President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Surely you aren't a marxist who believes in the state owning and controlling everything?

I'm unlikely to be offended by anything that is not that.
In Germany When we stumbled onto the beautiful pool that was free to the people in the community, I compared it to what we have here in the USA. Lifetime fitness. It’s 70 a person per month. Most Americans can’t afford it. So, maybe our government can tax each of us $1 and we can all have a community park that’s free to all citizens.

Or is that unconstitutional?

I like some of the stuff trumps doing. But overall I don’t like his tax cuts to the rich and starting trade wars but he is now my president and I hope what he does works.

I’ll try not to be like you guys in 2016 you gave obama no credit for his success but damn it worked so maybe I’ll say trump sucks even if he doesn’t to win an election. I’ll be petty like you guys were. I’ll ask you what the real unemployment number is. I’ll start worrying about the debt and stock market and sluggish jobs numbers.

The economy should be R.I.P. roaring after that tax break. What happened? Did they sock those gains away or give the ceos a big raise? Then it didn’t do anything. Same thing happened when bush gave his unnecessary tax breaks

I live in a rust belt city. Lot of parks free to the public. Public pools that do cost something. Not 70 bucks a month.

I keep asking for what you want. You don't seem to have a real alternative.

The Tax cuts don't matter to wages. Higher taxes don't cause higher wages.
They do if inflation happens.

What do I want? I want the White House back.

You worry that the Tax CUts might lead to so much economic activity that it causes inflation?

Seems a long way to go....

The rhetoric surrounding Trump’s trade war has escalated recently, with American businesses, including motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson, shifting some production overseas due to retaliatory tariffs by the European Union. General Motors recently told Trump’s Commerce Department that the president’s threatened tariffs on imported cars and parts could backfire with “less investment, fewer jobs and lower wages” for its American workers.

The Trump administration has drafted legislation that would allow the U.S. to ditch World Trade Organization rules and give President Donald Trump tighter control over U.S. trade policy

Are we sure we want this?

The leaked draft emerged a few days after Axios reported that Trump has repeatedly told White House officials that he wants to withdraw the U.S. from the WTO. “The WTO is designed by the rest of the world to screw the United States,” Axios’s source quoted Trump as saying.

The proposed legislation is far from a done deal, according to other media reports and the White House itself. A CNN source said the draft is just the “beginning of a conversation” on trade. Axios reported that “most officials involved in the bill’s drafting ... think the bill is unrealistic or unworkable.”

Every push back from our trading partners validates Trump's policy.

Every time they push back, they demonstrate that not only do Trade Deficits/Surpluses, matter,

But that they know it and are prepared to take strong government action, to the point of risking a Global Trade War, with all the damage that could cause,

in order to hold on to THEIR trade Surpluses, that they get from US.

I'm excited to hear that Trump is thinking of withdrawing from the WTO.

Shows commitment.
I reject the notions that lefties are motivated by altruism.

They are too fucking mean spirited and full of hate for me to buy that shit.

Yeah, mean spirited. Like the way we tore kids away from their parents who dared dream the American dream. Blindness has cure, open your fuckin' eyes. LOL

No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with this

The proposed legislation is far from a done deal, according to other media reports and the White House itself. A CNN source said the draft is just the “beginning of a conversation” on trade. Axios reported that “most officials involved in the bill’s drafting ... think the bill is unrealistic or unworkable.”

Leaked Trump Draft Bill Would Ditch WTO Trade Rules | HuffPost

But he was elected based on the fact he said he would get us better deals. Lets see him get us better deals.

I understand your fear. Maybe we've waited to long. Maybe America no longer has the economic power to control it's own trade policy, and we will lose, and forever be the World's Bitch on Trade.
Wicker is a flat out, emotionally and mentally disturbed masochistic altruist.

I reject the notions that lefties are motivated by altruism.

They are too fucking mean spirited and full of hate for me to buy that shit.

Yeah, mean spirited. Like the way we tore kids away from their parents who dared dream the American dream. Blindness has cure, open your fuckin' eyes. LOL

No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

Donald Trump is continuing to hammer Harley-Davidson over the motorcycle company’s plans to relocate some production overseas to dodge European tariffs triggered by the president’s trade war. What Trump isn’t mentioning is that the president and his family own businesses abroad and that most Trump products are produced in foreign factories.

During a GOP primary debate before the presidential election, Trump was challenged on outsourcing products overseas. He defended the practice then, arguing: “We’re allowed to do it” — as is Harley-Davidson. “So I will take advantage of it,” he added. In a unit of “study” in the now-defunct Trump University, Trump wrote that outsourcing jobs is sometimes a “necessary step.”

But the president again slammed the Wisconsin motorcycle company on a Fox News program Sunday, saying the company will take a “big hit” from consumers angry that an American company is moving some of its production abroad.

“Everybody who ever bought a Harley-Davidson voted for Trump ... and they are very unhappy about it,” Trump said. He added that the company “shouldn’t play cute.” He accused Harley-Davidson on Twitter earlier in the week: “They surrendered, they quit! The aura will be gone.”

But Trump is guilty of outsourcing manufacturing to 12 different countries. Import records revealed that Trump shirts, suits, sports coats, eyeglasses, home goods — such as furniture, lighting fixtures and mirrors — and hotel amenities including shampoo, towels and laundry bags were all made abroad. Factories used are located in China, Germany, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam and South Korea, among others.

Wow......................Trump actually said that "everybody who ever bought a Harley Davidson voted for Trump"? That is not only a huge lie, but also quite hyperbolic as well. I rode a Harley for over 7 years, and I never voted for Trump.


  1. exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

IF it was not meant to be taken seriously, it is not a lie.

Words have meanings.
I reject the notions that lefties are motivated by altruism.

They are too fucking mean spirited and full of hate for me to buy that shit.

Yeah, mean spirited. Like the way we tore kids away from their parents who dared dream the American dream. Blindness has cure, open your fuckin' eyes. LOL

No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.
Yeah, mean spirited. Like the way we tore kids away from their parents who dared dream the American dream. Blindness has cure, open your fuckin' eyes. LOL

No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Russia did actively get involved with our elections to defeat Hillary. Why? Because Hillary isn't putin's bitch like Trump is. So, Russia should be sanctioned for doing what they did.

Now, the big question is did Trump collude? If he did, which is sure looks like he did, he should be impeached just like Bill Clinton was impeached.

There’s actually lots of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion
Yeah, mean spirited. Like the way we tore kids away from their parents who dared dream the American dream. Blindness has cure, open your fuckin' eyes. LOL

No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Well I'm sorry if China has all the cheap shit that Americans want to buy cheap. Do you want to bring shoes back to the USA too? No you do not. So really it's only the important things I want brought back home. MANUFACTURING is important.

My point is, we can't tell China they have to buy just as much as we buy from them if there is nothing we make that they want.

We want shoes from them. They want airplanes from us. They buy our movies. We don't buy as many Chinese movies as they buy our movies. Should we be forced to buy chinese movies from them even though we don't want them?

So really we trade with each country according to what they have and what we want.

Can you name a specific unfair trade deal that we have with Canada?

I know that it's about $5K cheaper to ship a car from Mexico to Europe as it is to ship from America to Europe. Why? Because American workers make a decent wage. So Europeans choose to buy cars from Mexico. That's why American car manufacturers are moving to Mexico.

This is too complicated for me. I hope Trump fixes what's wrong, if anything is even wrong. And if his plans will work. For example his tariffs are just making American manufacturers who want to sell into Europe move their plants to Europe. So now Harley will make and sell bikes in America, and they will make and sell bikes in Europe. Problem solved but I'm not sure how that helps American workers.
Yeah, mean spirited. Like the way we tore kids away from their parents who dared dream the American dream. Blindness has cure, open your fuckin' eyes. LOL

No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Trouble is, you believe every lie that comes from Pres. Koresh's carp lips. Example. Before Trumps tariffs he claimed Canada wasn't treating us fairly yet we had an 8 Billion surplus of trade with them. He imposes these inflationary tariffs just to have yet another target for his cruel rhetoric. And every time he does that it will cost Americans in the long run because prices will rise on imports as well. So, your bullshit analysis is based on lies. Trump lies, haven't you noticed? LOL
No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Russia did actively get involved with our elections to defeat Hillary. Why? Because Hillary isn't putin's bitch like Trump is. So, Russia should be sanctioned for doing what they did.

Now, the big question is did Trump collude? If he did, which is sure looks like he did, he should be impeached just like Bill Clinton was impeached.

There’s actually lots of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion

When it's proven that he worked in concert with our enemy to fix the elections, Impeachment doesn't begin to make the punishment fit the crime. This is treason, plain and simple. All involved need to do very long jail time.
No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Russia did actively get involved with our elections to defeat Hillary. Why? Because Hillary isn't putin's bitch like Trump is. So, Russia should be sanctioned for doing what they did.

Now, the big question is did Trump collude? If he did, which is sure looks like he did, he should be impeached just like Bill Clinton was impeached.

There’s actually lots of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion

Russia might have put some trolls in the field. As if they made a difference considering the number of home grown trolls we have.

That is not worth a new Cold War.

Trump did not collude. Stop being crazy.
One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Russia did actively get involved with our elections to defeat Hillary. Why? Because Hillary isn't putin's bitch like Trump is. So, Russia should be sanctioned for doing what they did.

Now, the big question is did Trump collude? If he did, which is sure looks like he did, he should be impeached just like Bill Clinton was impeached.

There’s actually lots of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion

Russia might have put some trolls in the field. As if they made a difference considering the number of home grown trolls we have.

That is not worth a new Cold War.

Trump did not collude. Stop being crazy.

I think it's a little bit bigger deal than getting a blowjob in the oval office and lying about it. But I also don't think he should leave office for doing it. I would just like the American people to know the truth and then vote accordingly.

But if that tape of him saying he grabs women's privates didn't cost him the election, neither will collusion.

Also, I find it funny that you right wingers are ok that Don Trump before he became President basically has acted like a mafia boss. They even sent some guy to threaten stormy daniels child. And, if you don't believe that happened, you're more gullible than I thought.
No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Well I'm sorry if China has all the cheap shit that Americans want to buy cheap. Do you want to bring shoes back to the USA too? No you do not. So really it's only the important things I want brought back home. MANUFACTURING is important.

My point is, we can't tell China they have to buy just as much as we buy from them if there is nothing we make that they want.

We want shoes from them. They want airplanes from us. They buy our movies. We don't buy as many Chinese movies as they buy our movies. Should we be forced to buy chinese movies from them even though we don't want them?

So really we trade with each country according to what they have and what we want.

Can you name a specific unfair trade deal that we have with Canada?

I know that it's about $5K cheaper to ship a car from Mexico to Europe as it is to ship from America to Europe. Why? Because American workers make a decent wage. So Europeans choose to buy cars from Mexico. That's why American car manufacturers are moving to Mexico.

This is too complicated for me. I hope Trump fixes what's wrong, if anything is even wrong. And if his plans will work. For example his tariffs are just making American manufacturers who want to sell into Europe move their plants to Europe. So now Harley will make and sell bikes in America, and they will make and sell bikes in Europe. Problem solved but I'm not sure how that helps American workers.

If the Europeans want to sell US their crap, but want to buy everything they buy from someone else,

then that does not work for US and we do not need to do it.

If it does not benefit US, let's not do it.

Let them sell their shit to Mexico, and see how that works out for them.
No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Trouble is, you believe every lie that comes from Pres. Koresh's carp lips. Example. Before Trumps tariffs he claimed Canada wasn't treating us fairly yet we had an 8 Billion surplus of trade with them. He imposes these inflationary tariffs just to have yet another target for his cruel rhetoric. And every time he does that it will cost Americans in the long run because prices will rise on imports as well. So, your bullshit analysis is based on lies. Trump lies, haven't you noticed? LOL

THat 8 billion surplus does not mean that they are not treating US unfairly.

It could very well be, that in the absence of Canadian government actions that that surplus would be 16 billion dollars.

We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?
So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Russia did actively get involved with our elections to defeat Hillary. Why? Because Hillary isn't putin's bitch like Trump is. So, Russia should be sanctioned for doing what they did.

Now, the big question is did Trump collude? If he did, which is sure looks like he did, he should be impeached just like Bill Clinton was impeached.

There’s actually lots of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion

Russia might have put some trolls in the field. As if they made a difference considering the number of home grown trolls we have.

That is not worth a new Cold War.

Trump did not collude. Stop being crazy.

I think it's a little bit bigger deal than getting a blowjob in the oval office and lying about it. But I also don't think he should leave office for doing it. I would just like the American people to know the truth and then vote accordingly.

But if that tape of him saying he grabs women's privates didn't cost him the election, neither will collusion.

Also, I find it funny that you right wingers are ok that Don Trump before he became President basically has acted like a mafia boss. They even sent some guy to threaten stormy daniels child. And, if you don't believe that happened, you're more gullible than I thought.

1. A few trolls did not change the election.

2. This is not worth a new Cold War.

3. The tape was manufactured bullshit over nothing.

4. Trumps policies on Trade and Immigration are what the country needs.
One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Trouble is, you believe every lie that comes from Pres. Koresh's carp lips. Example. Before Trumps tariffs he claimed Canada wasn't treating us fairly yet we had an 8 Billion surplus of trade with them. He imposes these inflationary tariffs just to have yet another target for his cruel rhetoric. And every time he does that it will cost Americans in the long run because prices will rise on imports as well. So, your bullshit analysis is based on lies. Trump lies, haven't you noticed? LOL

THat 8 billion surplus does not mean that they are not treating US unfairly.

It could very well be, that in the absence of Canadian government actions that that surplus would be 16 billion dollars.

We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

Do you ever actually think about how stupid your posts are before you spew them?
How is doubling the trade surplus with Canada going to be mutually beneficial? It's like most things you say. It makes absolutely no fuckin' sense. You're hopelessly indoctrinated. Like those poor saps in Waco.
It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Russia did actively get involved with our elections to defeat Hillary. Why? Because Hillary isn't putin's bitch like Trump is. So, Russia should be sanctioned for doing what they did.

Now, the big question is did Trump collude? If he did, which is sure looks like he did, he should be impeached just like Bill Clinton was impeached.

There’s actually lots of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion

Russia might have put some trolls in the field. As if they made a difference considering the number of home grown trolls we have.

That is not worth a new Cold War.

Trump did not collude. Stop being crazy.

I think it's a little bit bigger deal than getting a blowjob in the oval office and lying about it. But I also don't think he should leave office for doing it. I would just like the American people to know the truth and then vote accordingly.

But if that tape of him saying he grabs women's privates didn't cost him the election, neither will collusion.

Also, I find it funny that you right wingers are ok that Don Trump before he became President basically has acted like a mafia boss. They even sent some guy to threaten stormy daniels child. And, if you don't believe that happened, you're more gullible than I thought.

1. A few trolls did not change the election.

2. This is not worth a new Cold War.

3. The tape was manufactured bullshit over nothing.

4. Trumps policies on Trade and Immigration are what the country needs.

1. It was a whole lot of trolls and bots and the propaganda reached over 50 million people.

2. Yeah, they fucked with our democracy, let's play nice so they won't do it again. LOL

3. What tape?

4. The economy was just fine before he ruined it just like every GOP Pres. Any economist will tell you that you don't add more fuel to an already on fire economy. And you don't cut revenue just to make rich people richer.
So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Trouble is, you believe every lie that comes from Pres. Koresh's carp lips. Example. Before Trumps tariffs he claimed Canada wasn't treating us fairly yet we had an 8 Billion surplus of trade with them. He imposes these inflationary tariffs just to have yet another target for his cruel rhetoric. And every time he does that it will cost Americans in the long run because prices will rise on imports as well. So, your bullshit analysis is based on lies. Trump lies, haven't you noticed? LOL

THat 8 billion surplus does not mean that they are not treating US unfairly.

It could very well be, that in the absence of Canadian government actions that that surplus would be 16 billion dollars.

We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

Do you ever actually think about how stupid your posts are before you spew them?
How is doubling the trade surplus with Canada going to be mutually beneficial? It's like most things you say. It makes absolutely no fuckin' sense. You're hopelessly indoctrinated. Like those poor saps in Waco.

You made the point, that a 8 billion dollar trade surplus proved that Canada is being fair to US.

I pointed out that that was not true.

This was not a claim that that would be mutually beneficial.

That came from the voices in your head.

You need to be less sure of your self. And calmer.
It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Trouble is, you believe every lie that comes from Pres. Koresh's carp lips. Example. Before Trumps tariffs he claimed Canada wasn't treating us fairly yet we had an 8 Billion surplus of trade with them. He imposes these inflationary tariffs just to have yet another target for his cruel rhetoric. And every time he does that it will cost Americans in the long run because prices will rise on imports as well. So, your bullshit analysis is based on lies. Trump lies, haven't you noticed? LOL

THat 8 billion surplus does not mean that they are not treating US unfairly.

It could very well be, that in the absence of Canadian government actions that that surplus would be 16 billion dollars.

We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

Do you ever actually think about how stupid your posts are before you spew them?
How is doubling the trade surplus with Canada going to be mutually beneficial? It's like most things you say. It makes absolutely no fuckin' sense. You're hopelessly indoctrinated. Like those poor saps in Waco.

You made the point, that a 8 billion dollar trade surplus proved that Canada is being fair to US.

I pointed out that that was not true.

This was not a claim that that would be mutually beneficial.

That came from the voices in your head.

You need to be less sure of your self. And calmer.

Because you said it's not true doesn't prove anything except once again, you have no idea what you're talking about. let me ask you something. What percentage of what Trump says do you believe is the truth? Especially as what he says effects policy. Do you believe he is sane?
1. We don't want to engage in Trade that is not Mutually Beneficial. What part of that is offensive to you?

2. It is a joke that you think that Russia "fixed" our election. DEAL WITH IT, Your side picked a loser of a candidate and was defeated despite all you could do to "fix" it yourself.

Russia did actively get involved with our elections to defeat Hillary. Why? Because Hillary isn't putin's bitch like Trump is. So, Russia should be sanctioned for doing what they did.

Now, the big question is did Trump collude? If he did, which is sure looks like he did, he should be impeached just like Bill Clinton was impeached.

There’s actually lots of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion

Russia might have put some trolls in the field. As if they made a difference considering the number of home grown trolls we have.

That is not worth a new Cold War.

Trump did not collude. Stop being crazy.

I think it's a little bit bigger deal than getting a blowjob in the oval office and lying about it. But I also don't think he should leave office for doing it. I would just like the American people to know the truth and then vote accordingly.

But if that tape of him saying he grabs women's privates didn't cost him the election, neither will collusion.

Also, I find it funny that you right wingers are ok that Don Trump before he became President basically has acted like a mafia boss. They even sent some guy to threaten stormy daniels child. And, if you don't believe that happened, you're more gullible than I thought.

1. A few trolls did not change the election.

2. This is not worth a new Cold War.

3. The tape was manufactured bullshit over nothing.

4. Trumps policies on Trade and Immigration are what the country needs.

1. It was a whole lot of trolls and bots and the propaganda reached over 50 million people.

2. Yeah, they fucked with our democracy, let's play nice so they won't do it again. LOL

3. What tape?

4. The economy was just fine before he ruined it just like every GOP Pres. Any economist will tell you that you don't add more fuel to an already on fire economy. And you don't cut revenue just to make rich people richer.

1. "Reached"? LOL!! You CLAIM that 50 million people saw a troll or a bot post. I'm sure it was a fraction of that number AND, that few minds were changed, if any.

2. It is not worth a Cold War. You really want to spend US lives because of this bs? Not to mention hundreds of billions of dollars? And what do you imagine is the end game? What would victory look like?

3. THe tape you brought up, in your post. Don't you even read the crap you post?

4. I thought Tariffs were just a tax? What are you talking about now? Adding "fire"? Interesting little slip there, Wicker.
Russia did actively get involved with our elections to defeat Hillary. Why? Because Hillary isn't putin's bitch like Trump is. So, Russia should be sanctioned for doing what they did.

Now, the big question is did Trump collude? If he did, which is sure looks like he did, he should be impeached just like Bill Clinton was impeached.

There’s actually lots of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion

Russia might have put some trolls in the field. As if they made a difference considering the number of home grown trolls we have.

That is not worth a new Cold War.

Trump did not collude. Stop being crazy.

I think it's a little bit bigger deal than getting a blowjob in the oval office and lying about it. But I also don't think he should leave office for doing it. I would just like the American people to know the truth and then vote accordingly.

But if that tape of him saying he grabs women's privates didn't cost him the election, neither will collusion.

Also, I find it funny that you right wingers are ok that Don Trump before he became President basically has acted like a mafia boss. They even sent some guy to threaten stormy daniels child. And, if you don't believe that happened, you're more gullible than I thought.

1. A few trolls did not change the election.

2. This is not worth a new Cold War.

3. The tape was manufactured bullshit over nothing.

4. Trumps policies on Trade and Immigration are what the country needs.

1. It was a whole lot of trolls and bots and the propaganda reached over 50 million people.

2. Yeah, they fucked with our democracy, let's play nice so they won't do it again. LOL

3. What tape?

4. The economy was just fine before he ruined it just like every GOP Pres. Any economist will tell you that you don't add more fuel to an already on fire economy. And you don't cut revenue just to make rich people richer.

1. "Reached"? LOL!! You CLAIM that 50 million people saw a troll or a bot post. I'm sure it was a fraction of that number AND, that few minds were changed, if any.

2. It is not worth a Cold War. You really want to spend US lives because of this bs? Not to mention hundreds of billions of dollars? And what do you imagine is the end game? What would victory look like?

3. THe tape you brought up, in your post. Don't you even read the crap you post?

4. I thought Tariffs were just a tax? What are you talking about now? Adding "fire"? Interesting little slip there, Wicker.

1. I don't claim it, every intel agency in the country claims it because it's true. You know, the thing you don't believe in.

2. Hey moron, a cold war is one without fighting. But let's just be friends with the enemy that's trying to destroy our democracy because Trump loves them. LOL

3. Again, what tape? I didn't mention a tape. Show me.

4. I'm talking about the massive giveaway to themselves which will serve to make Trump richer while doing nothing for the working man. You don't do tax cuts when the economy is already fine. Like the one Trump inherited from Obama. What is meant only to spur economic growth has the opposite effect when tax cuts stay in the pockets of the wealthy and corporations. Bush was stupid enough to do so while his war he lied us into was raging. The same budget shortfall will have to be made up and it's already under way on the backs of the working man, the poor and elderly and disabled. Soc Sec, Medicare/Medicaid Food Stamps, WIC, etc etc. You haven't noticed? Not surprising from a cult member.
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