President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Trump is right on tariffs -- That’s why he was elected

President Trump is simply doing what he said he would do during the presidential campaign – protecting American workers and safeguarding our national security, all at the same time.

And the president put a human face on a problem that has touched millions of Americans across this country on Thursday by making his announcement surrounded by steel and aluminum workers. His action underscores the fact that no one has stood up for the forgotten men and women of this nation as industry after industry, job after job, has disappeared because of unfair and non-reciprocal trade practices.

Being born in Rhode Island, a state that has lost countless blue-color jobs for decades, I can relate to this issue on a personal level. I know dozens of hardworking people back home who have lost their careers because their jobs were offshored overseas or their industries were destroyed by predatory trade practices.

Now President Trump is standing up and fighting for these Americans. We can debate the policy – in fact we should, in an honest manner – but we should all be proud that our president is actually trying to do something to preserve American jobs. I know I am.

You can go right on believing Trump cares about the working class but he doesn't. The tariffs were all about appearances and the usual impulsive actions with no forethought. I'm also a Rhody guy, grew up in Pawtucket and Providence and I've seen some of the most corrupt administrations come and go there and that's what the Trump gang smells like to me. Same game, different Mob.

Why not just be honest and admit that anything Trump does whether it is beneficial to the people or not, you are going to hate. This is nothing NEW. Please. Lol.
And how, exactly, do you expect these tariffs to benefit us?
Producing steel in the United States export...instead of exporting our jobs.
Ah yes, subsidized by the consumers.of course, every extra artificial dollar now spent on steel will not be spent somewhere else, and....

Oh fuck it, neither you nor Trump care what economists say. This is just a dick swinging contest.
In greater detail, let’s summarize the outcomes from protectionist trade policy in the form of steel tariffs: 1) Domestic steelmakers will win with higher steel prices, higher profits and share prices (U.S. Steel’s stock has nearly doubled since January 1), and greater market share, but 2) Domestic steel-using manufacturers will lose because of higher input prices, lower profits, and possibly reduced sales and market share) and 3) Millions of American consumers and businesses will lose when they now pay higher prices for everything that contains steel, including cars, appliances, tractors, tools, construction materials, wind turbines, forklifts, pipelines, and airplanes.

US steel tariffs: A case study in protectionism, economic losses on net, and 'legal plunder' - AEI

That's what the Free Traders said back in the 80s.

Their policy did not give US the results promised.

Time to admit failure and move on.

Trump asked Michigan, WI & PA what they had to lose by voting for him. How about Harley Davidson?

Harley-Davidson says it plans to move production of motorcycles it sells in Europe overseas in response to growing trade friction between the United States and Europe.

European officials last week imposed stiff tariffs on a wide range of U.S.-made goods sold within the European Union. The response came to President Trump's recent decision to slap tariffs on European imports.

In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday, Harley-Davidson said the tariffs imposed by the EU "would have an immediate and lasting detrimental impact to its business in the region."

The company reported $5.65 billion in revenues last year and Europe is its largest overseas market, with almost 40,000 customers buying motorcycles there in 2017.

The European tariffs have jumped from 6 percent to 31 percent, the company said. That increase will add on average $2,200 to the cost of each motorcycle sold in the EU, and would cost the company $90 million to $100 million a year, the filing said.

"Increasing international production to alleviate the EU tariff burden is not the company's preference, but represents the only sustainable option to make its motorcycles accessible to customers in the EU and maintain a viable business in Europe," the filing said.

The company did not say where production would be shifted, or how many jobs might be affected, but said the move would take nine to 18 months to complete.

It also did not say which U.S. factories would be affected. The company's U.S. factories are in York, Pa.; Kansas City, Mo., and Menomonee Falls, Wis.

'MAGA'.....not 'MMGA', 'WPGA', 'WWGA'... :p

Despite all of your whining, crying, and fear-mongering, thanks to President Trump we have:

The best economy in decades...even in Michigan, Wi, and Pa

The lowest unemployment in decades

More full-time jobs, raises, and bonuses

Fewer Americans enrolled in Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps

A record stock market

Home values have increased

Trump's job approval rating is higher than Obama's and Reagan's

....and we do NOT have for a President a proven felon who compromised national security for her own benefit, Obstructed justice, lied to the FBI, was under 2 (TWO) FBI investigations just days before the election for crimes she DID commit (to include Espionage), rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, violated Election Campaign laws, broke Campaign Finance Laws, still failed to win her party's nomination, treasonously collaborated with and paid foreign spies and Russians for a debunked / unproven document she illegally used in a US election and which she gave to the FBI who helped her and Obama orchestrate a Conspiracy designed to keep the opposing political party's candidate from winning and to commit treason by removing the newly elected President from office if he should win......

We already had all these things before he because President.
In greater detail, let’s summarize the outcomes from protectionist trade policy in the form of steel tariffs: 1) Domestic steelmakers will win with higher steel prices, higher profits and share prices (U.S. Steel’s stock has nearly doubled since January 1), and greater market share, but 2) Domestic steel-using manufacturers will lose because of higher input prices, lower profits, and possibly reduced sales and market share) and 3) Millions of American consumers and businesses will lose when they now pay higher prices for everything that contains steel, including cars, appliances, tractors, tools, construction materials, wind turbines, forklifts, pipelines, and airplanes.

US steel tariffs: A case study in protectionism, economic losses on net, and 'legal plunder' - AEI

That's what the Free Traders said back in the 80s.

Their policy did not give US the results promised.

Time to admit failure and move on.

Trump asked Michigan, WI & PA what they had to lose by voting for him. How about Harley Davidson?

Harley-Davidson says it plans to move production of motorcycles it sells in Europe overseas in response to growing trade friction between the United States and Europe.

European officials last week imposed stiff tariffs on a wide range of U.S.-made goods sold within the European Union. The response came to President Trump's recent decision to slap tariffs on European imports.

In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday, Harley-Davidson said the tariffs imposed by the EU "would have an immediate and lasting detrimental impact to its business in the region."

The company reported $5.65 billion in revenues last year and Europe is its largest overseas market, with almost 40,000 customers buying motorcycles there in 2017.

The European tariffs have jumped from 6 percent to 31 percent, the company said. That increase will add on average $2,200 to the cost of each motorcycle sold in the EU, and would cost the company $90 million to $100 million a year, the filing said.

"Increasing international production to alleviate the EU tariff burden is not the company's preference, but represents the only sustainable option to make its motorcycles accessible to customers in the EU and maintain a viable business in Europe," the filing said.

The company did not say where production would be shifted, or how many jobs might be affected, but said the move would take nine to 18 months to complete.

It also did not say which U.S. factories would be affected. The company's U.S. factories are in York, Pa.; Kansas City, Mo., and Menomonee Falls, Wis.

'MAGA'.....not 'MMGA', 'WPGA', 'WWGA'... :p

Despite all of your whining, crying, and fear-mongering, thanks to President Trump we have:

The best economy in decades...even in Michigan, Wi, and Pa

The lowest unemployment in decades

More full-time jobs, raises, and bonuses

Fewer Americans enrolled in Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps

A record stock market

Home values have increased

Trump's job approval rating is higher than Obama's and Reagan's

....and we do NOT have for a President a proven felon who compromised national security for her own benefit, Obstructed justice, lied to the FBI, was under 2 (TWO) FBI investigations just days before the election for crimes she DID commit (to include Espionage), rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, violated Election Campaign laws, broke Campaign Finance Laws, still failed to win her party's nomination, treasonously collaborated with and paid foreign spies and Russians for a debunked / unproven document she illegally used in a US election and which she gave to the FBI who helped her and Obama orchestrate a Conspiracy designed to keep the opposing political party's candidate from winning and to commit treason by removing the newly elected President from office if he should win......
Hey look it's you

And bends over for Putin.

I know you THIINK you are being funny...but all you are doing is showing your ignorance.

What do you get when you cross a Democrat with a common goldfish, a South Country Cheviot ram, and an Eclectus (parrot)?

You get the PERFECT Democratic Party Snowflake Voter.
- It has the extremely short-term memory of a goldfish, the passive easily manipulated and guided demeanor of a sheep, and the almost unparalleled ability to repeat ('parrot') whatever you want it to say.

Bwuhahahaha.... :p

Don't laugh - Liberal scientists have already produced millions of these.

After all, only one of these could believe and parrot the BS fed to them about Trump when it has been proven there was never any Illegal Russian Collusion between Trump and the Russians, proven by the inability to find even the slightest bit of evidence to support this known lie after 2 years of investigations....when no evidence of a crime ever committed worthy of being investigated at all has been found involving the President...and despite the only evidence of crimes having been committed shows it has been the DEMOCRATS who have perpetrated any and all crimes:
- Obstruction, Perjury, Lying to the FBI, Mishandling classified, Espionage, Conspiracy, Sedition, and even Treason...

Only one of these rare breeds could look at the fact that only one of the two 2016 Presidential candidates took MILLIONS of dollars (Rubles) directly from the Russian KGB Bank...only persons directly linked to ONE of these two candidates ever directly met with Russian leader Vladimir Putin himself and was also paid large sums of money directly from the Russian KGB Bank - Hillary and Bill Clinton....and still believe the un-supported BS claim by Trump-Hating Liberal extremists that TRUMP, not Hillary, was 'in-bed' with the Russians.

Only one of these new rare species of snowflakes could read/hear how a third (1/3) of the Board of Directors for the company owned by only ONE of these 2016 Presidential candidates' campaign managers consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who had direct connections to the Kremlin and Putin himself AND received thousands of un-reported shares of Russian stock - Hillary Clinton's Campaign Manager John Podesta - yet still believed and parrots the BS narrative about how TRUMP, not Hillary, illegally colluded with Russia.
-- 'Fat' Tony Podesta, John's brother, actually worked for BOTH the KGB Bank AND the Russian Intel Agency at the time....yet no one on the left of in the left-supporting med8ia thought this was important enough to highlight and / or investigate.

Only one of these rare breed of snowflakes would see the evidence that only ONE of these candidates collaborated with / paid foreign spies working with Russians to obtain a Russian propaganda-filled debunked document that was used illegally against the other candidate in their US election AND was handed over to a criminal FBI that illegally used the document to engage / begin a criminal Conspiracy against the eventual President that would make Watergate look like a 'crime' consisting of a little brother stealing and reading his older sister's diary....Again, Hillary Clinton....yet STILL buy the BS lies - without a shred of supporting evidence - that it was Trump who was 'in bed' with the Russians.
In greater detail, let’s summarize the outcomes from protectionist trade policy in the form of steel tariffs: 1) Domestic steelmakers will win with higher steel prices, higher profits and share prices (U.S. Steel’s stock has nearly doubled since January 1), and greater market share, but 2) Domestic steel-using manufacturers will lose because of higher input prices, lower profits, and possibly reduced sales and market share) and 3) Millions of American consumers and businesses will lose when they now pay higher prices for everything that contains steel, including cars, appliances, tractors, tools, construction materials, wind turbines, forklifts, pipelines, and airplanes.

US steel tariffs: A case study in protectionism, economic losses on net, and 'legal plunder' - AEI

That's what the Free Traders said back in the 80s.

Their policy did not give US the results promised.

Time to admit failure and move on.

Trump asked Michigan, WI & PA what they had to lose by voting for him. How about Harley Davidson?

Harley-Davidson says it plans to move production of motorcycles it sells in Europe overseas in response to growing trade friction between the United States and Europe.

European officials last week imposed stiff tariffs on a wide range of U.S.-made goods sold within the European Union. The response came to President Trump's recent decision to slap tariffs on European imports.

In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday, Harley-Davidson said the tariffs imposed by the EU "would have an immediate and lasting detrimental impact to its business in the region."

The company reported $5.65 billion in revenues last year and Europe is its largest overseas market, with almost 40,000 customers buying motorcycles there in 2017.

The European tariffs have jumped from 6 percent to 31 percent, the company said. That increase will add on average $2,200 to the cost of each motorcycle sold in the EU, and would cost the company $90 million to $100 million a year, the filing said.

"Increasing international production to alleviate the EU tariff burden is not the company's preference, but represents the only sustainable option to make its motorcycles accessible to customers in the EU and maintain a viable business in Europe," the filing said.

The company did not say where production would be shifted, or how many jobs might be affected, but said the move would take nine to 18 months to complete.

It also did not say which U.S. factories would be affected. The company's U.S. factories are in York, Pa.; Kansas City, Mo., and Menomonee Falls, Wis.

'MAGA'.....not 'MMGA', 'WPGA', 'WWGA'... :p

Despite all of your whining, crying, and fear-mongering, thanks to President Trump we have:

The best economy in decades...even in Michigan, Wi, and Pa

The lowest unemployment in decades

More full-time jobs, raises, and bonuses

Fewer Americans enrolled in Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps

A record stock market

Home values have increased

Trump's job approval rating is higher than Obama's and Reagan's

....and we do NOT have for a President a proven felon who compromised national security for her own benefit, Obstructed justice, lied to the FBI, was under 2 (TWO) FBI investigations just days before the election for crimes she DID commit (to include Espionage), rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, violated Election Campaign laws, broke Campaign Finance Laws, still failed to win her party's nomination, treasonously collaborated with and paid foreign spies and Russians for a debunked / unproven document she illegally used in a US election and which she gave to the FBI who helped her and Obama orchestrate a Conspiracy designed to keep the opposing political party's candidate from winning and to commit treason by removing the newly elected President from office if he should win......
Hey look it's you

Every day...every hour...almost every minute, a snowflake somewhere, faced with undeniable fact supported by evidence, left unarmed and outmatched in a battle of Intelligence in a debate, turns to insults, attacks, and accuses others of doing what THEY have been proven to have done and of being who they have proven thet are.....

It's truly sad....especially as often as it happens. :(
And bends over for Putin.

I know you THIINK you are being funny...but all you are doing is showing your ignorance.

What do you get when you cross a Democrat with a common goldfish, a South Country Cheviot ram, and an Eclectus (parrot)?

You get the PERFECT Democratic Party Snowflake Voter.
- It has the extremely short-term memory of a goldfish, the passive easily manipulated and guided demeanor of a sheep, and the almost unparalleled ability to repeat ('parrot') whatever you want it to say.

Bwuhahahaha.... :p

Don't laugh - Liberal scientists have already produced millions of these.

After all, only one of these could believe and parrot the BS fed to them about Trump when it has been proven there was never any Illegal Russian Collusion between Trump and the Russians, proven by the inability to find even the slightest bit of evidence to support this known lie after 2 years of investigations....when no evidence of a crime ever committed worthy of being investigated at all has been found involving the President...and despite the only evidence of crimes having been committed shows it has been the DEMOCRATS who have perpetrated any and all crimes:
- Obstruction, Perjury, Lying to the FBI, Mishandling classified, Espionage, Conspiracy, Sedition, and even Treason...

Only one of these rare breeds could look at the fact that only one of the two 2016 Presidential candidates took MILLIONS of dollars (Rubles) directly from the Russian KGB Bank...only persons directly linked to ONE of these two candidates ever directly met with Russian leader Vladimir Putin himself and was also paid large sums of money directly from the Russian KGB Bank - Hillary and Bill Clinton....and still believe the un-supported BS claim by Trump-Hating Liberal extremists that TRUMP, not Hillary, was 'in-bed' with the Russians.

Only one of these new rare species of snowflakes could read/hear how a third (1/3) of the Board of Directors for the company owned by only ONE of these 2016 Presidential candidates' campaign managers consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who had direct connections to the Kremlin and Putin himself AND received thousands of un-reported shares of Russian stock - Hillary Clinton's Campaign Manager John Podesta - yet still believed and parrots the BS narrative about how TRUMP, not Hillary, illegally colluded with Russia.
-- 'Fat' Tony Podesta, John's brother, actually worked for BOTH the KGB Bank AND the Russian Intel Agency at the time....yet no one on the left of in the left-supporting med8ia thought this was important enough to highlight and / or investigate.

Only one of these rare breed of snowflakes would see the evidence that only ONE of these candidates collaborated with / paid foreign spies working with Russians to obtain a Russian propaganda-filled debunked document that was used illegally against the other candidate in their US election AND was handed over to a criminal FBI that illegally used the document to engage / begin a criminal Conspiracy against the eventual President that would make Watergate look like a 'crime' consisting of a little brother stealing and reading his older sister's diary....Again, Hillary Clinton....yet STILL buy the BS lies - without a shred of supporting evidence - that it was Trump who was 'in bed' with the Russians.
Well, there's another idiotic easyt65 word salad that not even your mommy is going to read.
Well, there's another idiotic easyt65 word salad that not even your mommy is going to read.
FFI, my bad - I am sorry. I forgot who my target audience was. I will try to keep my next / future responses to you down to a maximum of 10 words, all 1-syllabel words, and as many grunts as possible so it will be easier for you to understand. :p
Well, there's another idiotic easyt65 word salad that not even your mommy is going to read.
FFI, my bad - I am sorry. I forgot who my target audience was. I will try to keep my next / future responses to you down to a maximum of 10 words, all 1-syllabel words, and as many grunts as possible so it will be easier for you to understand. :p
Nobody reads your copypasta masturbations. Nobody.
Well, there's another idiotic easyt65 word salad that not even your mommy is going to read.
FFI, my bad - I am sorry. I forgot who my target audience was. I will try to keep my next / future responses to you down to a maximum of 10 words, all 1-syllabel words, and as many grunts as possible so it will be easier for you to understand. :p
Nobody reads your copypasta masturbations. Nobody.
Yeah, you dumb, no like a lot of words got it. :p

(crap...more than 10 words. Sorry, FFI...)
Well, there's another idiotic easyt65 word salad that not even your mommy is going to read.
FFI, my bad - I am sorry. I forgot who my target audience was. I will try to keep my next / future responses to you down to a maximum of 10 words, all 1-syllabel words, and as many grunts as possible so it will be easier for you to understand. :p
Nobody reads your copypasta masturbations. Nobody.
Yeah, you dumb, no like a lot of words got it. :p

(crap...more than 10 words. Sorry, FFI...)
Yeah, and you are so smart. That must be why none of your claims or predictions actually ever happen. :rolleyes:
Yeah, and you are so smart. That must be why none of your claims or predictions actually ever happen. :rolleyes:
I am trying not to make any predictions, as doing so often relies on emotion, which usually results in opinions, insults, and name-calling. I like to post facts, links, and evidence instead. It drives the snowflakes nuts and forces them to resort to insults, name-calling, and ridiculous opinions. Take you for example.... :p
Yeah, being the strogest economy in the world for decades has really sucked!


Poor snowflake....hasn't seen the sun for 10 years and having to rely on what he is told by liberals. :(

You should REALLY conduct your own personal 'cranal-anal-ectomy' and check things out for yourself rather than keep listening to and parroting liberals.
Hillary Clinton
I just point out the facts of how Hillary Clinton broke many laws, how the FBI publicly declared she did, how the FBI Director said she did...and provide all the undeniable evidence to support those facts....which drives snowflakes like you wild. lol
You incompetent boobs had it your way for decades and only screwed thing royally.
Yeah, being the strogest economy in the world for decades has really sucked!
/——/ wait, you libs said the US economy lagged behind industrial countries. You claimed 2 1/2 % GDP was the new norm. Now you claiming we’re the strongest. Were you lying then or are you lying now?
Yeah, being the strogest economy in the world for decades has really sucked!

View attachment 201061

Poor snowflake....hasn't seen the sun for 10 years and having to rely on what he is told by liberals. :(

You should REALLY conduct your own personal 'cranal-anal-ectomy' and check things out for yourself rather than keep listening to and parroting liberals.
Wow, somehow you inane posts are just as devoid of content when they have 30 words as when they have 3000...that's quite a feat,you crybaby ...

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