President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

..... So, maybe our government can tax each of us $1 and we can all have a community park that’s free to all citizens.....

The free public parks in America together are far, far larger than the entire nation of Germany, tourist. Every major city has municipal pools free to the public in the summer months. Stop playing the ugly anti-American.

Not after Trump and the new Supreme's decide they are unconstitutional. Do you deny taxing me for a Public park I don't ever use is unconstitutional? Then you aren't really a Republican.
You know what? I’m going to wish trump luck and hope he makes things more fair for the American people. Same way you guys cheered when obama did away with pre existing conditions.

That's nice, but my question was serious.

I want to know what your alternatives are for improving things for the American Worker.
Forget it you won’t like it

Surely you aren't a marxist who believes in the state owning and controlling everything?

I'm unlikely to be offended by anything that is not that.
In Germany When we stumbled onto the beautiful pool that was free to the people in the community, I compared it to what we have here in the USA. Lifetime fitness. It’s 70 a person per month. Most Americans can’t afford it. So, maybe our government can tax each of us $1 and we can all have a community park that’s free to all citizens.

Or is that unconstitutional?

I like some of the stuff trumps doing. But overall I don’t like his tax cuts to the rich and starting trade wars but he is now my president and I hope what he does works.

I’ll try not to be like you guys in 2016 you gave obama no credit for his success but damn it worked so maybe I’ll say trump sucks even if he doesn’t to win an election. I’ll be petty like you guys were. I’ll ask you what the real unemployment number is. I’ll start worrying about the debt and stock market and sluggish jobs numbers.

The economy should be R.I.P. roaring after that tax break. What happened? Did they sock those gains away or give the ceos a big raise? Then it didn’t do anything. Same thing happened when bush gave his unnecessary tax breaks

I live in a rust belt city. Lot of parks free to the public. Public pools that do cost something. Not 70 bucks a month.

I keep asking for what you want. You don't seem to have a real alternative.

The Tax cuts don't matter to wages. Higher taxes don't cause higher wages.
They do if inflation happens.

What do I want? I want the White House back.
When I've been unemployed I have worked for friends for $10 hr. Under the table of course. Mold removal was the worst job I had. And there were young Americans working for the guy I worked for.

Wicker thinks that Americans won't do those jobs.

A lot of lefties claim that.
Wicker is a flat out, emotionally and mentally disturbed masochistic altruist.

I reject the notions that lefties are motivated by altruism.

They are too fucking mean spirited and full of hate for me to buy that shit.

Yeah, mean spirited. Like the way we tore kids away from their parents who dared dream the American dream. Blindness has cure, open your fuckin' eyes. LOL

No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.
When I've been unemployed I have worked for friends for $10 hr. Under the table of course. Mold removal was the worst job I had. And there were young Americans working for the guy I worked for.

Wicker thinks that Americans won't do those jobs.

A lot of lefties claim that.
Wicker is a flat out, emotionally and mentally disturbed masochistic altruist.

I reject the notions that lefties are motivated by altruism.

They are too fucking mean spirited and full of hate for me to buy that shit.

Yeah, mean spirited. Like the way we tore kids away from their parents who dared dream the American dream. Blindness has cure, open your fuckin' eyes. LOL

No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

By focusing attention on issues such as immigration and North Korea, President Donald Trump has managed to deflect attention from the economic resentments that helped get him elected — namely, outrage that the rules are rigged on behalf of the wealthy and the powerful.

Will he keep getting away with this, as Republican policies make the rich even richer and regular people more economically precarious?

Exhibits A and B of the GOP doubling down on corrupt plutocracy are the 2017 Tax Act and the coddling of the biggest banks. The Tax Act costs $1.9 trillion dollars in revenue over a decade. Almost all of the breaks went to rich individuals and corporations, but it was supposed to produce trickle-down benefits in the form of more jobs and better pay for workers.

Now the verdict is already in on pay increases. Worker pay has remained flat for the past 12 months, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

I told you so!!!!

And instead of increasing domestic investments that might produce jobs, corporations mainly used the money to buy back shares of their own stock, pumping up the share value in order to further enrich executives and shareholders but doing nothing for the economy.

Corporations have spent 72 times as much on share buybacks as they have spent on one-time worker bonuses and raises. About 40 percent of all stocks are held by the top one percent, and most of the rest by the wealthiest 10 percent, so this is a pure gift for the rich.

Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve keeps freeing banks from the consumer protections of the Dodd-Frank Act and other safeguards of the Obama era. Last month, the Fed and other regulators conducted rigged “stress tests,” whose results allowed banks to reduce the capital reserves they are required to keep against losses. With more lenient capital requirements, the big banks are now free to join the parade of stock buybacks and dividend payouts.

You got played Correll!!!

The six largest banks will use $125 billion on buybacks and payouts. A lot of this is capital that might have otherwise financed loans.

According to a tabulation by The New York Times, Wells Fargo and Citigroup are spending 100 percent of their projected 2018 profits on buybacks and dividend payouts, and JPMorgan Chase 98 percent.

The tax act’s most important impact will be pressure to cut spending in popular programs such as Social Security and Medicare, to make up the deficit gap. And according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the act, by pushing the national debt to an unprecedented 152 percent of GDP, increases the odds of a new financial crisis.

Meanwhile, Trump’s trade policy, despite its Make-America-Great-Again bluster, is starting to undermine good American jobs by disrupting supply chains and shrinking markets for U.S. exports. The president even managed to make iconic Harley Davidson the enemy — but without doing anything serious to alter China’s predatory practices.

In sum, Trump’s tax and regulatory policies for banks and corporations mainly allow these institutions to fatten themselves, don’t help the larger economy and his tough trade measures are perverse.

The key political question is whether voters will connect these dots and hold Trump and Republican candidates accountable for the blatant hypocrisy and bait-and-switch.

Trump's Tax Cut Snake Oil Should Be The Story Of The Midterms | HuffPost
When I've been unemployed I have worked for friends for $10 hr. Under the table of course. Mold removal was the worst job I had. And there were young Americans working for the guy I worked for.

Wicker thinks that Americans won't do those jobs.

A lot of lefties claim that.
Wicker is a flat out, emotionally and mentally disturbed masochistic altruist.

I reject the notions that lefties are motivated by altruism.

They are too fucking mean spirited and full of hate for me to buy that shit.

Yeah, mean spirited. Like the way we tore kids away from their parents who dared dream the American dream. Blindness has cure, open your fuckin' eyes. LOL

No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

Donald Trump is continuing to hammer Harley-Davidson over the motorcycle company’s plans to relocate some production overseas to dodge European tariffs triggered by the president’s trade war. What Trump isn’t mentioning is that the president and his family own businesses abroad and that most Trump products are produced in foreign factories.

During a GOP primary debate before the presidential election, Trump was challenged on outsourcing products overseas. He defended the practice then, arguing: “We’re allowed to do it” — as is Harley-Davidson. “So I will take advantage of it,” he added. In a unit of “study” in the now-defunct Trump University, Trump wrote that outsourcing jobs is sometimes a “necessary step.”

But the president again slammed the Wisconsin motorcycle company on a Fox News program Sunday, saying the company will take a “big hit” from consumers angry that an American company is moving some of its production abroad.

“Everybody who ever bought a Harley-Davidson voted for Trump ... and they are very unhappy about it,” Trump said. He added that the company “shouldn’t play cute.” He accused Harley-Davidson on Twitter earlier in the week: “They surrendered, they quit! The aura will be gone.”

But Trump is guilty of outsourcing manufacturing to 12 different countries. Import records revealed that Trump shirts, suits, sports coats, eyeglasses, home goods — such as furniture, lighting fixtures and mirrors — and hotel amenities including shampoo, towels and laundry bags were all made abroad. Factories used are located in China, Germany, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam and South Korea, among others.
..... So, maybe our government can tax each of us $1 and we can all have a community park that’s free to all citizens.....

The free public parks in America together are far, far larger than the entire nation of Germany, tourist. Every major city has municipal pools free to the public in the summer months. Stop playing the ugly anti-American.

Not after Trump and the new Supreme's decide they are unconstitutional. Do you deny taxing me for a Public park I don't ever use is unconstitutional? Then you aren't really a Republican.

More mindless speculation based on ignorance and an empty desire to be partisan.

Your stupidity exceeds any party affiliation.
..... So, maybe our government can tax each of us $1 and we can all have a community park that’s free to all citizens.....

The free public parks in America together are far, far larger than the entire nation of Germany, tourist. Every major city has municipal pools free to the public in the summer months. Stop playing the ugly anti-American.

Not after Trump and the new Supreme's decide they are unconstitutional. Do you deny taxing me for a Public park I don't ever use is unconstitutional? Then you aren't really a Republican.

More mindless speculation based on ignorance and an empty desire to be partisan.

Your stupidity exceeds any party affiliation.
Ask any Republican here if social security is constitutional. I don't count you because no one knows for sure what you are.

Maybe you aren't a history teacher. Republicans/conservatives/the rich have always fought any program that isn't defense and requires them to pay taxes to pay for something that is considered "The Commons". Do you know this? Do you know the GOP hate the commons? They think Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon would be better off in private hands. Rather than have our government manage them because you know, "the government can't do anything right", right? Haven't they convinced you of this? Well then better to stop paying all those taxes to keep up the Grand Canyon. Sell it to the Koch brothers and they can charge you a fee if you want to come in and see it. But I don't think I should have to pay tax dollars to upkeep the Grand Canyon. I never plan on visiting it so it's unconstitutional to make me pay it.

Don't worry stupid. All it'll take is the next financial disaster. They'll convince you we can't afford the Grand Canyon and "in the name of the debt" they'll sell it off. But guess what? The debt won't go down one bit you fucking tool. LOL.
..... So, maybe our government can tax each of us $1 and we can all have a community park that’s free to all citizens.....

The free public parks in America together are far, far larger than the entire nation of Germany, tourist. Every major city has municipal pools free to the public in the summer months. Stop playing the ugly anti-American.

Not after Trump and the new Supreme's decide they are unconstitutional. Do you deny taxing me for a Public park I don't ever use is unconstitutional? Then you aren't really a Republican.

More mindless speculation based on ignorance and an empty desire to be partisan.

Your stupidity exceeds any party affiliation.
Ha! Well I'll be damned. I guess it's not just mindless speculation anymore is it gooky?

As Trump moves to privatize America's national parks, visitor costs may rise

Some are concerned that the proposed privatization of some public park services would drive up costs for visitors and fail to raise enough for repairs

America’s national parks need a staggering $11.5bn worth of overdue road and infrastructure repairs. But with the proposed National Park Service budget slashed by almost $400m, the Trump administration says it will turn to privatizing public park services to address those deferred maintenance costs.
focusing on privatization of park operations is a “misguided approach to dealing with the park service’s funding woes”. Instead, he believes it would be more beneficial for Zinke to provide a budget that increases funding for deferred maintenance and park staff, particularly rangers, who play an important role in engaging with visitors.

A big investment is not unprecedented. As part of the Mission 66 campaign from 1956 to 1966, designed to modernize the parks, Congress invested $1bn in infrastructure improvements. That would be $7bn-8bn in today’s dollars, Garder says.

But despite his bullishness on infrastructure spending, Trump has proposed cutting the NPS budget by nearly $400m, which will force job cuts. At the same time, Trump supports more oil and gas extraction on public lands, including in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

At a meeting of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources this week, Zinke said reopening oil exploration that the Obama administration stopped could refill federal coffers, generating more than enough federal money to address the NPS maintenance backlog.

But Chris Saeger, director of the Western Values Project, a watchdog group focused on energy development in the west, says the Trump administration hasn’t demonstrated a desire to reinvest that revenue in the park system. “It seems irresponsible to starve the [NPS] maintenance backlog at the same time they’re increasing oil and gas production,” he says.

Saeger, who lives in Montana’s Flathead Valley, near Glacier National Park, worries that an uptick in privately operated campgrounds would mean fewer affordable camping options for park visitors.

“Living here in a community that relies on a national park, [I know] concessionaires play a big role,” he says. “And in peak season, hotel rooms can cost hundreds of dollars a night. That’s an option for some people. But the National Park System is supposed to be enjoyable by all people.”
..... So, maybe our government can tax each of us $1 and we can all have a community park that’s free to all citizens.....

The free public parks in America together are far, far larger than the entire nation of Germany, tourist. Every major city has municipal pools free to the public in the summer months. Stop playing the ugly anti-American.

Not after Trump and the new Supreme's decide they are unconstitutional. Do you deny taxing me for a Public park I don't ever use is unconstitutional? Then you aren't really a Republican.

More mindless speculation based on ignorance and an empty desire to be partisan.

Your stupidity exceeds any party affiliation.
Ask any Republican here if social security is constitutional. I don't count you because no one knows for sure what you are.

Maybe you aren't a history teacher. Republicans/conservatives/the rich have always fought any program that isn't defense and requires them to pay taxes to pay for something that is considered "The Commons". Do you know this? Do you know the GOP hate the commons? They think Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon would be better off in private hands. Rather than have our government manage them because you know, "the government can't do anything right", right? Haven't they convinced you of this? Well then better to stop paying all those taxes to keep up the Grand Canyon. Sell it to the Koch brothers and they can charge you a fee if you want to come in and see it. But I don't think I should have to pay tax dollars to upkeep the Grand Canyon. I never plan on visiting it so it's unconstitutional to make me pay it......

You're too stupid, too ignorant, and too uneducated to even play the hyper-partisan successfully. You consistently make nothing but an ass of yourself here, Bobobrainless.
..... So, maybe our government can tax each of us $1 and we can all have a community park that’s free to all citizens.....

The free public parks in America together are far, far larger than the entire nation of Germany, tourist. Every major city has municipal pools free to the public in the summer months. Stop playing the ugly anti-American.

Not after Trump and the new Supreme's decide they are unconstitutional. Do you deny taxing me for a Public park I don't ever use is unconstitutional? Then you aren't really a Republican.

More mindless speculation based on ignorance and an empty desire to be partisan.

Your stupidity exceeds any party affiliation.
Ask any Republican here if social security is constitutional. I don't count you because no one knows for sure what you are.

Maybe you aren't a history teacher. Republicans/conservatives/the rich have always fought any program that isn't defense and requires them to pay taxes to pay for something that is considered "The Commons". Do you know this? Do you know the GOP hate the commons? They think Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon would be better off in private hands. Rather than have our government manage them because you know, "the government can't do anything right", right? Haven't they convinced you of this? Well then better to stop paying all those taxes to keep up the Grand Canyon. Sell it to the Koch brothers and they can charge you a fee if you want to come in and see it. But I don't think I should have to pay tax dollars to upkeep the Grand Canyon. I never plan on visiting it so it's unconstitutional to make me pay it......

You're too stupid, too ignorant, and too uneducated to even play the hyper-partisan successfully. You consistently make nothing but an ass of yourself here, Bobobrainless.

Do you hear yourself? I can go back and can't find you contributing one grain towards this conversation other than to occasionally chime in to tell me I am too stupid, too ignorant, and too uneducated to even play the hyper-partisan successfully. You consistently make nothing but an ass of yourself here, Bobobrainless

Is that your tactic? Totally blow off the fact that you first suggested that I was suggesting that Republicans find programs like federal parks and social security to be unconstitutional and it turns out that not only is that true but I found that Trump is in the process of outsourcing our national parks to private companies. And it didn't start on Trump's watch but we see this is absolutely the plan. You don't realize it but it's true.

This all started when I talked about a great park I stumbled onto in Germany. It was beautiful and free to all residents. I compared that to what we have here, private companies like Lifetime Fitness charging $70 to families that can afford it.

Then I show you that Republicans are making the National Parks experience more unaffordable by privatizing it. I'm sure you'll defend this now that you know they are doing it. Before you denied that they would do such a thing. Now you'll defend it.

Anyways, start contributing more than to tell me I'm too stupid, too ignorant, and too uneducated to even play the hyper-partisan successfully. You consistently make nothing but an ass of yourself here, Bobobrainless.

I'm sick of hearing I'm too stupid, too ignorant, and too uneducated to even play the hyper-partisan successfully. You consistently make nothing but an ass of yourself here, Bobobrainless WITHOUT YOU BACKING UP HOW AND WHY. If not, fuck off fish.
..... So, maybe our government can tax each of us $1 and we can all have a community park that’s free to all citizens.....

The free public parks in America together are far, far larger than the entire nation of Germany, tourist. Every major city has municipal pools free to the public in the summer months. Stop playing the ugly anti-American.

Not after Trump and the new Supreme's decide they are unconstitutional. Do you deny taxing me for a Public park I don't ever use is unconstitutional? Then you aren't really a Republican.

More mindless speculation based on ignorance and an empty desire to be partisan.

Your stupidity exceeds any party affiliation.
Ask any Republican here if social security is constitutional. I don't count you because no one knows for sure what you are.

Maybe you aren't a history teacher. Republicans/conservatives/the rich have always fought any program that isn't defense and requires them to pay taxes to pay for something that is considered "The Commons". Do you know this? Do you know the GOP hate the commons? They think Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon would be better off in private hands. Rather than have our government manage them because you know, "the government can't do anything right", right? Haven't they convinced you of this? Well then better to stop paying all those taxes to keep up the Grand Canyon. Sell it to the Koch brothers and they can charge you a fee if you want to come in and see it. But I don't think I should have to pay tax dollars to upkeep the Grand Canyon. I never plan on visiting it so it's unconstitutional to make me pay it......

You're too stupid, too ignorant, and too uneducated to even play the hyper-partisan successfully. You consistently make nothing but an ass of yourself here, Bobobrainless.
You're too stupid, too ignorant, and too uneducated to even play the hyper-partisan successfully. You consistently make nothing but an ass of yourself here, Unkotard
..... So, maybe our government can tax each of us $1 and we can all have a community park that’s free to all citizens.....

The free public parks in America together are far, far larger than the entire nation of Germany, tourist. Every major city has municipal pools free to the public in the summer months. Stop playing the ugly anti-American.

Not after Trump and the new Supreme's decide they are unconstitutional. Do you deny taxing me for a Public park I don't ever use is unconstitutional? Then you aren't really a Republican.

More mindless speculation based on ignorance and an empty desire to be partisan.

Your stupidity exceeds any party affiliation.
More mindless speculation based on ignorance and an empty desire to be non partisan.

Your stupidity exceeds any party affiliation.
..... So, maybe our government can tax each of us $1 and we can all have a community park that’s free to all citizens.....

The free public parks in America together are far, far larger than the entire nation of Germany, tourist. Every major city has municipal pools free to the public in the summer months. Stop playing the ugly anti-American.

Not after Trump and the new Supreme's decide they are unconstitutional. Do you deny taxing me for a Public park I don't ever use is unconstitutional? Then you aren't really a Republican.

More mindless speculation based on ignorance and an empty desire to be partisan.

Your stupidity exceeds any party affiliation.
This reminds me of Republicans who are pro choice not believing Republicans will limit a woman's choice severely if given the opportunity. You'll say it can't be done, meanwhile it's already happening. And if you want it to happen then you must be happy with the Supreme Court pick Trump is going to make.

What Justice Kennedy's Retirement Means For Abortion Rights

Trump Says He Will Nominate New Supreme Court Justice From This List

If you are pro choice, don't vote Republican in 2018 or 2020.

If you think I'm lying then vote GOP or even better, don't vote at all. That's what Republicans want.

And how can you say you don't want to ban abortion? It's murder right? If not, explain how it's not murder.
That's nice, but my question was serious.

I want to know what your alternatives are for improving things for the American Worker.
Forget it you won’t like it

Surely you aren't a marxist who believes in the state owning and controlling everything?

I'm unlikely to be offended by anything that is not that.
In Germany When we stumbled onto the beautiful pool that was free to the people in the community, I compared it to what we have here in the USA. Lifetime fitness. It’s 70 a person per month. Most Americans can’t afford it. So, maybe our government can tax each of us $1 and we can all have a community park that’s free to all citizens.

Or is that unconstitutional?

I like some of the stuff trumps doing. But overall I don’t like his tax cuts to the rich and starting trade wars but he is now my president and I hope what he does works.

I’ll try not to be like you guys in 2016 you gave obama no credit for his success but damn it worked so maybe I’ll say trump sucks even if he doesn’t to win an election. I’ll be petty like you guys were. I’ll ask you what the real unemployment number is. I’ll start worrying about the debt and stock market and sluggish jobs numbers.

The economy should be R.I.P. roaring after that tax break. What happened? Did they sock those gains away or give the ceos a big raise? Then it didn’t do anything. Same thing happened when bush gave his unnecessary tax breaks

I live in a rust belt city. Lot of parks free to the public. Public pools that do cost something. Not 70 bucks a month.

I keep asking for what you want. You don't seem to have a real alternative.

The Tax cuts don't matter to wages. Higher taxes don't cause higher wages.
They do if inflation happens.

What do I want? I want the White House back.

You worry that the Tax CUts might lead to so much economic activity that it causes inflation?

Seems a long way to go....
Wicker thinks that Americans won't do those jobs.

A lot of lefties claim that.
Wicker is a flat out, emotionally and mentally disturbed masochistic altruist.

I reject the notions that lefties are motivated by altruism.

They are too fucking mean spirited and full of hate for me to buy that shit.

Yeah, mean spirited. Like the way we tore kids away from their parents who dared dream the American dream. Blindness has cure, open your fuckin' eyes. LOL

No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.
Forget it you won’t like it

Surely you aren't a marxist who believes in the state owning and controlling everything?

I'm unlikely to be offended by anything that is not that.
In Germany When we stumbled onto the beautiful pool that was free to the people in the community, I compared it to what we have here in the USA. Lifetime fitness. It’s 70 a person per month. Most Americans can’t afford it. So, maybe our government can tax each of us $1 and we can all have a community park that’s free to all citizens.

Or is that unconstitutional?

I like some of the stuff trumps doing. But overall I don’t like his tax cuts to the rich and starting trade wars but he is now my president and I hope what he does works.

I’ll try not to be like you guys in 2016 you gave obama no credit for his success but damn it worked so maybe I’ll say trump sucks even if he doesn’t to win an election. I’ll be petty like you guys were. I’ll ask you what the real unemployment number is. I’ll start worrying about the debt and stock market and sluggish jobs numbers.

The economy should be R.I.P. roaring after that tax break. What happened? Did they sock those gains away or give the ceos a big raise? Then it didn’t do anything. Same thing happened when bush gave his unnecessary tax breaks

I live in a rust belt city. Lot of parks free to the public. Public pools that do cost something. Not 70 bucks a month.

I keep asking for what you want. You don't seem to have a real alternative.

The Tax cuts don't matter to wages. Higher taxes don't cause higher wages.
They do if inflation happens.

What do I want? I want the White House back.

You worry that the Tax CUts might lead to so much economic activity that it causes inflation?

Seems a long way to go....

The rhetoric surrounding Trump’s trade war has escalated recently, with American businesses, including motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson, shifting some production overseas due to retaliatory tariffs by the European Union. General Motors recently told Trump’s Commerce Department that the president’s threatened tariffs on imported cars and parts could backfire with “less investment, fewer jobs and lower wages” for its American workers.

The Trump administration has drafted legislation that would allow the U.S. to ditch World Trade Organization rules and give President Donald Trump tighter control over U.S. trade policy

Are we sure we want this?

The leaked draft emerged a few days after Axios reported that Trump has repeatedly told White House officials that he wants to withdraw the U.S. from the WTO. “The WTO is designed by the rest of the world to screw the United States,” Axios’s source quoted Trump as saying.

The proposed legislation is far from a done deal, according to other media reports and the White House itself. A CNN source said the draft is just the “beginning of a conversation” on trade. Axios reported that “most officials involved in the bill’s drafting ... think the bill is unrealistic or unworkable.”
Wicker is a flat out, emotionally and mentally disturbed masochistic altruist.

I reject the notions that lefties are motivated by altruism.

They are too fucking mean spirited and full of hate for me to buy that shit.

Yeah, mean spirited. Like the way we tore kids away from their parents who dared dream the American dream. Blindness has cure, open your fuckin' eyes. LOL

No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with this

The proposed legislation is far from a done deal, according to other media reports and the White House itself. A CNN source said the draft is just the “beginning of a conversation” on trade. Axios reported that “most officials involved in the bill’s drafting ... think the bill is unrealistic or unworkable.”

Leaked Trump Draft Bill Would Ditch WTO Trade Rules | HuffPost

But he was elected based on the fact he said he would get us better deals. Lets see him get us better deals.
Wicker thinks that Americans won't do those jobs.

A lot of lefties claim that.
Wicker is a flat out, emotionally and mentally disturbed masochistic altruist.

I reject the notions that lefties are motivated by altruism.

They are too fucking mean spirited and full of hate for me to buy that shit.

Yeah, mean spirited. Like the way we tore kids away from their parents who dared dream the American dream. Blindness has cure, open your fuckin' eyes. LOL

No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

Donald Trump is continuing to hammer Harley-Davidson over the motorcycle company’s plans to relocate some production overseas to dodge European tariffs triggered by the president’s trade war. What Trump isn’t mentioning is that the president and his family own businesses abroad and that most Trump products are produced in foreign factories.

During a GOP primary debate before the presidential election, Trump was challenged on outsourcing products overseas. He defended the practice then, arguing: “We’re allowed to do it” — as is Harley-Davidson. “So I will take advantage of it,” he added. In a unit of “study” in the now-defunct Trump University, Trump wrote that outsourcing jobs is sometimes a “necessary step.”

But the president again slammed the Wisconsin motorcycle company on a Fox News program Sunday, saying the company will take a “big hit” from consumers angry that an American company is moving some of its production abroad.

“Everybody who ever bought a Harley-Davidson voted for Trump ... and they are very unhappy about it,” Trump said. He added that the company “shouldn’t play cute.” He accused Harley-Davidson on Twitter earlier in the week: “They surrendered, they quit! The aura will be gone.”

But Trump is guilty of outsourcing manufacturing to 12 different countries. Import records revealed that Trump shirts, suits, sports coats, eyeglasses, home goods — such as furniture, lighting fixtures and mirrors — and hotel amenities including shampoo, towels and laundry bags were all made abroad. Factories used are located in China, Germany, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam and South Korea, among others.

Wow......................Trump actually said that "everybody who ever bought a Harley Davidson voted for Trump"? That is not only a huge lie, but also quite hyperbolic as well. I rode a Harley for over 7 years, and I never voted for Trump.
Wicker is a flat out, emotionally and mentally disturbed masochistic altruist.

I reject the notions that lefties are motivated by altruism.

They are too fucking mean spirited and full of hate for me to buy that shit.

Yeah, mean spirited. Like the way we tore kids away from their parents who dared dream the American dream. Blindness has cure, open your fuckin' eyes. LOL

No. I don't really blame you libs for that. Sure Obama did it. That's when the photo was from.

But really the parents are to blame.

No, your hate and meanness are expressed in other ways. Lots of other ways.

One of my hero's Thom Hartmann said it best. He said, "sure we should be compassionate but there is nothing compassionate about letting people come into this country illegally and undermine the American workers.

He said "if I went to Europe and got sick they would heal me but they would not give me welfare or let me live and work there as an undocumented worker".

And we shouldn't allow illegals to come here to work either.

What we are doing is allowing these corrupt South American regimes to continue to do what they do and send us their problems, rather than force them to stop being corrupt and start treating their citizens better. With our illegal immigration policies, we are enabling them.

Again, this issue is what the GOP want us arguing about. Not wages, the debt, russia, the Supreme Court decisions, the executive orders. Stop talking about this my snowflake liberal brothers and sisters.

So, we agree on the issue. Cool.

The GOP might see this as a winning issue, and want the dems talking about it.

I want the policy fucking implemented. If it is not a matter of debate and is just done all the better.

I'll be happy to talk about wages. Because Trade and Immigration is our mostly likely path to higher wages.


Russia? A fucking joke.

Supreme Court? Works for me.

Executive orders? Sure.

It's been labeled The Fart bill and for good reason. Fair And Recipricol Trade. Just like the tariffs on Canada, it's based on lies for the most part. The Trade deficit that Trump talked about with Canada was just another lie. When traded goods and services are totaled, We actually had an 8 Billion dollar surplus in trade with them. But whatever Trump says, no matter how silly, you zombies believe it.
And a foreign adversary fixing our elections is anything but a joke unless of course you have been indoctrinated by the conman comrade in chief.

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