President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

And AGAIN, you don't actually specify what point you are disagreeing with.

Let's see I count, two strawmen, four proofs by ridicule, one self contradiction, two unsupported assertions, 6 appeals to emotion,

and not one specific policy based disagreement with my post that you initially "replied to".

Like I said, all you are doing is filibustering, because you know your position is indefensible.
Trumps tariffs are negatively effecting my business and many others that do manufacturing.

You think this is going to bring jobs home I see it hurting american businesses who do business with China Canada Mexico and europe.

And in the end are your wages going up because of this? Fuck no. That’s trickle down. Don’t hold your breath

What I've heard is that local manufacturers are being flooded with inquires from European manufacturers who are looking to move production here to avoid tariffs.

And yes, I think more manufacturing jobs will bring wages up. ANd no that is not "Trickle Down".

Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.
That's one of the problems with instant global can pay for super cheap labor and keep tabs on it constantly.

Until someone comes along and changes the rules of the game.

Which is what we should do. Right fucking now.
"That's not free trade -- that's stupid trade." -President Trump in Fargo, ND

I totally agree! America is getting ripped off by even our allies.
Trump: "When we're $500 billion down, they say 'Trump is starting a trade war.' I say, 'No, the trade war ended a long time ago and U.S. lost because our leaders didn't take care of our people and our companies.'"

Trump then reads a note he says he was given about how Canada is unfair to American wheat growers, then says, "Do you know what that means? I don't know what the hell it means...what the hell does that mean?" He dismissively tosses away the card on which this was written for him.
You've got to be joking, right?

Excellent filibustering. You managed to convey disagreement, but without saying any substantial that a neutral reader could see was obvious bullshit.

For example, if you claimed that our trade partners are NOT upset that Trump is trying to bring the jobs back, any sane reader would be able to realize that that was nonsense, that our trading partners ARE upset and trying to hold on to those jobs.

You are correct to avoid making any actual points. Your side's position in this is indefensible.

Where do you come by your vast knowledge of macro and micro econ? Trump University? LOL For anyone to believe Trump cares about anything outside of himself is an act of ignorance. He's flying blind and it will cost all of us. The working folks, elderly, disabled, sick, poor etc. Everyone but Trump. You're such a naive sucker.

And AGAIN, you don't actually specify what point you are disagreeing with.

Let's see I count, two strawmen, four proofs by ridicule, one self contradiction, two unsupported assertions, 6 appeals to emotion,

and not one specific policy based disagreement with my post that you initially "replied to".

Like I said, all you are doing is filibustering, because you know your position is indefensible.
Trumps tariffs are negatively effecting my business and many others that do manufacturing.

You think this is going to bring jobs home I see it hurting american businesses who do business with China Canada Mexico and europe.

And in the end are your wages going up because of this? Fuck no. That’s trickle down. Don’t hold your breath

What I've heard is that local manufacturers are being flooded with inquires from European manufacturers who are looking to move production here to avoid tariffs.

And yes, I think more manufacturing jobs will bring wages up. ANd no that is not "Trickle Down".

Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor.

Bingo. Except that it never trickles down to the middle class. Bush Sr. called supply-side voodoo economics and he was absolutely right.
Where do you come by your vast knowledge of macro and micro econ? Trump University? LOL For anyone to believe Trump cares about anything outside of himself is an act of ignorance. He's flying blind and it will cost all of us. The working folks, elderly, disabled, sick, poor etc. Everyone but Trump. You're such a naive sucker.

And AGAIN, you don't actually specify what point you are disagreeing with.

Let's see I count, two strawmen, four proofs by ridicule, one self contradiction, two unsupported assertions, 6 appeals to emotion,

and not one specific policy based disagreement with my post that you initially "replied to".

Like I said, all you are doing is filibustering, because you know your position is indefensible.
Trumps tariffs are negatively effecting my business and many others that do manufacturing.

You think this is going to bring jobs home I see it hurting american businesses who do business with China Canada Mexico and europe.

And in the end are your wages going up because of this? Fuck no. That’s trickle down. Don’t hold your breath

What I've heard is that local manufacturers are being flooded with inquires from European manufacturers who are looking to move production here to avoid tariffs.

And yes, I think more manufacturing jobs will bring wages up. ANd no that is not "Trickle Down".

Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL
And AGAIN, you don't actually specify what point you are disagreeing with.

Let's see I count, two strawmen, four proofs by ridicule, one self contradiction, two unsupported assertions, 6 appeals to emotion,

and not one specific policy based disagreement with my post that you initially "replied to".

Like I said, all you are doing is filibustering, because you know your position is indefensible.
Trumps tariffs are negatively effecting my business and many others that do manufacturing.

You think this is going to bring jobs home I see it hurting american businesses who do business with China Canada Mexico and europe.

And in the end are your wages going up because of this? Fuck no. That’s trickle down. Don’t hold your breath

What I've heard is that local manufacturers are being flooded with inquires from European manufacturers who are looking to move production here to avoid tariffs.

And yes, I think more manufacturing jobs will bring wages up. ANd no that is not "Trickle Down".

Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.
That's one of the problems with instant global can pay for super cheap labor and keep tabs on it constantly.

Hey, Warren Buffett, that sentence makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. You and your partner love to throw out lame nonsense and feed off of each other's stupidity. It's a hoot to watch.
"That's not free trade -- that's stupid trade." -President Trump in Fargo, ND

I totally agree! America is getting ripped off by even our allies.

What's stupid is the idea that you think a guy who no US bank will do business with and who has scammed everyone who ever did business with him, is the right guy to deal with US trade. He knows nothing about anything except how to enrich himself at the expense of others. These tariffs are gonna bite us all in the ass.
And AGAIN, you don't actually specify what point you are disagreeing with.

Let's see I count, two strawmen, four proofs by ridicule, one self contradiction, two unsupported assertions, 6 appeals to emotion,

and not one specific policy based disagreement with my post that you initially "replied to".

Like I said, all you are doing is filibustering, because you know your position is indefensible.
Trumps tariffs are negatively effecting my business and many others that do manufacturing.

You think this is going to bring jobs home I see it hurting american businesses who do business with China Canada Mexico and europe.

And in the end are your wages going up because of this? Fuck no. That’s trickle down. Don’t hold your breath

What I've heard is that local manufacturers are being flooded with inquires from European manufacturers who are looking to move production here to avoid tariffs.

And yes, I think more manufacturing jobs will bring wages up. ANd no that is not "Trickle Down".

Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.
Trumps tariffs are negatively effecting my business and many others that do manufacturing.

You think this is going to bring jobs home I see it hurting american businesses who do business with China Canada Mexico and europe.

And in the end are your wages going up because of this? Fuck no. That’s trickle down. Don’t hold your breath

What I've heard is that local manufacturers are being flooded with inquires from European manufacturers who are looking to move production here to avoid tariffs.

And yes, I think more manufacturing jobs will bring wages up. ANd no that is not "Trickle Down".

Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.
We’ve become the UCA. United Corporations of America.

You trust them not your government who represents you. I understand why you don’t trust your government but why do you trust corporations? We all know they view labor as a cost not an asset.

Any temporary bumb in wages is just that. Temporary.

You’ll see.

By the way. I see very few threads posted by you cons showing us evidence America is great again. You show us you fucking with illegals but now show us wages going up because of supply and demand.

You show us trump tariffs but then we see Harley is leaving.

Show us a jobs report that’s better than Obama’s. Trump promised 5% growth
Trumps tariffs are negatively effecting my business and many others that do manufacturing.

You think this is going to bring jobs home I see it hurting american businesses who do business with China Canada Mexico and europe.

And in the end are your wages going up because of this? Fuck no. That’s trickle down. Don’t hold your breath

What I've heard is that local manufacturers are being flooded with inquires from European manufacturers who are looking to move production here to avoid tariffs.

And yes, I think more manufacturing jobs will bring wages up. ANd no that is not "Trickle Down".

Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.
What I've heard is that local manufacturers are being flooded with inquires from European manufacturers who are looking to move production here to avoid tariffs.

And yes, I think more manufacturing jobs will bring wages up. ANd no that is not "Trickle Down".

Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.
We’ve become the UCA. United Corporations of America.

You trust them not your government who represents you. I understand why you don’t trust your government but why do you trust corporations? We all know they view labor as a cost not an asset.

Any temporary bumb in wages is just that. Temporary.

You’ll see.

By the way. I see very few threads posted by you cons showing us evidence America is great again. You show us you fucking with illegals but now show us wages going up because of supply and demand.

You show us trump tariffs but then we see Harley is leaving.

Show us a jobs report that’s better than Obama’s. Trump promised 5% growth

1. I never said I trusted corporations. YOu must have misunderstood what I said. Try reading just what I write and not making assumptions about hidden meanings.

2. I don't trust the government, because the government has demonstrated they are a tool of the Political Class that has nothing but contempt for me.

3. Trump's policies on Trade and Immigration have not yet been fully implemented. And yes, I wish he would move faster.

4. Supply and demand are real. If enough illegals are deported, and are not replaced by returning illegals or legal immigrants, and jobs, especially better jobs keep coming, wages should start to rise.

5. Push back was always going to occur. The question to ask, is why do you think that happened? Anti-tariff people claimed that deficits don't matter. It seems Europeans think they do matter.
What I've heard is that local manufacturers are being flooded with inquires from European manufacturers who are looking to move production here to avoid tariffs.

And yes, I think more manufacturing jobs will bring wages up. ANd no that is not "Trickle Down".

Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
Me too.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.

Okay, so name one.
Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
Me too.

So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.
We’ve become the UCA. United Corporations of America.

You trust them not your government who represents you. I understand why you don’t trust your government but why do you trust corporations? We all know they view labor as a cost not an asset.

Any temporary bumb in wages is just that. Temporary.

You’ll see.

By the way. I see very few threads posted by you cons showing us evidence America is great again. You show us you fucking with illegals but now show us wages going up because of supply and demand.

You show us trump tariffs but then we see Harley is leaving.

Show us a jobs report that’s better than Obama’s. Trump promised 5% growth

1. I never said I trusted corporations. YOu must have misunderstood what I said. Try reading just what I write and not making assumptions about hidden meanings.

2. I don't trust the government, because the government has demonstrated they are a tool of the Political Class that has nothing but contempt for me.

3. Trump's policies on Trade and Immigration have not yet been fully implemented. And yes, I wish he would move faster.

4. Supply and demand are real. If enough illegals are deported, and are not replaced by returning illegals or legal immigrants, and jobs, especially better jobs keep coming, wages should start to rise.

5. Push back was always going to occur. The question to ask, is why do you think that happened? Anti-tariff people claimed that deficits don't matter. It seems Europeans think they do matter.

The only thing that's gonna rise by pissing on immigration and punishing our allies is costs and interest rates. Watch. Huge deficits and inflation will happen very quickly because of these moronic trade wars. Trump doesn't care, he gets two key things he wants. He gets to act like a moronic bully and he already has the big tax bonanza for himself. Watch in the next 6 months what happens to interest rates and the deficit/national debt and costs to the working folks on goods we rely on. And unless you're independently wealthy, you'll feel it big time too.
And, to think that replacing low wage immigrants with Americans in jobs like harvesting etc is gonna happen is to demonstrate how little you know about economics even at a base level.
The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
Me too.

So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?
Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.
We’ve become the UCA. United Corporations of America.

You trust them not your government who represents you. I understand why you don’t trust your government but why do you trust corporations? We all know they view labor as a cost not an asset.

Any temporary bumb in wages is just that. Temporary.

You’ll see.

By the way. I see very few threads posted by you cons showing us evidence America is great again. You show us you fucking with illegals but now show us wages going up because of supply and demand.

You show us trump tariffs but then we see Harley is leaving.

Show us a jobs report that’s better than Obama’s. Trump promised 5% growth

1. I never said I trusted corporations. YOu must have misunderstood what I said. Try reading just what I write and not making assumptions about hidden meanings.

2. I don't trust the government, because the government has demonstrated they are a tool of the Political Class that has nothing but contempt for me.

3. Trump's policies on Trade and Immigration have not yet been fully implemented. And yes, I wish he would move faster.

4. Supply and demand are real. If enough illegals are deported, and are not replaced by returning illegals or legal immigrants, and jobs, especially better jobs keep coming, wages should start to rise.

5. Push back was always going to occur. The question to ask, is why do you think that happened? Anti-tariff people claimed that deficits don't matter. It seems Europeans think they do matter.

The only thing that's gonna rise by pissing on immigration and punishing our allies is costs and interest rates. Watch. Huge deficits and inflation will happen very quickly because of these moronic trade wars. Trump doesn't care, he gets two key things he wants. He gets to act like a moronic bully and he already has the big tax bonanza for himself. Watch in the next 6 months what happens to interest rates and the deficit/national debt and costs to the working folks on goods we rely on. And unless you're independently wealthy, you'll feel it big time too.
And, to think that replacing low wage immigrants with Americans in jobs like harvesting etc is gonna happen is to demonstrate how little you know about economics even at a base level.
How many illegals do you live with or use for cheap labor?
It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.

Name a single job that illegals do that Americans would do for the same wage. You really are clueless.

I've done many of those jobs that people like you claim that Americans won't do. And I worked along other Americans doing them too.

So, save your nonsense for some young punk with no life experience that might fall for it.
Me too.

So, you've picked fruit in the Florida or Texas heat for a couple of bucks an hour? Sure you did.
Washed dishes.
And only 2% of Ilegals pick fruits and veggies.
98% are babysitters, cleaning people and lawn keepers.
And what was your profession prior to suffering from PTSD?

Gee, you did all that? Was this before or after you became a millionaire wizard of Wall St? LOL
As far as PTSD, I worked at V.A. I just retired last year and I've seen what that can do to veterans. For you to belittle their service is right in line with the asshole you are.
You never answered my question there Warren. What brokerage houses did you work at and in what capacity?
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.

The legal American community? WTF does that even mean? Did you stick the word legal in there because it makes you sound smart? It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, a clueless cult member. You don't know what trickle down is or what supply side is and who started it. It's obvious that you should go back to school and pick up in the 7th grade where you left off. LOL

It was a reference to a point made in the post I was replying to, addressing the amount of money that instead of going to American workers, was instead paid to illegal aliens.

I bolded and enlarged that part above for you. Try reading it again.
We’ve become the UCA. United Corporations of America.

You trust them not your government who represents you. I understand why you don’t trust your government but why do you trust corporations? We all know they view labor as a cost not an asset.

Any temporary bumb in wages is just that. Temporary.

You’ll see.

By the way. I see very few threads posted by you cons showing us evidence America is great again. You show us you fucking with illegals but now show us wages going up because of supply and demand.

You show us trump tariffs but then we see Harley is leaving.

Show us a jobs report that’s better than Obama’s. Trump promised 5% growth

1. I never said I trusted corporations. YOu must have misunderstood what I said. Try reading just what I write and not making assumptions about hidden meanings.

2. I don't trust the government, because the government has demonstrated they are a tool of the Political Class that has nothing but contempt for me.

3. Trump's policies on Trade and Immigration have not yet been fully implemented. And yes, I wish he would move faster.

4. Supply and demand are real. If enough illegals are deported, and are not replaced by returning illegals or legal immigrants, and jobs, especially better jobs keep coming, wages should start to rise.

5. Push back was always going to occur. The question to ask, is why do you think that happened? Anti-tariff people claimed that deficits don't matter. It seems Europeans think they do matter.

Stop calling it the political class and start calling it what it is. It's the rich class!!! The government serves the rich and corporations. More now than ever with Trump's Supreme Court picks. Do you know since Alito and Roberts the Supremes have sided with the rich and corporations 100% of the time and NEVER with the citizen who's taking them on. Companies like Trump rule the world now sucker. You'll see when you NEVER retire. Watch. The middle class just took a huge hit with this Trump presidency. You keep entertaining yourself with delusions that Trump is working for you. If he was he wouldn't have passsed that bullshit tax bill and he would nominate a moderate to the Supreme Court.

And you think busting unions is going to bring wages up? You don't realize what the unions have done for you. That's ok I'm not going to convince you. Just know when you never retire, it wasn't the Democrats fault. I know you will blame them but in advance, that's bullshit.

No supply and demand does not always bring wages up. In fact there is a shortage of workers and wages are not going up like they should. So eventually the solution is going to be to import more legal immigrants. The last thing corporations want is for employees to have the power.

Let me know when the job market is a employees market. Do you know the last time that happened? It was when GM, Chrysler and Ford were paying their employees a lot of money. It brought all their wages up. Now you don't have that bar. That $35 hr bar. Now you have Walmart as the bar. So good luck making America great again. Don't hold your breath unless you are rich. If you are rich, it never stopped being great.

Just know you got played and you signed up for Trump U.

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