President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
Me too.

So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

I've done two of your three, also.

It is so repulsive the way the Left lies about the jobs illegals do.

And so insulting to the Americans who have or are doing those jobs, to say that Americans won't do them.
Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
Me too.

So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

Gee, you did all that? Was this before or after you became a millionaire wizard of Wall St? LOL...

Are you really surprised that an American has a bunch of low paid menial jobs in their background?
Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
Me too.

So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

I've done two of your three, also.

It is so repulsive the way the Left lies about the jobs illegals do.

And so insulting to the Americans who have or are doing those jobs, to say that Americans won't do them.
I’ll agree. A man used to be able to feed a family being a waiter. And guys could go make good money working at ford or gm. If those jobs don’t exist then I want the maids, landscapers and carpenters to get compensated fairly so Americans can feed their families.

I heard at the meijers they’re paying $15 hr. That’s pretty good
The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.
We’ve become the UCA. United Corporations of America.

You trust them not your government who represents you. I understand why you don’t trust your government but why do you trust corporations? We all know they view labor as a cost not an asset.

Any temporary bumb in wages is just that. Temporary.

You’ll see.

By the way. I see very few threads posted by you cons showing us evidence America is great again. You show us you fucking with illegals but now show us wages going up because of supply and demand.

You show us trump tariffs but then we see Harley is leaving.

Show us a jobs report that’s better than Obama’s. Trump promised 5% growth

1. I never said I trusted corporations. YOu must have misunderstood what I said. Try reading just what I write and not making assumptions about hidden meanings.

2. I don't trust the government, because the government has demonstrated they are a tool of the Political Class that has nothing but contempt for me.

3. Trump's policies on Trade and Immigration have not yet been fully implemented. And yes, I wish he would move faster.

4. Supply and demand are real. If enough illegals are deported, and are not replaced by returning illegals or legal immigrants, and jobs, especially better jobs keep coming, wages should start to rise.

5. Push back was always going to occur. The question to ask, is why do you think that happened? Anti-tariff people claimed that deficits don't matter. It seems Europeans think they do matter.

The only thing that's gonna rise by pissing on immigration and punishing our allies is costs and interest rates. Watch. Huge deficits and inflation will happen very quickly because of these moronic trade wars. Trump doesn't care, he gets two key things he wants. He gets to act like a moronic bully and he already has the big tax bonanza for himself. Watch in the next 6 months what happens to interest rates and the deficit/national debt and costs to the working folks on goods we rely on. And unless you're independently wealthy, you'll feel it big time too.
And, to think that replacing low wage immigrants with Americans in jobs like harvesting etc is gonna happen is to demonstrate how little you know about economics even at a base level.

I will be watching. Will you? Or will you be just accepting as Gospel whatever spun crap the media hands you?

If I didn't have a mind of my own like you, I'd believe what the conman says but since I do have a mind of my own, I'll trust economists and they're talking inflation because of the tarrifs and other things like withdrawing from every trade agreement ever made and alientaing our staunch allies. And, as I see you've bought the whole fake news mantra from the most fake human on earth. You'll have to live with that moronic decision.
Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.
We’ve become the UCA. United Corporations of America.

You trust them not your government who represents you. I understand why you don’t trust your government but why do you trust corporations? We all know they view labor as a cost not an asset.

Any temporary bumb in wages is just that. Temporary.

You’ll see.

By the way. I see very few threads posted by you cons showing us evidence America is great again. You show us you fucking with illegals but now show us wages going up because of supply and demand.

You show us trump tariffs but then we see Harley is leaving.

Show us a jobs report that’s better than Obama’s. Trump promised 5% growth

1. I never said I trusted corporations. YOu must have misunderstood what I said. Try reading just what I write and not making assumptions about hidden meanings.

2. I don't trust the government, because the government has demonstrated they are a tool of the Political Class that has nothing but contempt for me.

3. Trump's policies on Trade and Immigration have not yet been fully implemented. And yes, I wish he would move faster.

4. Supply and demand are real. If enough illegals are deported, and are not replaced by returning illegals or legal immigrants, and jobs, especially better jobs keep coming, wages should start to rise.

5. Push back was always going to occur. The question to ask, is why do you think that happened? Anti-tariff people claimed that deficits don't matter. It seems Europeans think they do matter.

Stop calling it the political class and start calling it what it is. It's the rich class!!! The government serves the rich and corporations. More now than ever with Trump's Supreme Court picks. Do you know since Alito and Roberts the Supremes have sided with the rich and corporations 100% of the time and NEVER with the citizen who's taking them on. Companies like Trump rule the world now sucker. You'll see when you NEVER retire. Watch. The middle class just took a huge hit with this Trump presidency. You keep entertaining yourself with delusions that Trump is working for you. If he was he wouldn't have passsed that bullshit tax bill and he would nominate a moderate to the Supreme Court.

And you think busting unions is going to bring wages up? You don't realize what the unions have done for you. That's ok I'm not going to convince you. Just know when you never retire, it wasn't the Democrats fault. I know you will blame them but in advance, that's bullshit.

No supply and demand does not always bring wages up. In fact there is a shortage of workers and wages are not going up like they should. So eventually the solution is going to be to import more legal immigrants. The last thing corporations want is for employees to have the power.

Let me know when the job market is a employees market. Do you know the last time that happened? It was when GM, Chrysler and Ford were paying their employees a lot of money. It brought all their wages up. Now you don't have that bar. That $35 hr bar. Now you have Walmart as the bar. So good luck making America great again. Don't hold your breath unless you are rich. If you are rich, it never stopped being great.

Just know you got played and you signed up for Trump U.

What is your alternative to Trump's Trade and Immigration policy as a way to see wages rise?

So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

Gee, you did all that? Was this before or after you became a millionaire wizard of Wall St? LOL
As far as PTSD, I worked at V.A. I just retired last year and I've seen what that can do to veterans. For you to belittle their service is right in line with the asshole you are.
You never answered my question there Warren. What brokerage houses did you work at and in what capacity?
I make it a habit not to give personal information to someone such as yourself who presents as mentally disturbed.

When I've been unemployed I have worked for friends for $10 hr. Under the table of course. Mold removal was the worst job I had. And there were young Americans working for the guy I worked for.

Wicker thinks that Americans won't do those jobs.

A lot of lefties claim that.
I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
Me too.

So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

I've done two of your three, also.

It is so repulsive the way the Left lies about the jobs illegals do.

And so insulting to the Americans who have or are doing those jobs, to say that Americans won't do them.
I’ll agree. A man used to be able to feed a family being a waiter. And guys could go make good money working at ford or gm. If those jobs don’t exist then I want the maids, landscapers and carpenters to get compensated fairly so Americans can feed their families.

I heard at the meijers they’re paying $15 hr. That’s pretty good
It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.
We’ve become the UCA. United Corporations of America.

You trust them not your government who represents you. I understand why you don’t trust your government but why do you trust corporations? We all know they view labor as a cost not an asset.

Any temporary bumb in wages is just that. Temporary.

You’ll see.

By the way. I see very few threads posted by you cons showing us evidence America is great again. You show us you fucking with illegals but now show us wages going up because of supply and demand.

You show us trump tariffs but then we see Harley is leaving.

Show us a jobs report that’s better than Obama’s. Trump promised 5% growth

1. I never said I trusted corporations. YOu must have misunderstood what I said. Try reading just what I write and not making assumptions about hidden meanings.

2. I don't trust the government, because the government has demonstrated they are a tool of the Political Class that has nothing but contempt for me.

3. Trump's policies on Trade and Immigration have not yet been fully implemented. And yes, I wish he would move faster.

4. Supply and demand are real. If enough illegals are deported, and are not replaced by returning illegals or legal immigrants, and jobs, especially better jobs keep coming, wages should start to rise.

5. Push back was always going to occur. The question to ask, is why do you think that happened? Anti-tariff people claimed that deficits don't matter. It seems Europeans think they do matter.

The only thing that's gonna rise by pissing on immigration and punishing our allies is costs and interest rates. Watch. Huge deficits and inflation will happen very quickly because of these moronic trade wars. Trump doesn't care, he gets two key things he wants. He gets to act like a moronic bully and he already has the big tax bonanza for himself. Watch in the next 6 months what happens to interest rates and the deficit/national debt and costs to the working folks on goods we rely on. And unless you're independently wealthy, you'll feel it big time too.
And, to think that replacing low wage immigrants with Americans in jobs like harvesting etc is gonna happen is to demonstrate how little you know about economics even at a base level.

I will be watching. Will you? Or will you be just accepting as Gospel whatever spun crap the media hands you?

If I didn't have a mind of my own like you, I'd believe what the conman says but since I do have a mind of my own, I'll trust economists and they're talking inflation because of the tarrifs and other things like withdrawing from every trade agreement ever made and alientaing our staunch allies. And, as I see you've bought the whole fake news mantra from the most fake human on earth. You'll have to live with that moronic decision.

The economists said that the dislocation from "Free Trade" would be a temporary problem, and that workers would either easily retrain for new high tech jobs, or be rehired to the new and more competitive US manufacturers.

They have not admitted that they were wrong. They are still trying to sell the same bullshit that has not worked.

IN this case, the historian trumps the economist. Because we have recent history of those economists being wrong.

They don't get to cite their credentials and expect us to be impressed after the last 40 years.

You told me to watch. I said I would. And I will be.

You will not. YOur mind is made up and nicely closed. Standard for a modern lib.
So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

Gee, you did all that? Was this before or after you became a millionaire wizard of Wall St? LOL
As far as PTSD, I worked at V.A. I just retired last year and I've seen what that can do to veterans. For you to belittle their service is right in line with the asshole you are.
You never answered my question there Warren. What brokerage houses did you work at and in what capacity?
I make it a habit not to give personal information to someone such as yourself who presents as mentally disturbed.

When I've been unemployed I have worked for friends for $10 hr. Under the table of course. Mold removal was the worst job I had. And there were young Americans working for the guy I worked for.

Wicker thinks that Americans won't do those jobs.

A lot of lefties claim that.

No, I said they wouldn't do it at the same wage as migrant workers. In the case of replacing those workers with Americans, that's automatically inflationary because the cost of the goods and services would automatically rise to cover the additional expense to business owners. Migrant workers have always been a key to our economy and a key to keeping prices under control. Any economist worth his salt will tell you that.

So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

I've done two of your three, also.

It is so repulsive the way the Left lies about the jobs illegals do.

And so insulting to the Americans who have or are doing those jobs, to say that Americans won't do them.
I’ll agree. A man used to be able to feed a family being a waiter. And guys could go make good money working at ford or gm. If those jobs don’t exist then I want the maids, landscapers and carpenters to get compensated fairly so Americans can feed their families.

I heard at the meijers they’re paying $15 hr. That’s pretty good
We’ve become the UCA. United Corporations of America.

You trust them not your government who represents you. I understand why you don’t trust your government but why do you trust corporations? We all know they view labor as a cost not an asset.

Any temporary bumb in wages is just that. Temporary.

You’ll see.

By the way. I see very few threads posted by you cons showing us evidence America is great again. You show us you fucking with illegals but now show us wages going up because of supply and demand.

You show us trump tariffs but then we see Harley is leaving.

Show us a jobs report that’s better than Obama’s. Trump promised 5% growth

1. I never said I trusted corporations. YOu must have misunderstood what I said. Try reading just what I write and not making assumptions about hidden meanings.

2. I don't trust the government, because the government has demonstrated they are a tool of the Political Class that has nothing but contempt for me.

3. Trump's policies on Trade and Immigration have not yet been fully implemented. And yes, I wish he would move faster.

4. Supply and demand are real. If enough illegals are deported, and are not replaced by returning illegals or legal immigrants, and jobs, especially better jobs keep coming, wages should start to rise.

5. Push back was always going to occur. The question to ask, is why do you think that happened? Anti-tariff people claimed that deficits don't matter. It seems Europeans think they do matter.

The only thing that's gonna rise by pissing on immigration and punishing our allies is costs and interest rates. Watch. Huge deficits and inflation will happen very quickly because of these moronic trade wars. Trump doesn't care, he gets two key things he wants. He gets to act like a moronic bully and he already has the big tax bonanza for himself. Watch in the next 6 months what happens to interest rates and the deficit/national debt and costs to the working folks on goods we rely on. And unless you're independently wealthy, you'll feel it big time too.
And, to think that replacing low wage immigrants with Americans in jobs like harvesting etc is gonna happen is to demonstrate how little you know about economics even at a base level.

I will be watching. Will you? Or will you be just accepting as Gospel whatever spun crap the media hands you?

If I didn't have a mind of my own like you, I'd believe what the conman says but since I do have a mind of my own, I'll trust economists and they're talking inflation because of the tarrifs and other things like withdrawing from every trade agreement ever made and alientaing our staunch allies. And, as I see you've bought the whole fake news mantra from the most fake human on earth. You'll have to live with that moronic decision.

The economists said that the dislocation from "Free Trade" would be a temporary problem, and that workers would either easily retrain for new high tech jobs, or be rehired to the new and more competitive US manufacturers.

They have not admitted that they were wrong. They are still trying to sell the same bullshit that has not worked.

IN this case, the historian trumps the economist. Because we have recent history of those economists being wrong.

They don't get to cite their credentials and expect us to be impressed after the last 40 years.

You told me to watch. I said I would. And I will be.

You will not. YOur mind is made up and nicely closed. Standard for a modern lib.

Oh, I'll be watching. And you'll be silent when it happens because that's the standard of Trump cultists.
Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
Me too.

So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

I've done two of your three, also.

It is so repulsive the way the Left lies about the jobs illegals do.

And so insulting to the Americans who have or are doing those jobs, to say that Americans won't do them.

You're repulsed by lies? Really? LOL.
Trump’s tariffs have caused marginal increases in steel and have had zero effect on sales.

They haven't gone into affect yet! If they do it will be a huge problem for my company and many other manufacturers.

The Trump administration said Tuesday that it will place a 25 percent tariff on Chinese products like flat-screen televisions, medical devices, aircraft parts and batteries, outlining more than 1,300 imported goods that will soon face levies as part of a sweeping trade measure aimed at penalizing China for its trade practices.

China said it would slap tariffs on 128 American products in response to a separate White House plan to tax steel and aluminum from China and other countries.

A move by President Donald Trump to impose tariffs on cars assembled in Europe would dramatically escalate trade tensions and produce a quick response from the European Union.
Trump threatened to make cars his next major target in a transatlantic trade tussle on Friday, saying they were in line for a 20% tariff if the European Union did not remove its own tariffs and trade barriers.
I belong to a very large community that has family all over the US...I ain't buying it.
If you ain’t in manufacturing you don’t know.

I’m not doing bad right now. I’m doing almost as good as I did in 2016. You know, the year republicans said the economy sucked.

I didn’t buy it but America did. Reminds me of 2000. People didn’t think bush could possibly break the good economy Clinton handed him.

Will trump break Obama’s economy? I hope not

That plan is already well under way, and unlike Bush, he'll do it without lying us into a war. That's the pattern. So-called fiscal conservatives get elected, screw everything up and then voters wake up and vote Democratic so the clean-up crew can come in and fix and clean up the mess. Clinton did it, Obama did it, and now the GOP is ahead of schedule of fuckin it up. My guess, it'll be far worse this time with high inflation caused by tariffs, lack of Govt revenue, and out of control defense spending. Not to mention the giant cash grab tax reform. Btw, I saw Grover Nordquist tonight in an interview on the economy. The questioner asked his opinion of why enthusiasm is way down by working folks for the tax bill. He actually explained it this way. "Well, some folks look at their pay stubs and they see the extra money but many people have direct deposit and so they don't notice it." He actually fuckin' said that. LOL Another Trump economist on acid.
To be honest, I don’t look. I was told I’d make about $3k this year but I’d give it up to get that Supreme Court pick

If folks don't really see a larger paycheck unless they look at their pay stub it sure isn't much. You can bet that Trump sees his windfall without having to look. And, that was the plan. A bone for the working man and a bonanza for himself and his entire millionaire administration and cabinet. How fuckin' stupid can his supporters be? It's amazing. He cares so much for the poor that he's taking their food subsidies away and threatening soc sec and Medicare/Medicaid and expansion in certain states. I'm sure he doesn't sleep at night because the working man is on his mind. LOL
I guess whatever you sell has nothing to do with new or expanding homes or businesses.
No but we buy from China and sell into Mexico and Canada

Why is he hurting people who deal with expanding homes or business' or helping them?
Trump’s tariffs have caused marginal increases in steel and have had zero effect on sales.

They haven't gone into affect yet! If they do it will be a huge problem for my company and many other manufacturers.

The Trump administration said Tuesday that it will place a 25 percent tariff on Chinese products like flat-screen televisions, medical devices, aircraft parts and batteries, outlining more than 1,300 imported goods that will soon face levies as part of a sweeping trade measure aimed at penalizing China for its trade practices.

China said it would slap tariffs on 128 American products in response to a separate White House plan to tax steel and aluminum from China and other countries.

A move by President Donald Trump to impose tariffs on cars assembled in Europe would dramatically escalate trade tensions and produce a quick response from the European Union.
Trump threatened to make cars his next major target in a transatlantic trade tussle on Friday, saying they were in line for a 20% tariff if the European Union did not remove its own tariffs and trade barriers.
I belong to a very large community that has family all over the US...I ain't buying it.
If you ain’t in manufacturing you don’t know.

I’m not doing bad right now. I’m doing almost as good as I did in 2016. You know, the year republicans said the economy sucked.

I didn’t buy it but America did. Reminds me of 2000. People didn’t think bush could possibly break the good economy Clinton handed him.

Will trump break Obama’s economy? I hope not
I'm said you were losing business and now you say you're not?
So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

Gee, you did all that? Was this before or after you became a millionaire wizard of Wall St? LOL
As far as PTSD, I worked at V.A. I just retired last year and I've seen what that can do to veterans. For you to belittle their service is right in line with the asshole you are.
You never answered my question there Warren. What brokerage houses did you work at and in what capacity?
I make it a habit not to give personal information to someone such as yourself who presents as mentally disturbed.

When I've been unemployed I have worked for friends for $10 hr. Under the table of course. Mold removal was the worst job I had. And there were young Americans working for the guy I worked for.

Wicker thinks that Americans won't do those jobs.

A lot of lefties claim that.
Wicker is a flat out, emotionally and mentally disturbed masochistic altruist.

So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

I've done two of your three, also.

It is so repulsive the way the Left lies about the jobs illegals do.

And so insulting to the Americans who have or are doing those jobs, to say that Americans won't do them.
I’ll agree. A man used to be able to feed a family being a waiter. And guys could go make good money working at ford or gm. If those jobs don’t exist then I want the maids, landscapers and carpenters to get compensated fairly so Americans can feed their families.

I heard at the meijers they’re paying $15 hr. That’s pretty good
We’ve become the UCA. United Corporations of America.

You trust them not your government who represents you. I understand why you don’t trust your government but why do you trust corporations? We all know they view labor as a cost not an asset.

Any temporary bumb in wages is just that. Temporary.

You’ll see.

By the way. I see very few threads posted by you cons showing us evidence America is great again. You show us you fucking with illegals but now show us wages going up because of supply and demand.

You show us trump tariffs but then we see Harley is leaving.

Show us a jobs report that’s better than Obama’s. Trump promised 5% growth

1. I never said I trusted corporations. YOu must have misunderstood what I said. Try reading just what I write and not making assumptions about hidden meanings.

2. I don't trust the government, because the government has demonstrated they are a tool of the Political Class that has nothing but contempt for me.

3. Trump's policies on Trade and Immigration have not yet been fully implemented. And yes, I wish he would move faster.

4. Supply and demand are real. If enough illegals are deported, and are not replaced by returning illegals or legal immigrants, and jobs, especially better jobs keep coming, wages should start to rise.

5. Push back was always going to occur. The question to ask, is why do you think that happened? Anti-tariff people claimed that deficits don't matter. It seems Europeans think they do matter.

The only thing that's gonna rise by pissing on immigration and punishing our allies is costs and interest rates. Watch. Huge deficits and inflation will happen very quickly because of these moronic trade wars. Trump doesn't care, he gets two key things he wants. He gets to act like a moronic bully and he already has the big tax bonanza for himself. Watch in the next 6 months what happens to interest rates and the deficit/national debt and costs to the working folks on goods we rely on. And unless you're independently wealthy, you'll feel it big time too.
And, to think that replacing low wage immigrants with Americans in jobs like harvesting etc is gonna happen is to demonstrate how little you know about economics even at a base level.

I will be watching. Will you? Or will you be just accepting as Gospel whatever spun crap the media hands you?

If I didn't have a mind of my own like you, I'd believe what the conman says but since I do have a mind of my own, I'll trust economists and they're talking inflation because of the tarrifs and other things like withdrawing from every trade agreement ever made and alientaing our staunch allies. And, as I see you've bought the whole fake news mantra from the most fake human on earth. You'll have to live with that moronic decision.

The economists said that the dislocation from "Free Trade" would be a temporary problem, and that workers would either easily retrain for new high tech jobs, or be rehired to the new and more competitive US manufacturers.

They have not admitted that they were wrong. They are still trying to sell the same bullshit that has not worked.

IN this case, the historian trumps the economist. Because we have recent history of those economists being wrong.

They don't get to cite their credentials and expect us to be impressed after the last 40 years.

You told me to watch. I said I would. And I will be.

You will not. YOur mind is made up and nicely closed. Standard for a modern lib.
Economists are paid to paint the circle around the arrow after the arrow's been shot.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

Gee, you did all that? Was this before or after you became a millionaire wizard of Wall St? LOL
As far as PTSD, I worked at V.A. I just retired last year and I've seen what that can do to veterans. For you to belittle their service is right in line with the asshole you are.
You never answered my question there Warren. What brokerage houses did you work at and in what capacity?
I make it a habit not to give personal information to someone such as yourself who presents as mentally disturbed.

When I've been unemployed I have worked for friends for $10 hr. Under the table of course. Mold removal was the worst job I had. And there were young Americans working for the guy I worked for.

Wicker thinks that Americans won't do those jobs.

A lot of lefties claim that.
Wicker is a flat out, emotionally and mentally disturbed masochistic altruist.

I must have struck a big nerve when I questioned your bullshit claim to be a Wall St whiz. Your silly rant just now contained many multi-syllabic words. You must be exhausted. Your support of Trump makes you an expert at supporting mentally disturbed people, so why don't you love me? Sniff sniff. Tell Warren I said Hi.
So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

I've done two of your three, also.

It is so repulsive the way the Left lies about the jobs illegals do.

And so insulting to the Americans who have or are doing those jobs, to say that Americans won't do them.
I’ll agree. A man used to be able to feed a family being a waiter. And guys could go make good money working at ford or gm. If those jobs don’t exist then I want the maids, landscapers and carpenters to get compensated fairly so Americans can feed their families.

I heard at the meijers they’re paying $15 hr. That’s pretty good
1. I never said I trusted corporations. YOu must have misunderstood what I said. Try reading just what I write and not making assumptions about hidden meanings.

2. I don't trust the government, because the government has demonstrated they are a tool of the Political Class that has nothing but contempt for me.

3. Trump's policies on Trade and Immigration have not yet been fully implemented. And yes, I wish he would move faster.

4. Supply and demand are real. If enough illegals are deported, and are not replaced by returning illegals or legal immigrants, and jobs, especially better jobs keep coming, wages should start to rise.

5. Push back was always going to occur. The question to ask, is why do you think that happened? Anti-tariff people claimed that deficits don't matter. It seems Europeans think they do matter.

The only thing that's gonna rise by pissing on immigration and punishing our allies is costs and interest rates. Watch. Huge deficits and inflation will happen very quickly because of these moronic trade wars. Trump doesn't care, he gets two key things he wants. He gets to act like a moronic bully and he already has the big tax bonanza for himself. Watch in the next 6 months what happens to interest rates and the deficit/national debt and costs to the working folks on goods we rely on. And unless you're independently wealthy, you'll feel it big time too.
And, to think that replacing low wage immigrants with Americans in jobs like harvesting etc is gonna happen is to demonstrate how little you know about economics even at a base level.

I will be watching. Will you? Or will you be just accepting as Gospel whatever spun crap the media hands you?

If I didn't have a mind of my own like you, I'd believe what the conman says but since I do have a mind of my own, I'll trust economists and they're talking inflation because of the tarrifs and other things like withdrawing from every trade agreement ever made and alientaing our staunch allies. And, as I see you've bought the whole fake news mantra from the most fake human on earth. You'll have to live with that moronic decision.

The economists said that the dislocation from "Free Trade" would be a temporary problem, and that workers would either easily retrain for new high tech jobs, or be rehired to the new and more competitive US manufacturers.

They have not admitted that they were wrong. They are still trying to sell the same bullshit that has not worked.

IN this case, the historian trumps the economist. Because we have recent history of those economists being wrong.

They don't get to cite their credentials and expect us to be impressed after the last 40 years.

You told me to watch. I said I would. And I will be.

You will not. YOur mind is made up and nicely closed. Standard for a modern lib.
Economists are paid to paint the circle around the arrow after the arrow's been shot.

Yeah, Trump is a much better choice to evaluate the economy. LOL After all, he went to Trump U.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

Gee, you did all that? Was this before or after you became a millionaire wizard of Wall St? LOL
As far as PTSD, I worked at V.A. I just retired last year and I've seen what that can do to veterans. For you to belittle their service is right in line with the asshole you are.
You never answered my question there Warren. What brokerage houses did you work at and in what capacity?
I make it a habit not to give personal information to someone such as yourself who presents as mentally disturbed.

When I've been unemployed I have worked for friends for $10 hr. Under the table of course. Mold removal was the worst job I had. And there were young Americans working for the guy I worked for.

Wicker thinks that Americans won't do those jobs.

A lot of lefties claim that.

No, I said they wouldn't do it at the same wage as migrant workers.

Which was you moving the goal posts, btw.

In the case of replacing those workers with Americans, that's automatically inflationary because the cost of the goods and services would automatically rise to cover the additional expense to business owners.

I don't think that a nurse' aide making 15 bucks an hour instead of 9, is going to break the economy.

And, what is your alternative idea for improving things of the American worker?

Migrant workers have always been a key to our economy and a key to keeping prices under control. Any economist worth his salt will tell you that.

"Migrant" workers? These are not migrants we are talking about. Very few of them are going to be moving home any time soon (unless Trump forces them to).

So, that is nothing but bullshit on your part. That is you still pretending that we are talking about a few thousand strawberry pickers.

For someone who is supposedly so offended by lying, you sure do a lot of it.
So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

I've done two of your three, also.

It is so repulsive the way the Left lies about the jobs illegals do.

And so insulting to the Americans who have or are doing those jobs, to say that Americans won't do them.
I’ll agree. A man used to be able to feed a family being a waiter. And guys could go make good money working at ford or gm. If those jobs don’t exist then I want the maids, landscapers and carpenters to get compensated fairly so Americans can feed their families.

I heard at the meijers they’re paying $15 hr. That’s pretty good
1. I never said I trusted corporations. YOu must have misunderstood what I said. Try reading just what I write and not making assumptions about hidden meanings.

2. I don't trust the government, because the government has demonstrated they are a tool of the Political Class that has nothing but contempt for me.

3. Trump's policies on Trade and Immigration have not yet been fully implemented. And yes, I wish he would move faster.

4. Supply and demand are real. If enough illegals are deported, and are not replaced by returning illegals or legal immigrants, and jobs, especially better jobs keep coming, wages should start to rise.

5. Push back was always going to occur. The question to ask, is why do you think that happened? Anti-tariff people claimed that deficits don't matter. It seems Europeans think they do matter.

The only thing that's gonna rise by pissing on immigration and punishing our allies is costs and interest rates. Watch. Huge deficits and inflation will happen very quickly because of these moronic trade wars. Trump doesn't care, he gets two key things he wants. He gets to act like a moronic bully and he already has the big tax bonanza for himself. Watch in the next 6 months what happens to interest rates and the deficit/national debt and costs to the working folks on goods we rely on. And unless you're independently wealthy, you'll feel it big time too.
And, to think that replacing low wage immigrants with Americans in jobs like harvesting etc is gonna happen is to demonstrate how little you know about economics even at a base level.

I will be watching. Will you? Or will you be just accepting as Gospel whatever spun crap the media hands you?

If I didn't have a mind of my own like you, I'd believe what the conman says but since I do have a mind of my own, I'll trust economists and they're talking inflation because of the tarrifs and other things like withdrawing from every trade agreement ever made and alientaing our staunch allies. And, as I see you've bought the whole fake news mantra from the most fake human on earth. You'll have to live with that moronic decision.

The economists said that the dislocation from "Free Trade" would be a temporary problem, and that workers would either easily retrain for new high tech jobs, or be rehired to the new and more competitive US manufacturers.

They have not admitted that they were wrong. They are still trying to sell the same bullshit that has not worked.

IN this case, the historian trumps the economist. Because we have recent history of those economists being wrong.

They don't get to cite their credentials and expect us to be impressed after the last 40 years.

You told me to watch. I said I would. And I will be.

You will not. YOur mind is made up and nicely closed. Standard for a modern lib.

Oh, I'll be watching. And you'll be silent when it happens because that's the standard of Trump cultists.

Do you not realize that nearly all the Trump supporters are Republicans who watched and realized that "Free Trade" was not delivering, despite what our Republicans leaders kept saying?

Trump won the primaries because we are not the sheep that you think you see when you look at us.

Wake the fuck up.

Dumb ass.
I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
Me too.

So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

I've done two of your three, also.

It is so repulsive the way the Left lies about the jobs illegals do.

And so insulting to the Americans who have or are doing those jobs, to say that Americans won't do them.

You're repulsed by lies? Really? LOL.

THis one is pretty repulsive. Let's break it down some.

1. It is very damaging to America and Americans. You lefties have successfully used this to support a policy that has caused terrible suffering to American and Americans, when it comes to jobs and crime and just dividing US up.

2. It is so incredibly and obviously untrue, that just saying it, is an insult to the intelligence of those you are lying to.

3. You lefties are so smug and confident about this utterly stupid lie you are telling. It literally disgusts me to see some one being such a lying ass, and hurting so many people, and managing to to somehow feel good about it.

4. It is insulting to the tens of millions, if not more, of Americans who have or ARE doing those jobs that you say Americans won't do. The implication is that those people are so poor or low class that they are not REAL Americans. That level of Classism, actually holding weight in American politics is disgusting to me.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

Gee, you did all that? Was this before or after you became a millionaire wizard of Wall St? LOL
As far as PTSD, I worked at V.A. I just retired last year and I've seen what that can do to veterans. For you to belittle their service is right in line with the asshole you are.
You never answered my question there Warren. What brokerage houses did you work at and in what capacity?
I make it a habit not to give personal information to someone such as yourself who presents as mentally disturbed.

When I've been unemployed I have worked for friends for $10 hr. Under the table of course. Mold removal was the worst job I had. And there were young Americans working for the guy I worked for.

Wicker thinks that Americans won't do those jobs.

A lot of lefties claim that.
Wicker is a flat out, emotionally and mentally disturbed masochistic altruist.

I reject the notions that lefties are motivated by altruism.

They are too fucking mean spirited and full of hate for me to buy that shit.

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