President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Lots of the jobs are, Thanks Trump.
/——-/ you’re welcome. Trump is protecting US interests for the first time. Only libtards think policies should be one size fits all.

The Harley employees whose jobs are leaving the country might not agree with you.
/----/ Yes, it's tough that they will lose their jobs but they MIGHT agree Trump is doing a better job than Obozo. Besides it was HD's decision, not Trumps.:
Manufacturers Are Hiring, and Hiring
Over the past year, according to today's employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the sector has added 222,000 jobs.
Still, that's higher than manufacturing's 8.5 percent share of total nonfarm payroll employment. The manufacturing sector is adding jobs at a faster pace than the rest of the economy, which hasn't happened much over the past half century. Manufacturing jobs pay better than other jobs ($900.55 in average weekly earnings for production and non-supervisory employees in February, versus $757.12 for the private sector as a whole). They also tend to have multiplier effects that most service jobs don't, creating other jobs and income in their wake. So a booming manufacturing sector is a very good thing.

Stay here and lose millions because of Trump's crap or go where he can;t cost them so much money. Sure, some decision.
/----/ What crap? Standing up for America? You mean that crap?
And where is your Fake Outrage towards the EU for increasing the tariffs?
The motorcycle maker said the European Union tariffs on the company’s motorcycles increased to 31% from 6%, and will increase the cost of the the average motorcycle to the EU for the U.S. by about $2,200. Despite the tariffs the company said that it would not raise prices.

The EU increased their tariffs in reaction to us increasing ours first, it was the only rational move for them.

If someone punches you, what is your reaction...for most it is to punch back

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President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum
Good, lord. So rather than putting a tariff on value-added products, finished goods, he taxes raw materials, thus ensuring that the economic impacts of the tariff flows through the entire supply chain. That's brilliant. NOT!!! It's flat-out stupid.

Effects of a Tariff: Large Country

When a large importing country implements a tariff it will cause an increase in the price of the good on the domestic market and a decrease in the price in the rest of the world. But since Trump wants to impose the tariff on raw materials, it'll raise not only the price of steel and aluminum in the U.S., but also the price of everything made from that steel and aluminum.

As for who will bear the incidence of the tax/tariff, well, that depends on the elasticity of demand and the elasticity of supply for each given product class, and in some instances, each differentiable product.


What? You were down when O was doing this.

U.S. Slaps Tariffs on Chinese Solar Panels

What Obama's Tire Trade Tariffs Really Mean
/——-/ you’re welcome. Trump is protecting US interests for the first time. Only libtards think policies should be one size fits all.

The Harley employees whose jobs are leaving the country might not agree with you.
/----/ Yes, it's tough that they will lose their jobs but they MIGHT agree Trump is doing a better job than Obozo. Besides it was HD's decision, not Trumps.:
Manufacturers Are Hiring, and Hiring
Over the past year, according to today's employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the sector has added 222,000 jobs.
Still, that's higher than manufacturing's 8.5 percent share of total nonfarm payroll employment. The manufacturing sector is adding jobs at a faster pace than the rest of the economy, which hasn't happened much over the past half century. Manufacturing jobs pay better than other jobs ($900.55 in average weekly earnings for production and non-supervisory employees in February, versus $757.12 for the private sector as a whole). They also tend to have multiplier effects that most service jobs don't, creating other jobs and income in their wake. So a booming manufacturing sector is a very good thing.

Stay here and lose millions because of Trump's crap or go where he can;t cost them so much money. Sure, some decision.
/----/ What crap? Standing up for America? You mean that crap?
And where is your Fake Outrage towards the EU for increasing the tariffs?
The motorcycle maker said the European Union tariffs on the company’s motorcycles increased to 31% from 6%, and will increase the cost of the the average motorcycle to the EU for the U.S. by about $2,200. Despite the tariffs the company said that it would not raise prices.

The EU increased their tariffs in reaction to us increasing ours first, it was the only rational move for them.

If someone punches you, what is your reaction...for most it is to punch back

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/——/ Which is what Trump does and you libs whine about it. Besides EU started the tariffs, Trump is hitting back.
/——-/ you’re welcome. Trump is protecting US interests for the first time. Only libtards think policies should be one size fits all.

The Harley employees whose jobs are leaving the country might not agree with you.
/----/ Yes, it's tough that they will lose their jobs but they MIGHT agree Trump is doing a better job than Obozo. Besides it was HD's decision, not Trumps.:
Manufacturers Are Hiring, and Hiring
Over the past year, according to today's employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the sector has added 222,000 jobs.
Still, that's higher than manufacturing's 8.5 percent share of total nonfarm payroll employment. The manufacturing sector is adding jobs at a faster pace than the rest of the economy, which hasn't happened much over the past half century. Manufacturing jobs pay better than other jobs ($900.55 in average weekly earnings for production and non-supervisory employees in February, versus $757.12 for the private sector as a whole). They also tend to have multiplier effects that most service jobs don't, creating other jobs and income in their wake. So a booming manufacturing sector is a very good thing.

Stay here and lose millions because of Trump's crap or go where he can;t cost them so much money. Sure, some decision.
/----/ Funny stuff since democRATs were pressuring Trump to impose steel tariffs in 2017:
Democrats Pressure Trump to Fulfill Promise to Impose Steel Tariffs
Democrats Pressure Trump to Fulfill Promise to Impose Steel Tariffs

    • Oct. 26, 2017
WASHINGTON — Frustration over President Trump’s delay in imposing the stiff tariffs he has promised on imports of foreign steel and aluminum is morphing into a fight over two of Mr. Trump’s trade policy nominees.
Classic Republicans blaming Democrats for what Republicans do. Classic!
/——/ What??? Is your reading comprehension that poor? Dems wanted the tariffs. How is that blaming them? You nincompoop
The Harley employees whose jobs are leaving the country might not agree with you.
/----/ Yes, it's tough that they will lose their jobs but they MIGHT agree Trump is doing a better job than Obozo. Besides it was HD's decision, not Trumps.:
Manufacturers Are Hiring, and Hiring
Over the past year, according to today's employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the sector has added 222,000 jobs.
Still, that's higher than manufacturing's 8.5 percent share of total nonfarm payroll employment. The manufacturing sector is adding jobs at a faster pace than the rest of the economy, which hasn't happened much over the past half century. Manufacturing jobs pay better than other jobs ($900.55 in average weekly earnings for production and non-supervisory employees in February, versus $757.12 for the private sector as a whole). They also tend to have multiplier effects that most service jobs don't, creating other jobs and income in their wake. So a booming manufacturing sector is a very good thing.

Stay here and lose millions because of Trump's crap or go where he can;t cost them so much money. Sure, some decision.
/----/ Funny stuff since democRATs were pressuring Trump to impose steel tariffs in 2017:
Democrats Pressure Trump to Fulfill Promise to Impose Steel Tariffs
Democrats Pressure Trump to Fulfill Promise to Impose Steel Tariffs

    • Oct. 26, 2017
WASHINGTON — Frustration over President Trump’s delay in imposing the stiff tariffs he has promised on imports of foreign steel and aluminum is morphing into a fight over two of Mr. Trump’s trade policy nominees.
Classic Republicans blaming Democrats for what Republicans do. Classic!
/——/ What??? Is your reading comprehension that poor? Dems wanted the tariffs. How is that blaming them? You nincompoop

Trump Budget Proposes Cuts From Safety Net He Promised to Protect

Are you better off now than you were in 2016? No you are not.
The Harley employees whose jobs are leaving the country might not agree with you.
/----/ Yes, it's tough that they will lose their jobs but they MIGHT agree Trump is doing a better job than Obozo. Besides it was HD's decision, not Trumps.:
Manufacturers Are Hiring, and Hiring
Over the past year, according to today's employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the sector has added 222,000 jobs.
Still, that's higher than manufacturing's 8.5 percent share of total nonfarm payroll employment. The manufacturing sector is adding jobs at a faster pace than the rest of the economy, which hasn't happened much over the past half century. Manufacturing jobs pay better than other jobs ($900.55 in average weekly earnings for production and non-supervisory employees in February, versus $757.12 for the private sector as a whole). They also tend to have multiplier effects that most service jobs don't, creating other jobs and income in their wake. So a booming manufacturing sector is a very good thing.

Stay here and lose millions because of Trump's crap or go where he can;t cost them so much money. Sure, some decision.
/----/ What crap? Standing up for America? You mean that crap?
And where is your Fake Outrage towards the EU for increasing the tariffs?
The motorcycle maker said the European Union tariffs on the company’s motorcycles increased to 31% from 6%, and will increase the cost of the the average motorcycle to the EU for the U.S. by about $2,200. Despite the tariffs the company said that it would not raise prices.

The EU increased their tariffs in reaction to us increasing ours first, it was the only rational move for them.

If someone punches you, what is your reaction...for most it is to punch back

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/——/ Which is what Trump does and you libs whine about it. Besides EU started the tariffs, Trump is hitting back.

This is just one more lie that Trump has told you sheep that you blindly accept as reality.

The idea that we had no tariffs till Trump started to make new and bigger ones is so far from reality I am embarrassed for you.
/----/ Yes, it's tough that they will lose their jobs but they MIGHT agree Trump is doing a better job than Obozo. Besides it was HD's decision, not Trumps.:
Manufacturers Are Hiring, and Hiring
Over the past year, according to today's employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the sector has added 222,000 jobs.
Still, that's higher than manufacturing's 8.5 percent share of total nonfarm payroll employment. The manufacturing sector is adding jobs at a faster pace than the rest of the economy, which hasn't happened much over the past half century. Manufacturing jobs pay better than other jobs ($900.55 in average weekly earnings for production and non-supervisory employees in February, versus $757.12 for the private sector as a whole). They also tend to have multiplier effects that most service jobs don't, creating other jobs and income in their wake. So a booming manufacturing sector is a very good thing.

Stay here and lose millions because of Trump's crap or go where he can;t cost them so much money. Sure, some decision.
/----/ What crap? Standing up for America? You mean that crap?
And where is your Fake Outrage towards the EU for increasing the tariffs?
The motorcycle maker said the European Union tariffs on the company’s motorcycles increased to 31% from 6%, and will increase the cost of the the average motorcycle to the EU for the U.S. by about $2,200. Despite the tariffs the company said that it would not raise prices.

The EU increased their tariffs in reaction to us increasing ours first, it was the only rational move for them.

If someone punches you, what is your reaction...for most it is to punch back

Sent from my iPhone using
/——/ Which is what Trump does and you libs whine about it. Besides EU started the tariffs, Trump is hitting back.

This is just one more lie that Trump has told you sheep that you blindly accept as reality.

The idea that we had no tariffs till Trump started to make new and bigger ones is so far from reality I am embarrassed for you.

If Trump's tariffs were doing us good I'd say ok but so far it looks like he's just hurting workers and American companies.
Stay here and lose millions because of Trump's crap or go where he can;t cost them so much money. Sure, some decision.
/----/ What crap? Standing up for America? You mean that crap?
And where is your Fake Outrage towards the EU for increasing the tariffs?
The motorcycle maker said the European Union tariffs on the company’s motorcycles increased to 31% from 6%, and will increase the cost of the the average motorcycle to the EU for the U.S. by about $2,200. Despite the tariffs the company said that it would not raise prices.

The EU increased their tariffs in reaction to us increasing ours first, it was the only rational move for them.

If someone punches you, what is your reaction...for most it is to punch back

Sent from my iPhone using
/——/ Which is what Trump does and you libs whine about it. Besides EU started the tariffs, Trump is hitting back.

This is just one more lie that Trump has told you sheep that you blindly accept as reality.

The idea that we had no tariffs till Trump started to make new and bigger ones is so far from reality I am embarrassed for you.

If Trump's tariffs were doing us good I'd say ok but so far it looks like he's just hurting workers and American companies.

I am against tariffs, period. A tariff is nothing more than the central government picking winners and losers and maintaining control of portions of the economy while impinging on my liberty to choose to buy what I want to buy.
300 jobs. Big whoop. Picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

^^^ typical sour puss liberal thinks 300 good paying jobs for the middle class isn't important. Let me guess you have some government job paid for by the taxpayers?

So you consider the loss of 1500 good paying middle class jobs in manufacturing a reasonable price to pay for those 300 steel mill jobs. That’s a loss of 1200 good paying middle class jobs.

Like I said, picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

What are you smoking lib?
Trump asked Michigan, WI & PA what they had to lose by voting for him. How about Harley Davidson?

Harley-Davidson says it plans to move production of motorcycles it sells in Europe overseas in response to growing trade friction between the United States and Europe.

European officials last week imposed stiff tariffs on a wide range of U.S.-made goods sold within the European Union. The response came to President Trump's recent decision to slap tariffs on European imports.

In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday, Harley-Davidson said the tariffs imposed by the EU "would have an immediate and lasting detrimental impact to its business in the region."

The company reported $5.65 billion in revenues last year and Europe is its largest overseas market, with almost 40,000 customers buying motorcycles there in 2017.

The European tariffs have jumped from 6 percent to 31 percent, the company said. That increase will add on average $2,200 to the cost of each motorcycle sold in the EU, and would cost the company $90 million to $100 million a year, the filing said.

"Increasing international production to alleviate the EU tariff burden is not the company's preference, but represents the only sustainable option to make its motorcycles accessible to customers in the EU and maintain a viable business in Europe," the filing said.

The company did not say where production would be shifted, or how many jobs might be affected, but said the move would take nine to 18 months to complete.

It also did not say which U.S. factories would be affected. The company's U.S. factories are in York, Pa.; Kansas City, Mo., and Menomonee Falls, Wis.

There is a serious internal contradiction in this.

People opposed to Trump doing this, have been denying that Trade Deficits/surpluses matter, or that significant jobs can be brought back.

So, when you point out that our trading partners are reacting strongly, you are supporting the idea that trade balance DOES matter, or at least our trading partners think so,

and when you point out to possible job losses due to trade barriers, you support the idea that we have lost jobs to such trade barrier to our trading partners markets.

Can you see that?
I can see what trumps doing isn’t working. Can you see that? Now sell me on why this will be good in the long run

Seems early to pass judgment.

Riddle me this, if trade balance doesn't matter, than why are our trading partners upset that Trump is trying to change it, and why do you post potential job losses as evidence of failure?

You've got to be joking, right?

Excellent filibustering. You managed to convey disagreement, but without saying any substantial that a neutral reader could see was obvious bullshit.

For example, if you claimed that our trade partners are NOT upset that Trump is trying to bring the jobs back, any sane reader would be able to realize that that was nonsense, that our trading partners ARE upset and trying to hold on to those jobs.

You are correct to avoid making any actual points. Your side's position in this is indefensible.

Where do you come by your vast knowledge of macro and micro econ? Trump University? LOL For anyone to believe Trump cares about anything outside of himself is an act of ignorance. He's flying blind and it will cost all of us. The working folks, elderly, disabled, sick, poor etc. Everyone but Trump. You're such a naive sucker.
/——-/ you’re welcome. Trump is protecting US interests for the first time. Only libtards think policies should be one size fits all.

The Harley employees whose jobs are leaving the country might not agree with you.
/----/ Yes, it's tough that they will lose their jobs but they MIGHT agree Trump is doing a better job than Obozo. Besides it was HD's decision, not Trumps.:
Manufacturers Are Hiring, and Hiring
Over the past year, according to today's employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the sector has added 222,000 jobs.
Still, that's higher than manufacturing's 8.5 percent share of total nonfarm payroll employment. The manufacturing sector is adding jobs at a faster pace than the rest of the economy, which hasn't happened much over the past half century. Manufacturing jobs pay better than other jobs ($900.55 in average weekly earnings for production and non-supervisory employees in February, versus $757.12 for the private sector as a whole). They also tend to have multiplier effects that most service jobs don't, creating other jobs and income in their wake. So a booming manufacturing sector is a very good thing.

Stay here and lose millions because of Trump's crap or go where he can;t cost them so much money. Sure, some decision.
/----/ Funny stuff since democRATs were pressuring Trump to impose steel tariffs in 2017:
Democrats Pressure Trump to Fulfill Promise to Impose Steel Tariffs
Democrats Pressure Trump to Fulfill Promise to Impose Steel Tariffs

    • Oct. 26, 2017
WASHINGTON — Frustration over President Trump’s delay in imposing the stiff tariffs he has promised on imports of foreign steel and aluminum is morphing into a fight over two of Mr. Trump’s trade policy nominees.
Classic Republicans blaming Democrats for what Republicans do. Classic!

Yeah, and just like the Bush wars and the trashed economy it will be up to Democrats to clean up their mess. It's a consistent pattern. And another consistent pattern is that when the GOP screws everything up again, they'll blame democrats and stupid people will believe it.
Someone once said the Dems are the party of no ideas and the GOP is the party of bad ideas. But maybe if dems didn't have to fix every fuck-up by the GOP they could get things done.
There is a serious internal contradiction in this.

People opposed to Trump doing this, have been denying that Trade Deficits/surpluses matter, or that significant jobs can be brought back.

So, when you point out that our trading partners are reacting strongly, you are supporting the idea that trade balance DOES matter, or at least our trading partners think so,

and when you point out to possible job losses due to trade barriers, you support the idea that we have lost jobs to such trade barrier to our trading partners markets.

Can you see that?
I can see what trumps doing isn’t working. Can you see that? Now sell me on why this will be good in the long run

Seems early to pass judgment.

Riddle me this, if trade balance doesn't matter, than why are our trading partners upset that Trump is trying to change it, and why do you post potential job losses as evidence of failure?

You've got to be joking, right?

Excellent filibustering. You managed to convey disagreement, but without saying any substantial that a neutral reader could see was obvious bullshit.

For example, if you claimed that our trade partners are NOT upset that Trump is trying to bring the jobs back, any sane reader would be able to realize that that was nonsense, that our trading partners ARE upset and trying to hold on to those jobs.

You are correct to avoid making any actual points. Your side's position in this is indefensible.

Where do you come by your vast knowledge of macro and micro econ? Trump University? LOL For anyone to believe Trump cares about anything outside of himself is an act of ignorance. He's flying blind and it will cost all of us. The working folks, elderly, disabled, sick, poor etc. Everyone but Trump. You're such a naive sucker.
I have to agree. But in Correll's defense Trump is a great con artist. He sold half the country hook line and stinker.

It was brilliant to give Correll $30 more on his paychecks. Now when Trump asks him if he's doing better now than he was 4 years ago, he can say yes. $30 better. Meanwhile they'll be cutting his social security benefits 25% and raising his retirement age to 70.

And how come blue collar wages aren't way up? With all these illegals gone I would have assumed McDonalds would have to pay $15 hr to find help because jobs are so plentiful. Sure doesn't seem like unemployment is near zero. Maybe Trump was right that number isn't real. LOL.
300 jobs. Big whoop. Picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

^^^ typical sour puss liberal thinks 300 good paying jobs for the middle class isn't important. Let me guess you have some government job paid for by the taxpayers?

So you consider the loss of 1500 good paying middle class jobs in manufacturing a reasonable price to pay for those 300 steel mill jobs. That’s a loss of 1200 good paying middle class jobs.

Like I said, picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

What are you smoking lib?

I think he just smoked you, Trumpsheep.
300 jobs. Big whoop. Picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

^^^ typical sour puss liberal thinks 300 good paying jobs for the middle class isn't important. Let me guess you have some government job paid for by the taxpayers?

So you consider the loss of 1500 good paying middle class jobs in manufacturing a reasonable price to pay for those 300 steel mill jobs. That’s a loss of 1200 good paying middle class jobs.

Like I said, picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

What are you smoking lib?

I think he just smoked you, Trumpsheep.

Yeah thinking not your strong suit. :icon_rolleyes:
300 jobs. Big whoop. Picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

^^^ typical sour puss liberal thinks 300 good paying jobs for the middle class isn't important. Let me guess you have some government job paid for by the taxpayers?

So you consider the loss of 1500 good paying middle class jobs in manufacturing a reasonable price to pay for those 300 steel mill jobs. That’s a loss of 1200 good paying middle class jobs.

Like I said, picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

What are you smoking lib?

I think he just smoked you, Trumpsheep.

Yeah thinking not your strong suit. :icon_rolleyes:

I'll match wits with you on any subject. Try me. For anyone to accuse anyone else of not thinking and then support this yellow scourge is both ironic and contradictory.
/----/ Yes, it's tough that they will lose their jobs but they MIGHT agree Trump is doing a better job than Obozo. Besides it was HD's decision, not Trumps.:
Manufacturers Are Hiring, and Hiring
Over the past year, according to today's employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the sector has added 222,000 jobs.
Still, that's higher than manufacturing's 8.5 percent share of total nonfarm payroll employment. The manufacturing sector is adding jobs at a faster pace than the rest of the economy, which hasn't happened much over the past half century. Manufacturing jobs pay better than other jobs ($900.55 in average weekly earnings for production and non-supervisory employees in February, versus $757.12 for the private sector as a whole). They also tend to have multiplier effects that most service jobs don't, creating other jobs and income in their wake. So a booming manufacturing sector is a very good thing.

Stay here and lose millions because of Trump's crap or go where he can;t cost them so much money. Sure, some decision.
/----/ Funny stuff since democRATs were pressuring Trump to impose steel tariffs in 2017:
Democrats Pressure Trump to Fulfill Promise to Impose Steel Tariffs
Democrats Pressure Trump to Fulfill Promise to Impose Steel Tariffs

    • Oct. 26, 2017
WASHINGTON — Frustration over President Trump’s delay in imposing the stiff tariffs he has promised on imports of foreign steel and aluminum is morphing into a fight over two of Mr. Trump’s trade policy nominees.
Classic Republicans blaming Democrats for what Republicans do. Classic!
/——/ What??? Is your reading comprehension that poor? Dems wanted the tariffs. How is that blaming them? You nincompoop

Trump Budget Proposes Cuts From Safety Net He Promised to Protect

Are you better off now than you were in 2016? No you are not.

Trumpers haven't seen anything yet. The young folks who support him had better be independently wealthy in their own right because they will have zero as a social safety net. They've paid into it with their tax dollars from wages and now Trump is gonna snatch it away. Oh, my goodness, HE LIED! No, it can't be! He's gotta pay for the massive giveaway to himself somehow. How fuckin' naive can people be? Morons.
^^^ typical sour puss liberal thinks 300 good paying jobs for the middle class isn't important. Let me guess you have some government job paid for by the taxpayers?

So you consider the loss of 1500 good paying middle class jobs in manufacturing a reasonable price to pay for those 300 steel mill jobs. That’s a loss of 1200 good paying middle class jobs.

Like I said, picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

What are you smoking lib?

I think he just smoked you, Trumpsheep.

Yeah thinking not your strong suit. :icon_rolleyes:

I'll match wits with you on any subject. Try me. For anyone to accuse anyone else of not thinking and then support this yellow scourge is both ironic and contradictory.

You are no match for me junior.
So you consider the loss of 1500 good paying middle class jobs in manufacturing a reasonable price to pay for those 300 steel mill jobs. That’s a loss of 1200 good paying middle class jobs.

Like I said, picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

What are you smoking lib?

I think he just smoked you, Trumpsheep.

Yeah thinking not your strong suit. :icon_rolleyes:

I'll match wits with you on any subject. Try me. For anyone to accuse anyone else of not thinking and then support this yellow scourge is both ironic and contradictory.

You are no match for me junior.

Junior? You must be a real geezer because I'm 68, junior. Like I said pick a topic and we'll find a test we can both take. I guarantee you'll lose badly.
What are you smoking lib?

I think he just smoked you, Trumpsheep.

Yeah thinking not your strong suit. :icon_rolleyes:

I'll match wits with you on any subject. Try me. For anyone to accuse anyone else of not thinking and then support this yellow scourge is both ironic and contradictory.

You are no match for me junior.

Junior? You must be a real geezer because I'm 68, junior. Like I said pick a topic and we'll find a test we can both take. I guarantee you'll lose badly.

I've got socks older than him.
I think he just smoked you, Trumpsheep.

Yeah thinking not your strong suit. :icon_rolleyes:

I'll match wits with you on any subject. Try me. For anyone to accuse anyone else of not thinking and then support this yellow scourge is both ironic and contradictory.

You are no match for me junior.

Junior? You must be a real geezer because I'm 68, junior. Like I said pick a topic and we'll find a test we can both take. I guarantee you'll lose badly.

I've got socks older than him.

I just figured nobody could get that stupid without a long lifetime of practicing ignorance. But then again, maybe he's a natural.

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