I thought your goal was to increase the deficit and debt and collect more wealth in the hands of the few? Because that's the end result of the policies you support. A trade policy that leads to wage growth for the working and middle class was the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which you opposed and in doing so, ceded the market and influence to China, who will now form trade deals individually with the nations that the TPP included. So you narrow-mindedly disadvantaged us in the global markets because of your stupid "America first" posturing and idiocy.[/QUOTE]

Free Traders, have been claiming that Free Trade deals will do that, since the 70s.

The result has been the exact opposite.

And let's not forget that you are the fool or liar that a single post ago claimed that Coal was "Dead". Your statements have no credibility on their own.

he Cheap labor and outsourcing that generates wealth for the one percent while stagnating wages for the working class and middle class, is the problem that I want to see fixed.

It's not outsourcing or cheap labor that is killing jobs; it's automation and technology. Jobs are being lost to robots, not third world workers. Outsourcing isn't responsible for the recent loss of jobs; automation is. So unless your policy is to discourage automation and innovation, then you don't have a jobs policy in mind. All you have are reactionary policies that don't work.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

It is absurd to claim that outsourcing manufacturing does not reduce jobs here.

Automation is a factor. ONe of several. Focusing on that ONE factor while ignoring others is the height of folly.

You are the one defending the status quo. That is the set of policies that we can see has not worked.
Really? Did Japan become a first world nation by importing a lot of shit? What about South Korea?Is the Chinese massive growth fueled by high imports?Mmmm?

They're not fueled by tariffs, that's for fucking sure.

You can't admit the truth about those nations's economic policies and the results of those policies because it smashes your lies.

Am I wrong? THen answer the fucking questions.

Did Japan become a first world nation by importing a lot of shit? What about South Korea?Is the Chinese massive growth fueled by high imports?Mmmm?
Europe has already announced retaliatory tariffs of Harley-Davidson, and other American products. This will, of course, cost some of these people's jobs. Harley is already in a precarious financial position. i will miss them when Trump's policies put them out of business.
1. Their government obviously disagree, or they would not feel they needed to cheat in order to win.

2. Productivity of US workers is better than German. These Are the Most Productive Countries in the World

3. Which party dominates the Education Industry from kindergarten to post grad? HInt: It's not the republicans.

4. My post was completely on topic. Drop the stop rhetorical games.
We still have 3 2 six million technical jobs going begging because the GOP blocks spending money on training and education for workers, unlike Germany, and we also don't have other government support for industry, like subsidies, all to save the greedy idiot mega-rich GOP from paying their fair share in taxes, dupe. 35 years of slowly ruining the middle class and the country. Great job GOP.

1. We'v been throwing money at "training" for decades, it's become nothing but a buzzword, not a real policy.

2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.

Trump just subsidized our corporations through his dumbass tax cut.

Did you just implicitly admit my two points you "replied to", but did not challenge?

1. We'v been throwing money at "training" for decades, it's become nothing but a buzzword, not a real policy.

2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.

1) We should be guiding more High schoolers towards trades. Where I live, companies have resorted to billboards begging for welders. There is more to be done. Not to say companies should quit whining & do most of their own training. These same companies begging for skilled workers operate on a boom/bust philosophy - hire & layoff - repeat.

2 Some countries to help "save" their industries through various means. As do we through tax breaks & tax cuts. To pretend everyone is bad and we are good is naive. We have anti-dumping laws that can be enforced in those situations instead of blabbing how everyone is going to get hit with these tariffs.

Trump is a fucking idiot,. He knows shit about manufacturing. He knows shit about foreign trade.

The only thing Trump knows is thast he & his daughter uses cheap labor to import their products and their labor for his US properties. But hey MAGA right? This is why I laugh at you people.

1. Sure. Agreed, but...

We've been at that point in the debate for generations now. And nothing has been done to actually do anything.

Hence my comment. People say "training" but the end result is bullshit. Thus, "Buzzwords".

2. THe results speak for themselves. We have been fucked now for generations. Why are we putting up with this shit?

We still have 3 2 six million technical jobs going begging because the GOP blocks spending money on training and education for workers, unlike Germany, and we also don't have other government support for industry, like subsidies, all to save the greedy idiot mega-rich GOP from paying their fair share in taxes, dupe. 35 years of slowly ruining the middle class and the country. Great job GOP.

1. We'v been throwing money at "training" for decades, it's become nothing but a buzzword, not a real policy.

2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.

Trump just subsidized our corporations through his dumbass tax cut.

Did you just implicitly admit my two points you "replied to", but did not challenge?

1. We'v been throwing money at "training" for decades, it's become nothing but a buzzword, not a real policy.

2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.

1) We should be guiding more High schoolers towards trades. Where I live, companies have resorted to billboards begging for welders. There is more to be done. Not to say companies should quit whining & do most of their own training. These same companies begging for skilled workers operate on a boom/bust philosophy - hire & layoff - repeat.

2 Some countries to help "save" their industries through various means. As do we through tax breaks & tax cuts. To pretend everyone is bad and we are good is naive. We have anti-dumping laws that can be enforced in those situations instead of blabbing how everyone is going to get hit with these tariffs.

Trump is a fucking idiot,. He knows shit about manufacturing. He knows shit about foreign trade.

The only thing Trump knows is thast he & his daughter uses cheap labor to import their products and their labor for his US properties. But hey MAGA right? This is why I laugh at you people.

1. Sure. Agreed, but...

We've been at that point in the debate for generations now. And nothing has been done to actually do anything.

Hence my comment. People say "training" but the end result is bullshit. Thus, "Buzzwords".

2. THe results speak for themselves. We have been fucked now for generations. Why are we putting up with this shit?


My Honda costs about the same as a Chevy Malabo. The problem that GM is facing is that the Chevy is a poorly built car. Hence, the demise of the American Auto industry. BTW, my Saturn was cheaper than anything put out in Japan, but was completely worn out and worthless at 40,000 miles. In short, we fucked ourselves.
And Trump blinks. Facing retaliation by Canada, with whom you have a trade surplus, not a deficit, Trump will not be slapping tariffs on Canada or Mexico.

Trump said the tariff would only come off if we signed a new NAFTA deal. Trudeau said “No fucking way. We’ll retaliate with tariffs on produce and wine”. And Trump backed down, faster than cockroach scurrying out of the light.

“The Great Negotiator”! What a tool.

You know, Canada's well being is not served by having America become a Third World Shit hole, as we are well on the way too.

You've done quite well as neighbor to a successful First World America.

You really think that any change in America would likely be a change for the good, from your perspective?

Canada just signed a massive trade deal with the EU. We’re a party to the TPP, which will be signed on Thursday, and the Paris Climate Accord.

Our education system is ranked third in the world, and our corporate tax rate is 25%. Despite our weather, we’re consistently ranked as one of the best places in the world to live, and to do business. We have more personal freedom than Americans. Our government is investing in research and development as well as infrastructure. Last but not least, we have the fastest growing middle class in the world.

The EU deal was signed right after Trump became President. So right now, you need us a whole lot more than we need you.

Like I said, don’t mistake our good manners and willingness to compromise with weakness or gullibility. Had Trudeau caved to Dumb Donald on tariffs or NAFTA, he would definitely be on one-term PM.

MOre freedom? REally?

Try calling this man, a man, and see how fast you get arrested for hate speech.


Don't get me wrong. I have no ill will towards Canada. I wish you well.

Just pointing out that if America goes down in flames, it will not be as great to be our neighbor.
1. We'v been throwing money at "training" for decades, it's become nothing but a buzzword, not a real policy.

2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.

Trump just subsidized our corporations through his dumbass tax cut.

Did you just implicitly admit my two points you "replied to", but did not challenge?

1. We'v been throwing money at "training" for decades, it's become nothing but a buzzword, not a real policy.

2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.

1) We should be guiding more High schoolers towards trades. Where I live, companies have resorted to billboards begging for welders. There is more to be done. Not to say companies should quit whining & do most of their own training. These same companies begging for skilled workers operate on a boom/bust philosophy - hire & layoff - repeat.

2 Some countries to help "save" their industries through various means. As do we through tax breaks & tax cuts. To pretend everyone is bad and we are good is naive. We have anti-dumping laws that can be enforced in those situations instead of blabbing how everyone is going to get hit with these tariffs.

Trump is a fucking idiot,. He knows shit about manufacturing. He knows shit about foreign trade.

The only thing Trump knows is thast he & his daughter uses cheap labor to import their products and their labor for his US properties. But hey MAGA right? This is why I laugh at you people.

1. Sure. Agreed, but...

We've been at that point in the debate for generations now. And nothing has been done to actually do anything.

Hence my comment. People say "training" but the end result is bullshit. Thus, "Buzzwords".

2. THe results speak for themselves. We have been fucked now for generations. Why are we putting up with this shit?


My Honda costs about the same as a Chevy Malabo. The problem that GM is facing is that the Chevy is a poorly built car. Hence, the demise of the American Auto industry. BTW, my Saturn was cheaper than anything put out in Japan, but was completely worn out and worthless at 40,000 miles. In short, we fucked ourselves.

The competition of Free Trade was supposed to fix that. It has not.

NOw what?
Because we’re crazy rich and we want the rest of the world’s stuff

That's not why the EU subsidized Airbus, to the loss of thousands of very high tech, high paying jobs.

They couldn't compete, so they cheated and benefited their workers and their economies at the expense of ours.

I want those jobs back for America and Americans.

This was not the way Free Trade was supposed to work.

If I remember correctly Ryanair (one of Europe's largest airlines) ordered 100s of Boeings over the years which is US government backed

Ryanair orders 100 Boeing 737s
"For Boeing, in financial difficulties for the last quarter, 85% of the deal will be guaranteed by the US government."

These types of deals have continued for years... Ryanair runs an almost all new fleet.

Now here is the problem...

View attachment 179771

That is Germany and it is high end steel US imports which it has trouble producing themselves.... Look where china is...

The Limits of 'Made in America' Economics

"The E.U. has sworn to fight back if the Trump White House goes ahead and is reportedly already preparing measures, such as levies on American whiskey, rum, orange juice, potatoes, and tomatoes."

This was just stupid...

That one deal does not change the fact of Airbus supports, nor the mindset that it reveals in their governments.

They are out to fuck US, and they have been doing so.

If their response to US refuses to be their bitch is to blow up world trade,

so much for them being the mature ones.

And what is the problem? I thought Trade Deficits didn't matter?

So what are they pissed off about?

Seems they think that trade surplus matter to them.


The US wasn't looking to screw Europe when they placed in these huge guaranteed loans for Boeing purchases in 2002-3... They were defending American jobs... Guess what EU defend EU jobs too..

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

When Europe’s taxpayers objected to the $26 billion in subsidies Airbus had gotten by 1990, German aerospace coordinator Erich Riedl was dismissive, “We don’t care about criticism from small-minded pencil-pushers.”

The facts are that like the US, EU has a few stupid tarrifs too... This happens but what Trump did here was to throw start a pissing war...

I actually hope the EU does nothing... Tarrifs will cost just US jobs most..

If trade deficits/surpluses don't matter, than why would they do anything?

But it must be said with US having real enemies around the world, Trump goes and picks fights with his allies to the point where he will hurt US business and jobs to try and prove a point...

Loss of jobs, cause real pain to people. White Americans actually had a DECLINE in life span last report. A freaking decline.

This is not about not being able to afford a new SUV ever other year. People are dying. Whole towns are dying. Lots of them.

By the way German Steel is make a lot of high carbon-high quality steel used in certain areas... Not all Steel is the same... China's is usually low grade... Japan can make a steel to a standard that no else is making (they also produce some crap too)...

When US manufacturing is using steel they need certain types of steel, Trump for example used cheap Chinese steel in his buildings, maybe that is what he wanted and the Chinese are good at cheap.

So trying to paint Canada and EU as some kind of enemy is just a joke... They pay their workers well and have different ways of working... US steel jobs have been robbed by automation, since 1990 US Steel production is only down 12.5% but US Steel Jobs are down 57%

Automation is not an excuse to let other people US. Germany has TWICE the level of manufacturing employment we have.
"You're A-Peein' in Your Pants"

Time to roll up our sleeves and flush the Eurine Union down the drain.
And Trump blinks. Facing retaliation by Canada, with whom you have a trade surplus, not a deficit, Trump will not be slapping tariffs on Canada or Mexico.

Trump said the tariff would only come off if we signed a new NAFTA deal. Trudeau said “No fucking way. We’ll retaliate with tariffs on produce and wine”. And Trump backed down, faster than cockroach scurrying out of the light.

“The Great Negotiator”! What a tool.

You know, Canada's well being is not served by having America become a Third World Shit hole, as we are well on the way too.

You've done quite well as neighbor to a successful First World America.

You really think that any change in America would likely be a change for the good, from your perspective?

Canada just signed a massive trade deal with the EU. We’re a party to the TPP, which will be signed on Thursday, and the Paris Climate Accord.

Our education system is ranked third in the world, and our corporate tax rate is 25%. Despite our weather, we’re consistently ranked as one of the best places in the world to live, and to do business. We have more personal freedom than Americans. Our government is investing in research and development as well as infrastructure. Last but not least, we have the fastest growing middle class in the world.

The EU deal was signed right after Trump became President. So right now, you need us a whole lot more than we need you.

Like I said, don’t mistake our good manners and willingness to compromise with weakness or gullibility. Had Trudeau caved to Dumb Donald on tariffs or NAFTA, he would definitely be on one-term PM.
Are you accepting US refugees?
A single post ago, you claimed it was already dead. NOw it's "dying". And didn't we have this exact conversation before? 40 per cent of world electricity production, "dying" could take generations. That's tens of thousands of high paying jobs that you might be will to just flush and damn the people that could have had those jobs, but I'm not.

Coal jobs are high-paying jobs? According to whom? Aren't coal miners in Appalachia among the poorest in the country? In fact, in coal-mining Kentucky, most white workers are on some kind of welfare. The county with the highest number of people on SNAP is in coal country. And yes, you can say coal is dead if it is dying. Which it is. It's also not coming back.

You made some claims. That you cut. I refuted them. Nothing in your new posts, challenges my refutations of your previous claims. Link to support your claim that we can't compete with solar cell production because of patents held overseas.


From Apple Insider:
Growth in the U.S. solar installation industry has benefited by rapidly falling prices in solar panels from China. American solar manufacturers have fallen behind in technology and production capacity because the U.S. hasn't invested in domestic solar research, development and production--just as it hasn't invested in manufacturing or training specialized tool and die workers and other critical components of the manufacturing supply chain--in the way China enthusiastically has. Much of the new research in solar technology has also been funded in Germany, which Wilkie said holds the majority of patents.

As a result, American firms can't compete in building inferior solar panels domestically, and can't even import foreign components to assemble panels in the U.S. due to the Drumpf tariffs covering anything related to solar.

Free Traders, have been claiming that Free Trade deals will do that, since the 70s.
The result has been the exact opposite.
And let's not forget that you are the fool or liar that a single post ago claimed that Coal was "Dead". Your statements have no credibility on their own..

Without trade deals, there are no intellectual property protections or enforcement. So what happens is places like China pirate that stuff and end up producing their own knock-off goods that they then flood the market. That's why pulling out of TPP was the stupidest idea in the world; you've ceded intellectual property to China's pirates.

It is absurd to claim that outsourcing manufacturing does not reduce jobs here.

Not what I said! You're doing that shitty Conservative thing again where you deliberately misstate and mis-understand what I said in order to make a bullshit argument. Jobs aren't being lost to outsourcing, they're being lost to robots. That's the reality of today. Whether or not you want to believe it doesn't matter because it's happening regardless of your feelings. So unless you have a plan for automation, any jobs policy you think you have is just reactionary bullshit and not a long-term strategy.

Automation is a factor. ONe of several. Focusing on that ONE factor while ignoring others is the height of folly.

Automation is the factor here. It's not one on the same level as the others; it is the predominant one and the one that is causing the most downsizing. To pretend that a Chinese worker is taking an American's job is to believe in nationalistic nonsense. China isn't taking our jobs; robots are. That's a fact of life for most manufacturing workers here in the US. Automation has killed more jobs than outsourcing ever will or ever has.

You are the one defending the status quo. That is the set of policies that we can see has not worked.

I'm not defending the status quo, so this is just another straw man on your part. I'm being realistic; the reality is that businesses aren't cutting American jobs due to outsourcing; they're cutting American jobs because of automation. And you can see that in person if you go to any grocery store that has self-checkout.
A single post ago, you claimed it was already dead. NOw it's "dying". And didn't we have this exact conversation before? 40 per cent of world electricity production, "dying" could take generations. That's tens of thousands of high paying jobs that you might be will to just flush and damn the people that could have had those jobs, but I'm not.

Coal jobs are high-paying jobs? According to whom? Aren't coal miners in Appalachia among the poorest in the country? In fact, in coal-mining Kentucky, most white workers are on some kind of welfare. The county with the highest number of people on SNAP is in coal country. And yes, you can say coal is dead if it is dying. Which it is. It's also not coming back.

You made some claims. That you cut. I refuted them. Nothing in your new posts, challenges my refutations of your previous claims. Link to support your claim that we can't compete with solar cell production because of patents held overseas.


From Apple Insider:
Growth in the U.S. solar installation industry has benefited by rapidly falling prices in solar panels from China. American solar manufacturers have fallen behind in technology and production capacity because the U.S. hasn't invested in domestic solar research, development and production--just as it hasn't invested in manufacturing or training specialized tool and die workers and other critical components of the manufacturing supply chain--in the way China enthusiastically has. Much of the new research in solar technology has also been funded in Germany, which Wilkie said holds the majority of patents.

As a result, American firms can't compete in building inferior solar panels domestically, and can't even import foreign components to assemble panels in the U.S. due to the Drumpf tariffs covering anything related to solar.

Free Traders, have been claiming that Free Trade deals will do that, since the 70s.
The result has been the exact opposite.
And let's not forget that you are the fool or liar that a single post ago claimed that Coal was "Dead". Your statements have no credibility on their own..

Without trade deals, there are no intellectual property protections or enforcement. So what happens is places like China pirate that stuff and end up producing their own knock-off goods that they then flood the market. That's why pulling out of TPP was the stupidest idea in the world; you've ceded intellectual property to China's pirates.

It is absurd to claim that outsourcing manufacturing does not reduce jobs here.

Not what I said! You're doing that shitty Conservative thing again where you deliberately misstate and mis-understand what I said in order to make a bullshit argument. Jobs aren't being lost to outsourcing, they're being lost to robots. That's the reality of today. Whether or not you want to believe it doesn't matter because it's happening regardless of your feelings. So unless you have a plan for automation, any jobs policy you think you have is just reactionary bullshit and not a long-term strategy.

Automation is a factor. ONe of several. Focusing on that ONE factor while ignoring others is the height of folly.

Automation is the factor here. It's not one on the same level as the others; it is the predominant one and the one that is causing the most downsizing. To pretend that a Chinese worker is taking an American's job is to believe in nationalistic nonsense. China isn't taking our jobs; robots are. That's a fact of life for most manufacturing workers here in the US. Automation has killed more jobs than outsourcing ever will or ever has.

You are the one defending the status quo. That is the set of policies that we can see has not worked.

I'm not defending the status quo, so this is just another straw man on your part. I'm being realistic; the reality is that businesses aren't cutting American jobs due to outsourcing; they're cutting American jobs because of automation. And you can see that in person if you go to any grocery store that has self-checkout.
Open borders
Business Visas
You can't admit the truth about those nations's economic policies and the results of those policies because it smashes your lies.

Isn't Japan the country that you Conservative morons hold up as an example of government socialism failing because of the debt load it incurred during the 90's?

What economic policies are you even talking about? None.

Did Japan become a first world nation by importing a lot of shit? What about South Korea?Is the Chinese massive growth fueled by high imports?Mmmm?

Japan became a first world nation by government investing in its domestic industries.

Like I said before; you know less than nothing about this subject.
And Trump blinks. Facing retaliation by Canada, with whom you have a trade surplus, not a deficit, Trump will not be slapping tariffs on Canada or Mexico.

Trump said the tariff would only come off if we signed a new NAFTA deal. Trudeau said “No fucking way. We’ll retaliate with tariffs on produce and wine”. And Trump backed down, faster than cockroach scurrying out of the light.

“The Great Negotiator”! What a tool.

You know, Canada's well being is not served by having America become a Third World Shit hole, as we are well on the way too.

You've done quite well as neighbor to a successful First World America.

You really think that any change in America would likely be a change for the good, from your perspective?

Canada just signed a massive trade deal with the EU. We’re a party to the TPP, which will be signed on Thursday, and the Paris Climate Accord.

Our education system is ranked third in the world, and our corporate tax rate is 25%. Despite our weather, we’re consistently ranked as one of the best places in the world to live, and to do business. We have more personal freedom than Americans. Our government is investing in research and development as well as infrastructure. Last but not least, we have the fastest growing middle class in the world.

The EU deal was signed right after Trump became President. So right now, you need us a whole lot more than we need you.

Like I said, don’t mistake our good manners and willingness to compromise with weakness or gullibility. Had Trudeau caved to Dumb Donald on tariffs or NAFTA, he would definitely be on one-term PM.

MOre freedom? REally?

Try calling this man, a man, and see how fast you get arrested for hate speech.


Don't get me wrong. I have no ill will towards Canada. I wish you well.

Just pointing out that if America goes down in flames, it will not be as great to be our neighbor.

You call yourself a human being when you're clearly not. So what do you care how someone else self-identifies?
You can't admit the truth about those nations's economic policies and the results of those policies because it smashes your lies.

Isn't Japan the country that you Conservative morons hold up as an example of government socialism failing because of the debt load it incurred during the 90's?

What economic policies are you even talking about? None.

Did Japan become a first world nation by importing a lot of shit? What about South Korea?Is the Chinese massive growth fueled by high imports?Mmmm?

Japan became a first world nation by government investing in its domestic industries.

Like I said before; you know less than nothing about this subject.
Japan protects it’s workforce and exports quality products.
Open borders
Business Visas

1. Open borders? Huh? We don't have open borders. In fact, Trump imports workers to work at his domestic resorts, then is not held accountable for when those workers overstay their visas.

2. Off-shoring is a thing of the past; automation is what is costing manufacturing jobs. No amount of protectionism is going to stop increased automation.

3. Visas like those Trump uses to import foreigners to work at his Florida resort. Why doesn't he hire Americans? Oh right, becuase then he'd have to pay them a decent wage and provide benefits. So great, so you've established that capitalism is a system that is fundamentally unable to provide an adequate standard of living to the working class.
Japan invests in Japanese companies....sure they purchase them.
The Japanese government owns a massive amount of Japanese companies
You may want to read your own links...dumbass.

Hey stupid, how is what you said any different from what I said?

You Conservatives do that a lot; you try to capture something someone else said and represent it as you saying it. That's because you're garbage people.
Open borders
Business Visas

1. Open borders? Huh? We don't have open borders. In fact, Trump imports workers to work at his domestic resorts, then is not held accountable for when those workers overstay their visas.

2. Off-shoring is a thing of the past; automation is what is costing manufacturing jobs. No amount of protectionism is going to stop increased automation.

3. Visas like those Trump uses to import foreigners to work at his Florida resort. Why doesn't he hire Americans? Oh right, becuase then he'd have to pay them a decent wage and provide benefits. So great, so you've established that capitalism is a system that is fundamentally unable to provide an adequate standard of living to the working class.
We don’t have Open Borders?
My co-worker’s cousin is a border guard...we have open borders as there is zip man power in comparison to area.

No off-shoring?
You’re right...the US has alreay off-shored the shit out of itself.

No Visas?
You’re f*ing high.

Trump hired 300 visas for 3 months.

Please don’t tell me you suck the cocks of the tech giants.
There are currently 3,000,000 BVs in the US and corporate America is demanding at least 500,000 more per year
Save your bullshit for someone who doesn’t know what’s going on.

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