President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

After tariff signing, Speaker Ryan voices his objections again: "I disagree with this action and fear its unintended consequences."
Personally, I find a President who pays willing participants for sex to be a vast improvement over a Rapist In Chief.

Just sayin'.
Trump is both. Congratulations.

No, I don't believe. Trump sees himself as a seducer, not a predator.
Weird because his own words indicate otherwise.

Besides, who’s that fat slob ever going to seduce without just offering them access to his money?

Today on one of the news channels, they had the reporter who did the original Stormy Daniels interview back in 2011, and she said that the reason Ms. Daniels was sleeping with Trump was because she was hoping for either a spot on the Apprentice, or to be hooked up with his television connections.
Actually there is a much simpler way to straighten out the mess. We have many types of brain drain visas and residence permits. Trump should use them to the max to do just that.

I'm pretty sure Trump actually is doing just that.

Oh yes. Really. That's the problem. We Americans are just too stupid. We just need to give up our homes and jobs for these super-intelligent pure Aryan-race European foreigners.

In fact we did that in World War II, "brain-drained" Germany of all its nuclear experts, and deprived Germany of its nukes. Now we must cope not only with their "superior intellect" but with their national socialist racial purity politics as well, to this day.
GOD BLESS THIS DAY! Thank you Mr. President. Good to have someone in White House who stands up for American workers.
Because all pay for the mistakes of a question that tort reform is needed. I've always advocated for an impartial arbitration board---oddly, the insurance industry is opposed. Still, Accountability on some level is required for the Medical industry.

He's just parroting the GOP mantra about so-called Tort Reform. Translated it means protecting the monied from the victims of greed, malpractice and responsibility for what they do and what they sell. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Corporations and every other entity that they take money from at election time. Another attack on the working poor and middle class.
I think you better start a poor people’s fund to bribe politicians your way.
That’s the way it is.

Do you even get how lame that argument is? I was making a point about the political power of money vs. the working poor and middle class. Your solution is to just suck it up because money wins out over responsibility. I don't believe that. I think there are still very smart folks on the left who will run campaigns without taking bribes. What a novel idea eh? If Trump has done anything for this country it's to have motivated folks across the country who would not have otherwise sought political office but for the wrong way demonstrated so graphically by these f'in' thieves.
Independent is not an independent but rather a Trumpbot, at least on this issue.

And it's not an economic argument. The jobs we lost in the 80s and 90s aren't three. This is a political/cultural move to play to the rust belt. If other countries close off trade to us, we will see rising costs and falling jobs.

the problem is Donald and his worshippers hate eduction, expertise and ability. so, what does Donald do, he doesn't listen to the people who actually know anything... and the people he appoints to cabinet level positions are intentionally chosen for their lack of ability.... an intentional fuck you to smart people.
We are knowledgeable. We know that when more Americans have good paying jobs the more taxes they pay...the better our school districts are and the better the education our children get. The better for the real estate business, car dealerships, and insurance business as well. Health care is robust as employees have insurance...Win, Win, ...unless your just an investor who has no blood, sweat, or tears in the game.
2. So you admit that our trade deficits are caused by our trade "partners" subsidizing their industry. Good for you. Now explain why we should just let them fuck US like that, without any response.

Whomever told you the US did not subsidize industries was lying to you.

We have a trade deficit because the citizens of this country have the financial power to buy things from other countries. Just like the trade deficit you have with your grocery store.

1. I'm not sure what penny ante crap you are referring to, but if we are, the results show we are doing it very badly, and it does not change the fact that our trade policy needs drastic change.

2. German consumers aren't free to buy shit? Japanese consumers aren't free to buy shit? Chinese consumers aren't free to buy shit?

German and Japanese people are free to consume but there is no consumer culture as there is in the US. Both countries have higher savings rates than the US. The Japanese government has tried to encourage more consumption but has largely failed. China is essentially a third world country. Per capita income is closer to that of a third world country.
In the 35 years since Reagan screwed up our tax rates to Pander to the riches, our rate of saving that

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

Gee. You left out the intervening 8 years, didn't you? As I remember, it wasn't exactly an economic boom was it? 2 wars on the Credit card and an economy left in a complete shambles. You must have just forgot about that. Yeah, that must be it. LOL Friggin' dishonest Trump sheep.
Whomever told you the US did not subsidize industries was lying to you.

We have a trade deficit because the citizens of this country have the financial power to buy things from other countries. Just like the trade deficit you have with your grocery store.

1. I'm not sure what penny ante crap you are referring to, but if we are, the results show we are doing it very badly, and it does not change the fact that our trade policy needs drastic change.

2. German consumers aren't free to buy shit? Japanese consumers aren't free to buy shit? Chinese consumers aren't free to buy shit?

German and Japanese people are free to consume but there is no consumer culture as there is in the US. Both countries have higher savings rates than the US. The Japanese government has tried to encourage more consumption but has largely failed. China is essentially a third world country. Per capita income is closer to that of a third world country.
In the 35 years since Reagan screwed up our tax rates to Pander to the riches, our rate of saving that

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

Gee. You left out the intervening 8 years, didn't you? As I remember, it wasn't exactly an economic boom was it? 2 wars on the Credit card and an economy left in a complete shambles. You must have just forgot about that. Yeah, that must be it. LOL Friggin' dishonest Trump sheep.
GW destroyed the US and Obama did nothing.
Not it's Trump's turn to reverse GW.
1. I'm not sure what penny ante crap you are referring to, but if we are, the results show we are doing it very badly, and it does not change the fact that our trade policy needs drastic change.

2. German consumers aren't free to buy shit? Japanese consumers aren't free to buy shit? Chinese consumers aren't free to buy shit?

German and Japanese people are free to consume but there is no consumer culture as there is in the US. Both countries have higher savings rates than the US. The Japanese government has tried to encourage more consumption but has largely failed. China is essentially a third world country. Per capita income is closer to that of a third world country.
In the 35 years since Reagan screwed up our tax rates to Pander to the riches, our rate of saving that

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

Gee. You left out the intervening 8 years, didn't you? As I remember, it wasn't exactly an economic boom was it? 2 wars on the Credit card and an economy left in a complete shambles. You must have just forgot about that. Yeah, that must be it. LOL Friggin' dishonest Trump sheep.
GW destroyed the US and Obama did nothing.
Not it's Trump's turn to reverse GW.

You just go on believing that, if it makes you feel good.
German and Japanese people are free to consume but there is no consumer culture as there is in the US. Both countries have higher savings rates than the US. The Japanese government has tried to encourage more consumption but has largely failed. China is essentially a third world country. Per capita income is closer to that of a third world country.
In the 35 years since Reagan screwed up our tax rates to Pander to the riches, our rate of saving that

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

Gee. You left out the intervening 8 years, didn't you? As I remember, it wasn't exactly an economic boom was it? 2 wars on the Credit card and an economy left in a complete shambles. You must have just forgot about that. Yeah, that must be it. LOL Friggin' dishonest Trump sheep.
GW destroyed the US and Obama did nothing.
Not it's Trump's turn to reverse GW.

You just go on believing that, if it makes you feel good.
It does.
I'm still waiting for you to post something that wasn't copied from a soap opera.
In the 35 years since Reagan screwed up our tax rates to Pander to the riches, our rate of saving that

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

Gee. You left out the intervening 8 years, didn't you? As I remember, it wasn't exactly an economic boom was it? 2 wars on the Credit card and an economy left in a complete shambles. You must have just forgot about that. Yeah, that must be it. LOL Friggin' dishonest Trump sheep.
GW destroyed the US and Obama did nothing.
Not it's Trump's turn to reverse GW.

You just go on believing that, if it makes you feel good.
It does.
I'm still waiting for you to post something that wasn't copied from a soap opera.

Sorry but all my children believe that Democrats are the guiding light we need to show us another world beyond what Trump has shown us because all our children are young and restless for change.
8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

Gee. You left out the intervening 8 years, didn't you? As I remember, it wasn't exactly an economic boom was it? 2 wars on the Credit card and an economy left in a complete shambles. You must have just forgot about that. Yeah, that must be it. LOL Friggin' dishonest Trump sheep.
GW destroyed the US and Obama did nothing.
Not it's Trump's turn to reverse GW.

You just go on believing that, if it makes you feel good.
It does.
I'm still waiting for you to post something that wasn't copied from a soap opera.

Sorry but all my children believe that Democrats are the guiding light we need to show us another world beyond what Trump has shown us because all our children are young and restless for change.
Your children are not well educated in the inner goings on of politics.
Most people aren't.
Now explain Trump in context of Clinton, GW, Obama.
I bet you can't because I bet, like most people, including many people I know, that you are ignorant of how political parties operate.
You should have listened to Bernie Sanders on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show for a few years.
Both parties are in on the deal.
Gee. You left out the intervening 8 years, didn't you? As I remember, it wasn't exactly an economic boom was it? 2 wars on the Credit card and an economy left in a complete shambles. You must have just forgot about that. Yeah, that must be it. LOL Friggin' dishonest Trump sheep.
GW destroyed the US and Obama did nothing.
Not it's Trump's turn to reverse GW.

You just go on believing that, if it makes you feel good.
It does.
I'm still waiting for you to post something that wasn't copied from a soap opera.

Sorry but all my children believe that Democrats are the guiding light we need to show us another world beyond what Trump has shown us because all our children are young and restless for change.
Your children are not well educated in the inner goings on of politics.
Most people aren't.
Now explain Trump in context of Clinton, GW, Obama.
I bet you can't because I bet, like most people, including many people I know, that you are ignorant of how political parties operate.
You should have listened to Bernie Sanders on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show for a few years.
Both parties are in on the deal.

I don't work for you. Do your own explaining. I may be ignorant of how parties work (says you) But at least I can recognize humor when I see it. You need to relax and watch a soap opera. They're unintentionally hilarious. Just like you.
GW destroyed the US and Obama did nothing.
Not it's Trump's turn to reverse GW.

You just go on believing that, if it makes you feel good.
It does.
I'm still waiting for you to post something that wasn't copied from a soap opera.

Sorry but all my children believe that Democrats are the guiding light we need to show us another world beyond what Trump has shown us because all our children are young and restless for change.
Your children are not well educated in the inner goings on of politics.
Most people aren't.
Now explain Trump in context of Clinton, GW, Obama.
I bet you can't because I bet, like most people, including many people I know, that you are ignorant of how political parties operate.
You should have listened to Bernie Sanders on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show for a few years.
Both parties are in on the deal.

I don't work for you. Do your own explaining. I may be ignorant of how parties work (says you) But at least I can recognize humor when I see it. You need to relax and watch a soap opera. They're unintentionally hilarious. Just like you.
Excuse me?
If you become any more weepee wailee with your posts I'll have to start wiping my monitor.
And now to annoy you...
President Donald J. Trump
You just go on believing that, if it makes you feel good.
It does.
I'm still waiting for you to post something that wasn't copied from a soap opera.

Sorry but all my children believe that Democrats are the guiding light we need to show us another world beyond what Trump has shown us because all our children are young and restless for change.
Your children are not well educated in the inner goings on of politics.
Most people aren't.
Now explain Trump in context of Clinton, GW, Obama.
I bet you can't because I bet, like most people, including many people I know, that you are ignorant of how political parties operate.
You should have listened to Bernie Sanders on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show for a few years.
Both parties are in on the deal.

I don't work for you. Do your own explaining. I may be ignorant of how parties work (says you) But at least I can recognize humor when I see it. You need to relax and watch a soap opera. They're unintentionally hilarious. Just like you.
Excuse me?
If you become any more weepee wailee with your posts I'll have to start wiping my monitor.
And now to annoy you...
President Donald J. Trump

You're excused.
It does.
I'm still waiting for you to post something that wasn't copied from a soap opera.

Sorry but all my children believe that Democrats are the guiding light we need to show us another world beyond what Trump has shown us because all our children are young and restless for change.
Your children are not well educated in the inner goings on of politics.
Most people aren't.
Now explain Trump in context of Clinton, GW, Obama.
I bet you can't because I bet, like most people, including many people I know, that you are ignorant of how political parties operate.
You should have listened to Bernie Sanders on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show for a few years.
Both parties are in on the deal.

I don't work for you. Do your own explaining. I may be ignorant of how parties work (says you) But at least I can recognize humor when I see it. You need to relax and watch a soap opera. They're unintentionally hilarious. Just like you.
Excuse me?
If you become any more weepee wailee with your posts I'll have to start wiping my monitor.
And now to annoy you...
President Donald J. Trump

You're excused.
I understand you've been through some traumatic experiences so I can see you going for the Democratic Party.
Your children should aspire to be independent from both extremes.
In the 35 years since Reagan screwed up our tax rates to Pander to the riches, our rate of saving that

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

8 years of Clinton. 8 years of Obama. Yet no change in the trends.

The policies that are harming US are bi-partisan policies. Both republicans and democrats.

Explain to me why a higher rate of consuming has to mean consuming IMPORTS, and not domestically produced crap.

Gee. You left out the intervening 8 years, didn't you? As I remember, it wasn't exactly an economic boom was it? 2 wars on the Credit card and an economy left in a complete shambles. You must have just forgot about that. Yeah, that must be it. LOL Friggin' dishonest Trump sheep.
GW destroyed the US and Obama did nothing.
Not it's Trump's turn to reverse GW.

You just go on believing that, if it makes you feel good.
It does.
I'm still waiting for you to post something that wasn't copied from a soap opera.
We're still waiting for you to reclaim your manhood when you surrendered it to Trump.
Trump is both. Congratulations.

No, I don't believe. Trump sees himself as a seducer, not a predator.
Weird because his own words indicate otherwise.

Besides, who’s that fat slob ever going to seduce without just offering them access to his money?

There have always been women willing to give sex to men with money and power regardless of how ugly or fat the men may be. The women wouldn't do it if they weren't seeking some benefit for themselves.
Yeah like with Trump and Harvey Weinstein :rolleyes:

Trump is not analogous to Weinstein, unless you have any credible evidence that he jerked off into house plants in front of horrified subordinates, or drugged and raped aspiring Apprentices.

So, is this the new measuring stick for presidential hopefuls? They didn't jerk off into houseplants? Hell, that would be about the only trait in the win column for Donnie.

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