President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

What are you smoking lib?

I think he just smoked you, Trumpsheep.

Yeah thinking not your strong suit. :icon_rolleyes:

I'll match wits with you on any subject. Try me. For anyone to accuse anyone else of not thinking and then support this yellow scourge is both ironic and contradictory.

You are no match for me junior.

Junior? You must be a real geezer because I'm 68, junior. Like I said pick a topic and we'll find a test we can both take. I guarantee you'll lose badly.

You are JV at politics trust me on this.
Yeah thinking not your strong suit. :icon_rolleyes:

I'll match wits with you on any subject. Try me. For anyone to accuse anyone else of not thinking and then support this yellow scourge is both ironic and contradictory.

You are no match for me junior.

Junior? You must be a real geezer because I'm 68, junior. Like I said pick a topic and we'll find a test we can both take. I guarantee you'll lose badly.

I've got socks older than him.

I just figured nobody could get that stupid without a long lifetime of practicing ignorance. But then again, maybe he's a natural.

^^^ more proof you are in the minor leagues. Why don't you pick a topic, I'll destroy you, you will deflect to the typical liberal personal insults while I laugh at you. In fact I may as well get started :auiqs.jpg:
I'll match wits with you on any subject. Try me. For anyone to accuse anyone else of not thinking and then support this yellow scourge is both ironic and contradictory.

You are no match for me junior.

Junior? You must be a real geezer because I'm 68, junior. Like I said pick a topic and we'll find a test we can both take. I guarantee you'll lose badly.

I've got socks older than him.

I just figured nobody could get that stupid without a long lifetime of practicing ignorance. But then again, maybe he's a natural.

^^^ more proof you are in the minor leagues. Why don't you pick a topic, I'll destroy you, you will deflect to the typical liberal personal insults while I laugh at you. In fact I may as well get started :auiqs.jpg:

Let's start with this trade war with china. Good idea? Why? Any downside to it? Why?
I'll match wits with you on any subject. Try me. For anyone to accuse anyone else of not thinking and then support this yellow scourge is both ironic and contradictory.

You are no match for me junior.

Junior? You must be a real geezer because I'm 68, junior. Like I said pick a topic and we'll find a test we can both take. I guarantee you'll lose badly.

I've got socks older than him.

I just figured nobody could get that stupid without a long lifetime of practicing ignorance. But then again, maybe he's a natural.

^^^ more proof you are in the minor leagues. Why don't you pick a topic, I'll destroy you, you will deflect to the typical liberal personal insults while I laugh at you. In fact I may as well get started :auiqs.jpg:

Legend? Maybe in you own mind. I picked a subject. Crickets.
That's what the Free Traders said back in the 80s.

Their policy did not give US the results promised.

Time to admit failure and move on.

Trump asked Michigan, WI & PA what they had to lose by voting for him. How about Harley Davidson?

Harley-Davidson says it plans to move production of motorcycles it sells in Europe overseas in response to growing trade friction between the United States and Europe.

European officials last week imposed stiff tariffs on a wide range of U.S.-made goods sold within the European Union. The response came to President Trump's recent decision to slap tariffs on European imports.

In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday, Harley-Davidson said the tariffs imposed by the EU "would have an immediate and lasting detrimental impact to its business in the region."

The company reported $5.65 billion in revenues last year and Europe is its largest overseas market, with almost 40,000 customers buying motorcycles there in 2017.

The European tariffs have jumped from 6 percent to 31 percent, the company said. That increase will add on average $2,200 to the cost of each motorcycle sold in the EU, and would cost the company $90 million to $100 million a year, the filing said.

"Increasing international production to alleviate the EU tariff burden is not the company's preference, but represents the only sustainable option to make its motorcycles accessible to customers in the EU and maintain a viable business in Europe," the filing said.

The company did not say where production would be shifted, or how many jobs might be affected, but said the move would take nine to 18 months to complete.

It also did not say which U.S. factories would be affected. The company's U.S. factories are in York, Pa.; Kansas City, Mo., and Menomonee Falls, Wis.

There is a serious internal contradiction in this.

People opposed to Trump doing this, have been denying that Trade Deficits/surpluses matter, or that significant jobs can be brought back.

So, when you point out that our trading partners are reacting strongly, you are supporting the idea that trade balance DOES matter, or at least our trading partners think so,

and when you point out to possible job losses due to trade barriers, you support the idea that we have lost jobs to such trade barrier to our trading partners markets.

Can you see that?
I can see what trumps doing isn’t working. Can you see that? Now sell me on why this will be good in the long run

Seems early to pass judgment.

Riddle me this, if trade balance doesn't matter, than why are our trading partners upset that Trump is trying to change it, and why do you post potential job losses as evidence of failure?

Seems too early to pass judgement? Tell that to the Trumpbots who claim Trump has made America great again for the middle class.

I have, at times.

Trade balance matters. China watches way more American movies than we watch Chinese movies. Are you ready to start watching Godzilla and Jackie Chan movies?

Of course trade balance matters. Thank you.

The anti-Trumpers who claim otherwise are either fools or liars.

And I've watched plenty of Godzilla and Jackie Chan movies. And I'm open to watch more of them, if they don't suck.

Riddle me this. How come Trumps tariffs are sending Harley Davidson overseas? Not bringing companies back home. Or are you hoping that companies that want to sell to America will then be forced to move to America? So what European company is moving into the abandoned Harley plants?

Because our trading "partners" are pushing back. That was always likely. Victory was never assured. But if we just let them fuck US, without fighting back, we can ensure defeat.

As you can see over the last 50 years.
You are no match for me junior.

Junior? You must be a real geezer because I'm 68, junior. Like I said pick a topic and we'll find a test we can both take. I guarantee you'll lose badly.

I've got socks older than him.

I just figured nobody could get that stupid without a long lifetime of practicing ignorance. But then again, maybe he's a natural.

^^^ more proof you are in the minor leagues. Why don't you pick a topic, I'll destroy you, you will deflect to the typical liberal personal insults while I laugh at you. In fact I may as well get started :auiqs.jpg:

Legend? Maybe in you own mind. I picked a subject. Crickets.

I have been busy working today to pay the bills of all the deadbeat moochers who vote Dem for government handouts PAID FOR BY ME. I'll give you a moment to recover from that beating then we will talk China.
You are no match for me junior.

Junior? You must be a real geezer because I'm 68, junior. Like I said pick a topic and we'll find a test we can both take. I guarantee you'll lose badly.

I've got socks older than him.

I just figured nobody could get that stupid without a long lifetime of practicing ignorance. But then again, maybe he's a natural.

^^^ more proof you are in the minor leagues. Why don't you pick a topic, I'll destroy you, you will deflect to the typical liberal personal insults while I laugh at you. In fact I may as well get started :auiqs.jpg:

Let's start with this trade war with china. Good idea? Why? Any downside to it? Why?

Lets hope you have done your homework. Lets test your knowledge, tell me why the US has previously allowed China to steal from us and screw us over on trade? Lets see if you can answer that question accurately, because knowing this history is fundamental to a discussion on China/US trade.
Junior? You must be a real geezer because I'm 68, junior. Like I said pick a topic and we'll find a test we can both take. I guarantee you'll lose badly.

I've got socks older than him.

I just figured nobody could get that stupid without a long lifetime of practicing ignorance. But then again, maybe he's a natural.

^^^ more proof you are in the minor leagues. Why don't you pick a topic, I'll destroy you, you will deflect to the typical liberal personal insults while I laugh at you. In fact I may as well get started :auiqs.jpg:

Legend? Maybe in you own mind. I picked a subject. Crickets.

I have been busy working today to pay the bills of all the deadbeat moochers who vote Dem for government handouts PAID FOR BY ME. I'll give you a moment to recover from that beating then we will talk China.

You really are an idiot aren't you? This deficit spending wasn't invented by Democrats, you fool. Neither was supply-side. That's the baby of Reaganism as is union busting. You know, where workers can't organize to fight for better wages and working conditions. That was the birth of deficits and the now enormous income gap. And now you support the king of all spenders and money grabbers. The only beating going on is the beating Trump is doing on everything American.
I've got socks older than him.

I just figured nobody could get that stupid without a long lifetime of practicing ignorance. But then again, maybe he's a natural.

^^^ more proof you are in the minor leagues. Why don't you pick a topic, I'll destroy you, you will deflect to the typical liberal personal insults while I laugh at you. In fact I may as well get started :auiqs.jpg:

Legend? Maybe in you own mind. I picked a subject. Crickets.

I have been busy working today to pay the bills of all the deadbeat moochers who vote Dem for government handouts PAID FOR BY ME. I'll give you a moment to recover from that beating then we will talk China.

You really are an idiot aren't you? This deficit spending wasn't invented by Democrats, you fool. Neither was supply-side. That's the baby of Reaganism as is union busting. You know, where workers can't organize to fight for better wages and working conditions. That was the birth of deficits and the now enormous income gap. And now you support the king of all spenders and money grabbers. The only beating going on is the beating Trump is doing on everything American.

LOL you realize I'm not the person you were discussing deficit spending with right. :auiqs.jpg:
I just figured nobody could get that stupid without a long lifetime of practicing ignorance. But then again, maybe he's a natural.

^^^ more proof you are in the minor leagues. Why don't you pick a topic, I'll destroy you, you will deflect to the typical liberal personal insults while I laugh at you. In fact I may as well get started :auiqs.jpg:

Legend? Maybe in you own mind. I picked a subject. Crickets.

I have been busy working today to pay the bills of all the deadbeat moochers who vote Dem for government handouts PAID FOR BY ME. I'll give you a moment to recover from that beating then we will talk China.

You really are an idiot aren't you? This deficit spending wasn't invented by Democrats, you fool. Neither was supply-side. That's the baby of Reaganism as is union busting. You know, where workers can't organize to fight for better wages and working conditions. That was the birth of deficits and the now enormous income gap. And now you support the king of all spenders and money grabbers. The only beating going on is the beating Trump is doing on everything American.

LOL you realize I'm not the person you were discussing deficit spending with right. :auiqs.jpg:

Your post 1386 talks of the moochers who vote Democrat. That's you right? I'll give you a minute to read your own post. The Moochers are the folks who vote themselves giant breaks while tossing morons like you a bone. This results in the deficit spending you love to put on Dems. At the cuurent rate, over 8 years like Obama, Trump will overspend by about 12-15 Trillion. And he inherited a healthy economy from Obama. He didn't have to inject trillions to restart what Bush destroyed.
^^^ more proof you are in the minor leagues. Why don't you pick a topic, I'll destroy you, you will deflect to the typical liberal personal insults while I laugh at you. In fact I may as well get started :auiqs.jpg:

Legend? Maybe in you own mind. I picked a subject. Crickets.

I have been busy working today to pay the bills of all the deadbeat moochers who vote Dem for government handouts PAID FOR BY ME. I'll give you a moment to recover from that beating then we will talk China.

You really are an idiot aren't you? This deficit spending wasn't invented by Democrats, you fool. Neither was supply-side. That's the baby of Reaganism as is union busting. You know, where workers can't organize to fight for better wages and working conditions. That was the birth of deficits and the now enormous income gap. And now you support the king of all spenders and money grabbers. The only beating going on is the beating Trump is doing on everything American.

LOL you realize I'm not the person you were discussing deficit spending with right. :auiqs.jpg:

Your post 1386 talks of the moochers who vote Democrat. That's you right? I'll give you a minute to read your own post. The Moochers are the folks who vote themselves giant breaks while tossing morons like you a bone. This results in the deficit spending you love to put on Dems. At the cuurent rate, over 8 years like Obama, Trump will overspend by about 12-15 Trillion. And he inherited a healthy economy from Obama. He didn't have to inject trillions to restart what Bush destroyed.

What does my working overtime to pay the bills of Dem moochers have to do with deficit spending?
There is a serious internal contradiction in this.

People opposed to Trump doing this, have been denying that Trade Deficits/surpluses matter, or that significant jobs can be brought back.

So, when you point out that our trading partners are reacting strongly, you are supporting the idea that trade balance DOES matter, or at least our trading partners think so,

and when you point out to possible job losses due to trade barriers, you support the idea that we have lost jobs to such trade barrier to our trading partners markets.

Can you see that?
I can see what trumps doing isn’t working. Can you see that? Now sell me on why this will be good in the long run

Seems early to pass judgment.

Riddle me this, if trade balance doesn't matter, than why are our trading partners upset that Trump is trying to change it, and why do you post potential job losses as evidence of failure?

You've got to be joking, right?

Excellent filibustering. You managed to convey disagreement, but without saying any substantial that a neutral reader could see was obvious bullshit.

For example, if you claimed that our trade partners are NOT upset that Trump is trying to bring the jobs back, any sane reader would be able to realize that that was nonsense, that our trading partners ARE upset and trying to hold on to those jobs.

You are correct to avoid making any actual points. Your side's position in this is indefensible.

Where do you come by your vast knowledge of macro and micro econ? Trump University? LOL For anyone to believe Trump cares about anything outside of himself is an act of ignorance. He's flying blind and it will cost all of us. The working folks, elderly, disabled, sick, poor etc. Everyone but Trump. You're such a naive sucker.

And AGAIN, you don't actually specify what point you are disagreeing with.

Let's see I count, two strawmen, four proofs by ridicule, one self contradiction, two unsupported assertions, 6 appeals to emotion,

and not one specific policy based disagreement with my post that you initially "replied to".

Like I said, all you are doing is filibustering, because you know your position is indefensible.
Lets see so far the tariffs are sending U.S. motorcycle manufacturing jobs to Europe- and threatening to close a U.S. nail manufacturer!

Go Trump!
Lets see so far the tariffs are sending U.S. motorcycle manufacturing jobs to Europe- and threatening to close a U.S. nail manufacturer!

Go Trump!

Don't forget the soybean farmers. Saw one on the nightly news tonight that said prices for soybeans have dropped over 2 dollars per bushel since Trump enacted the tariffs.

Then..................there are the recycling plants that send tons of material to China for processing. Now? Tons of the stuff they were going to send has ended up in landfills because China has greatly reduced their demand for US recycling material. Or, if they are still buying it, they are making it harder to ship because they want the material to be super clean and sorted.
I can see what trumps doing isn’t working. Can you see that? Now sell me on why this will be good in the long run

Seems early to pass judgment.

Riddle me this, if trade balance doesn't matter, than why are our trading partners upset that Trump is trying to change it, and why do you post potential job losses as evidence of failure?

You've got to be joking, right?

Excellent filibustering. You managed to convey disagreement, but without saying any substantial that a neutral reader could see was obvious bullshit.

For example, if you claimed that our trade partners are NOT upset that Trump is trying to bring the jobs back, any sane reader would be able to realize that that was nonsense, that our trading partners ARE upset and trying to hold on to those jobs.

You are correct to avoid making any actual points. Your side's position in this is indefensible.

Where do you come by your vast knowledge of macro and micro econ? Trump University? LOL For anyone to believe Trump cares about anything outside of himself is an act of ignorance. He's flying blind and it will cost all of us. The working folks, elderly, disabled, sick, poor etc. Everyone but Trump. You're such a naive sucker.

And AGAIN, you don't actually specify what point you are disagreeing with.

Let's see I count, two strawmen, four proofs by ridicule, one self contradiction, two unsupported assertions, 6 appeals to emotion,

and not one specific policy based disagreement with my post that you initially "replied to".

Like I said, all you are doing is filibustering, because you know your position is indefensible.
Trumps tariffs are negatively effecting my business and many others that do manufacturing.

You think this is going to bring jobs home I see it hurting american businesses who do business with China Canada Mexico and europe.

And in the end are your wages going up because of this? Fuck no. That’s trickle down. Don’t hold your breath
Seems early to pass judgment.

Riddle me this, if trade balance doesn't matter, than why are our trading partners upset that Trump is trying to change it, and why do you post potential job losses as evidence of failure?

You've got to be joking, right?

Excellent filibustering. You managed to convey disagreement, but without saying any substantial that a neutral reader could see was obvious bullshit.

For example, if you claimed that our trade partners are NOT upset that Trump is trying to bring the jobs back, any sane reader would be able to realize that that was nonsense, that our trading partners ARE upset and trying to hold on to those jobs.

You are correct to avoid making any actual points. Your side's position in this is indefensible.

Where do you come by your vast knowledge of macro and micro econ? Trump University? LOL For anyone to believe Trump cares about anything outside of himself is an act of ignorance. He's flying blind and it will cost all of us. The working folks, elderly, disabled, sick, poor etc. Everyone but Trump. You're such a naive sucker.

And AGAIN, you don't actually specify what point you are disagreeing with.

Let's see I count, two strawmen, four proofs by ridicule, one self contradiction, two unsupported assertions, 6 appeals to emotion,

and not one specific policy based disagreement with my post that you initially "replied to".

Like I said, all you are doing is filibustering, because you know your position is indefensible.
Trumps tariffs are negatively effecting my business and many others that do manufacturing.

You think this is going to bring jobs home I see it hurting american businesses who do business with China Canada Mexico and europe.

And in the end are your wages going up because of this? Fuck no. That’s trickle down. Don’t hold your breath
Like when a baby is first and cries.
And eventually it grows up and stops crying only when there's a Democrat in the Oval Office.
Seems early to pass judgment.

Riddle me this, if trade balance doesn't matter, than why are our trading partners upset that Trump is trying to change it, and why do you post potential job losses as evidence of failure?

You've got to be joking, right?

Excellent filibustering. You managed to convey disagreement, but without saying any substantial that a neutral reader could see was obvious bullshit.

For example, if you claimed that our trade partners are NOT upset that Trump is trying to bring the jobs back, any sane reader would be able to realize that that was nonsense, that our trading partners ARE upset and trying to hold on to those jobs.

You are correct to avoid making any actual points. Your side's position in this is indefensible.

Where do you come by your vast knowledge of macro and micro econ? Trump University? LOL For anyone to believe Trump cares about anything outside of himself is an act of ignorance. He's flying blind and it will cost all of us. The working folks, elderly, disabled, sick, poor etc. Everyone but Trump. You're such a naive sucker.

And AGAIN, you don't actually specify what point you are disagreeing with.

Let's see I count, two strawmen, four proofs by ridicule, one self contradiction, two unsupported assertions, 6 appeals to emotion,

and not one specific policy based disagreement with my post that you initially "replied to".

Like I said, all you are doing is filibustering, because you know your position is indefensible.
Trumps tariffs are negatively effecting my business and many others that do manufacturing.

You think this is going to bring jobs home I see it hurting american businesses who do business with China Canada Mexico and europe.

And in the end are your wages going up because of this? Fuck no. That’s trickle down. Don’t hold your breath

What I've heard is that local manufacturers are being flooded with inquires from European manufacturers who are looking to move production here to avoid tariffs.

And yes, I think more manufacturing jobs will bring wages up. ANd no that is not "Trickle Down".

Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor.
You've got to be joking, right?

Excellent filibustering. You managed to convey disagreement, but without saying any substantial that a neutral reader could see was obvious bullshit.

For example, if you claimed that our trade partners are NOT upset that Trump is trying to bring the jobs back, any sane reader would be able to realize that that was nonsense, that our trading partners ARE upset and trying to hold on to those jobs.

You are correct to avoid making any actual points. Your side's position in this is indefensible.

Where do you come by your vast knowledge of macro and micro econ? Trump University? LOL For anyone to believe Trump cares about anything outside of himself is an act of ignorance. He's flying blind and it will cost all of us. The working folks, elderly, disabled, sick, poor etc. Everyone but Trump. You're such a naive sucker.

And AGAIN, you don't actually specify what point you are disagreeing with.

Let's see I count, two strawmen, four proofs by ridicule, one self contradiction, two unsupported assertions, 6 appeals to emotion,

and not one specific policy based disagreement with my post that you initially "replied to".

Like I said, all you are doing is filibustering, because you know your position is indefensible.
Trumps tariffs are negatively effecting my business and many others that do manufacturing.

You think this is going to bring jobs home I see it hurting american businesses who do business with China Canada Mexico and europe.

And in the end are your wages going up because of this? Fuck no. That’s trickle down. Don’t hold your breath

What I've heard is that local manufacturers are being flooded with inquires from European manufacturers who are looking to move production here to avoid tariffs.

And yes, I think more manufacturing jobs will bring wages up. ANd no that is not "Trickle Down".

Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?
Excellent filibustering. You managed to convey disagreement, but without saying any substantial that a neutral reader could see was obvious bullshit.

For example, if you claimed that our trade partners are NOT upset that Trump is trying to bring the jobs back, any sane reader would be able to realize that that was nonsense, that our trading partners ARE upset and trying to hold on to those jobs.

You are correct to avoid making any actual points. Your side's position in this is indefensible.

Where do you come by your vast knowledge of macro and micro econ? Trump University? LOL For anyone to believe Trump cares about anything outside of himself is an act of ignorance. He's flying blind and it will cost all of us. The working folks, elderly, disabled, sick, poor etc. Everyone but Trump. You're such a naive sucker.

And AGAIN, you don't actually specify what point you are disagreeing with.

Let's see I count, two strawmen, four proofs by ridicule, one self contradiction, two unsupported assertions, 6 appeals to emotion,

and not one specific policy based disagreement with my post that you initially "replied to".

Like I said, all you are doing is filibustering, because you know your position is indefensible.
Trumps tariffs are negatively effecting my business and many others that do manufacturing.

You think this is going to bring jobs home I see it hurting american businesses who do business with China Canada Mexico and europe.

And in the end are your wages going up because of this? Fuck no. That’s trickle down. Don’t hold your breath

What I've heard is that local manufacturers are being flooded with inquires from European manufacturers who are looking to move production here to avoid tariffs.

And yes, I think more manufacturing jobs will bring wages up. ANd no that is not "Trickle Down".

Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.
Where do you come by your vast knowledge of macro and micro econ? Trump University? LOL For anyone to believe Trump cares about anything outside of himself is an act of ignorance. He's flying blind and it will cost all of us. The working folks, elderly, disabled, sick, poor etc. Everyone but Trump. You're such a naive sucker.

And AGAIN, you don't actually specify what point you are disagreeing with.

Let's see I count, two strawmen, four proofs by ridicule, one self contradiction, two unsupported assertions, 6 appeals to emotion,

and not one specific policy based disagreement with my post that you initially "replied to".

Like I said, all you are doing is filibustering, because you know your position is indefensible.
Trumps tariffs are negatively effecting my business and many others that do manufacturing.

You think this is going to bring jobs home I see it hurting american businesses who do business with China Canada Mexico and europe.

And in the end are your wages going up because of this? Fuck no. That’s trickle down. Don’t hold your breath

What I've heard is that local manufacturers are being flooded with inquires from European manufacturers who are looking to move production here to avoid tariffs.

And yes, I think more manufacturing jobs will bring wages up. ANd no that is not "Trickle Down".

Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor.
"Trickle down would be that the CEO and shareholders get lots of profits from outsourcing, and then supposedly invest or spend the money locally, with the windfall eventually making it's way to the middle class or working poor."
You mean the money they pay their Illegals?

Exactly. One of the many flaws with Trickle Down. The out dated assumption that money would cycle within the legal American community, helping many people.

ANd not just being sucked away.
That's one of the problems with instant global can pay for super cheap labor and keep tabs on it constantly.

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