President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

" Utilitarianism On Extremes of Individualism Versus Necessities of Collectivism "

* Financial Security Is National Security *

You can go right on believing Trump cares about the working class but he doesn't. The tariffs were all about appearances and the usual impulsive actions with no forethought. I'm also a Rhody guy, grew up in Pawtucket and Providence and I've seen some of the most corrupt administrations come and go there and that's what the Trump gang smells like to me. Same game, different Mob.
The economic libertarianism ( economic liberalism ) of anarcho-capitalists , likely more often than not , places national allegiance far below self interests and that culpability for succumbing to greed jeopardizes long term wealth of the nation for short term wealth of their own self interests .

Trump administration’s block in Qualcomm vs. Broadcom merger should shake tech to its core
While there are many issues at stake in the merger, the one that drove interest in Washington has been Qualcomm’s leadership role in 5G, a technology that the Trump administration considers to be a national security priority. Only two companies in the world have the technological prowess today in this emerging standard: U.S.-based Qualcomm and China-based Huawei.

Washington’s concern has been that a Broadcom takeover of Qualcomm would mean that America’s only player in the 5G race would be eliminated through budget cutting, leaving China to monopolize a key technology standard for a generation.

The Pentagon and national security beltway types have been deeply concerned about Huawei technology encroaching on U.S. telecom infrastructure, even going so far as to block the introduction of Huawei’s new mobile phone from being introduced on AT&T’s network.

It’s important to note that whatever the rhetoric, this was not about jobs or the economy directly. Qualcomm was expected to stay in the United States along with most of its workers, and Broadcom has already announced its decision to redomicile back to the United States following the passage of the tax cuts at the end of 2017.
Trump is right on tariffs -- That’s why he was elected

President Trump is simply doing what he said he would do during the presidential campaign – protecting American workers and safeguarding our national security, all at the same time.

And the president put a human face on a problem that has touched millions of Americans across this country on Thursday by making his announcement surrounded by steel and aluminum workers. His action underscores the fact that no one has stood up for the forgotten men and women of this nation as industry after industry, job after job, has disappeared because of unfair and non-reciprocal trade practices.

Being born in Rhode Island, a state that has lost countless blue-color jobs for decades, I can relate to this issue on a personal level. I know dozens of hardworking people back home who have lost their careers because their jobs were offshored overseas or their industries were destroyed by predatory trade practices.

Now President Trump is standing up and fighting for these Americans. We can debate the policy – in fact we should, in an honest manner – but we should all be proud that our president is actually trying to do something to preserve American jobs. I know I am.

You can go right on believing Trump cares about the working class but he doesn't. The tariffs were all about appearances and the usual impulsive actions with no forethought. I'm also a Rhody guy, grew up in Pawtucket and Providence and I've seen some of the most corrupt administrations come and go there and that's what the Trump gang smells like to me. Same game, different Mob.

Why not just be honest and admit that anything Trump does whether it is beneficial to the people or not, you are going to hate. This is nothing NEW. Please. Lol.
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Trump is right on tariffs -- That’s why he was elected

President Trump is simply doing what he said he would do during the presidential campaign – protecting American workers and safeguarding our national security, all at the same time.

And the president put a human face on a problem that has touched millions of Americans across this country on Thursday by making his announcement surrounded by steel and aluminum workers. His action underscores the fact that no one has stood up for the forgotten men and women of this nation as industry after industry, job after job, has disappeared because of unfair and non-reciprocal trade practices.

Being born in Rhode Island, a state that has lost countless blue-color jobs for decades, I can relate to this issue on a personal level. I know dozens of hardworking people back home who have lost their careers because their jobs were offshored overseas or their industries were destroyed by predatory trade practices.

Now President Trump is standing up and fighting for these Americans. We can debate the policy – in fact we should, in an honest manner – but we should all be proud that our president is actually trying to do something to preserve American jobs. I know I am.

You can go right on believing Trump cares about the working class but he doesn't. The tariffs were all about appearances and the usual impulsive actions with no forethought. I'm also a Rhody guy, grew up in Pawtucket and Providence and I've seen some of the most corrupt administrations come and go there and that's what the Trump gang smells like to me. Same game, different Mob.

Why not just be honest and admit that anything Trump does whether it is beneficial to the people or not, you are going to hate. This is nothing NEW. Please. Lol.

Let me know when he does something for anyone but himself. The fact that you are okay with him is what's laughable. You're right about me hating him. He's colluded with Russia to mess with our elections and he's laundered money for them. He's a clear and present danger and the fact that you can't see what's right in front of you is really amazing. But, good luck anyway.
" US Citizens Call Bull Shit With #I_SLAM_A_PHOBIA "

* Principal Public Perception Instigators

Let me know when he does something for anyone but himself. The fact that you are okay with him is what's laughable. You're right about me hating him. He's colluded with Russia to mess with our elections and he's laundered money for them. He's a clear and present danger and the fact that you can't see what's right in front of you is really amazing. But, good luck anyway.
The saudis have more of an influence on us elections and us policy than the russians ever could .

The left caused its own afflictions by embracing the bull shit lies for fictional ishmaelism perpetrated by the multi-billion dollar slush fund of the terrorist saudis that promotes propaganda for the facilitation of terrorist ideologies globally . The cognitive dissonance of defending the hisbah embracing minority , while remaining intolerant of the intolerant , has caused an irreconcilable and split brain personality , such that any educated about the depravities , history and intolerance by doctrine of fictional ishmaelism is deemed an intolerant rather than one defending themselves and their liberty from democracy as tyranny by majority .

The left caused its own afflictions by embracing illegal immigration along with the ridiculous and unnecessary levels of immigration ( 1.4 million permanent annual , first come first serve low skilled with chain immigration to boot ) with persistent anti-racist-racist undertones that completely ignore the global demographic of homogeneous populations and its disproportionate numerical representation of those identities seeking a one way influx into demographics whose identities are targeted as not entitled to a homogeneous identity or even representative majority or self autonomy . If the left wanted to do something about global warming it would bring up the issue of global population and how to control it ; and , you better believe that facilitating more directionless population growth and its environmental demands is not a wise direction .

That don all strumpet is pandering to the puritanical religious reich in the us is annoying in many degrees , and the left is coalescing its base on some of those issues , but the sickness of the left embrace for fictional ishmaelism and social destruction through mass pointless immigration remains .

* Fanatics Promoting Its Evil Agenda *

Saudi Arabia lobby in the United States - Wikipedia
In the first decade of the 21st century the Saudis paid approximately $100 million to American firms to lobby the American government.[4]

Major lobbying firms that work as lobbyists in the pay of the Saudi government include Hill & Knowlton, which has been employed to lobby for Saudi Arabia since 1982.[4] Qorvis Communications has worked for Saudi Arabia since the 9/11 attacks, receiving over $60.3 million over the course of a decade.[5][6]Hogan Lovells U.S., L.L.P., formerly Hogan & Harston, worked for Saudi Arabia in 2009.[4] The Loeffler Group, LLP, headed by former Congressman Tom Loeffler of Texas, was paid $10.5 million by the Saudi government during the first decade of the century, and gave Sandler Innocenzi, Inc. $8.9 million.[4] Patton Boggs, LLP, earned over $3 million from Saudi Arabia for lobbying in the first decade of the century.[4]

The Middle East Policy Council has received large payments from Saudi Arabia to lobby for the Kingdom, including $1 million in 2007.[7][8]

A partial list of firms that have been paid by Saudi Arabia to lobby the American government includes:

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP: $220,770
Boland & Madigan, Inc: $420,000
Burson-Marsteller: $3,619,286.85
Cambridge Associates, Ltd.: $8,505
Cassidy & Associates, Inc: $720,000
DNX Partners, LLC: $225,000
Dutton & Dutton, PC: $3,694,350
Fleishman-Hillard: $6,400,000
Gallagher Group, LLC: $612,337.37
Iler Interests, LP: $388,231.14
Loeffler Tuggey Pauerstein Rosenthal, LLP: $2,350,457.12
Loeffler, Jonas & Tuggey, LLP: $1,260,000
MPD Consultants, LLP: $1,447,267.13
Powell Tate, Inc: $900,732.77
" US Citizens Call Bull Shit With #I_SLAM_A_PHOBIA "

* Principal Public Perception Instigators

Let me know when he does something for anyone but himself. The fact that you are okay with him is what's laughable. You're right about me hating him. He's colluded with Russia to mess with our elections and he's laundered money for them. He's a clear and present danger and the fact that you can't see what's right in front of you is really amazing. But, good luck anyway.
The saudis have more of an influence on us elections and us policy than the russians ever could .

The left caused its own afflictions by embracing the bull shit lies for fictional ishmaelism perpetrated by the multi-billion dollar slush fund of the terrorist saudis that promotes propaganda for the facilitation of terrorist ideologies globally . The cognitive dissonance of defending the hisbah embracing minority , while remaining intolerant of the intolerant , has caused an irreconcilable and split brain personality , such that any educated about the depravities , history and intolerance by doctrine of fictional ishmaelism is deemed an intolerant rather than one defending themselves and their liberty from democracy as tyranny by majority .

The left caused its own afflictions by embracing illegal immigration along with the ridiculous and unnecessary levels of immigration ( 1.4 million permanent annual , first come first serve low skilled with chain immigration to boot ) with persistent anti-racist-racist undertones that completely ignore the global demographic of homogeneous populations and its disproportionate numerical representation of those identities seeking a one way influx into demographics whose identities are targeted as not entitled to a homogeneous identity or even representative majority or self autonomy . If the left wanted to do something about global warming it would bring up the issue of global population and how to control it ; and , you better believe that facilitating more directionless population growth and its environmental demands is not a wise direction .

That don all strumpet is pandering to the puritanical religious reich in the us is annoying in many degrees , and the left is coalescing its base on some of those issues , but the sickness of the left embrace for fictional ishmaelism and social destruction through mass pointless immigration remains .

* Fanatics Promoting Its Evil Agenda *

Saudi Arabia lobby in the United States - Wikipedia
In the first decade of the 21st century the Saudis paid approximately $100 million to American firms to lobby the American government.[4]

Major lobbying firms that work as lobbyists in the pay of the Saudi government include Hill & Knowlton, which has been employed to lobby for Saudi Arabia since 1982.[4] Qorvis Communications has worked for Saudi Arabia since the 9/11 attacks, receiving over $60.3 million over the course of a decade.[5][6]Hogan Lovells U.S., L.L.P., formerly Hogan & Harston, worked for Saudi Arabia in 2009.[4] The Loeffler Group, LLP, headed by former Congressman Tom Loeffler of Texas, was paid $10.5 million by the Saudi government during the first decade of the century, and gave Sandler Innocenzi, Inc. $8.9 million.[4] Patton Boggs, LLP, earned over $3 million from Saudi Arabia for lobbying in the first decade of the century.[4]

The Middle East Policy Council has received large payments from Saudi Arabia to lobby for the Kingdom, including $1 million in 2007.[7][8]

A partial list of firms that have been paid by Saudi Arabia to lobby the American government includes:

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP: $220,770
Boland & Madigan, Inc: $420,000
Burson-Marsteller: $3,619,286.85
Cambridge Associates, Ltd.: $8,505
Cassidy & Associates, Inc: $720,000
DNX Partners, LLC: $225,000
Dutton & Dutton, PC: $3,694,350
Fleishman-Hillard: $6,400,000
Gallagher Group, LLC: $612,337.37
Iler Interests, LP: $388,231.14
Loeffler Tuggey Pauerstein Rosenthal, LLP: $2,350,457.12
Loeffler, Jonas & Tuggey, LLP: $1,260,000
MPD Consultants, LLP: $1,447,267.13
Powell Tate, Inc: $900,732.77

Why is it that I get the feeling you write for your self more than anybody else? Nothing you've said here dispels the fact that every intell agency has concluded that Russia was and is responsible for the interference in our elections and that those efforts are ongoing. To compare lobbying efforts to shape US policy to outright manual manipulation, is to distract from the issue. All these efforts by the right to point the finger in every direction but at Putin's govt are serving the interests of Putin and Trump to the exclusion of addressing what is proven to have occurred.
What country doesn't lobby the US to attempt to shape policy? That's a given. And no amount of wordplay can change the fact that lobbying is a separate issue to a blatant attack on our democracy that may have been encouraged and/or aided by the Trump campaign. The interests of Trump and Putin were served directly by those actions unlike a more persuasive minded approach employed by many countries and governments. One is a diplomatic and normal set of events and one is criminal and a direct attack on our system of governance. To equate them or to attempt to paint them as just business as usual is wrong minded and is supportive of what Russia tried to accomplish and continues to employ for the foreseeable future.
And to assert that the United States is unique in its policies of immigration is to recognize what we have stood for since our inception. So what else is new? Let me remind you that the only people who are not descendants of immigrants are native Americans.
Tyranny by majority? If you are referring to majority by color, creed, or nationality, I'll remind you again that America has tried through laws, policies, and national pride not to make those kinds of distinctions. The fact that the far right has tried to make a break with those inalienable rights is about as anti American as any policy could be. So, go sell that BS elsewhere.
" Typical Patterns Of Coping With Rejection "

* Stands Alone Even If Together *
Why is it that I get the feeling you write for your self more than anybody else?
* Public Policy Of Open Persuasion *
Nothing you've said here dispels the fact that every intell agency has concluded that Russia was and is responsible for the interference in our elections and that those efforts are ongoing. To compare lobbying efforts to shape US policy to outright manual manipulation, is to distract from the issue.
To me outright manipulation means that russians rigged election boxes , or sent their own agents to the voting booth .

Rigging elections is like allowing illegal immigrants to register and cast votes as if they were citizens , or allowing a vote to be cast for the deceased , or casting votes for individuals who did not show up to vote , or coercing voters to a particular candidate by threat .

We have a policy which prevents foreign agents from contributing to political campaigns or sponsoring advertisements for candidates , but how does that tie into the money grubbing of news outlets , new releases and its affects in social media ?

Your version of outright manipulation of an election may very well include bernie sanders or gary johnson as malicious characters who intentionally undercut democrat numbers .

The fervent adherents of political parties often excuse the deeds of their puppets for the greater aspirations available by their representation for party lines .

If putin had a bent towards hillary and did his best to undermine her campaign , then ' caveat emptor ' , and in four years we can all reassess and decide again .

It was obvious that hillary had plenty of baggage and , at least for a while , americans no longer wished to entertain politics in line with the former communist party and self deprecating , saudi payroll , germanic identity killer , angela merkel ; to see the two of them together , rubbing labia , may very well could have cause many to incur an embolism .

* Whose Fault Four Deflecting Responsibility *
All these efforts by the right to point the finger in every direction but at Putin's govt are serving the interests of Putin and Trump to the exclusion of addressing what is proven to have occurred.

What country doesn't lobby the US to attempt to shape policy? That's a given.
If you are satisfied with lobbying , then are you certain to be dissatisfied with the involvement of foreign agents in persuading public opinion ?

Personally , the 100s of billions from the saudi slush fund to normalize fictional ishmaelism ( mosques , madrasa , immigration , political activists ) with its constant pandering and subversion of the left with donations to embrace i slam adherents into a category of minority victims , rather than the vile , intolerant , terrorist facilitating , supremacists by doctrine , sycophants , qualifies as an equal comparative with your perception for " outright manipulation " of an election .

The split mind of the left , which cannot discern whether it should defend minorities or defend the intolerant , is causing it to miss an obvious indicator of motive against the democrats in the presidential election .

You may not be able to imagine the messages left on the voice mail of jeb bush regarding his despicable family association with the saudi fiends and that the day he would get my vote for president would be the day hell froze over .

Another guess at a contributor for the election outcome was the affordable care act which compelled individuals to pay for personal health insurance rather than pocketing the cost of insurance and sticking medicaid with the bill should they encounter an issue , and those in that financial situation would have found more reason to vote for republicans bantering to get rid of the individual mandate , when the affordable care act served republican interests far more than it did democrats .

* Mocking Philosophical Hubris *
The fact that the far right has tried to make a break with those inalienable rights is about as anti American as any policy could be. So, go sell that BS elsewhere.
Whomever you believe to be debating , inalienable wrights and the contemporary definition of natural wrights are a farce .

According to moral relativism , no one owes anyone a damn thing , and that missing facet of realism is why secular humanism is morally bankrupt ; sorry , anthropocentrism , whether from the religious reich , or from the humanitarian fool does not set well with me .

The simple fact is that wrights can be alienated , and that is why one surrenders natural freedoms for membership in a social civil contract to secure liberties for its own self interests .

Citizens determine their membership and that need not be according to some some pious , pompous , expectation for a confused egalitarian perception , without a discriminate address .
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" Typical Patterns Of Coping With Rejection "

* Stands Alone Even If Together *
Why is it that I get the feeling you write for your self more than anybody else?
* Public Policy Of Open Persuasion *
Nothing you've said here dispels the fact that every intell agency has concluded that Russia was and is responsible for the interference in our elections and that those efforts are ongoing. To compare lobbying efforts to shape US policy to outright manual manipulation, is to distract from the issue.
To me outright manipulation means that russians rigged election boxes , or sent their own agents to the voting booth .

Rigging elections is like allowing illegal immigrants to register and cast votes as if they were citizens , or allowing a vote to be cast for the deceased , or casting votes for individuals who did not show up to vote , or coercing voters to a particular candidate by threat .

We have a policy which prevents foreign agents from contributing to political campaigns or sponsoring advertisements for candidates , but how does that tie into the money grubbing of news outlets , new releases and its affects in social media ?

Your version of outright manipulation of an election may very well include bernie sanders or gary johnson as malicious characters who intentionally undercut democrat numbers .

The fervent adherents of political parties often excuse the deeds of their puppets for the greater aspirations available by their representation for party lines .

If putin had a bent towards hillary and did his best to undermine her campaign , then ' caveat emptor ' , and in four years we can all reassess and decide again .

It was obvious that hillary had plenty of baggage and , at least for a while , americans no longer wished to entertain politics in line with the former communist party and self deprecating , saudi payroll , germanic identity killer , angela merkel ; to see the two of them together , rubbing labia , may very well could have cause many to incur an embolism .

* Whose Fault Four Deflecting Responsibility *
All these efforts by the right to point the finger in every direction but at Putin's govt are serving the interests of Putin and Trump to the exclusion of addressing what is proven to have occurred.

What country doesn't lobby the US to attempt to shape policy? That's a given.
If you are satisfied with lobbying , then are you certain to be dissatisfied with the involvement of foreign agents in persuading public opinion ?

Personally , the 100s of billions from the saudi slush fund to normalize fictional ishmaelism ( mosques , madrasa , immigration , political activists ) with its constant pandering and subversion of the left with donations to embrace i slam adherents into a category of minority victims , rather than the vile , intolerant , terrorist facilitating , supremacists by doctrine , sycophants , qualifies as an equal comparative with your perception for " outright manipulation " of an election .

The split mind of the left , which cannot discern whether it should defend minorities or defend the intolerant , is causing it to miss an obvious indicator of motive against the democrats in the presidential election .

You may not be able to imagine the messages left on the voice mail of jeb bush regarding his despicable family association with the saudi fiends and that the day he would get my vote for president would be the day hell froze over .

Another guess at a contributor for the election outcome was the affordable care act which compelled individuals to pay for personal health insurance rather than pocketing the cost of insurance and sticking medicaid with the bill should they encounter an issue , and those in that financial situation would have found more reason to vote for republicans bantering to get rid of the individual mandate , when the affordable care act served republican interests far more than it did democrats .

* Mocking Philosophical Hubris *
The fact that the far right has tried to make a break with those inalienable rights is about as anti American as any policy could be. So, go sell that BS elsewhere.
Whomever you believe to be debating , inalienable wrights and the contemporary definition of natural wrights are a farce .

According to moral relativism , no one owes anyone a damn thing , and that missing facet of realism is why secular humanism is morally bankrupt ; sorry , anthropocentrism , whether from the religious reich , or from the humanitarian fool does not set well with me .

The simple fact is that wrights can be alienated , and that is why one surrenders natural freedoms for membership in a social civil contract to secure liberties for its own self interests .

Citizens determine their membership and that need not be according to some some pious , pompous , expectation for a confused egalitarian perception , without a discriminate address .

Maybe i wasn't specific enough and believe me I'm no fan of the house of Saud. If Bushco really wanted revenge for 9/11 he could have exacted that by attacking that house and to do business as usual after ignoring the fact that it was Saudis on those planes, speaks volumes about the GOP's long standing relationship with that house through the love of oil and riches. But I was talking about the manipulation by a foreign adversary of long standing of our electoral process through the use of social media and only they know if that manipulation included direct physical changes to voting machines, voter registration lists etc. I guess we'll find out later especially in light of the fact that this current administration has no sense of urgency and hasn't completely accepted that it was Russia that was the culprit.

Your view of the world seems to have a very negative base especially when it comes to social justice. I believe it isn't as predetermined as you think nor is it foolish as you put it to believe that social change is possible and should be pursued. Of course there are forces born of greed and selfishness standing in the way of making changes but that's always been the case and many indignities and social ills have been at least dealt a blow or two by the humanitarian fools like myself. So you can keep your philosophy of hopelessness and finality and I'll keep the faith that it is those of us who recognize the difficulty of addressing social problems as they arise but believe in a society in which those forces of evil will be defeated through sheer aggressive determination. I believe that as imperfect as our political system is, it will be the left that will snuff out the greed and disdain for the working man that defines the right.
" Nonspecific Direction "

* Entitlement To Self Defense Pet Peeve *

Maybe i wasn't specific enough and believe me I'm no fan of the house of Saud. If Bushco really wanted revenge for 9/11 he could have exacted that by attacking that house and to do business as usual after ignoring the fact that it was Saudis on those planes, speaks volumes about the GOP's long standing relationship with that house through the love of oil and riches.
Whether it is bluffing ton post , or the mussel men bother hood , or tay yip yap ear dog again and turn key fools , or the reprobates at cair , or linda sars sour , or pop sugar , or any of the other fictional ishmaelism institutions and outlets on the take , the left embraces them with a split mind , fervently insistent on their defense as minorities and accusing any critic of intolerance , while dispatching any analysis or scrutiny for the 1400 years of homicide by doctrine , the idiocy of hisbah for its tyranny by majority , for its doctrinal terrorism by minority , as the facade of taqiyya, tawriya, kitman and muruna are surreptitiously orchestrated overtly before blind fools .

My issue is not with humanism but rather with the blatant ignorance upon which many of its proponents base decisions and policy objectives .

* Indiscriminate Accusatives *

But I was talking about the manipulation by a foreign adversary of long standing of our electoral process through the use of social media and only they know if that manipulation included direct physical changes to voting machines, voter registration lists etc. I guess we'll find out later especially in light of the fact that this current administration has no sense of urgency and hasn't completely accepted that it was Russia that was the culprit.
Now that public advertisement and political contributions have been ruled out as legal violations that could have occurred and the actions of news outlets and the always suspect social media are as yet unfounded as legal violations , are you actually implying that the russians manipulated voting machines , registration lists , etc. ?

* What Is Rhetoric *

Your view of the world seems to have a very negative base especially when it comes to social justice. I believe it isn't as predetermined as you think nor is it foolish as you put it to believe that social change is possible and should be pursued.
Within the context of entitlements to fellow citizens with who a social civil contract is shared , my alliances begin with non aggression principles and note , in general , that violence ( illegitimate aggression ) is not always easily defined .

In political philosophy , a libertarian ethic is any article of law phrased as a proscription of government action , and it creates negative liberties as freedoms to act without interference from government , where such laws establish negative wrights .

An antithesis of libertarian ethic is authoritarian , which is any article of law phrased as a prescription for government action ; and , authoritarianism may create negative liberties as freedoms to act without interference from other private individuals ; alternatively , authoritarianism may create positive liberties as assertive actions of government to provide more resources to individuals than they originally possess , which must be taken from other private individuals , and such laws are termed positive wrights .

According to non aggression principles , one is entitled to self defense against illegitimate threats or actions which violate ones self ownership ( life , free roam , free association ) or their self determination ( private property ) .

My considerations are mostly aligned negative liberties and the mean of individualism *i and , unlike libertarian anarchists who assert the extreme of individualism ( I ) without a national allegiance , my views expect a necessity for national allegiance and , thus to a degree , collectivism which regards policies from the american school of economics as credible .

As negative liberties establish individualism ( I ) and positive liberties establish collectivism ( C ) , or sometimes termed statism ( S ) , the aesthetic means of *i and *c are generally a utilitarian ethic .

My primary objective as of late is to reprove intellectual buffoonery that is intrinsic to the liberal versus conservative paradigm and thereby establish terms and ethics by which one may reasonably address and evaluate public policy .

Thus , my understanding of your accusation is that it is unfounded and based upon limited information .

* Two Edge Swords *

Of course there are forces born of greed and selfishness standing in the way of making changes but that's always been the case and many indignities and social ills have been at least dealt a blow or two by the humanitarian fools like myself. So you can keep your philosophy of hopelessness and finality and I'll keep the faith that it is those of us who recognize the difficulty of addressing social problems as they arise but believe in a society in which those forces of evil will be defeated through sheer aggressive determination. I believe that as imperfect as our political system is, it will be the left that will snuff out the greed and disdain for the working man that defines the right.
As for humanitarianism , those that seem to espouse it should understand a life saving rule which is do not jump in to save a frantic drowning victim without a proper flotation device or training .

If as an individual you wish to give personal resources to enrich others , that is distinctly different from you giving away the resources of other individuals to satisfy your own perceptions of virtue .

And when it comes to preserving the liberty of self ownership and self determination of others , entreating a voting majority of those who would subdue it is a contradiction in goals .
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In greater detail, let’s summarize the outcomes from protectionist trade policy in the form of steel tariffs: 1) Domestic steelmakers will win with higher steel prices, higher profits and share prices (U.S. Steel’s stock has nearly doubled since January 1), and greater market share, but 2) Domestic steel-using manufacturers will lose because of higher input prices, lower profits, and possibly reduced sales and market share) and 3) Millions of American consumers and businesses will lose when they now pay higher prices for everything that contains steel, including cars, appliances, tractors, tools, construction materials, wind turbines, forklifts, pipelines, and airplanes.

US steel tariffs: A case study in protectionism, economic losses on net, and 'legal plunder' - AEI

That's what the Free Traders said back in the 80s.

Their policy did not give US the results promised.

Time to admit failure and move on.

Trump asked Michigan, WI & PA what they had to lose by voting for him. How about Harley Davidson?

Harley-Davidson says it plans to move production of motorcycles it sells in Europe overseas in response to growing trade friction between the United States and Europe.

European officials last week imposed stiff tariffs on a wide range of U.S.-made goods sold within the European Union. The response came to President Trump's recent decision to slap tariffs on European imports.

In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday, Harley-Davidson said the tariffs imposed by the EU "would have an immediate and lasting detrimental impact to its business in the region."

The company reported $5.65 billion in revenues last year and Europe is its largest overseas market, with almost 40,000 customers buying motorcycles there in 2017.

The European tariffs have jumped from 6 percent to 31 percent, the company said. That increase will add on average $2,200 to the cost of each motorcycle sold in the EU, and would cost the company $90 million to $100 million a year, the filing said.

"Increasing international production to alleviate the EU tariff burden is not the company's preference, but represents the only sustainable option to make its motorcycles accessible to customers in the EU and maintain a viable business in Europe," the filing said.

The company did not say where production would be shifted, or how many jobs might be affected, but said the move would take nine to 18 months to complete.

It also did not say which U.S. factories would be affected. The company's U.S. factories are in York, Pa.; Kansas City, Mo., and Menomonee Falls, Wis.
The tariffs on steel are hurting me big time as my new home is being fabricated out of post & beam / steel... ouch! as my builder is buying by the ton. None the less, I do realize the long term & national security rational behind it.
In greater detail, let’s summarize the outcomes from protectionist trade policy in the form of steel tariffs: 1) Domestic steelmakers will win with higher steel prices, higher profits and share prices (U.S. Steel’s stock has nearly doubled since January 1), and greater market share, but 2) Domestic steel-using manufacturers will lose because of higher input prices, lower profits, and possibly reduced sales and market share) and 3) Millions of American consumers and businesses will lose when they now pay higher prices for everything that contains steel, including cars, appliances, tractors, tools, construction materials, wind turbines, forklifts, pipelines, and airplanes.

US steel tariffs: A case study in protectionism, economic losses on net, and 'legal plunder' - AEI

That's what the Free Traders said back in the 80s.

Their policy did not give US the results promised.

Time to admit failure and move on.

Trump asked Michigan, WI & PA what they had to lose by voting for him. How about Harley Davidson?

Harley-Davidson says it plans to move production of motorcycles it sells in Europe overseas in response to growing trade friction between the United States and Europe.

European officials last week imposed stiff tariffs on a wide range of U.S.-made goods sold within the European Union. The response came to President Trump's recent decision to slap tariffs on European imports.

In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday, Harley-Davidson said the tariffs imposed by the EU "would have an immediate and lasting detrimental impact to its business in the region."

The company reported $5.65 billion in revenues last year and Europe is its largest overseas market, with almost 40,000 customers buying motorcycles there in 2017.

The European tariffs have jumped from 6 percent to 31 percent, the company said. That increase will add on average $2,200 to the cost of each motorcycle sold in the EU, and would cost the company $90 million to $100 million a year, the filing said.

"Increasing international production to alleviate the EU tariff burden is not the company's preference, but represents the only sustainable option to make its motorcycles accessible to customers in the EU and maintain a viable business in Europe," the filing said.

The company did not say where production would be shifted, or how many jobs might be affected, but said the move would take nine to 18 months to complete.

It also did not say which U.S. factories would be affected. The company's U.S. factories are in York, Pa.; Kansas City, Mo., and Menomonee Falls, Wis.

'MAGA'.....not 'MMGA', 'WPGA', 'WWGA'... :p

Despite all of your whining, crying, and fear-mongering, thanks to President Trump we have:

The best economy in decades...even in Michigan, Wi, and Pa

The lowest unemployment in decades

More full-time jobs, raises, and bonuses

Fewer Americans enrolled in Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps

A record stock market

Home values have increased

Trump's job approval rating is higher than Obama's and Reagan's

....and we do NOT have for a President a proven felon who compromised national security for her own benefit, Obstructed justice, lied to the FBI, was under 2 (TWO) FBI investigations just days before the election for crimes she DID commit (to include Espionage), rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, violated Election Campaign laws, broke Campaign Finance Laws, still failed to win her party's nomination, treasonously collaborated with and paid foreign spies and Russians for a debunked / unproven document she illegally used in a US election and which she gave to the FBI who helped her and Obama orchestrate a Conspiracy designed to keep the opposing political party's candidate from winning and to commit treason by removing the newly elected President from office if he should win......
The tariffs on steel are hurting me big time as my new home is being fabricated out of post & beam / steel... ouch! as my builder is buying by the ton. None the less, I do realize the long term & national security rational behind it.
Thank you for your intelligence, your understanding, and willingness to see this through for the good of the country long term. God bless you and your new home.
Trump is right on tariffs -- That’s why he was elected

President Trump is simply doing what he said he would do during the presidential campaign – protecting American workers and safeguarding our national security, all at the same time.

And the president put a human face on a problem that has touched millions of Americans across this country on Thursday by making his announcement surrounded by steel and aluminum workers. His action underscores the fact that no one has stood up for the forgotten men and women of this nation as industry after industry, job after job, has disappeared because of unfair and non-reciprocal trade practices.

Being born in Rhode Island, a state that has lost countless blue-color jobs for decades, I can relate to this issue on a personal level. I know dozens of hardworking people back home who have lost their careers because their jobs were offshored overseas or their industries were destroyed by predatory trade practices.

Now President Trump is standing up and fighting for these Americans. We can debate the policy – in fact we should, in an honest manner – but we should all be proud that our president is actually trying to do something to preserve American jobs. I know I am.

You can go right on believing Trump cares about the working class but he doesn't. The tariffs were all about appearances and the usual impulsive actions with no forethought. I'm also a Rhody guy, grew up in Pawtucket and Providence and I've seen some of the most corrupt administrations come and go there and that's what the Trump gang smells like to me. Same game, different Mob.

Why not just be honest and admit that anything Trump does whether it is beneficial to the people or not, you are going to hate. This is nothing NEW. Please. Lol.
And how, exactly, do you expect these tariffs to benefit us?
The tariffs on steel are hurting me big time as my new home is being fabricated out of post & beam / steel... ouch! as my builder is buying by the ton. None the less, I do realize the long term & national security rational behind it.
God bless your patriotism!
Trump is right on tariffs -- That’s why he was elected

President Trump is simply doing what he said he would do during the presidential campaign – protecting American workers and safeguarding our national security, all at the same time.

And the president put a human face on a problem that has touched millions of Americans across this country on Thursday by making his announcement surrounded by steel and aluminum workers. His action underscores the fact that no one has stood up for the forgotten men and women of this nation as industry after industry, job after job, has disappeared because of unfair and non-reciprocal trade practices.

Being born in Rhode Island, a state that has lost countless blue-color jobs for decades, I can relate to this issue on a personal level. I know dozens of hardworking people back home who have lost their careers because their jobs were offshored overseas or their industries were destroyed by predatory trade practices.

Now President Trump is standing up and fighting for these Americans. We can debate the policy – in fact we should, in an honest manner – but we should all be proud that our president is actually trying to do something to preserve American jobs. I know I am.

You can go right on believing Trump cares about the working class but he doesn't. The tariffs were all about appearances and the usual impulsive actions with no forethought. I'm also a Rhody guy, grew up in Pawtucket and Providence and I've seen some of the most corrupt administrations come and go there and that's what the Trump gang smells like to me. Same game, different Mob.

Why not just be honest and admit that anything Trump does whether it is beneficial to the people or not, you are going to hate. This is nothing NEW. Please. Lol.
And how, exactly, do you expect these tariffs to benefit us?
Producing steel in the United States export...instead of exporting our jobs.
If, the word, "tariff", did not exist, and the words, "consumer tax" was used instead, Trumpettes would never tolerate Trump's trade war.
Trump is right on tariffs -- That’s why he was elected

President Trump is simply doing what he said he would do during the presidential campaign – protecting American workers and safeguarding our national security, all at the same time.

And the president put a human face on a problem that has touched millions of Americans across this country on Thursday by making his announcement surrounded by steel and aluminum workers. His action underscores the fact that no one has stood up for the forgotten men and women of this nation as industry after industry, job after job, has disappeared because of unfair and non-reciprocal trade practices.

Being born in Rhode Island, a state that has lost countless blue-color jobs for decades, I can relate to this issue on a personal level. I know dozens of hardworking people back home who have lost their careers because their jobs were offshored overseas or their industries were destroyed by predatory trade practices.

Now President Trump is standing up and fighting for these Americans. We can debate the policy – in fact we should, in an honest manner – but we should all be proud that our president is actually trying to do something to preserve American jobs. I know I am.

You can go right on believing Trump cares about the working class but he doesn't. The tariffs were all about appearances and the usual impulsive actions with no forethought. I'm also a Rhody guy, grew up in Pawtucket and Providence and I've seen some of the most corrupt administrations come and go there and that's what the Trump gang smells like to me. Same game, different Mob.

Why not just be honest and admit that anything Trump does whether it is beneficial to the people or not, you are going to hate. This is nothing NEW. Please. Lol.
And how, exactly, do you expect these tariffs to benefit us?
Producing steel in the United States export...instead of exporting our jobs.

Ask Harley Davidson and Carrier how that is working out for us.

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