President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

These Tariffs will do nothing to change either of those things and will hurt OUR economy in the final analysis.
This from Fortune.

These Industries Will Be Most Impacted by Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
We don’t know.
At least I admit I don’t know.

See! You didn't even take the time to read and learn. But I'm the clueless one. LOL
Uh, retard...
Sanders ran on tariffs.
And you sick Sanders cock just because he isn't a registered Republican.
And you do realize that almost every other nation charges us tariffs.
No, of course you don't realize that.

You have a very broad view of trade and that's what a child does, everything is like this or that. There are intricacies involved, not just Tariffs are good, Free trade Bad. Silly.
These Tariffs will do nothing to change either of those things and will hurt OUR economy in the final analysis.
This from Fortune.

These Industries Will Be Most Impacted by Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
We don’t know.
At least I admit I don’t know.

See! You didn't even take the time to read and learn. But I'm the clueless one. LOL
Uh, retard...
Sanders ran on tariffs.
And you sick Sanders cock just because he isn't a registered Republican.
And you do realize that almost every other nation charges us tariffs.
No, of course you don't realize that.

You have a very broad view of trade and that's what a child does, everything is like this or that. There are intricacies involved, not just Tariffs are good, Free trade Bad. Silly.
If there are intricacies, state them.
Currently, 99% of all economists are paid by Globalists, and that includes Universities, who by the way, are replacing American born minorities with Asian Student Visas, and most of them can't pay their bills if they tell the truth.
These Tariffs will do nothing to change either of those things and will hurt OUR economy in the final analysis.
This from Fortune.

These Industries Will Be Most Impacted by Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
We don’t know.
At least I admit I don’t know.

See! You didn't even take the time to read and learn. But I'm the clueless one. LOL
Uh, retard...
Sanders ran on tariffs.
And you sick Sanders cock just because he isn't a registered Republican.
And you do realize that almost every other nation charges us tariffs.
No, of course you don't realize that.

You have a very broad view of trade and that's what a child does, everything is like this or that. There are intricacies involved, not just Tariffs are good, Free trade Bad. Silly.
Oh, lookie...You just quoted one of the most famous Neo-Conservative Publications on Earth!
You hypocrite!
These Tariffs will do nothing to change either of those things and will hurt OUR economy in the final analysis.
This from Fortune.

These Industries Will Be Most Impacted by Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
We don’t know.
At least I admit I don’t know.

See! You didn't even take the time to read and learn. But I'm the clueless one. LOL
Uh, retard...
Sanders ran on tariffs.
And you sick Sanders cock just because he isn't a registered Republican.
And you do realize that almost every other nation charges us tariffs.
No, of course you don't realize that.

You have a very broad view of trade and that's what a child does, everything is like this or that. There are intricacies involved, not just Tariffs are good, Free trade Bad. Silly.
Oh, lookie...You just quoted one of the most famous Neo-Conservative Publications on Earth!
You hypocrite!

Maybe I'm just not stuck on stupid like all you political Ideologists. When something is right, it's right. I'll quote from whomever I think has a handle on the issue at hand. Unlike you, I'm not gonna reject what may be the correct interpretation just because my robot leader says so. You're so much a non thinking autopilot GOPbot. It can only keep you from learning. The other side isn't always wrong or right. Think for yourself.
" Tricky Dickey Barters US Autonomy To China "

* Nationalism Versus Libertarian Extremism *

American School (economics) - Wikipedia
It is a capitalist economic school based on the Hamiltonian economic program.[12] The American School of capitalism was intended to allow the United States to become economically independent and nationally self-sufficient.

The American School included three cardinal policy points:
Support industry: The advocacy of protectionism, and opposition to free trade – particularly for the protection of "infant industries" and those facing import competition from abroad. Examples: Tariff Act of 1789, Tariff Act of 1816 and Morrill Tariff
Create physical infrastructure: Government finance of internal improvements to speed commerce and develop industry. This involved the regulation of privately held infrastructure, to ensure that it meets the nation's needs. Examples: Cumberland Road and Union Pacific Railroad
Create financial infrastructure: A government sponsored National Bank to issue currency and encourage commerce. This involved the use of sovereign powers for the regulation of credit to encourage the development of the economy, and to deter speculation.

As the United States entered the 20th century, the "American School" was the policy of the United States under such names as: "American Policy", "Economic nationalism", "National System",[31] "Protective System", "Protection Policy",[32] and "Protectionism", which alludes only to the 'tariff policy' of this system of economics.[33][34][35][15][36]

In 1973 when the "Kennedy" Round concluded under President Richard Nixon, who cut U.S. tariffs to all time lows, the New Deal orientation towards reciprocity and subsidy ended, which moved the United States further in the free market direction, and away from its American School economic system.[39][40]
We don’t know.
At least I admit I don’t know.

See! You didn't even take the time to read and learn. But I'm the clueless one. LOL
Uh, retard...
Sanders ran on tariffs.
And you sick Sanders cock just because he isn't a registered Republican.
And you do realize that almost every other nation charges us tariffs.
No, of course you don't realize that.

You have a very broad view of trade and that's what a child does, everything is like this or that. There are intricacies involved, not just Tariffs are good, Free trade Bad. Silly.
Oh, lookie...You just quoted one of the most famous Neo-Conservative Publications on Earth!
You hypocrite!

Maybe I'm just not stuck on stupid like all you political Ideologists. When something is right, it's right. I'll quote from whomever I think has a handle on the issue at hand. Unlike you, I'm not gonna reject what may be the correct interpretation just because my robot leader says so. You're so much a non thinking autopilot GOPbot. It can only keep you from learning. The other side isn't always wrong or right. Think for yourself.
You are definitely stuck on stupid.
If you read Fortune on a steady basis you would understand why the publishers and writes hate Trump with a passion.
Fortune is pure snobbery, business visas, open borders, cheap labor and massive unemployment to suppress wages and anti-Social benefits.
Fortune is survival of the fittest.
You're just another simpleton hunting and fishing for anything anti-Trump.
The trap you're in is that you have zero context on the issues or whose side anybody is on because your brain is stuck.
Both parties have gone too far but you're just stuck on Liberal.
See! You didn't even take the time to read and learn. But I'm the clueless one. LOL
Uh, retard...
Sanders ran on tariffs.
And you sick Sanders cock just because he isn't a registered Republican.
And you do realize that almost every other nation charges us tariffs.
No, of course you don't realize that.

You have a very broad view of trade and that's what a child does, everything is like this or that. There are intricacies involved, not just Tariffs are good, Free trade Bad. Silly.
Oh, lookie...You just quoted one of the most famous Neo-Conservative Publications on Earth!
You hypocrite!

Maybe I'm just not stuck on stupid like all you political Ideologists. When something is right, it's right. I'll quote from whomever I think has a handle on the issue at hand. Unlike you, I'm not gonna reject what may be the correct interpretation just because my robot leader says so. You're so much a non thinking autopilot GOPbot. It can only keep you from learning. The other side isn't always wrong or right. Think for yourself.
You are definitely stuck on stupid.
If you read Fortune on a steady basis you would understand why the publishers and writes hate Trump with a passion.
Fortune is pure snobbery, business visas, open borders, cheap labor and massive unemployment to suppress wages and anti-Social benefits.
Fortune is survival of the fittest.
You're just another simpleton hunting and fishing for anything anti-Trump.
The trap you're in is that you have zero context on the issues or whose side anybody is on because your brain is stuck.
Both parties have gone too far but you're just stuck on Liberal.

I believe their take on these tariffs is correct. Again, you project your ideology on me. Nobody is always wrong or always right and we as voters have to decide which issues we care about, weigh the options and make a decision.

Nobody will ever have all my views or all your views unless you are as I said, stuck on stupid. So, educate yourself and quit the broad brush approach to everything.

As far as Trump, I see him as a cancer on our democracy and something that needs to be cut out. He's even hijacked your party with his madness and your people in the GOP are too cowardly to stand up to his divisive bullshit. Never realized just how yellow the party is. Pun intended.
Uh, retard...
Sanders ran on tariffs.
And you sick Sanders cock just because he isn't a registered Republican.
And you do realize that almost every other nation charges us tariffs.
No, of course you don't realize that.

You have a very broad view of trade and that's what a child does, everything is like this or that. There are intricacies involved, not just Tariffs are good, Free trade Bad. Silly.
Oh, lookie...You just quoted one of the most famous Neo-Conservative Publications on Earth!
You hypocrite!

Maybe I'm just not stuck on stupid like all you political Ideologists. When something is right, it's right. I'll quote from whomever I think has a handle on the issue at hand. Unlike you, I'm not gonna reject what may be the correct interpretation just because my robot leader says so. You're so much a non thinking autopilot GOPbot. It can only keep you from learning. The other side isn't always wrong or right. Think for yourself.
You are definitely stuck on stupid.
If you read Fortune on a steady basis you would understand why the publishers and writes hate Trump with a passion.
Fortune is pure snobbery, business visas, open borders, cheap labor and massive unemployment to suppress wages and anti-Social benefits.
Fortune is survival of the fittest.
You're just another simpleton hunting and fishing for anything anti-Trump.
The trap you're in is that you have zero context on the issues or whose side anybody is on because your brain is stuck.
Both parties have gone too far but you're just stuck on Liberal.

I believe their take on these tariffs is correct. Again, you project your ideology on me. Nobody is always wrong or always right and we as voters have to decide which issues we care about, weigh the options and make a decision.

Nobody will ever have all my views or all your views unless you are as I said, stuck on stupid. So, educate yourself and quit the broad brush approach to everything.

As far as Trump, I see him as a cancer on our democracy and something that needs to be cut out. He's even hijacked your party with his madness and your people in the GOP are too cowardly to stand up to his divisive bullshit. Never realized just how yellow the party is. Pun intended.
"you project your ideology on me"
Perhaps it's due to the fact that 99.9999999% of your posts are, "I hate Trump".

After reading Fortune since 2001, I don't believe any of their opinions or analysis, which, by the way, are intended purely for the top 1% of 1% who don't want any business they invest in to be on American soil.
But of course you didn't know that either.
" Investing In Ones Own "

* Productivity Versus Lethargy *

The benefit of assuming a role in a field of advancing technology is that one is challenged and compelled not only to understand and use it but one is also afforded an opportunity to possibly improve and apply it to other areas .

As the us has continued to cede its manufacturing infrastructure away from its citizens to peoples of other countries , it has also forsaken its own citizens of necessary learning opportunities to capitalize on resources in their possession that includes depriving their own economy of a Local multiplier effect - Wikipedia .
You have a very broad view of trade and that's what a child does, everything is like this or that. There are intricacies involved, not just Tariffs are good, Free trade Bad. Silly.
Oh, lookie...You just quoted one of the most famous Neo-Conservative Publications on Earth!
You hypocrite!

Maybe I'm just not stuck on stupid like all you political Ideologists. When something is right, it's right. I'll quote from whomever I think has a handle on the issue at hand. Unlike you, I'm not gonna reject what may be the correct interpretation just because my robot leader says so. You're so much a non thinking autopilot GOPbot. It can only keep you from learning. The other side isn't always wrong or right. Think for yourself.
You are definitely stuck on stupid.
If you read Fortune on a steady basis you would understand why the publishers and writes hate Trump with a passion.
Fortune is pure snobbery, business visas, open borders, cheap labor and massive unemployment to suppress wages and anti-Social benefits.
Fortune is survival of the fittest.
You're just another simpleton hunting and fishing for anything anti-Trump.
The trap you're in is that you have zero context on the issues or whose side anybody is on because your brain is stuck.
Both parties have gone too far but you're just stuck on Liberal.

I believe their take on these tariffs is correct. Again, you project your ideology on me. Nobody is always wrong or always right and we as voters have to decide which issues we care about, weigh the options and make a decision.

Nobody will ever have all my views or all your views unless you are as I said, stuck on stupid. So, educate yourself and quit the broad brush approach to everything.

As far as Trump, I see him as a cancer on our democracy and something that needs to be cut out. He's even hijacked your party with his madness and your people in the GOP are too cowardly to stand up to his divisive bullshit. Never realized just how yellow the party is. Pun intended.
"you project your ideology on me"
Perhaps it's due to the fact that 99.9999999% of your posts are, "I hate Trump".

After reading Fortune since 2001, I don't believe any of their opinions or analysis, which, by the way, are intended purely for the top 1% of 1% who don't want any business they invest in to be on American soil.
But of course you didn't know that either.

So, you are an avid reader of a publication you disagree with completely? You want me to believe that hooey? As for Trump, damn! I was shooting for 100%. He's doing damage to our democracy. The fact that you don't see it further shows you are indeed "Stuck on Stupid."
Oh, lookie...You just quoted one of the most famous Neo-Conservative Publications on Earth!
You hypocrite!

Maybe I'm just not stuck on stupid like all you political Ideologists. When something is right, it's right. I'll quote from whomever I think has a handle on the issue at hand. Unlike you, I'm not gonna reject what may be the correct interpretation just because my robot leader says so. You're so much a non thinking autopilot GOPbot. It can only keep you from learning. The other side isn't always wrong or right. Think for yourself.
You are definitely stuck on stupid.
If you read Fortune on a steady basis you would understand why the publishers and writes hate Trump with a passion.
Fortune is pure snobbery, business visas, open borders, cheap labor and massive unemployment to suppress wages and anti-Social benefits.
Fortune is survival of the fittest.
You're just another simpleton hunting and fishing for anything anti-Trump.
The trap you're in is that you have zero context on the issues or whose side anybody is on because your brain is stuck.
Both parties have gone too far but you're just stuck on Liberal.

I believe their take on these tariffs is correct. Again, you project your ideology on me. Nobody is always wrong or always right and we as voters have to decide which issues we care about, weigh the options and make a decision.

Nobody will ever have all my views or all your views unless you are as I said, stuck on stupid. So, educate yourself and quit the broad brush approach to everything.

As far as Trump, I see him as a cancer on our democracy and something that needs to be cut out. He's even hijacked your party with his madness and your people in the GOP are too cowardly to stand up to his divisive bullshit. Never realized just how yellow the party is. Pun intended.
"you project your ideology on me"
Perhaps it's due to the fact that 99.9999999% of your posts are, "I hate Trump".

After reading Fortune since 2001, I don't believe any of their opinions or analysis, which, by the way, are intended purely for the top 1% of 1% who don't want any business they invest in to be on American soil.
But of course you didn't know that either.

So, you are an avid reader of a publication you disagree with completely? You want me to believe that hooey? As for Trump, damn! I was shooting for 100%. He's doing damage to our democracy. The fact that you don't see it further shows you are indeed "Stuck on Stupid."
I had no choice; I wanted to know about how the real economy works.
That's how I got past Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
You won't learn anything about how you're being screwed until you study the enemies book.
That's what Patton did.
Today the U.S. has only one steel mill that can produce the advanced alloys used in armored-vehicle plating; one aluminum smelter that makes the high-grade aluminum needed for defense aerospace applications; and one steel mill that makes the materials needed for infrastructure like electrical transformers.

These tariffs aim to reverse this sorry state of affairs. Companies that produce steel and aluminum have said these tariffs will allow them to reopen mills, expand operations, attract new workers, and maintain critical steel- and aluminum-making skills. Why We Imposed the Metal Tariffs | Lux Libertas - Light and Liberty

Yeah, and other plants that produce products using steel and aluminum will close and others will nix plans for expansion and new facilities.
Only time will tell. China was allowed to pack up our mfg infrastructure wholesale and ship it home. If war were to break out we need the capability to replace equipment, otherwise the only option you leave is nuclear retaliation.
If you think that these tariffs aren't going to hurt American jobs, you might want to ask a uniquely American company...........................

Harley Davidson. They are saying that these tariffs are going to cost them a whole bunch of money.

Harley-Davidson: Trump's tariffs pose grave threat to famous American name

Harley-Davidson is not having a great year. In January, the legendary bike company, struggling to reverse a four-year slide in sales, had to close its Kansas City factory. Now Donald Trump – who seems as if he’d like to be a Harley man – has added to its woes.

This week’s announcement of steel tariffs on US imports could add $30m to the company’s costs, according to Wedbush Securities, an investment firm. Worse still, European leaders are threatening retaliation, and several symbols of Americana – including Kentucky whiskey, Levi’s and Harley-Davidson motorcycles – are on their list.
If you think that these tariffs aren't going to hurt American jobs, you might want to ask a uniquely American company...........................

Harley Davidson. They are saying that these tariffs are going to cost them a whole bunch of money.

Harley-Davidson: Trump's tariffs pose grave threat to famous American name

Harley-Davidson is not having a great year. In January, the legendary bike company, struggling to reverse a four-year slide in sales, had to close its Kansas City factory. Now Donald Trump – who seems as if he’d like to be a Harley man – has added to its woes.

This week’s announcement of steel tariffs on US imports could add $30m to the company’s costs, according to Wedbush Securities, an investment firm. Worse still, European leaders are threatening retaliation, and several symbols of Americana – including Kentucky whiskey, Levi’s and Harley-Davidson motorcycles – are on their list.

Hell, just ask his own defense industry. Added costs will chew up a lot of defense dollars and throw the whole budget out of whack. Truth is, he didn't think things through. Just another example of governance by impulse. Now I'm hearing from the Trump folks that it's a great idea to set a meeting with Kim. Trump has already shown his knee jerk reaction with him.

And, after the dismantling of the State Dept, we have a shortage of informed opinions and tempered reactions to what it all means. For Trump to agree to such a meet without consulting historians and folks who understand such matters is ill-conceived and ill-advised. No mention of conditions, no attempt to gain the release of political prisoners etc.

So-far, no leverage at all. We've gotta watch what unfolds before just thinking what a great idea this is.
Maybe I'm just not stuck on stupid like all you political Ideologists. When something is right, it's right. I'll quote from whomever I think has a handle on the issue at hand. Unlike you, I'm not gonna reject what may be the correct interpretation just because my robot leader says so. You're so much a non thinking autopilot GOPbot. It can only keep you from learning. The other side isn't always wrong or right. Think for yourself.
You are definitely stuck on stupid.
If you read Fortune on a steady basis you would understand why the publishers and writes hate Trump with a passion.
Fortune is pure snobbery, business visas, open borders, cheap labor and massive unemployment to suppress wages and anti-Social benefits.
Fortune is survival of the fittest.
You're just another simpleton hunting and fishing for anything anti-Trump.
The trap you're in is that you have zero context on the issues or whose side anybody is on because your brain is stuck.
Both parties have gone too far but you're just stuck on Liberal.

I believe their take on these tariffs is correct. Again, you project your ideology on me. Nobody is always wrong or always right and we as voters have to decide which issues we care about, weigh the options and make a decision.

Nobody will ever have all my views or all your views unless you are as I said, stuck on stupid. So, educate yourself and quit the broad brush approach to everything.

As far as Trump, I see him as a cancer on our democracy and something that needs to be cut out. He's even hijacked your party with his madness and your people in the GOP are too cowardly to stand up to his divisive bullshit. Never realized just how yellow the party is. Pun intended.
"you project your ideology on me"
Perhaps it's due to the fact that 99.9999999% of your posts are, "I hate Trump".

After reading Fortune since 2001, I don't believe any of their opinions or analysis, which, by the way, are intended purely for the top 1% of 1% who don't want any business they invest in to be on American soil.
But of course you didn't know that either.

So, you are an avid reader of a publication you disagree with completely? You want me to believe that hooey? As for Trump, damn! I was shooting for 100%. He's doing damage to our democracy. The fact that you don't see it further shows you are indeed "Stuck on Stupid."
I had no choice; I wanted to know about how the real economy works.
That's how I got past Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
You won't learn anything about how you're being screwed until you study the enemies book.
That's what Patton did.

Yet the enemy in the white house is not on your radar as a threat?
Yeah, I'm sure trump never really considered what the reactions to those tariffs would be. He even had to be told that Canada was the biggest supplier to the US and that to hurt S korea at a crucial time in history of the region might be a potential problem. Someone on his team and in his ear got through to him at least on those two issues. This guy is a clear and present danger to all of us and our allies. Beside being a horror of a human being, he's a moron. Tillerson got it right on that one.

Still working on my 100%, indep.
Maybe if The EU (Jonesing to become "The United States of Europe") were to remove tariffs on Americcan vehicles...then there might be justification for not imposing tariffs on steel.........

l challenge the Franco/German axis to "go first".....
You are definitely stuck on stupid.
If you read Fortune on a steady basis you would understand why the publishers and writes hate Trump with a passion.
Fortune is pure snobbery, business visas, open borders, cheap labor and massive unemployment to suppress wages and anti-Social benefits.
Fortune is survival of the fittest.
You're just another simpleton hunting and fishing for anything anti-Trump.
The trap you're in is that you have zero context on the issues or whose side anybody is on because your brain is stuck.
Both parties have gone too far but you're just stuck on Liberal.

I believe their take on these tariffs is correct. Again, you project your ideology on me. Nobody is always wrong or always right and we as voters have to decide which issues we care about, weigh the options and make a decision.

Nobody will ever have all my views or all your views unless you are as I said, stuck on stupid. So, educate yourself and quit the broad brush approach to everything.

As far as Trump, I see him as a cancer on our democracy and something that needs to be cut out. He's even hijacked your party with his madness and your people in the GOP are too cowardly to stand up to his divisive bullshit. Never realized just how yellow the party is. Pun intended.
"you project your ideology on me"
Perhaps it's due to the fact that 99.9999999% of your posts are, "I hate Trump".

After reading Fortune since 2001, I don't believe any of their opinions or analysis, which, by the way, are intended purely for the top 1% of 1% who don't want any business they invest in to be on American soil.
But of course you didn't know that either.

So, you are an avid reader of a publication you disagree with completely? You want me to believe that hooey? As for Trump, damn! I was shooting for 100%. He's doing damage to our democracy. The fact that you don't see it further shows you are indeed "Stuck on Stupid."
I had no choice; I wanted to know about how the real economy works.
That's how I got past Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
You won't learn anything about how you're being screwed until you study the enemies book.
That's what Patton did.

Yet the enemy in the white house is not on your radar as a threat?
Strawman...stick to the subject which you said is not Trump Hatred.
I take it you missed the last 30 years that did not go as the Free Traders promised?

Flagrant confirmation bias. This is also a single cause fallacy.

A twofer, nice!

The stagnation of Middle Class and Working poor wages is no confirmation bias.

The Free Traders made promises. They did not occur. There was a lot of time for that happen.

The policy has failed. Time for a new policy.

But, when you just pull policies out of your ass on the fly without even consulting people with strong backgrounds in econ that are charged with making recommendations, that's wrong. Contrary to popular opinion of the 38% he's almost never the smartest guy in the room.
Because we've all seen the perfect results of wll thought out policies since Reagan...
Feeling stupid yet?
I got news for you cupcake, Trump will reverse anything that doesn't work, because, unlike the rest of the bought and paid off political elite, Trump doesn't give a shit about keeping the status quo.

Disappearing Inauguration loot, marketing Ivanka's line of goods, Peddling influence to anyone with the price of admission. Selling real estate to Russian spies and laundering Putin's dirty money through real estate deals that make no logical sense. Appointing Cabinet chiefs hand picked by Putin, Appointing Cabinet Chiefs with no skills and an almost equal thirst for wealth. Handing off the most security intensive tasks to family with no clearances.

Yeah, he doesn't care much for the way things were. That's a fact. Just like his famous alternative facts, he's creating an alternative reality. And now he's gonna meet with a nuclear-armed childish madman to talk peace? Talk about kindred spirits. It's been a wild ride so far and I only hope we can all get off safely when that ride is stopped by Mueller and his team.

We haven't seen anything yet. .
Dud Scarecrows

You haven't seen anything at all. But keep it up; your giggling-adolescent comical exaggerations ensure that nobody will take crackpot Trumpophobes like you seriously. Do you think that Aleczheimer Baldwin's caricature of Trump as lazy and uninterested convinced anybody? Yet Kate McKinnon's portrayal of hillary was too close to home to avoid affecting voters' opinions.
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I believe their take on these tariffs is correct. Again, you project your ideology on me. Nobody is always wrong or always right and we as voters have to decide which issues we care about, weigh the options and make a decision.

Nobody will ever have all my views or all your views unless you are as I said, stuck on stupid. So, educate yourself and quit the broad brush approach to everything.

As far as Trump, I see him as a cancer on our democracy and something that needs to be cut out. He's even hijacked your party with his madness and your people in the GOP are too cowardly to stand up to his divisive bullshit. Never realized just how yellow the party is. Pun intended.
"you project your ideology on me"
Perhaps it's due to the fact that 99.9999999% of your posts are, "I hate Trump".

After reading Fortune since 2001, I don't believe any of their opinions or analysis, which, by the way, are intended purely for the top 1% of 1% who don't want any business they invest in to be on American soil.
But of course you didn't know that either.

So, you are an avid reader of a publication you disagree with completely? You want me to believe that hooey? As for Trump, damn! I was shooting for 100%. He's doing damage to our democracy. The fact that you don't see it further shows you are indeed "Stuck on Stupid."
I had no choice; I wanted to know about how the real economy works.
That's how I got past Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
You won't learn anything about how you're being screwed until you study the enemies book.
That's what Patton did.

Yet the enemy in the white house is not on your radar as a threat?
Strawman...stick to the subject which you said is not Trump Hatred.

Do me a favor. If I ever post without including Trump hatred, tell me so I can edit and include some. BTW You needed to read Fortune, a publication you despise, to get past Limbaugh and Hannity? Any thinking and functioning person could see what they are all about in about ten seconds. Took you 17 years? No wonder you support Trump. About 17 years from now you'll have that one in your rear view mirror too.

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