President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Trump is slapping tariffs on imported steel and aluminum.

There is a lot more to this than meets the eye.
No. Tariffs do not improve the economy. They are punitive and, on the part of the U.S., retaliatory against Europe, Canada, and the rest of the German Axis for the harshly imposed VAT and other tariffs already long since placed on goods exported from the U.S. ...
The French invented this tax on themselves and it is popular in Europe.

Some US states that tax services have a form of it too. ...
Justinacolmena, which U.S. States have a form of VAT tax? I would prefer that be so. Sales taxes rather income tax returns more accurately reflect the extent of individuals and families' wealth and incomes. Vat is the superior method of sales tax administration.

Yiostheoy, VAT is not a tariff. Nation's collect their VATs for sales and trades of ALL, (domestic or imported) goods or service products imported into. or sold, or traded within their jurisdictions. Many nations have lesser than otherwise income tax rates due to their VATs being a significant portion of their nation's tax revenues.

All governments waive their sales taxes upon their exported products. VAT method of sales tax enables their governments to exactly determine and waive the ENTIRE TAX'S AMOUNT embedded within any particular exported product. That's because sellers or traders reduce the amounts of VAT they collect on their government's behalf, by the VATs they paid. They simply pass only the differences to their governments.

USA does not levy a federal VAT or any other type of federal sales tax. Importers of goods generally pay no federal taxes upon the goods they bring into the USA and our governments cannot levy taxes upon foreign producers. The prices of foreign goods sold in the USA reflect no USA taxes upon producers and there are generally little or no taxes levied upon their products when they're imported into the USA. Additionally, USA wage rates are generally less. USA products are at some price disadvantage within USA's domestic marketplaces.

USA Exports pay their full share of foreign nation's VATs that contribute to those nations' tax revenues. Those nations do not grant USA goods any price advantages over their domestically produced products.

Respectfully, Supposn

Trade deficits are always detrimental to their nation's GDP and drag upon their numbers of jobs.

If USA adopted the Import Certificate policy, it would increase our GDP and numbers of jobs more than otherwise. Your rant about trade wars would lead to armed conflict is unrealistic.

Refer to Wikipedia's “Import Certificates” article.

Respectfully, Supposn
If USA adopted the Import Certificate policy, it would increase our GDP and numbers of jobs more than otherwise.

Boolshit. Slapping more paperwork on it just drags down the economy of everyone who has to deal with the aforementioned paperwork. Half the paperwork is already fake on goods imported into the U.S., and we are already having other problems because the foreign goods being delivered to the U.S. are inferior to what we ordered and paid for and what is on all the paperwork.
Flagrant confirmation bias. This is also a single cause fallacy.

A twofer, nice!

The stagnation of Middle Class and Working poor wages is no confirmation bias.

The Free Traders made promises. They did not occur. There was a lot of time for that happen.

The policy has failed. Time for a new policy.

But, when you just pull policies out of your ass on the fly without even consulting people with strong backgrounds in econ that are charged with making recommendations, that's wrong. Contrary to popular opinion of the 38% he's almost never the smartest guy in the room.
Because we've all seen the perfect results of wll thought out policies since Reagan...
Feeling stupid yet?
I got news for you cupcake, Trump will reverse anything that doesn't work, because, unlike the rest of the bought and paid off political elite, Trump doesn't give a shit about keeping the status quo.

If I'm a cupcake then why don't you bite me? Status quo? He cares about two things and two things only Money and perverted sex acts with the golden showers crowd. Maybe he actually thinks that stuff is gold. He has set himself and his family up as a cottage industry right under the noses of his followers. He's convinced lots of very naive folks that he cares about them. The middle class and working poor are beneath him and all the bullshit promises are just that. "You'll have terrific healthcare at a tiny fraction of blah blah blah" It'll all be so easy! "You'll be tired of winning. "Only the best people!"

And as you fools sat there all glassy-eyed and hopeful he was already planning how to get away with raping the country. Disappearing Inauguration loot, marketing Ivanka's line of goods, Peddling influence to anyone with the price of admission. Selling real estate to Russian spies and laundering Putin's dirty money through real estate deals that make no logical sense. Stiffing wounded warriors out of their money, stiffing hopeful students out of their life blood and stiffing every contractor and lawyer he ever met. Appointing Cabinet chiefs hand picked by Putin, Appointing Cabinet Chiefs with no skills and an almost equal thirst for wealth. Handing off the most security intensive tasks to family with no clearances.

Yeah, he doesn't care much for the way things were. That's a fact. Just like his famous alternative facts, he's creating an alternative reality. And now he's gonna meet with a nuclear-armed childish madman to talk peace? Talk about kindred spirits. It's been a wild ride so far and I only hope we can all get off safely when that ride is stopped by Mueller and his team.

We haven't seen anything yet. .
Which is why he's addressing his platform and not kissing Democratic or Republican ass.
Either you are mentally disturbed or you really don't know the Democratic or Republican platforms.

Is he addressing the plank that was mysteriously changed to benefit Putin? Yeah, I guess he just forgot that one.
Today the U.S. has only one steel mill that can produce the advanced alloys used in armored-vehicle plating; one aluminum smelter that makes the high-grade aluminum needed for defense aerospace applications; and one steel mill that makes the materials needed for infrastructure like electrical transformers.

These tariffs aim to reverse this sorry state of affairs. Companies that produce steel and aluminum have said these tariffs will allow them to reopen mills, expand operations, attract new workers, and maintain critical steel- and aluminum-making skills. Why We Imposed the Metal Tariffs | Lux Libertas - Light and Liberty
The stagnation of Middle Class and Working poor wages is no confirmation bias.

The Free Traders made promises. They did not occur. There was a lot of time for that happen.

The policy has failed. Time for a new policy.

But, when you just pull policies out of your ass on the fly without even consulting people with strong backgrounds in econ that are charged with making recommendations, that's wrong. Contrary to popular opinion of the 38% he's almost never the smartest guy in the room.
Because we've all seen the perfect results of wll thought out policies since Reagan...
Feeling stupid yet?
I got news for you cupcake, Trump will reverse anything that doesn't work, because, unlike the rest of the bought and paid off political elite, Trump doesn't give a shit about keeping the status quo.

If I'm a cupcake then why don't you bite me? Status quo? He cares about two things and two things only Money and perverted sex acts with the golden showers crowd. Maybe he actually thinks that stuff is gold. He has set himself and his family up as a cottage industry right under the noses of his followers. He's convinced lots of very naive folks that he cares about them. The middle class and working poor are beneath him and all the bullshit promises are just that. "You'll have terrific healthcare at a tiny fraction of blah blah blah" It'll all be so easy! "You'll be tired of winning. "Only the best people!"

And as you fools sat there all glassy-eyed and hopeful he was already planning how to get away with raping the country. Disappearing Inauguration loot, marketing Ivanka's line of goods, Peddling influence to anyone with the price of admission. Selling real estate to Russian spies and laundering Putin's dirty money through real estate deals that make no logical sense. Stiffing wounded warriors out of their money, stiffing hopeful students out of their life blood and stiffing every contractor and lawyer he ever met. Appointing Cabinet chiefs hand picked by Putin, Appointing Cabinet Chiefs with no skills and an almost equal thirst for wealth. Handing off the most security intensive tasks to family with no clearances.

Yeah, he doesn't care much for the way things were. That's a fact. Just like his famous alternative facts, he's creating an alternative reality. And now he's gonna meet with a nuclear-armed childish madman to talk peace? Talk about kindred spirits. It's been a wild ride so far and I only hope we can all get off safely when that ride is stopped by Mueller and his team.

We haven't seen anything yet. .
Which is why he's addressing his platform and not kissing Democratic or Republican ass.
Either you are mentally disturbed or you really don't know the Democratic or Republican platforms.

He doesn't care. It's just a team sport for Wickerthing

If you're saying I enjoy kicking the asses of Trumpbots, you are absolutely right. Someone has to at least try to show you what a massive blunder it was to support this compromised moron in the white house. To support this clown is to effectively support Putin in his quest to fuck with our democracy. Every time you deny what is painfully obvious to the majority of Americans, you further the Russian agenda. Trump is not only a horror of a human being but a cancer on the office of the President.
Today the U.S. has only one steel mill that can produce the advanced alloys used in armored-vehicle plating; one aluminum smelter that makes the high-grade aluminum needed for defense aerospace applications; and one steel mill that makes the materials needed for infrastructure like electrical transformers.

These tariffs aim to reverse this sorry state of affairs. Companies that produce steel and aluminum have said these tariffs will allow them to reopen mills, expand operations, attract new workers, and maintain critical steel- and aluminum-making skills. Why We Imposed the Metal Tariffs | Lux Libertas - Light and Liberty

Yeah, and other plants that produce products using steel and aluminum will close and others will nix plans for expansion and new facilities.
The stagnation of Middle Class and Working poor wages is no confirmation bias.

The Free Traders made promises. They did not occur. There was a lot of time for that happen.

The policy has failed. Time for a new policy.

But, when you just pull policies out of your ass on the fly without even consulting people with strong backgrounds in econ that are charged with making recommendations, that's wrong. Contrary to popular opinion of the 38% he's almost never the smartest guy in the room.
Because we've all seen the perfect results of wll thought out policies since Reagan...
Feeling stupid yet?
I got news for you cupcake, Trump will reverse anything that doesn't work, because, unlike the rest of the bought and paid off political elite, Trump doesn't give a shit about keeping the status quo.

If I'm a cupcake then why don't you bite me? Status quo? He cares about two things and two things only Money and perverted sex acts with the golden showers crowd. Maybe he actually thinks that stuff is gold. He has set himself and his family up as a cottage industry right under the noses of his followers. He's convinced lots of very naive folks that he cares about them. The middle class and working poor are beneath him and all the bullshit promises are just that. "You'll have terrific healthcare at a tiny fraction of blah blah blah" It'll all be so easy! "You'll be tired of winning. "Only the best people!"

And as you fools sat there all glassy-eyed and hopeful he was already planning how to get away with raping the country. Disappearing Inauguration loot, marketing Ivanka's line of goods, Peddling influence to anyone with the price of admission. Selling real estate to Russian spies and laundering Putin's dirty money through real estate deals that make no logical sense. Stiffing wounded warriors out of their money, stiffing hopeful students out of their life blood and stiffing every contractor and lawyer he ever met. Appointing Cabinet chiefs hand picked by Putin, Appointing Cabinet Chiefs with no skills and an almost equal thirst for wealth. Handing off the most security intensive tasks to family with no clearances.

Yeah, he doesn't care much for the way things were. That's a fact. Just like his famous alternative facts, he's creating an alternative reality. And now he's gonna meet with a nuclear-armed childish madman to talk peace? Talk about kindred spirits. It's been a wild ride so far and I only hope we can all get off safely when that ride is stopped by Mueller and his team.

We haven't seen anything yet. .
Which is why he's addressing his platform and not kissing Democratic or Republican ass.
Either you are mentally disturbed or you really don't know the Democratic or Republican platforms.

Is he addressing the plank that was mysteriously changed to benefit Putin? Yeah, I guess he just forgot that one.
One reason, and one reason only, why we love Totalitarian China and hate Russia...
Comparative Advantage.
China provides cheap shit and Russia charges US rates.
But, when you just pull policies out of your ass on the fly without even consulting people with strong backgrounds in econ that are charged with making recommendations, that's wrong. Contrary to popular opinion of the 38% he's almost never the smartest guy in the room.
Because we've all seen the perfect results of wll thought out policies since Reagan...
Feeling stupid yet?
I got news for you cupcake, Trump will reverse anything that doesn't work, because, unlike the rest of the bought and paid off political elite, Trump doesn't give a shit about keeping the status quo.

If I'm a cupcake then why don't you bite me? Status quo? He cares about two things and two things only Money and perverted sex acts with the golden showers crowd. Maybe he actually thinks that stuff is gold. He has set himself and his family up as a cottage industry right under the noses of his followers. He's convinced lots of very naive folks that he cares about them. The middle class and working poor are beneath him and all the bullshit promises are just that. "You'll have terrific healthcare at a tiny fraction of blah blah blah" It'll all be so easy! "You'll be tired of winning. "Only the best people!"

And as you fools sat there all glassy-eyed and hopeful he was already planning how to get away with raping the country. Disappearing Inauguration loot, marketing Ivanka's line of goods, Peddling influence to anyone with the price of admission. Selling real estate to Russian spies and laundering Putin's dirty money through real estate deals that make no logical sense. Stiffing wounded warriors out of their money, stiffing hopeful students out of their life blood and stiffing every contractor and lawyer he ever met. Appointing Cabinet chiefs hand picked by Putin, Appointing Cabinet Chiefs with no skills and an almost equal thirst for wealth. Handing off the most security intensive tasks to family with no clearances.

Yeah, he doesn't care much for the way things were. That's a fact. Just like his famous alternative facts, he's creating an alternative reality. And now he's gonna meet with a nuclear-armed childish madman to talk peace? Talk about kindred spirits. It's been a wild ride so far and I only hope we can all get off safely when that ride is stopped by Mueller and his team.

We haven't seen anything yet. .
Which is why he's addressing his platform and not kissing Democratic or Republican ass.
Either you are mentally disturbed or you really don't know the Democratic or Republican platforms.

He doesn't care. It's just a team sport for Wickerthing

If you're saying I enjoy kicking the asses of Trumpbots, you are absolutely right. Someone has to at least try to show you what a massive blunder it was to support this compromised moron in the white house. To support this clown is to effectively support Putin in his quest to fuck with our democracy. Every time you deny what is painfully obvious to the majority of Americans, you further the Russian agenda. Trump is not only a horror of a human being but a cancer on the office of the President.
You consider your knee jerk Trump Hating posts, which contain nothing else but Trump Hate, to be kicking ass?
I haven’t yet seen one post of yours that contains the first clue that you know anything about anything but hating Trump.
Because we've all seen the perfect results of wll thought out policies since Reagan...
Feeling stupid yet?
I got news for you cupcake, Trump will reverse anything that doesn't work, because, unlike the rest of the bought and paid off political elite, Trump doesn't give a shit about keeping the status quo.

If I'm a cupcake then why don't you bite me? Status quo? He cares about two things and two things only Money and perverted sex acts with the golden showers crowd. Maybe he actually thinks that stuff is gold. He has set himself and his family up as a cottage industry right under the noses of his followers. He's convinced lots of very naive folks that he cares about them. The middle class and working poor are beneath him and all the bullshit promises are just that. "You'll have terrific healthcare at a tiny fraction of blah blah blah" It'll all be so easy! "You'll be tired of winning. "Only the best people!"

And as you fools sat there all glassy-eyed and hopeful he was already planning how to get away with raping the country. Disappearing Inauguration loot, marketing Ivanka's line of goods, Peddling influence to anyone with the price of admission. Selling real estate to Russian spies and laundering Putin's dirty money through real estate deals that make no logical sense. Stiffing wounded warriors out of their money, stiffing hopeful students out of their life blood and stiffing every contractor and lawyer he ever met. Appointing Cabinet chiefs hand picked by Putin, Appointing Cabinet Chiefs with no skills and an almost equal thirst for wealth. Handing off the most security intensive tasks to family with no clearances.

Yeah, he doesn't care much for the way things were. That's a fact. Just like his famous alternative facts, he's creating an alternative reality. And now he's gonna meet with a nuclear-armed childish madman to talk peace? Talk about kindred spirits. It's been a wild ride so far and I only hope we can all get off safely when that ride is stopped by Mueller and his team.

We haven't seen anything yet. .
Which is why he's addressing his platform and not kissing Democratic or Republican ass.
Either you are mentally disturbed or you really don't know the Democratic or Republican platforms.

He doesn't care. It's just a team sport for Wickerthing

If you're saying I enjoy kicking the asses of Trumpbots, you are absolutely right. Someone has to at least try to show you what a massive blunder it was to support this compromised moron in the white house. To support this clown is to effectively support Putin in his quest to fuck with our democracy. Every time you deny what is painfully obvious to the majority of Americans, you further the Russian agenda. Trump is not only a horror of a human being but a cancer on the office of the President.
You consider your knee jerk Trump Hating posts, which contain nothing else but Trump Hate, to be kicking ass?
I haven’t yet seen one post of yours that contains the first clue that you know anything about anything but hating Trump.

Improve your reading skills.
Given that American consumers bent over and greased up to accept the massive costs government "safety" and "global warming tilting at windmills" have imposed? Yeah, $150 is as nothing!
If I'm a cupcake then why don't you bite me? Status quo? He cares about two things and two things only Money and perverted sex acts with the golden showers crowd. Maybe he actually thinks that stuff is gold. He has set himself and his family up as a cottage industry right under the noses of his followers. He's convinced lots of very naive folks that he cares about them. The middle class and working poor are beneath him and all the bullshit promises are just that. "You'll have terrific healthcare at a tiny fraction of blah blah blah" It'll all be so easy! "You'll be tired of winning. "Only the best people!"

And as you fools sat there all glassy-eyed and hopeful he was already planning how to get away with raping the country. Disappearing Inauguration loot, marketing Ivanka's line of goods, Peddling influence to anyone with the price of admission. Selling real estate to Russian spies and laundering Putin's dirty money through real estate deals that make no logical sense. Stiffing wounded warriors out of their money, stiffing hopeful students out of their life blood and stiffing every contractor and lawyer he ever met. Appointing Cabinet chiefs hand picked by Putin, Appointing Cabinet Chiefs with no skills and an almost equal thirst for wealth. Handing off the most security intensive tasks to family with no clearances.

Yeah, he doesn't care much for the way things were. That's a fact. Just like his famous alternative facts, he's creating an alternative reality. And now he's gonna meet with a nuclear-armed childish madman to talk peace? Talk about kindred spirits. It's been a wild ride so far and I only hope we can all get off safely when that ride is stopped by Mueller and his team.

We haven't seen anything yet. .
Which is why he's addressing his platform and not kissing Democratic or Republican ass.
Either you are mentally disturbed or you really don't know the Democratic or Republican platforms.

He doesn't care. It's just a team sport for Wickerthing

If you're saying I enjoy kicking the asses of Trumpbots, you are absolutely right. Someone has to at least try to show you what a massive blunder it was to support this compromised moron in the white house. To support this clown is to effectively support Putin in his quest to fuck with our democracy. Every time you deny what is painfully obvious to the majority of Americans, you further the Russian agenda. Trump is not only a horror of a human being but a cancer on the office of the President.
You consider your knee jerk Trump Hating posts, which contain nothing else but Trump Hate, to be kicking ass?
I haven’t yet seen one post of yours that contains the first clue that you know anything about anything but hating Trump.

Improve your reading skills.
At least I have reading skills.
These Tariffs will do nothing to change either of those things and will hurt OUR economy in the final analysis.
This from Fortune.

These Industries Will Be Most Impacted by Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
We don’t know.
At least I admit I don’t know.

See! You didn't even take the time to read and learn. But I'm the clueless one. LOL
Uh, retard...
Sanders ran on tariffs.
And you sick Sanders cock just because he isn't a registered Republican.
And you do realize that almost every other nation charges us tariffs.
No, of course you don't realize that.
These Tariffs will do nothing to change either of those things and will hurt OUR economy in the final analysis.
This from Fortune.

These Industries Will Be Most Impacted by Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
We don’t know.
At least I admit I don’t know.

See! You didn't even take the time to read and learn. But I'm the clueless one. LOL
Uh, retard...
Sanders ran on tariffs.
And you sick Sanders cock just because he isn't a registered Republican.
And you do realize that almost every other nation charges us tariffs.
No, of course you don't realize that.

We're not talking about tariffs as an idea. We're talking about THESE tariffs. These don't do anything but punish ourselves. All the talk was on China dumping cheap steel around the world. This does nothing to stop that. In fact, cheap Chinese steel will be more attractive to industry now. See, you don't think things through.

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