President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

About fucking time.

You must be one of them there russians everyone is talking about because I don't think many American's with an IQ over 50 wants to pay higher prices on just about everything they purchase in the next few months not to mention the slow down in building that will result. Slow downs and higher prices eventually = loss of jobs. But who cares, right trumpie?

I take it you missed the last 30 years that did not go as the Free Traders promised?

Flagrant confirmation bias. This is also a single cause fallacy.

A twofer, nice!

The stagnation of Middle Class and Working poor wages is no confirmation bias.

The Free Traders made promises. They did not occur. There was a lot of time for that happen.

The policy has failed. Time for a new policy.

But, when you just pull policies out of your ass on the fly without even consulting people with strong backgrounds in econ that are charged with making recommendations, that's wrong. Contrary to popular opinion of the 38% he's almost never the smartest guy in the room.
Elections have consequences.
2. No. Appalachia is poor, which makes the purchasing power and relative value of the coal miner job all the higher.

The job you thought started at $60K, when $60K is actually the ceiling for coal worker income. But whatever, we know Appalachia is poor because it's the highest concentration of SNAP recipients in the country. In fact, the highest rate of SNAP recipients is in good old Owsley, KY which is 98% white and which 92% of residents are on SNAP.

3. Dead and Dying are two different words for a reason. THey mean different things. 40 per cent of the world's electricity production is not dying either. It might be declining, but as I said, that could mean generations of tens of thousands of good jobs. YOu might not care about those people, but I do.

It's dead, it's dying, it's irrelevant and it's not the future.

4. And losing a hostile government, could be upswings that could last decades.

Coal isn't coming back.

Damn! But it worked so well as a talking point. Made working people think Trump actually cared about them. Big mistake. He cares for just one and his name is Donald. Oh, and dollar Bill

Coal is 40 per cent of the world's electricity production.

Only a fool or a liar would claim that it was dead or dying.

That is a lot of working people, that you liberals are obviously HOSTILE towards.
About fucking time.

You must be one of them there russians everyone is talking about because I don't think many American's with an IQ over 50 wants to pay higher prices on just about everything they purchase in the next few months not to mention the slow down in building that will result. Slow downs and higher prices eventually = loss of jobs. But who cares, right trumpie?

I take it you missed the last 30 years that did not go as the Free Traders promised?

Flagrant confirmation bias. This is also a single cause fallacy.

A twofer, nice!

The stagnation of Middle Class and Working poor wages is no confirmation bias.

The Free Traders made promises. They did not occur. There was a lot of time for that happen.

The policy has failed. Time for a new policy.

But, when you just pull policies out of your ass on the fly without even consulting people with strong backgrounds in econ that are charged with making recommendations, that's wrong. Contrary to popular opinion of the 38% he's almost never the smartest guy in the room.

So, you don't deny that the Promises the Free Traders made did not come to pass.

YOu don't deny that the Free Trade policy has failed.

The smart people with those strong backgrounds in econ, have had generations to address the problem. Most of them seem to be spending their time and credibility denying that there is a problem "deficits don't matter" which no one is falling for.

(Sure a lot of people pretend to believe it, but they are mostly lying)
And Trump blinks. Facing retaliation by Canada, with whom you have a trade surplus, not a deficit, Trump will not be slapping tariffs on Canada or Mexico.

Trump said the tariff would only come off if we signed a new NAFTA deal. Trudeau said “No fucking way. We’ll retaliate with tariffs on produce and wine”. And Trump backed down, faster than cockroach scurrying out of the light.

“The Great Negotiator”! What a tool.

You know, Canada's well being is not served by having America become a Third World Shit hole, as we are well on the way too.

You've done quite well as neighbor to a successful First World America.

You really think that any change in America would likely be a change for the good, from your perspective?

Canada just signed a massive trade deal with the EU. We’re a party to the TPP, which will be signed on Thursday, and the Paris Climate Accord.

Our education system is ranked third in the world, and our corporate tax rate is 25%. Despite our weather, we’re consistently ranked as one of the best places in the world to live, and to do business. We have more personal freedom than Americans. Our government is investing in research and development as well as infrastructure. Last but not least, we have the fastest growing middle class in the world.

The EU deal was signed right after Trump became President. So right now, you need us a whole lot more than we need you.

Like I said, don’t mistake our good manners and willingness to compromise with weakness or gullibility. Had Trudeau caved to Dumb Donald on tariffs or NAFTA, he would definitely be on one-term PM.

MOre freedom? REally?

Try calling this man, a man, and see how fast you get arrested for hate speech.


Don't get me wrong. I have no ill will towards Canada. I wish you well.

Just pointing out that if America goes down in flames, it will not be as great to be our neighbor.

You call yourself a human being when you're clearly not. So what do you care how someone else self-identifies?

My post was about the lack of freedom in Canada. Obviously. Try to be less of a stupid ass.

You’re the stupid ass.

Our laws require that you treat people you disagree with in a respectful, and not encourage others to hate them by publishing lies and promoting hate.

It’s it really that important for you to say things like “All [hated race, creed, religion], are destroying our country and should be killed”.

There’s a lot of this going on in the US. It’s mostly based on lies and hate speech. Is it improving your public discourse?

I live in a country where people are working together. We’re all in this together, and while we disagree, we don’t think the other side is evil. We don’t tear down what we’ve invested in, and we don’t seek to divide.

Right wingers don’t trust the left, don’t trust government, don’t trust anybody who doesn’t look like them, and then claim the other side is all tied up in identity politics.

You’re like a bunch of people in a rowboat all rowing in different directions, and nobody listening to one other.

You used to be better than this.
You know, Canada's well being is not served by having America become a Third World Shit hole, as we are well on the way too.

You've done quite well as neighbor to a successful First World America.

You really think that any change in America would likely be a change for the good, from your perspective?

Canada just signed a massive trade deal with the EU. We’re a party to the TPP, which will be signed on Thursday, and the Paris Climate Accord.

Our education system is ranked third in the world, and our corporate tax rate is 25%. Despite our weather, we’re consistently ranked as one of the best places in the world to live, and to do business. We have more personal freedom than Americans. Our government is investing in research and development as well as infrastructure. Last but not least, we have the fastest growing middle class in the world.

The EU deal was signed right after Trump became President. So right now, you need us a whole lot more than we need you.

Like I said, don’t mistake our good manners and willingness to compromise with weakness or gullibility. Had Trudeau caved to Dumb Donald on tariffs or NAFTA, he would definitely be on one-term PM.

MOre freedom? REally?

Try calling this man, a man, and see how fast you get arrested for hate speech.


Don't get me wrong. I have no ill will towards Canada. I wish you well.

Just pointing out that if America goes down in flames, it will not be as great to be our neighbor.

You call yourself a human being when you're clearly not. So what do you care how someone else self-identifies?

My post was about the lack of freedom in Canada. Obviously. Try to be less of a stupid ass.

You’re the stupid ass.

Our laws require that you treat people you disagree with in a respectful, and not encourage others to hate them by publishing lies and promoting hate.

It’s it really that important for you to say things like “All [hated race, creed, religion], are destroying our country and should be killed”.

There’s a lot of this going on in the US. It’s mostly based on lies and hate speech. Is it improving your public discourse?

I live in a country where people are working together. We’re all in this together, and while we disagree, we don’t think the other side is evil. We don’t tear down what we’ve invested in, and we don’t seek to divide.

Right wingers don’t trust the left, don’t trust government, don’t trust anybody who doesn’t look like them, and then claim the other side is all tied up in identity politics.

You’re like a bunch of people in a rowboat all rowing in different directions, and nobody listening to one other.

You used to be better than this.

Nice spin.

How many people have been arrested for saying stuff you don't agree with so far, in your country?

I hear they are doing the same thing in the UK.
2. No. Appalachia is poor, which makes the purchasing power and relative value of the coal miner job all the higher.

The job you thought started at $60K, when $60K is actually the ceiling for coal worker income. But whatever, we know Appalachia is poor because it's the highest concentration of SNAP recipients in the country. In fact, the highest rate of SNAP recipients is in good old Owsley, KY which is 98% white and which 92% of residents are on SNAP.

You are jumping all over the place. Your point was that COAL MINERS are poor. I pointed out that that was not true, that APPALACHIA was poor, which makes the coal mining salaries all the more attractive relatively speaking.

3. Dead and Dying are two different words for a reason. THey mean different things. 40 per cent of the world's electricity production is not dying either. It might be declining, but as I said, that could mean generations of tens of thousands of good jobs. YOu might not care about those people, but I do.

It's dead, it's dying, it's irrelevant and it's not the future.

40% of world electricity production is not dead nor dying. YOu are a fool and a liar.

Your hostility to the good hard working people of Appalachia is odd and reveals you to be a bad person. Not that there was any doubt of that.

Does it bother you to know that you are a bad person?

4. And losing a hostile government, could be upswings that could last decades.

Coal isn't coming back.[/QUOTE]

It never left. My point stands. With the removal of active hostility from the national government. there could easily be upswings in production and employment that could last decades.[/QUOTE]

It’s going, going, gone. Gas is cheaper because of fracking, more plentiful, and less polluting than coal. Coal fired electrical plants in the US continue to close.

Even with Trump’s easing of pollution regulations for coal mining, resulted in fewer than 800 jobs being created in the industry.

Exclusive: Trump's coal job push stumbles in most states - data
2. No. Appalachia is poor, which makes the purchasing power and relative value of the coal miner job all the higher.

The job you thought started at $60K, when $60K is actually the ceiling for coal worker income. But whatever, we know Appalachia is poor because it's the highest concentration of SNAP recipients in the country. In fact, the highest rate of SNAP recipients is in good old Owsley, KY which is 98% white and which 92% of residents are on SNAP.

You are jumping all over the place. Your point was that COAL MINERS are poor. I pointed out that that was not true, that APPALACHIA was poor, which makes the coal mining salaries all the more attractive relatively speaking.

3. Dead and Dying are two different words for a reason. THey mean different things. 40 per cent of the world's electricity production is not dying either. It might be declining, but as I said, that could mean generations of tens of thousands of good jobs. YOu might not care about those people, but I do.

It's dead, it's dying, it's irrelevant and it's not the future.

40% of world electricity production is not dead nor dying. YOu are a fool and a liar.

Your hostility to the good hard working people of Appalachia is odd and reveals you to be a bad person. Not that there was any doubt of that.

Does it bother you to know that you are a bad person?

4. And losing a hostile government, could be upswings that could last decades.

Coal isn't coming back.

It never left. My point stands. With the removal of active hostility from the national government. there could easily be upswings in production and employment that could last decades.[/QUOTE]

It’s going, going, gone. Gas is cheaper because of fracking, more plentiful, and less polluting than coal. Coal fired electrical plants in the US continue to close.

Even with Trump’s easing of pollution regulations for coal mining, resulted in fewer than 800 jobs being created in the industry.

Exclusive: Trump's coal job push stumbles in most states - data[/QUOTE]

1. 40% of world electricity production is not "gone". Want to guess how much of the world's electricity is produced by wind?

2. You offer a small increase in jobs as support for you claim of "dying" industry? You have a non-standard definition of "dying".
2. No. Appalachia is poor, which makes the purchasing power and relative value of the coal miner job all the higher.

The job you thought started at $60K, when $60K is actually the ceiling for coal worker income. But whatever, we know Appalachia is poor because it's the highest concentration of SNAP recipients in the country. In fact, the highest rate of SNAP recipients is in good old Owsley, KY which is 98% white and which 92% of residents are on SNAP.

You are jumping all over the place. Your point was that COAL MINERS are poor. I pointed out that that was not true, that APPALACHIA was poor, which makes the coal mining salaries all the more attractive relatively speaking.

3. Dead and Dying are two different words for a reason. THey mean different things. 40 per cent of the world's electricity production is not dying either. It might be declining, but as I said, that could mean generations of tens of thousands of good jobs. YOu might not care about those people, but I do.

It's dead, it's dying, it's irrelevant and it's not the future.

40% of world electricity production is not dead nor dying. YOu are a fool and a liar.

Your hostility to the good hard working people of Appalachia is odd and reveals you to be a bad person. Not that there was any doubt of that.

Does it bother you to know that you are a bad person?

4. And losing a hostile government, could be upswings that could last decades.

Coal isn't coming back.

It never left. My point stands. With the removal of active hostility from the national government. there could easily be upswings in production and employment that could last decades.

It’s going, going, gone. Gas is cheaper because of fracking, more plentiful, and less polluting than coal. Coal fired electrical plants in the US continue to close.

Even with Trump’s easing of pollution regulations for coal mining, resulted in fewer than 800 jobs being created in the industry.

Exclusive: Trump's coal job push stumbles in most states - data[/QUOTE]

1. 40% of world electricity production is not "gone". Want to guess how much of the world's electricity is produced by wind?

2. You offer a small increase in jobs as support for you claim of "dying" industry? You have a non-standard definition of "dying".[/QUOTE]

You didn’t read the report, did you?

All job growth was in the Appalachian region. All of the coal producing states loss jobs. All job growth related to exports as domestic use continued to drop.

Worse still, more and more coal fired electricity plants closed in the US or switched over to natural gas. No new plants opened.

Seriously guys, it’s time to down real money to train these miners for jobs with a future.
2. No. Appalachia is poor, which makes the purchasing power and relative value of the coal miner job all the higher.

The job you thought started at $60K, when $60K is actually the ceiling for coal worker income. But whatever, we know Appalachia is poor because it's the highest concentration of SNAP recipients in the country. In fact, the highest rate of SNAP recipients is in good old Owsley, KY which is 98% white and which 92% of residents are on SNAP.

You are jumping all over the place. Your point was that COAL MINERS are poor. I pointed out that that was not true, that APPALACHIA was poor, which makes the coal mining salaries all the more attractive relatively speaking.

3. Dead and Dying are two different words for a reason. THey mean different things. 40 per cent of the world's electricity production is not dying either. It might be declining, but as I said, that could mean generations of tens of thousands of good jobs. YOu might not care about those people, but I do.

It's dead, it's dying, it's irrelevant and it's not the future.

40% of world electricity production is not dead nor dying. YOu are a fool and a liar.

Your hostility to the good hard working people of Appalachia is odd and reveals you to be a bad person. Not that there was any doubt of that.

Does it bother you to know that you are a bad person?

4. And losing a hostile government, could be upswings that could last decades.

Coal isn't coming back.

It never left. My point stands. With the removal of active hostility from the national government. there could easily be upswings in production and employment that could last decades.

It’s going, going, gone. Gas is cheaper because of fracking, more plentiful, and less polluting than coal. Coal fired electrical plants in the US continue to close.

Even with Trump’s easing of pollution regulations for coal mining, resulted in fewer than 800 jobs being created in the industry.

Exclusive: Trump's coal job push stumbles in most states - data

1. 40% of world electricity production is not "gone". Want to guess how much of the world's electricity is produced by wind?

2. You offer a small increase in jobs as support for you claim of "dying" industry? You have a non-standard definition of "dying".[/QUOTE]

You didn’t read the report, did you?

All job growth was in the Appalachian region. All of the coal producing states loss jobs. All job growth related to exports as domestic use continued to drop.

Worse still, more and more coal fired electricity plants closed in the US or switched over to natural gas. No new plants opened.

Seriously guys, it’s time to down real money to train these miners for jobs with a future.[/QUOTE]

1. Training is code for we throw some money at you so we can pretend we didn't just dump on you on the trash heap.

2. I asked a question. WHat percentage of world electricity generation do you think wind is?
Should we allow other countries like communist China to dump steel in the U.S. killing jobs for American workers? That's what liberals in this thread are saying. If China dumping steel into the U.S. was hurting illegals the liberals would be in an uproar.

Canada is dumping a shitload of government subsidized softwood and engineered softwood products on our markets.
There are far more workers in the engineered wood manufacturing business than steel and aluminum.

Screw the housing and construction costs ... Protect American jobs by making it more expensive to build a house.
Let's screw ourselves and fuck with Canada too.


California is way ahead of you, they slap $100,000 of "inspection fees" on new homes. Inspection fees, get it, wink wink cough taxes cough.

You must be one of them there russians everyone is talking about because I don't think many American's with an IQ over 50 wants to pay higher prices on just about everything they purchase in the next few months not to mention the slow down in building that will result. Slow downs and higher prices eventually = loss of jobs. But who cares, right trumpie?

I take it you missed the last 30 years that did not go as the Free Traders promised?

Flagrant confirmation bias. This is also a single cause fallacy.

A twofer, nice!

The stagnation of Middle Class and Working poor wages is no confirmation bias.

The Free Traders made promises. They did not occur. There was a lot of time for that happen.

The policy has failed. Time for a new policy.

OMG, repeating a strawman. That's incredible, who could dispute that?
You must be one of them there russians everyone is talking about because I don't think many American's with an IQ over 50 wants to pay higher prices on just about everything they purchase in the next few months not to mention the slow down in building that will result. Slow downs and higher prices eventually = loss of jobs. But who cares, right trumpie?

I take it you missed the last 30 years that did not go as the Free Traders promised?

Flagrant confirmation bias. This is also a single cause fallacy.

A twofer, nice!

The stagnation of Middle Class and Working poor wages is no confirmation bias.

The Free Traders made promises. They did not occur. There was a lot of time for that happen.

The policy has failed. Time for a new policy.

But, when you just pull policies out of your ass on the fly without even consulting people with strong backgrounds in econ that are charged with making recommendations, that's wrong. Contrary to popular opinion of the 38% he's almost never the smartest guy in the room.
Elections have consequences.

Oh! I know that for sure. His name is David Dennison I mean Donald Trump.
About fucking time.

You must be one of them there russians everyone is talking about because I don't think many American's with an IQ over 50 wants to pay higher prices on just about everything they purchase in the next few months not to mention the slow down in building that will result. Slow downs and higher prices eventually = loss of jobs. But who cares, right trumpie?

I take it you missed the last 30 years that did not go as the Free Traders promised?

Flagrant confirmation bias. This is also a single cause fallacy.

A twofer, nice!

The stagnation of Middle Class and Working poor wages is no confirmation bias.

The Free Traders made promises. They did not occur. There was a lot of time for that happen.

The policy has failed. Time for a new policy.

OMG, repeating a strawman. That's incredible, who could dispute that?

Free Trade was supposed to make American manufacturing more competitive. The workers who lost jobs were supposed to be retrained and find new high tech jobs.

That's not a straw man, that was the argument for the policy.

Is that what happened?
You must be one of them there russians everyone is talking about because I don't think many American's with an IQ over 50 wants to pay higher prices on just about everything they purchase in the next few months not to mention the slow down in building that will result. Slow downs and higher prices eventually = loss of jobs. But who cares, right trumpie?

I take it you missed the last 30 years that did not go as the Free Traders promised?

Flagrant confirmation bias. This is also a single cause fallacy.

A twofer, nice!

The stagnation of Middle Class and Working poor wages is no confirmation bias.

The Free Traders made promises. They did not occur. There was a lot of time for that happen.

The policy has failed. Time for a new policy.

OMG, repeating a strawman. That's incredible, who could dispute that?

Free Trade was supposed to make American manufacturing more competitive. The workers who lost jobs were supposed to be retrained and find new high tech jobs.

That's not a straw man, that was the argument for the policy.

Is that what happened?

Single cause fallacy. The dynamics of the world aren't that simplistic. I'm sorry you miss the fifties, but the world has changed.

It's sad how the US became the most powerful country in the history of the world by embracing change, and now we're being destroyed by fear by people who think you can resist change.

My career is in management and management consulting. Americans have the most kick ass business leadership in the world. Our greatest enemy for American success isn't foreign competition. It's people like you who vote in politicians manipulating your fear.

How ironic is it that your fear of failure actually leads to failure?
I take it you missed the last 30 years that did not go as the Free Traders promised?

Flagrant confirmation bias. This is also a single cause fallacy.

A twofer, nice!

The stagnation of Middle Class and Working poor wages is no confirmation bias.

The Free Traders made promises. They did not occur. There was a lot of time for that happen.

The policy has failed. Time for a new policy.

OMG, repeating a strawman. That's incredible, who could dispute that?

Free Trade was supposed to make American manufacturing more competitive. The workers who lost jobs were supposed to be retrained and find new high tech jobs.

That's not a straw man, that was the argument for the policy.

Is that what happened?

Single cause fallacy. The dynamics of the world aren't that simplistic. I'm sorry you miss the fifties, but the world has changed.

So splain it, Complex Man. Explain why we are supposed to ignore the fact that the promised results of a policy did not occur.

It's sad how the US became the most powerful country in the history of the world by embracing change, and now we're being destroyed by fear by people who think you can resist change.

Sorry pal. You the one not adjusting his ideology to new information. YOu're the one that wants to ride a failed policy right down to Third World Status.

My career is in management and management consulting. Americans have the most kick ass business leadership in the world. Our greatest enemy for American success isn't foreign competition. It's people like you who vote in politicians manipulating your fear.

I believe it looks that way in your office and the offices of your peers.

You take a ride down Main Street in any Rust Belt town, and it will look a lot different.

That's tens of millions of people that have been very poorly served by policy for the last 50 years.

How ironic is it that your fear of failure actually leads to failure?

It would be ironic, if it happens.

First problem with that, is that what we have now, is not success.

Did you hear about how Whites in this country are actually experiencing a DECLINE in life expectancy?

That's a pretty strong indicator of FAILURE.
Flagrant confirmation bias. This is also a single cause fallacy.

A twofer, nice!

The stagnation of Middle Class and Working poor wages is no confirmation bias.

The Free Traders made promises. They did not occur. There was a lot of time for that happen.

The policy has failed. Time for a new policy.

OMG, repeating a strawman. That's incredible, who could dispute that?

Free Trade was supposed to make American manufacturing more competitive. The workers who lost jobs were supposed to be retrained and find new high tech jobs.

That's not a straw man, that was the argument for the policy.

Is that what happened?

Single cause fallacy. The dynamics of the world aren't that simplistic. I'm sorry you miss the fifties, but the world has changed.

So splain it, Complex Man. Explain why we are supposed to ignore the fact that the promised results of a policy did not occur.

It's sad how the US became the most powerful country in the history of the world by embracing change, and now we're being destroyed by fear by people who think you can resist change.

Sorry pal. You the one not adjusting his ideology to new information. YOu're the one that wants to ride a failed policy right down to Third World Status.

My career is in management and management consulting. Americans have the most kick ass business leadership in the world. Our greatest enemy for American success isn't foreign competition. It's people like you who vote in politicians manipulating your fear.

I believe it looks that way in your office and the offices of your peers.

You take a ride down Main Street in any Rust Belt town, and it will look a lot different.

That's tens of millions of people that have been very poorly served by policy for the last 50 years.

How ironic is it that your fear of failure actually leads to failure?

It would be ironic, if it happens.

First problem with that, is that what we have now, is not success.

Did you hear about how Whites in this country are actually experiencing a DECLINE in life expectancy?

That's a pretty strong indicator of FAILURE.

Begging the question. You haven't established that free trade caused any harm. If you are poor in the US, you're middle class in the world. If you're middle class in the US, you're rich in the world. We're one of the richest countries on the planet.

You haven't established there's a problem
The stagnation of Middle Class and Working poor wages is no confirmation bias.

The Free Traders made promises. They did not occur. There was a lot of time for that happen.

The policy has failed. Time for a new policy.

OMG, repeating a strawman. That's incredible, who could dispute that?

Free Trade was supposed to make American manufacturing more competitive. The workers who lost jobs were supposed to be retrained and find new high tech jobs.

That's not a straw man, that was the argument for the policy.

Is that what happened?

Single cause fallacy. The dynamics of the world aren't that simplistic. I'm sorry you miss the fifties, but the world has changed.

So splain it, Complex Man. Explain why we are supposed to ignore the fact that the promised results of a policy did not occur.

It's sad how the US became the most powerful country in the history of the world by embracing change, and now we're being destroyed by fear by people who think you can resist change.

Sorry pal. You the one not adjusting his ideology to new information. YOu're the one that wants to ride a failed policy right down to Third World Status.

My career is in management and management consulting. Americans have the most kick ass business leadership in the world. Our greatest enemy for American success isn't foreign competition. It's people like you who vote in politicians manipulating your fear.

I believe it looks that way in your office and the offices of your peers.

You take a ride down Main Street in any Rust Belt town, and it will look a lot different.

That's tens of millions of people that have been very poorly served by policy for the last 50 years.

How ironic is it that your fear of failure actually leads to failure?

It would be ironic, if it happens.

First problem with that, is that what we have now, is not success.

Did you hear about how Whites in this country are actually experiencing a DECLINE in life expectancy?

That's a pretty strong indicator of FAILURE.

Begging the question. You haven't established that free trade caused any harm. If you are poor in the US, you're middle class in the world. If you're middle class in the US, you're rich in the world. We're one of the richest countries on the planet.

You haven't established there's a problem

Here is the problem, long term wage stagnation.

Wage Stagnation in Nine Charts


"The figure shows that in the three decades following World War II, hourly compensation of the vast majority of workers rose 91 percent, roughly in line with productivity growth of 97 percent. But for most of the past generation (except for a brief period in the late 1990s), pay for the vast majority lagged further and further behind overall productivity. From 1973 to 2013, hourly compensation of a typical (production/nonsupervisory) worker rose just 9 percent while productivity increased 74 percent. This breakdown of pay growth has been especially evident in the last decade, affecting both college- and non-college-educated workers as well as blue- and white-collar workers. This means that workers have been producing far more than they receive in their paychecks and benefit packages from their employers."


Note the interesting correlation between de coupling rising productivity and wages with the switch to trade deficits.
OMG, repeating a strawman. That's incredible, who could dispute that?

Free Trade was supposed to make American manufacturing more competitive. The workers who lost jobs were supposed to be retrained and find new high tech jobs.

That's not a straw man, that was the argument for the policy.

Is that what happened?

Single cause fallacy. The dynamics of the world aren't that simplistic. I'm sorry you miss the fifties, but the world has changed.

So splain it, Complex Man. Explain why we are supposed to ignore the fact that the promised results of a policy did not occur.

It's sad how the US became the most powerful country in the history of the world by embracing change, and now we're being destroyed by fear by people who think you can resist change.

Sorry pal. You the one not adjusting his ideology to new information. YOu're the one that wants to ride a failed policy right down to Third World Status.

My career is in management and management consulting. Americans have the most kick ass business leadership in the world. Our greatest enemy for American success isn't foreign competition. It's people like you who vote in politicians manipulating your fear.

I believe it looks that way in your office and the offices of your peers.

You take a ride down Main Street in any Rust Belt town, and it will look a lot different.

That's tens of millions of people that have been very poorly served by policy for the last 50 years.

How ironic is it that your fear of failure actually leads to failure?

It would be ironic, if it happens.

First problem with that, is that what we have now, is not success.

Did you hear about how Whites in this country are actually experiencing a DECLINE in life expectancy?

That's a pretty strong indicator of FAILURE.

Begging the question. You haven't established that free trade caused any harm. If you are poor in the US, you're middle class in the world. If you're middle class in the US, you're rich in the world. We're one of the richest countries on the planet.

You haven't established there's a problem

Here is the problem, long term wage stagnation.

Wage Stagnation in Nine Charts


"The figure shows that in the three decades following World War II, hourly compensation of the vast majority of workers rose 91 percent, roughly in line with productivity growth of 97 percent. But for most of the past generation (except for a brief period in the late 1990s), pay for the vast majority lagged further and further behind overall productivity. From 1973 to 2013, hourly compensation of a typical (production/nonsupervisory) worker rose just 9 percent while productivity increased 74 percent. This breakdown of pay growth has been especially evident in the last decade, affecting both college- and non-college-educated workers as well as blue- and white-collar workers. This means that workers have been producing far more than they receive in their paychecks and benefit packages from their employers."


Note the interesting correlation between de coupling rising productivity and wages with the switch to trade deficits.

That couldn't be because labor is cheaper overseas, could it? Of course not.

Cheaper goods benefits consumers and the economy overall. Government providing jobs is a terrible idea

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