President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.

Okay, so name one.

Sure. Taxi Driver.
The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
Me too.

I know. THe idea that every white kid goes to college and graduates to go work in his daddy's business starting off at 80k a year, is as much a racist stereo type as the black drug addict mugger.

Not realizing your white privilege may not be because you are a racist but why do you deny it?

Anyways, you at least vote. Black people could have got a Democrat elected but they went along with you and they didn't show up to vote so fuck illegals and brown people. They don't vote so they don't matter.

And a white male business owner should be allowed to hire all his sons male white friends and should not be forced to hire any brown people. Right? Don't try to pretend there aren't a million small business' in America who only give young white males a chance. Occasionally a woman but mostly the good old boys club. I belong to it. It exists.
The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
Me too.

So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.

It is a lie to pretend that most illegals are migrant farm workers. That is very dishonest of you.

And I know how concerned you are with lies...

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.

Okay, so name one.

Sure. Taxi Driver.

Uber Better Not Be the Future of Work
It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.

Okay, so name one.

Sure. Taxi Driver.

Uber Better Not Be the Future of Work
It probably is so you better become an engineer.
It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
Me too.

I know. THe idea that every white kid goes to college and graduates to go work in his daddy's business starting off at 80k a year, is as much a racist stereo type as the black drug addict mugger.
I put Wicker on Ignore.
I’m betting he’s an Illegal who jumped ahead in the Immigration queue.

I was getting too close to the truth about his bullshit claim to be a Wall Street whiz.
Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.

Okay, so name one.

Sure. Taxi Driver.

Uber Better Not Be the Future of Work
It probably is so you better become an engineer.

I'm in sales. I've been hurt by a bad economy before so I just hope that Republicans don't effect the industry I'm in now like they did in the 2000's. And if they do they'll tell us the economy is fine just like they did from 2000-2008. It wasn't until 2016 that Republicans were finally ready to admit it. Why? Because whatever Trump says, they agree with

Trump hits Bush: Invading Iraq 'the single worst decision ever made'
I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.

Okay, so name one.

Sure. Taxi Driver.

Uber Better Not Be the Future of Work
It probably is so you better become an engineer.

I'm in sales. I've been hurt by a bad economy before so I just hope that Republicans don't effect the industry I'm in now like they did in the 2000's. And if they do they'll tell us the economy is fine just like they did from 2000-2008. It wasn't until 2016 that Republicans were finally ready to admit it. Why? Because whatever Trump says, they agree with

Trump hits Bush: Invading Iraq 'the single worst decision ever made'
I guess whatever you sell has nothing to do with new or expanding homes or businesses.

I'm in sales. I've been hurt by a bad economy before so I just hope that Republicans don't effect the industry I'm in now like they did in the 2000's. And if they do they'll tell us the economy is fine just like they did from 2000-2008. It wasn't until 2016 that Republicans were finally ready to admit it. Why? Because whatever Trump says, they agree with

Trump hits Bush: Invading Iraq 'the single worst decision ever made'
I guess whatever you sell has nothing to do with new or expanding homes or businesses.
No but we buy from China and sell into Mexico and Canada

Why is he hurting people who deal with expanding homes or business' or helping them?

I'm in sales. I've been hurt by a bad economy before so I just hope that Republicans don't effect the industry I'm in now like they did in the 2000's. And if they do they'll tell us the economy is fine just like they did from 2000-2008. It wasn't until 2016 that Republicans were finally ready to admit it. Why? Because whatever Trump says, they agree with

Trump hits Bush: Invading Iraq 'the single worst decision ever made'
I guess whatever you sell has nothing to do with new or expanding homes or businesses.
No but we buy from China and sell into Mexico and Canada

Why is he hurting people who deal with expanding homes or business' or helping them?
Trump’s tariffs have caused marginal increases in steel and have had zero effect on sales.

I'm in sales. I've been hurt by a bad economy before so I just hope that Republicans don't effect the industry I'm in now like they did in the 2000's. And if they do they'll tell us the economy is fine just like they did from 2000-2008. It wasn't until 2016 that Republicans were finally ready to admit it. Why? Because whatever Trump says, they agree with

Trump hits Bush: Invading Iraq 'the single worst decision ever made'
I guess whatever you sell has nothing to do with new or expanding homes or businesses.
No but we buy from China and sell into Mexico and Canada

Why is he hurting people who deal with expanding homes or business' or helping them?
Trump’s tariffs have caused marginal increases in steel and have had zero effect on sales.

They haven't gone into affect yet! If they do it will be a huge problem for my company and many other manufacturers.

The Trump administration said Tuesday that it will place a 25 percent tariff on Chinese products like flat-screen televisions, medical devices, aircraft parts and batteries, outlining more than 1,300 imported goods that will soon face levies as part of a sweeping trade measure aimed at penalizing China for its trade practices.

China said it would slap tariffs on 128 American products in response to a separate White House plan to tax steel and aluminum from China and other countries.

A move by President Donald Trump to impose tariffs on cars assembled in Europe would dramatically escalate trade tensions and produce a quick response from the European Union.
Trump threatened to make cars his next major target in a transatlantic trade tussle on Friday, saying they were in line for a 20% tariff if the European Union did not remove its own tariffs and trade barriers.
It probably is so you better become an engineer.

I'm in sales. I've been hurt by a bad economy before so I just hope that Republicans don't effect the industry I'm in now like they did in the 2000's. And if they do they'll tell us the economy is fine just like they did from 2000-2008. It wasn't until 2016 that Republicans were finally ready to admit it. Why? Because whatever Trump says, they agree with

Trump hits Bush: Invading Iraq 'the single worst decision ever made'
I guess whatever you sell has nothing to do with new or expanding homes or businesses.
No but we buy from China and sell into Mexico and Canada

Why is he hurting people who deal with expanding homes or business' or helping them?
Trump’s tariffs have caused marginal increases in steel and have had zero effect on sales.

They haven't gone into affect yet! If they do it will be a huge problem for my company and many other manufacturers.

The Trump administration said Tuesday that it will place a 25 percent tariff on Chinese products like flat-screen televisions, medical devices, aircraft parts and batteries, outlining more than 1,300 imported goods that will soon face levies as part of a sweeping trade measure aimed at penalizing China for its trade practices.

China said it would slap tariffs on 128 American products in response to a separate White House plan to tax steel and aluminum from China and other countries.

A move by President Donald Trump to impose tariffs on cars assembled in Europe would dramatically escalate trade tensions and produce a quick response from the European Union.
Trump threatened to make cars his next major target in a transatlantic trade tussle on Friday, saying they were in line for a 20% tariff if the European Union did not remove its own tariffs and trade barriers.
I belong to a very large community that has family all over the US...I ain't buying it.
It probably is so you better become an engineer.

I'm in sales. I've been hurt by a bad economy before so I just hope that Republicans don't effect the industry I'm in now like they did in the 2000's. And if they do they'll tell us the economy is fine just like they did from 2000-2008. It wasn't until 2016 that Republicans were finally ready to admit it. Why? Because whatever Trump says, they agree with

Trump hits Bush: Invading Iraq 'the single worst decision ever made'
I guess whatever you sell has nothing to do with new or expanding homes or businesses.
No but we buy from China and sell into Mexico and Canada

Why is he hurting people who deal with expanding homes or business' or helping them?
Trump’s tariffs have caused marginal increases in steel and have had zero effect on sales.

They haven't gone into affect yet! If they do it will be a huge problem for my company and many other manufacturers.

The Trump administration said Tuesday that it will place a 25 percent tariff on Chinese products like flat-screen televisions, medical devices, aircraft parts and batteries, outlining more than 1,300 imported goods that will soon face levies as part of a sweeping trade measure aimed at penalizing China for its trade practices.

China said it would slap tariffs on 128 American products in response to a separate White House plan to tax steel and aluminum from China and other countries.

A move by President Donald Trump to impose tariffs on cars assembled in Europe would dramatically escalate trade tensions and produce a quick response from the European Union.
Trump threatened to make cars his next major target in a transatlantic trade tussle on Friday, saying they were in line for a 20% tariff if the European Union did not remove its own tariffs and trade barriers.

As I've said before. How the fuck can anyone think Trump cares about working folks? And how the fuck can anyone see it as a good idea to put our future economic hopes on a conman who no American bank will deal with? The only country that will benefit and has already by Trump's Presidency is Putin's Russia. The most thoroughly corrupt and treasonous Adm in history. All these Russian connections and capitulations to Putin's govt can only mean one thing. Treasonous collusion with our number one enemy to fix an American election. There's not a shadow of a doubt unless of course you are a cult member in which case you've been struck deaf, dumb and blind. It's astounding what's going on here.
I'm in sales. I've been hurt by a bad economy before so I just hope that Republicans don't effect the industry I'm in now like they did in the 2000's. And if they do they'll tell us the economy is fine just like they did from 2000-2008. It wasn't until 2016 that Republicans were finally ready to admit it. Why? Because whatever Trump says, they agree with

Trump hits Bush: Invading Iraq 'the single worst decision ever made'
I guess whatever you sell has nothing to do with new or expanding homes or businesses.
No but we buy from China and sell into Mexico and Canada

Why is he hurting people who deal with expanding homes or business' or helping them?
Trump’s tariffs have caused marginal increases in steel and have had zero effect on sales.

They haven't gone into affect yet! If they do it will be a huge problem for my company and many other manufacturers.

The Trump administration said Tuesday that it will place a 25 percent tariff on Chinese products like flat-screen televisions, medical devices, aircraft parts and batteries, outlining more than 1,300 imported goods that will soon face levies as part of a sweeping trade measure aimed at penalizing China for its trade practices.

China said it would slap tariffs on 128 American products in response to a separate White House plan to tax steel and aluminum from China and other countries.

A move by President Donald Trump to impose tariffs on cars assembled in Europe would dramatically escalate trade tensions and produce a quick response from the European Union.
Trump threatened to make cars his next major target in a transatlantic trade tussle on Friday, saying they were in line for a 20% tariff if the European Union did not remove its own tariffs and trade barriers.
I belong to a very large community that has family all over the US...I ain't buying it.
If you ain’t in manufacturing you don’t know.

I’m not doing bad right now. I’m doing almost as good as I did in 2016. You know, the year republicans said the economy sucked.

I didn’t buy it but America did. Reminds me of 2000. People didn’t think bush could possibly break the good economy Clinton handed him.

Will trump break Obama’s economy? I hope not
I guess whatever you sell has nothing to do with new or expanding homes or businesses.
No but we buy from China and sell into Mexico and Canada

Why is he hurting people who deal with expanding homes or business' or helping them?
Trump’s tariffs have caused marginal increases in steel and have had zero effect on sales.

They haven't gone into affect yet! If they do it will be a huge problem for my company and many other manufacturers.

The Trump administration said Tuesday that it will place a 25 percent tariff on Chinese products like flat-screen televisions, medical devices, aircraft parts and batteries, outlining more than 1,300 imported goods that will soon face levies as part of a sweeping trade measure aimed at penalizing China for its trade practices.

China said it would slap tariffs on 128 American products in response to a separate White House plan to tax steel and aluminum from China and other countries.

A move by President Donald Trump to impose tariffs on cars assembled in Europe would dramatically escalate trade tensions and produce a quick response from the European Union.
Trump threatened to make cars his next major target in a transatlantic trade tussle on Friday, saying they were in line for a 20% tariff if the European Union did not remove its own tariffs and trade barriers.
I belong to a very large community that has family all over the US...I ain't buying it.
If you ain’t in manufacturing you don’t know.

I’m not doing bad right now. I’m doing almost as good as I did in 2016. You know, the year republicans said the economy sucked.

I didn’t buy it but America did. Reminds me of 2000. People didn’t think bush could possibly break the good economy Clinton handed him.

Will trump break Obama’s economy? I hope not

That plan is already well under way, and unlike Bush, he'll do it without lying us into a war. That's the pattern. So-called fiscal conservatives get elected, screw everything up and then voters wake up and vote Democratic so the clean-up crew can come in and fix and clean up the mess. Clinton did it, Obama did it, and now the GOP is ahead of schedule of fuckin it up. My guess, it'll be far worse this time with high inflation caused by tariffs, lack of Govt revenue, and out of control defense spending. Not to mention the giant cash grab tax reform. Btw, I saw Grover Nordquist tonight in an interview on the economy. The questioner asked his opinion of why enthusiasm is way down by working folks for the tax bill. He actually explained it this way. "Well, some folks look at their pay stubs and they see the extra money but many people have direct deposit and so they don't notice it." He actually fuckin' said that. LOL Another Trump economist on acid.
Last edited:
Worked great back in 2002:
The protection of the steel industry in the United States had unintended consequences and perverse effects: it reduced production of steel in the United States,[how?] increased costs to users, and increased unemployment in associated industries. A study from 2003 found that around 200,000 jobs were lost as a result.[6][7]
I wonder what Trump tower is built from?

And Obama's chinese tires.
Is there a reason Obama's Chinese Tires links to 2002 steel tariffs?
Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.
We’ve become the UCA. United Corporations of America.

You trust them not your government who represents you. I understand why you don’t trust your government but why do you trust corporations? We all know they view labor as a cost not an asset.

Any temporary bumb in wages is just that. Temporary.

You’ll see.

By the way. I see very few threads posted by you cons showing us evidence America is great again. You show us you fucking with illegals but now show us wages going up because of supply and demand.

You show us trump tariffs but then we see Harley is leaving.

Show us a jobs report that’s better than Obama’s. Trump promised 5% growth

1. I never said I trusted corporations. YOu must have misunderstood what I said. Try reading just what I write and not making assumptions about hidden meanings.

2. I don't trust the government, because the government has demonstrated they are a tool of the Political Class that has nothing but contempt for me.

3. Trump's policies on Trade and Immigration have not yet been fully implemented. And yes, I wish he would move faster.

4. Supply and demand are real. If enough illegals are deported, and are not replaced by returning illegals or legal immigrants, and jobs, especially better jobs keep coming, wages should start to rise.

5. Push back was always going to occur. The question to ask, is why do you think that happened? Anti-tariff people claimed that deficits don't matter. It seems Europeans think they do matter.

The only thing that's gonna rise by pissing on immigration and punishing our allies is costs and interest rates. Watch. Huge deficits and inflation will happen very quickly because of these moronic trade wars. Trump doesn't care, he gets two key things he wants. He gets to act like a moronic bully and he already has the big tax bonanza for himself. Watch in the next 6 months what happens to interest rates and the deficit/national debt and costs to the working folks on goods we rely on. And unless you're independently wealthy, you'll feel it big time too.
And, to think that replacing low wage immigrants with Americans in jobs like harvesting etc is gonna happen is to demonstrate how little you know about economics even at a base level.

I will be watching. Will you? Or will you be just accepting as Gospel whatever spun crap the media hands you?
No but we buy from China and sell into Mexico and Canada

Why is he hurting people who deal with expanding homes or business' or helping them?
Trump’s tariffs have caused marginal increases in steel and have had zero effect on sales.

They haven't gone into affect yet! If they do it will be a huge problem for my company and many other manufacturers.

The Trump administration said Tuesday that it will place a 25 percent tariff on Chinese products like flat-screen televisions, medical devices, aircraft parts and batteries, outlining more than 1,300 imported goods that will soon face levies as part of a sweeping trade measure aimed at penalizing China for its trade practices.

China said it would slap tariffs on 128 American products in response to a separate White House plan to tax steel and aluminum from China and other countries.

A move by President Donald Trump to impose tariffs on cars assembled in Europe would dramatically escalate trade tensions and produce a quick response from the European Union.
Trump threatened to make cars his next major target in a transatlantic trade tussle on Friday, saying they were in line for a 20% tariff if the European Union did not remove its own tariffs and trade barriers.
I belong to a very large community that has family all over the US...I ain't buying it.
If you ain’t in manufacturing you don’t know.

I’m not doing bad right now. I’m doing almost as good as I did in 2016. You know, the year republicans said the economy sucked.

I didn’t buy it but America did. Reminds me of 2000. People didn’t think bush could possibly break the good economy Clinton handed him.

Will trump break Obama’s economy? I hope not

That plan is already well under way, and unlike Bush, he'll do it without lying us into a war. That's the pattern. So-called fiscal conservatives get elected, screw everything up and then voters wake up and vote Democratic so the clean-up crew can come in and fix and clean up the mess. Clinton did it, Obama did it, and now the GOP is ahead of schedule of fuckin it up. My guess, it'll be far worse this time with high inflation caused by tariffs, lack of Govt revenue, and out of control defense spending. Not to mention the giant cash grab tax reform. Btw, I saw Grover Nordquist tonight in an interview on the economy. The questioner asked his opinion of why enthusiasm is way down by working folks for the tax bill. He actually explained it this way. "Well, some folks look at their pay stubs and they see the extra money but many people have direct deposit and so they don't notice it." He actually fuckin' said that. LOL Another Trump economist on acid.
To be honest, I don’t look. I was told I’d make about $3k this year but I’d give it up to get that Supreme Court pick

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