President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Russia might have put some trolls in the field. As if they made a difference considering the number of home grown trolls we have.

That is not worth a new Cold War.

Trump did not collude. Stop being crazy.

I think it's a little bit bigger deal than getting a blowjob in the oval office and lying about it. But I also don't think he should leave office for doing it. I would just like the American people to know the truth and then vote accordingly.

But if that tape of him saying he grabs women's privates didn't cost him the election, neither will collusion.

Also, I find it funny that you right wingers are ok that Don Trump before he became President basically has acted like a mafia boss. They even sent some guy to threaten stormy daniels child. And, if you don't believe that happened, you're more gullible than I thought.

1. A few trolls did not change the election.

2. This is not worth a new Cold War.

3. The tape was manufactured bullshit over nothing.

4. Trumps policies on Trade and Immigration are what the country needs.

1. It was a whole lot of trolls and bots and the propaganda reached over 50 million people.

2. Yeah, they fucked with our democracy, let's play nice so they won't do it again. LOL

3. What tape?

4. The economy was just fine before he ruined it just like every GOP Pres. Any economist will tell you that you don't add more fuel to an already on fire economy. And you don't cut revenue just to make rich people richer.

1. "Reached"? LOL!! You CLAIM that 50 million people saw a troll or a bot post. I'm sure it was a fraction of that number AND, that few minds were changed, if any.

2. It is not worth a Cold War. You really want to spend US lives because of this bs? Not to mention hundreds of billions of dollars? And what do you imagine is the end game? What would victory look like?

3. THe tape you brought up, in your post. Don't you even read the crap you post?

4. I thought Tariffs were just a tax? What are you talking about now? Adding "fire"? Interesting little slip there, Wicker.

1. I don't claim it, every intel agency in the country claims it because it's true. You know, the thing you don't believe in.

2. Hey moron, a cold war is one without fighting. But let's just be friends with the enemy that's trying to destroy our democracy because Trump loves them. LOL

3. Again, what tape? I didn't mention a tape. Show me.

4. I'm talking about the massive giveaway to themselves which will serve to make Trump richer while doing nothing for the working man. You don't do tax cuts when the economy is already fine. Like the one Trump inherited from Obama. What is meant only to spur economic growth has the opposite effect when tax cuts stay in the pockets of the wealthy and corporations. Bush was stupid enough to do so while his war he lied us into was raging. The same budget shortfall will have to be made up and it's already under way on the backs of the working man, the poor and elderly and disabled. Soc Sec, Medicare/Medicaid Food Stamps, WIC, etc etc. You haven't noticed? Not surprising from a cult member.

1. Link to the claim, the most credible one you can find. Take your time.

2. Tell that to the Korean and Vietnam vets. Tell them how there was no fighting in the Cold War.

3. YOur words, from right above "if that tape of him saying he grabs "

4. Ah, the topic is tariffs. Forgive me for thinking you might have been referencing it. How silly of me. Regardless Trump promised higher economic growth. And I haven't seen much inflation yet.
Not for nothing Correll, but the cold war was with Russia, not Viet Nam or Korea.

And no, we didn't actually fight Russia during the Cold War. It was called the Cold War because no bombs were thrown.
Not for nothing Correll, but the cold war was with Russia, not Viet Nam or Korea.

And no, we didn't actually fight Russia during the Cold War. It was called the Cold War because no bombs were thrown.

HOLD ON RED STATES Trump will shed your blood

Trade War Threat Gets Real as Trump Confirms China Tariffsupdated 37 minutes ago
Trade War Erupts on No. 1 U.S. Farm Export to China
U.S. Industries Fear Worst Is Yet to Come From Trump's Tariffs
Yield Curve Gets Squashed Again With Tariff Deadline Approaching
Well, the stock market tried to come back today, it closed over a hundred points up.

But..........................the tariffs haven't been in full effect yet. Watch the market crash and prices for things go up when they do.
Not for nothing Correll, but the cold war was with Russia, not Viet Nam or Korea.

And no, we didn't actually fight Russia during the Cold War. It was called the Cold War because no bombs were thrown.

THe Cold War was with the Soviet Union, and if you are pretending to be so unbelievably stupid that you are unaware of the long history of proxy wars, and why, in the Cold War,

I will pretend to believe you are that utterly, unbelievably stupid.
Not for nothing Correll, but the cold war was with Russia, not Viet Nam or Korea.

And no, we didn't actually fight Russia during the Cold War. It was called the Cold War because no bombs were thrown.

THe Cold War was with the Soviet Union, and if you are pretending to be so unbelievably stupid that you are unaware of the long history of proxy wars, and why, in the Cold War,

I will pretend to believe you are that utterly, unbelievably stupid.

Hey idiot. You spoke of a war with Russia. I answered accordingly. Cold is the opposite of hot. It means a standoff and breaking of relations like we've done until Trump fell in love with Putin after he fucked with our democracy. As far as Vietnam, I fought in that one and never saw a Russian. My family fought in Korea and they didn't see any Russians either. If you're talking about arms sales, that's something that happens across the globe and we do it too. But now that Russia is attacking us directly, you think that's okay because Trump isn't concerned? No wonder he got elected with fools to vote for him and continue to support him despite a mountain of evidence that collusion happened on a grand scale.
I think it's a little bit bigger deal than getting a blowjob in the oval office and lying about it. But I also don't think he should leave office for doing it. I would just like the American people to know the truth and then vote accordingly.

But if that tape of him saying he grabs women's privates didn't cost him the election, neither will collusion.

Also, I find it funny that you right wingers are ok that Don Trump before he became President basically has acted like a mafia boss. They even sent some guy to threaten stormy daniels child. And, if you don't believe that happened, you're more gullible than I thought.

1. A few trolls did not change the election.

2. This is not worth a new Cold War.

3. The tape was manufactured bullshit over nothing.

4. Trumps policies on Trade and Immigration are what the country needs.

1. It was a whole lot of trolls and bots and the propaganda reached over 50 million people.

2. Yeah, they fucked with our democracy, let's play nice so they won't do it again. LOL

3. What tape?

4. The economy was just fine before he ruined it just like every GOP Pres. Any economist will tell you that you don't add more fuel to an already on fire economy. And you don't cut revenue just to make rich people richer.

1. "Reached"? LOL!! You CLAIM that 50 million people saw a troll or a bot post. I'm sure it was a fraction of that number AND, that few minds were changed, if any.

2. It is not worth a Cold War. You really want to spend US lives because of this bs? Not to mention hundreds of billions of dollars? And what do you imagine is the end game? What would victory look like?

3. THe tape you brought up, in your post. Don't you even read the crap you post?

4. I thought Tariffs were just a tax? What are you talking about now? Adding "fire"? Interesting little slip there, Wicker.

1. I don't claim it, every intel agency in the country claims it because it's true. You know, the thing you don't believe in.

2. Hey moron, a cold war is one without fighting. But let's just be friends with the enemy that's trying to destroy our democracy because Trump loves them. LOL

3. Again, what tape? I didn't mention a tape. Show me.

4. I'm talking about the massive giveaway to themselves which will serve to make Trump richer while doing nothing for the working man. You don't do tax cuts when the economy is already fine. Like the one Trump inherited from Obama. What is meant only to spur economic growth has the opposite effect when tax cuts stay in the pockets of the wealthy and corporations. Bush was stupid enough to do so while his war he lied us into was raging. The same budget shortfall will have to be made up and it's already under way on the backs of the working man, the poor and elderly and disabled. Soc Sec, Medicare/Medicaid Food Stamps, WIC, etc etc. You haven't noticed? Not surprising from a cult member.

1. Link to the claim, the most credible one you can find. Take your time.

2. Tell that to the Korean and Vietnam vets. Tell them how there was no fighting in the Cold War.

3. YOur words, from right above "if that tape of him saying he grabs "

4. Ah, the topic is tariffs. Forgive me for thinking you might have been referencing it. How silly of me. Regardless Trump promised higher economic growth. And I haven't seen much inflation yet.

If that tapes that says he grabs? WTF does that even mean?
Not for nothing Correll, but the cold war was with Russia, not Viet Nam or Korea.

And no, we didn't actually fight Russia during the Cold War. It was called the Cold War because no bombs were thrown.

THe Cold War was with the Soviet Union, and if you are pretending to be so unbelievably stupid that you are unaware of the long history of proxy wars, and why, in the Cold War,

I will pretend to believe you are that utterly, unbelievably stupid.

Hey Bikersailor, when an idiot calls you stupid he's actually just giving up because he can't compete with someone with a brain. So, wear it like the medal of honor. LOL
Not for nothing Correll, but the cold war was with Russia, not Viet Nam or Korea.

And no, we didn't actually fight Russia during the Cold War. It was called the Cold War because no bombs were thrown.

THe Cold War was with the Soviet Union, and if you are pretending to be so unbelievably stupid that you are unaware of the long history of proxy wars, and why, in the Cold War,

I will pretend to believe you are that utterly, unbelievably stupid.

Hey idiot. You spoke of a war with Russia. I answered accordingly. Cold is the opposite of hot. It means a standoff and breaking of relations like we've done until Trump fell in love with Putin after he fucked with our democracy. As far as Vietnam, I fought in that one and never saw a Russian. My family fought in Korea and they didn't see any Russians either. If you're talking about arms sales, that's something that happens across the globe and we do it too. But now that Russia is attacking us directly, you think that's okay because Trump isn't concerned? No wonder he got elected with fools to vote for him and continue to support him despite a mountain of evidence that collusion happened on a grand scale.

Are your really unaware of the fact that both Korea and Vietnam were part of the Cold War?


Or have you just talked yourself into a corner and just saying what ever shit is called for to avoid admitting any thing in that single instance without any concern for how stupid or dishonest it is?
1. A few trolls did not change the election.

2. This is not worth a new Cold War.

3. The tape was manufactured bullshit over nothing.

4. Trumps policies on Trade and Immigration are what the country needs.

1. It was a whole lot of trolls and bots and the propaganda reached over 50 million people.

2. Yeah, they fucked with our democracy, let's play nice so they won't do it again. LOL

3. What tape?

4. The economy was just fine before he ruined it just like every GOP Pres. Any economist will tell you that you don't add more fuel to an already on fire economy. And you don't cut revenue just to make rich people richer.

1. "Reached"? LOL!! You CLAIM that 50 million people saw a troll or a bot post. I'm sure it was a fraction of that number AND, that few minds were changed, if any.

2. It is not worth a Cold War. You really want to spend US lives because of this bs? Not to mention hundreds of billions of dollars? And what do you imagine is the end game? What would victory look like?

3. THe tape you brought up, in your post. Don't you even read the crap you post?

4. I thought Tariffs were just a tax? What are you talking about now? Adding "fire"? Interesting little slip there, Wicker.

1. I don't claim it, every intel agency in the country claims it because it's true. You know, the thing you don't believe in.

2. Hey moron, a cold war is one without fighting. But let's just be friends with the enemy that's trying to destroy our democracy because Trump loves them. LOL

3. Again, what tape? I didn't mention a tape. Show me.

4. I'm talking about the massive giveaway to themselves which will serve to make Trump richer while doing nothing for the working man. You don't do tax cuts when the economy is already fine. Like the one Trump inherited from Obama. What is meant only to spur economic growth has the opposite effect when tax cuts stay in the pockets of the wealthy and corporations. Bush was stupid enough to do so while his war he lied us into was raging. The same budget shortfall will have to be made up and it's already under way on the backs of the working man, the poor and elderly and disabled. Soc Sec, Medicare/Medicaid Food Stamps, WIC, etc etc. You haven't noticed? Not surprising from a cult member.

1. Link to the claim, the most credible one you can find. Take your time.

2. Tell that to the Korean and Vietnam vets. Tell them how there was no fighting in the Cold War.

3. YOur words, from right above "if that tape of him saying he grabs "

4. Ah, the topic is tariffs. Forgive me for thinking you might have been referencing it. How silly of me. Regardless Trump promised higher economic growth. And I haven't seen much inflation yet.

If that tapes that says he grabs? WTF does that even mean?

It is from your post. I knew what you meant. If you have forgotten, I will tell you.

Perhaps you should not be cutting down these posts if you can't remember what you said, or what you meant.

And in case this is a standard lefty evasive tactic, my post stands.

1. Link to the claim, the most credible one you can find. Take your time.

2. Tell that to the Korean and Vietnam vets. Tell them how there was no fighting in the Cold War.

3. YOur words, from right above "if that tape of him saying he grabs "

4. Ah, the topic is tariffs. Forgive me for thinking you might have been referencing it. How silly of me. Regardless Trump promised higher economic growth. And I haven't seen much inflation yet.
"the war was lost on trade many years ago...but now we're going to win it, because we have all the cards" - President Trump
"The trade war has just begun and already, global foreign direct investment into the U.S. from China and other nations is on the decline."
"The trade war has just begun and already, global foreign direct investment into the U.S. from China and other nations is on the decline."

Strange. I thought Trade Deficits didn't matter.

I understand how the U.S. opposition media is claiming Pres. Trump is creating a trade war with China but most patriots will call this an UPRISING by our country after years and years of cheating and stealing our intellectual property and technology
1. It was a whole lot of trolls and bots and the propaganda reached over 50 million people.

2. Yeah, they fucked with our democracy, let's play nice so they won't do it again. LOL

3. What tape?

4. The economy was just fine before he ruined it just like every GOP Pres. Any economist will tell you that you don't add more fuel to an already on fire economy. And you don't cut revenue just to make rich people richer.

1. "Reached"? LOL!! You CLAIM that 50 million people saw a troll or a bot post. I'm sure it was a fraction of that number AND, that few minds were changed, if any.

2. It is not worth a Cold War. You really want to spend US lives because of this bs? Not to mention hundreds of billions of dollars? And what do you imagine is the end game? What would victory look like?

3. THe tape you brought up, in your post. Don't you even read the crap you post?

4. I thought Tariffs were just a tax? What are you talking about now? Adding "fire"? Interesting little slip there, Wicker.

1. I don't claim it, every intel agency in the country claims it because it's true. You know, the thing you don't believe in.

2. Hey moron, a cold war is one without fighting. But let's just be friends with the enemy that's trying to destroy our democracy because Trump loves them. LOL

3. Again, what tape? I didn't mention a tape. Show me.

4. I'm talking about the massive giveaway to themselves which will serve to make Trump richer while doing nothing for the working man. You don't do tax cuts when the economy is already fine. Like the one Trump inherited from Obama. What is meant only to spur economic growth has the opposite effect when tax cuts stay in the pockets of the wealthy and corporations. Bush was stupid enough to do so while his war he lied us into was raging. The same budget shortfall will have to be made up and it's already under way on the backs of the working man, the poor and elderly and disabled. Soc Sec, Medicare/Medicaid Food Stamps, WIC, etc etc. You haven't noticed? Not surprising from a cult member.

1. Link to the claim, the most credible one you can find. Take your time.

2. Tell that to the Korean and Vietnam vets. Tell them how there was no fighting in the Cold War.

3. YOur words, from right above "if that tape of him saying he grabs "

4. Ah, the topic is tariffs. Forgive me for thinking you might have been referencing it. How silly of me. Regardless Trump promised higher economic growth. And I haven't seen much inflation yet.

If that tapes that says he grabs? WTF does that even mean?

It is from your post. I knew what you meant. If you have forgotten, I will tell you.

Perhaps you should not be cutting down these posts if you can't remember what you said, or what you meant.

And in case this is a standard lefty evasive tactic, my post stands.

1. Link to the claim, the most credible one you can find. Take your time.

2. Tell that to the Korean and Vietnam vets. Tell them how there was no fighting in the Cold War.

3. YOur words, from right above "if that tape of him saying he grabs "

4. Ah, the topic is tariffs. Forgive me for thinking you might have been referencing it. How silly of me. Regardless Trump promised higher economic growth. And I haven't seen much inflation yet.

Hey idiot, I'm still waiting for you to show me where I mentioned a tape. I must admit that just like you, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about either.
My words? Show me butthole. Tick tick
"The trade war has just begun and already, global foreign direct investment into the U.S. from China and other nations is on the decline."

Strange. I thought Trade Deficits didn't matter.

WTF point is that supposed to make? You are the silliest person I've ever seen on a political site. Every word you say is laced with shit because of from whence they came.

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