President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

I've explained it all to you with examples and you're just too indoctrinated to see it. Trade wars hurt the people. period. Inflationary and unwise.

So, why are our trading partners risking it?

They won't be our trading partners if he keeps doing this. He's an isolationist and he's about to get his wish. It's somewhat manageable now at current levels but he's been talking about a half trillion dollar tariff on china, that will be a huge problem. Inflation will happen at current levels but those kinds of numbers will start a wildfire of rising costs that will effect the working people. He doesn't give a fuck, he doesn't shop at Walmart.

So, it is inconceivable to you that our trading partners might accept more balanced trade as a goal?

In your mind, that is off the table?

People don't respond well to threats. Usually puts them off. More likely to see tariffs as what they are, threats. Especially China who has been our credit union for years. We have (middle class) more to lose than they do. But, Trump doesn't get the middle class. We're beneath him as are anyone who isn't richer than he is or more cruel. That's what he has respect (envy) for. You haven't noticed? LOL

1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.
So, why are our trading partners risking it?

They won't be our trading partners if he keeps doing this. He's an isolationist and he's about to get his wish. It's somewhat manageable now at current levels but he's been talking about a half trillion dollar tariff on china, that will be a huge problem. Inflation will happen at current levels but those kinds of numbers will start a wildfire of rising costs that will effect the working people. He doesn't give a fuck, he doesn't shop at Walmart.

So, it is inconceivable to you that our trading partners might accept more balanced trade as a goal?

In your mind, that is off the table?

People don't respond well to threats. Usually puts them off. More likely to see tariffs as what they are, threats. Especially China who has been our credit union for years. We have (middle class) more to lose than they do. But, Trump doesn't get the middle class. We're beneath him as are anyone who isn't richer than he is or more cruel. That's what he has respect (envy) for. You haven't noticed? LOL

1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.
You must work for a poor person. Or the government.
They won't be our trading partners if he keeps doing this. He's an isolationist and he's about to get his wish. It's somewhat manageable now at current levels but he's been talking about a half trillion dollar tariff on china, that will be a huge problem. Inflation will happen at current levels but those kinds of numbers will start a wildfire of rising costs that will effect the working people. He doesn't give a fuck, he doesn't shop at Walmart.

So, it is inconceivable to you that our trading partners might accept more balanced trade as a goal?

In your mind, that is off the table?

People don't respond well to threats. Usually puts them off. More likely to see tariffs as what they are, threats. Especially China who has been our credit union for years. We have (middle class) more to lose than they do. But, Trump doesn't get the middle class. We're beneath him as are anyone who isn't richer than he is or more cruel. That's what he has respect (envy) for. You haven't noticed? LOL

1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.
You must work for a poor person. Or the government.

And you must be dim and/or uneducated.

Yeah, these are the unseen dirty little secrets that Trumpers don't get. They never look beyond the bluster as if world trade was a boxing match. I've said on here that tariffs lead to inflation but it always falls on deaf ears. This crisis in pork will be just one of the many things that will reduce revenue and raise prices. Maybe when Trumpers see their own buying power drop off a cliff they'll understand, but I doubt it. They'll probably blame it on Democrats.
It's all backfiring.....

So, why are our trading partners risking it?

They won't be our trading partners if he keeps doing this. He's an isolationist and he's about to get his wish. It's somewhat manageable now at current levels but he's been talking about a half trillion dollar tariff on china, that will be a huge problem. Inflation will happen at current levels but those kinds of numbers will start a wildfire of rising costs that will effect the working people. He doesn't give a fuck, he doesn't shop at Walmart.

So, it is inconceivable to you that our trading partners might accept more balanced trade as a goal?

In your mind, that is off the table?

People don't respond well to threats. Usually puts them off. More likely to see tariffs as what they are, threats. Especially China who has been our credit union for years. We have (middle class) more to lose than they do. But, Trump doesn't get the middle class. We're beneath him as are anyone who isn't richer than he is or more cruel. That's what he has respect (envy) for. You haven't noticed? LOL

1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.

His trade and immigration policies, if enacted, will not be "bones", but will change lives, communities, if not the whole nation, for the better.

Those of the Middle class and working poor who voted for Trump, were right to do so.

I note that you did not try to explain they failure of the leadership of our trading "partners".
They won't be our trading partners if he keeps doing this. He's an isolationist and he's about to get his wish. It's somewhat manageable now at current levels but he's been talking about a half trillion dollar tariff on china, that will be a huge problem. Inflation will happen at current levels but those kinds of numbers will start a wildfire of rising costs that will effect the working people. He doesn't give a fuck, he doesn't shop at Walmart.

So, it is inconceivable to you that our trading partners might accept more balanced trade as a goal?

In your mind, that is off the table?

People don't respond well to threats. Usually puts them off. More likely to see tariffs as what they are, threats. Especially China who has been our credit union for years. We have (middle class) more to lose than they do. But, Trump doesn't get the middle class. We're beneath him as are anyone who isn't richer than he is or more cruel. That's what he has respect (envy) for. You haven't noticed? LOL

1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.

His trade and immigration policies, if enacted, will not be "bones", but will change lives, communities, if not the whole nation, for the better.

Those of the Middle class and working poor who voted for Trump, were right to do so.

I note that you did not try to explain they failure of the leadership of our trading "partners".

It'll change lives alright, but not in a good way. The poor or middle class who voted for him were duped and remain duped.
The failure of leadership of our trading partners? What does that mean? I always seem to have to unravel everything you say. How did they fail? By being free traders and part of the global economy? They didn't initiate this series of insane trade wars, Trump did. Be patient, you'll start to see the results of this soon enough and I guarantee you're not gonna like it.
So, it is inconceivable to you that our trading partners might accept more balanced trade as a goal?

In your mind, that is off the table?

People don't respond well to threats. Usually puts them off. More likely to see tariffs as what they are, threats. Especially China who has been our credit union for years. We have (middle class) more to lose than they do. But, Trump doesn't get the middle class. We're beneath him as are anyone who isn't richer than he is or more cruel. That's what he has respect (envy) for. You haven't noticed? LOL

1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.

His trade and immigration policies, if enacted, will not be "bones", but will change lives, communities, if not the whole nation, for the better.

Those of the Middle class and working poor who voted for Trump, were right to do so.

I note that you did not try to explain they failure of the leadership of our trading "partners".

It'll change lives alright, but not in a good way. The poor or middle class who voted for him were duped and remain duped.
The failure of leadership of our trading partners? What does that mean? I always seem to have to unravel everything you say. How did they fail? By being free traders and part of the global economy? They didn't initiate this series of insane trade wars, Trump did. Be patient, you'll start to see the results of this soon enough and I guarantee you're not gonna like it.

More and better jobs, higher wages, will be a GOOD THING, for the Middle Class and Working poor.

Their leadership failed because they are risking a global trade war, which you seem to think is a bad thing.
So, it is inconceivable to you that our trading partners might accept more balanced trade as a goal?

In your mind, that is off the table?

People don't respond well to threats. Usually puts them off. More likely to see tariffs as what they are, threats. Especially China who has been our credit union for years. We have (middle class) more to lose than they do. But, Trump doesn't get the middle class. We're beneath him as are anyone who isn't richer than he is or more cruel. That's what he has respect (envy) for. You haven't noticed? LOL

1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.
You must work for a poor person. Or the government.

And you must be dim and/or uneducated.
Nope. I'm not a Dim as yourself. I'm a conservative.
People don't respond well to threats. Usually puts them off. More likely to see tariffs as what they are, threats. Especially China who has been our credit union for years. We have (middle class) more to lose than they do. But, Trump doesn't get the middle class. We're beneath him as are anyone who isn't richer than he is or more cruel. That's what he has respect (envy) for. You haven't noticed? LOL

1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.
You must work for a poor person. Or the government.

And you must be dim and/or uneducated.
Nope. I'm not a Dim as yourself. I'm a conservative.

Well, Mr Conservative, you don't have to listen to anything I've got to say about the Trump Administration. You can take a clue from two ultra conservative voices in Steve Schmidt and George Will. Both of whom have denounced their membership in the GOP and Will even said to please vote for Democrats. George Will! There's no more influential voice on the right, second only to the late William F Buckley. Both have said this is a circus and the most corrupt presidency in history. And they went further in saying it's the most totally corrupt cabinet and white house in history. Frankly I understand why Trump came to power, because even though it's so obvious that there was collusion, corruption, etc, his voters are still blind and deaf to it all. But, it was PT Barnum who said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Congratulations sucker.
People don't respond well to threats. Usually puts them off. More likely to see tariffs as what they are, threats. Especially China who has been our credit union for years. We have (middle class) more to lose than they do. But, Trump doesn't get the middle class. We're beneath him as are anyone who isn't richer than he is or more cruel. That's what he has respect (envy) for. You haven't noticed? LOL

1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.

His trade and immigration policies, if enacted, will not be "bones", but will change lives, communities, if not the whole nation, for the better.

Those of the Middle class and working poor who voted for Trump, were right to do so.

I note that you did not try to explain they failure of the leadership of our trading "partners".

It'll change lives alright, but not in a good way. The poor or middle class who voted for him were duped and remain duped.
The failure of leadership of our trading partners? What does that mean? I always seem to have to unravel everything you say. How did they fail? By being free traders and part of the global economy? They didn't initiate this series of insane trade wars, Trump did. Be patient, you'll start to see the results of this soon enough and I guarantee you're not gonna like it.

More and better jobs, higher wages, will be a GOOD THING, for the Middle Class and Working poor.

Their leadership failed because they are risking a global trade war, which you seem to think is a bad thing.

You don't have to take my word that Trade wars are inflationary. Look it the fuck up! It's NEVER a good idea. Any economist worth his salt will say that because it's a fact.
What magic potion is gonna make Corporate America suddenly want to pay better wages? I want to hear this. Just the opposite is true. The "BONE" we were thrown will disappear in a rising tide of inflation and in attacks on the working poor, disabled, elderly etc. Attacks aimed directly at those you think are in for a better deal. Deaf, dumb and blind are those who believe anything that comes from ol' carp lips. Especially as it might relate to doing anything positive for the middle class. Do yourself a favor and watch a video entitled "You've Been Trumped" and you'll see how much Trump cares for the working man. Until then remain clueless as you are.
Well, maybe it's not all bad news. We could get lucky and get a few rolls of paper towels tossed our way. If that display didn't tell you anything about Trump, nothing ever will. My guess, nothing ever will.
1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.
You must work for a poor person. Or the government.

And you must be dim and/or uneducated.
Nope. I'm not a Dim as yourself. I'm a conservative.

Well, Mr Conservative, you don't have to listen to anything I've got to say about the Trump Administration. You can take a clue from two ultra conservative voices in Steve Schmidt and George Will. Both of whom have denounced their membership in the GOP and Will even said to please vote for Democrats. George Will! There's no more influential voice on the right, second only to the late William F Buckley. Both have said this is a circus and the most corrupt presidency in history. And they went further in saying it's the most totally corrupt cabinet and white house in history. Frankly I understand why Trump came to power, because even though it's so obvious that there was collusion, corruption, etc, his voters are still blind and deaf to it all. But, it was PT Barnum who said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Congratulations sucker.
Why would I give a shit about what these clowns think?
Illinois Steel Town: Trump's Tariffs Secure 800 New Jobs for Previously Laid-Off American Workers | Breitbart

The 2K Granite City steel workers who were laid off under Obama are now seeing their jobs reopen thanks to Trump's steel tariffs. About half of the 800 reopened steel jobs will go to those who were previously laid off. Other half will go to newcomers.

Breitbart? LOL Talk about your fake news.
As opposed to MSLED? The Washington Compost? Give me a break.
So, it is inconceivable to you that our trading partners might accept more balanced trade as a goal?

In your mind, that is off the table?

People don't respond well to threats. Usually puts them off. More likely to see tariffs as what they are, threats. Especially China who has been our credit union for years. We have (middle class) more to lose than they do. But, Trump doesn't get the middle class. We're beneath him as are anyone who isn't richer than he is or more cruel. That's what he has respect (envy) for. You haven't noticed? LOL

1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.

His trade and immigration policies, if enacted, will not be "bones", but will change lives, communities, if not the whole nation, for the better.

Those of the Middle class and working poor who voted for Trump, were right to do so.

I note that you did not try to explain they failure of the leadership of our trading "partners".

It'll change lives alright, but not in a good way. The poor or middle class who voted for him were duped and remain duped.
The failure of leadership of our trading partners? What does that mean? I always seem to have to unravel everything you say. How did they fail? By being free traders and part of the global economy? They didn't initiate this series of insane trade wars, Trump did. Be patient, you'll start to see the results of this soon enough and I guarantee you're not gonna like it.
Government check?
1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.
You must work for a poor person. Or the government.

And you must be dim and/or uneducated.
Nope. I'm not a Dim as yourself. I'm a conservative.

Well, Mr Conservative, you don't have to listen to anything I've got to say about the Trump Administration. You can take a clue from two ultra conservative voices in Steve Schmidt and George Will. Both of whom have denounced their membership in the GOP and Will even said to please vote for Democrats. George Will! There's no more influential voice on the right, second only to the late William F Buckley. Both have said this is a circus and the most corrupt presidency in history. And they went further in saying it's the most totally corrupt cabinet and white house in history. Frankly I understand why Trump came to power, because even though it's so obvious that there was collusion, corruption, etc, his voters are still blind and deaf to it all. But, it was PT Barnum who said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Congratulations sucker.

NOTHING there but the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. YOu fail.

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