President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

In retaliation for Trump’s tariffs and his trashing of NAFTA, Mexico is negotiating an agreement to buy their wheat, corn, rice and soy beans from Argentina. They’re also negotiating with the EU and they’re a party to TPP.

Canada has already signed a big trade deal with the EU, as well as the TPP and I’m seeing more produce from South America and even South Africa in my grocery store.

Trump called Justin Trudeau “weak” and the following Monday the House of Commons unanimously commended Trudeau for standing up to Trump and gave him their unconditional support in fighting for Canada’s interests.

Canadians don’t take well to being bullied.
Whoopee. They won’t like to pay for expensive European Ag products...too many socialist rules and regulations there. Mexico and South America will continue to buy U.S. grain...they can’t feed their fucking own people.We got them by the short hairs.
Any economist worth his salt knows that tariffs are inflationary and that it hurts the working man/woman the hardest because, as in the case of china, cheap goods that the working folks count on will rise in price across the board. Just as the Tax giveaway to himself will be borne by the poor and working class through cuts to the programs they depend on to keep their heads above water. It's already well underway with cuts to food stamps, propose soc sec cuts, medicare/medicaid and expansion etc. Those who thought the tax bill would be helpful are in for a rude awakening.
These are the same idiots that supported NAFTA as well as exporting job to China as well. These economists do not understand that what is good for Wall Street...isn’t always good for Main Street.

Trump stands for Trump. For you to believe he actually cares about the middle class tells me why you were dumb enough to vote for that tool.
He stands for communities hurt by globalization.
Is Wal-Mart Good for America?

Are you really that clueless? Walmart? Working folks shop there because Walmart scans the planet for cheap goods. Places like China. His moronic trade wars will cut deep into those things working people care about. All to feed his sick ego. I'll bet you even think the Tax (reform) was aimed at the middle class, right? LOL
Wal-Mart pushed a race to the bottom and US jobs to China. Wal-Mart is un-American. Fuck China...they are putting the profits they make in our market into their military. Sure...let them build a military so they can kill American service men and women when the war comes.

China isn’t putting money into their military. They’re putting it into infrastructure projects around the world. Their buying roads, ports, and trade routes in Africa, South America and Asia to create trade routes connecting China to its trading partners.

One Belt One Road Initiative - Wikipedia

As for Walmart, if you are shopping at Walmart, you’re as much to blame as they are.
These are the same idiots that supported NAFTA as well as exporting job to China as well. These economists do not understand that what is good for Wall Street...isn’t always good for Main Street.

Trump stands for Trump. For you to believe he actually cares about the middle class tells me why you were dumb enough to vote for that tool.
He stands for communities hurt by globalization.
Is Wal-Mart Good for America?

Are you really that clueless? Walmart? Working folks shop there because Walmart scans the planet for cheap goods. Places like China. His moronic trade wars will cut deep into those things working people care about. All to feed his sick ego. I'll bet you even think the Tax (reform) was aimed at the middle class, right? LOL
Wal-Mart pushed a race to the bottom and US jobs to China. Wal-Mart is un-American. Fuck China...they are putting the profits they make in our market into their military. Sure...let them build a military so they can kill American service men and women when the war comes.

China isn’t putting money into their military. They’re putting it into infrastructure projects around the world. Their buying roads, ports, and trade routes in Africa, South America and Asia to create trade routes connecting China to its trading partners.

One Belt One Road Initiative - Wikipedia

As for Walmart, if you are shopping at Walmart, you’re as much to blame as they are.
These are the same idiots that supported NAFTA as well as exporting job to China as well. These economists do not understand that what is good for Wall Street...isn’t always good for Main Street.

Trump stands for Trump. For you to believe he actually cares about the middle class tells me why you were dumb enough to vote for that tool.
He stands for communities hurt by globalization.
Is Wal-Mart Good for America?

Are you really that clueless? Walmart? Working folks shop there because Walmart scans the planet for cheap goods. Places like China. His moronic trade wars will cut deep into those things working people care about. All to feed his sick ego. I'll bet you even think the Tax (reform) was aimed at the middle class, right? LOL
Wal-Mart pushed a race to the bottom and US jobs to China. Wal-Mart is un-American. Fuck China...they are putting the profits they make in our market into their military. Sure...let them build a military so they can kill American service men and women when the war comes.

China isn’t putting money into their military. They’re putting it into infrastructure projects around the world. Their buying roads, ports, and trade routes in Africa, South America and Asia to create trade routes connecting China to its trading partners.

One Belt One Road Initiative - Wikipedia

As for Walmart, if you are shopping at Walmart, you’re as much to blame as they are.
The Diplomat
China is building the shit out of its military. They are a threat.
In retaliation for Trump’s tariffs and his trashing of NAFTA, Mexico is negotiating an agreement to buy their wheat, corn, rice and soy beans from Argentina. They’re also negotiating with the EU and they’re a party to TPP.

Canada has already signed a big trade deal with the EU, as well as the TPP and I’m seeing more produce from South America and even South Africa in my grocery store.

Trump called Justin Trudeau “weak” and the following Monday the House of Commons unanimously commended Trudeau for standing up to Trump and gave him their unconditional support in fighting for Canada’s interests.

Canadians don’t take well to being bullied.
Whoopee. They won’t like to pay for expensive European Ag products...too many socialist rules and regulations there. Mexico and South America will continue to buy U.S. grain...they can’t feed their fucking own people.We got them by the short hairs.

No you don’t. As for the European Ag products, we have many of the same rules here. Monsanto is pure evil and many of your pesticides are banned here as are the growth hormones in your beef. Genetic modified foods are required to be labelled.

We LOVE the Euro Agro rules.
In retaliation for Trump’s tariffs and his trashing of NAFTA, Mexico is negotiating an agreement to buy their wheat, corn, rice and soy beans from Argentina. They’re also negotiating with the EU and they’re a party to TPP.

Canada has already signed a big trade deal with the EU, as well as the TPP and I’m seeing more produce from South America and even South Africa in my grocery store.

Trump called Justin Trudeau “weak” and the following Monday the House of Commons unanimously commended Trudeau for standing up to Trump and gave him their unconditional support in fighting for Canada’s interests.

Canadians don’t take well to being bullied.
Whoopee. They won’t like to pay for expensive European Ag products...too many socialist rules and regulations there. Mexico and South America will continue to buy U.S. grain...they can’t feed their fucking own people.We got them by the short hairs.

No you don’t. As for the European Ag products, we have many of the same rules here. Monsanto is pure evil and many of your pesticides are banned here as are the growth hormones in your beef. Genetic modified foods are required to be labelled.

We LOVE the Euro Agro rules.
Sure you do socialist.
It’s real basic: Why should other nations be allowed to put outrageous tariffs on US imports...and we don’t put any on them? How moronic are you people? I don’t think the United States should sit back and get dry fucked by the Chinese.
And against the American soy and sorghum farmer.

Any economist worth his salt knows that tariffs are inflationary and that it hurts the working man/woman the hardest because, as in the case of china, cheap goods that the working folks count on will rise in price across the board. Just as the Tax giveaway to himself will be borne by the poor and working class through cuts to the programs they depend on to keep their heads above water. It's already well underway with cuts to food stamps, propose soc sec cuts, medicare/medicaid and expansion etc. Those who thought the tax bill would be helpful are in for a rude awakening.
These are the same idiots that supported NAFTA as well as exporting job to China as well. These economists do not understand that what is good for Wall Street...isn’t always good for Main Street.

I love how every right wing idiot, who hasn’t the vaguest clue of how the economy works are now all rah rah rah for tariffs. Sadly, your idiot Oresident isn’t any better informed than you are.

Globalism and free trade made America the richest country in the world. If your trading partners are screwing you over, they’re doing a really poor job of it.

The World Trade Organization, which Trump decries as “unfair” was established and set up by the USA in accordance with American trade policies. I doubt Trump knows that either since he doesn’t read anything and has no idea of history at all.

Tariffs are taxes that are passed on to consumers. The tariffs you’re cheering are going to raise prices on American made cars, motorcycles, canned goods, household appliances and tools - anything containing steel or aluminum.

They’ll raise prices paid by American consumers on clothing, electronics, and household goods manufactured in China.

Trump could have run a “Buy American” campaign, with ads touting the benefits of buying products made at home, keeping their dollars at home and providing employment to their neighbours.

Last but not least, by slapping tariffs on certain products, and not others, Trump is picking winners and losers in the economy. Trump is trying to kick start jobs in the steel industry by slapping tariffs on steel and aluminum,

It is estimated that 30,000 jobs will be created in the steel industry. This would be wonderful news if those 30,000 steel production jobs didn’t come at the expense of 150,000 jobs lost in manufacturing due to the higher steel and aluminum costs. Harley Davidson is the first big exporter to be forced offshore by Trump’s tariffs but they won’t be the last.

Trump’s economic plan seems to be trying to move the USA backwards, not ahead. He’s trying to force consumers to buy electricity from coal fired electrical plants. It’s more expensive than power derived from natural gas fired plants, and increases pollution.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to retrain coal miners to do some of the 6 million jobs that remain unfilled because US workers lack the skills to do them?

Yeah, I had this discussion with another Trumper who said it won't have that much of an effect on prices. I said, look around your house and see all the products you buy that contain steel or aluminum. Then tell me how little the effect on the middle class will be. And I'm sure Trump is just getting started on his know nothing tour of our economy and by extension, our lives. Next will be fabrics, foods not grown here, Plastic, electronics etc etc. That bone we were thrown under so-called tax reform will be gone in no time and at least that same amount will be lost in future moronic tariffs. And, because the vast bulk of money from that stupid tax giveaway to himself will have to be made up, it will be done on the backs of the working poor, elderly, disabled etc. It's already well under way. All the young folks on here who worship the orange god, will find out how much he cares about them when they're ready to retire or when they are disabled or when they have kids and see healthcare costs zoom out of sight. It will be at that point that they'll become smart enough to become Democrats.
Think of the taxes factory workers and steel workers pay? I can tell you about crumbling schools in Rust Belt. Trump is on right track.

Trump's steel tariffs just scored a $5 billion dollar win, the UK folded like a cheap lawn chair and is reopening a USA steel plant, bringing 300 USA steel jobs back, and investing $5 billion dollars in the USA :eusa_dance:
Trump stands for Trump. For you to believe he actually cares about the middle class tells me why you were dumb enough to vote for that tool.
He stands for communities hurt by globalization.
Is Wal-Mart Good for America?

Are you really that clueless? Walmart? Working folks shop there because Walmart scans the planet for cheap goods. Places like China. His moronic trade wars will cut deep into those things working people care about. All to feed his sick ego. I'll bet you even think the Tax (reform) was aimed at the middle class, right? LOL
Wal-Mart pushed a race to the bottom and US jobs to China. Wal-Mart is un-American. Fuck China...they are putting the profits they make in our market into their military. Sure...let them build a military so they can kill American service men and women when the war comes.

China isn’t putting money into their military. They’re putting it into infrastructure projects around the world. Their buying roads, ports, and trade routes in Africa, South America and Asia to create trade routes connecting China to its trading partners.

One Belt One Road Initiative - Wikipedia

As for Walmart, if you are shopping at Walmart, you’re as much to blame as they are.
The Diplomat
China is building the shit out of its military. They are a threat.

While I thank you for that information, China isn’t a threat.

Right wingers see everything as a threat. I’ve never seen such a frightened bunch in my life. The US is a far bigger threat to world peace than China. And China doesn’t need to attack the US, it just needs to wait another couple of years and your economy is going to go into serious decline because of Trumps policies.

If you had a brain, you’d be more worried about the Chinese buying up your corporations than a military attack. Or the combined effect of the tax cuts and exploding deficit.

China is paying for their military build up. The USA is putting their military build up on the credit card and interest rates are rising.
Any economist worth his salt knows that tariffs are inflationary and that it hurts the working man/woman the hardest because, as in the case of china, cheap goods that the working folks count on will rise in price across the board. Just as the Tax giveaway to himself will be borne by the poor and working class through cuts to the programs they depend on to keep their heads above water. It's already well underway with cuts to food stamps, propose soc sec cuts, medicare/medicaid and expansion etc. Those who thought the tax bill would be helpful are in for a rude awakening.
These are the same idiots that supported NAFTA as well as exporting job to China as well. These economists do not understand that what is good for Wall Street...isn’t always good for Main Street.

I love how every right wing idiot, who hasn’t the vaguest clue of how the economy works are now all rah rah rah for tariffs. Sadly, your idiot Oresident isn’t any better informed than you are.

Globalism and free trade made America the richest country in the world. If your trading partners are screwing you over, they’re doing a really poor job of it.

The World Trade Organization, which Trump decries as “unfair” was established and set up by the USA in accordance with American trade policies. I doubt Trump knows that either since he doesn’t read anything and has no idea of history at all.

Tariffs are taxes that are passed on to consumers. The tariffs you’re cheering are going to raise prices on American made cars, motorcycles, canned goods, household appliances and tools - anything containing steel or aluminum.

They’ll raise prices paid by American consumers on clothing, electronics, and household goods manufactured in China.

Trump could have run a “Buy American” campaign, with ads touting the benefits of buying products made at home, keeping their dollars at home and providing employment to their neighbours.

Last but not least, by slapping tariffs on certain products, and not others, Trump is picking winners and losers in the economy. Trump is trying to kick start jobs in the steel industry by slapping tariffs on steel and aluminum,

It is estimated that 30,000 jobs will be created in the steel industry. This would be wonderful news if those 30,000 steel production jobs didn’t come at the expense of 150,000 jobs lost in manufacturing due to the higher steel and aluminum costs. Harley Davidson is the first big exporter to be forced offshore by Trump’s tariffs but they won’t be the last.

Trump’s economic plan seems to be trying to move the USA backwards, not ahead. He’s trying to force consumers to buy electricity from coal fired electrical plants. It’s more expensive than power derived from natural gas fired plants, and increases pollution.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to retrain coal miners to do some of the 6 million jobs that remain unfilled because US workers lack the skills to do them?

Yeah, I had this discussion with another Trumper who said it won't have that much of an effect on prices. I said, look around your house and see all the products you buy that contain steel or aluminum. Then tell me how little the effect on the middle class will be. And I'm sure Trump is just getting started on his know nothing tour of our economy and by extension, our lives. Next will be fabrics, foods not grown here, Plastic, electronics etc etc. That bone we were thrown under so-called tax reform will be gone in no time and at least that same amount will be lost in future moronic tariffs. And, because the vast bulk of money from that stupid tax giveaway to himself will have to be made up, it will be done on the backs of the working poor, elderly, disabled etc. It's already well under way. All the young folks on here who worship the orange god, will find out how much he cares about them when they're ready to retire or when they are disabled or when they have kids and see healthcare costs zoom out of sight. It will be at that point that they'll become smart enough to become Democrats.
Think of the taxes factory workers and steel workers pay? I can tell you about crumbling schools in Rust Belt. Trump is on right track.

Trump's steel tariffs just scored a $5 billion dollar win, the UK folded like a cheap lawn chair and is reopening a USA steel plant, bringing 300 USA steel jobs back, and investing $5 billion dollars in the USA :eusa_dance:

300 jobs. Big whoop. Picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

You asked where I got my information on American millionaires. It’s from a REAL source, not some right winger’s blog.

1,700 People in America Are Becoming Millionaires Every Day
He stands for communities hurt by globalization.
Is Wal-Mart Good for America?

Are you really that clueless? Walmart? Working folks shop there because Walmart scans the planet for cheap goods. Places like China. His moronic trade wars will cut deep into those things working people care about. All to feed his sick ego. I'll bet you even think the Tax (reform) was aimed at the middle class, right? LOL
Wal-Mart pushed a race to the bottom and US jobs to China. Wal-Mart is un-American. Fuck China...they are putting the profits they make in our market into their military. Sure...let them build a military so they can kill American service men and women when the war comes.

China isn’t putting money into their military. They’re putting it into infrastructure projects around the world. Their buying roads, ports, and trade routes in Africa, South America and Asia to create trade routes connecting China to its trading partners.

One Belt One Road Initiative - Wikipedia

As for Walmart, if you are shopping at Walmart, you’re as much to blame as they are.
The Diplomat
China is building the shit out of its military. They are a threat.

While I thank you for that information, China isn’t a threat.

Right wingers see everything as a threat. I’ve never seen such a frightened bunch in my life. The US is a far bigger threat to world peace than China. And China doesn’t need to attack the US, it just needs to wait another couple of years and your economy is going to go into serious decline because of Trumps policies.

If you had a brain, you’d be more worried about the Chinese buying up your corporations than a military attack. Or the combined effect of the tax cuts and exploding deficit.

China is paying for their military build up. The USA is putting their military build up on the credit card and interest rates are rising.

Commit this to memory...I totally agree with you about Monsanto and the Bushpuppet, Hildebeast and Barrypuppet were the backpocket puppets of this criminal cabal. The Clinton crime family opened up the patent office to China in exchange for cash (reference Chinagate) and Bushpuppet gave them favorite nation status. China was also given a deep sea water port in California and under the Costco agreement, only one out of eight ships are subject to search. USA.INC has been the biggest terrorist threat on the planet since WWII and the formation of the CIA after the OSS was transformed and Nazis were brought into the intelligence agency under the authority of Truman after WWII....but America has been sold least it's serfs have been. Our sweat equity has moved this fiat currency and we have financed our own demise while the repubs and dems (controlled by the central bank) have feathered their nests along with a safe place to land.

You are not totally asleep but far from being "awake".
When U.S. steel is produced here and is competitive with Asian steel...who the fuck are other industries going to buy from? They going pay to ship it from China...or send it by train from Cleveland?

Man, you're thick. Trump has no fuckin' idea what he's doing. Trade wars were the main cause of the great depression. NOBODY wins in these wars. Consumers lose big time. I heard an econ. Professor liken what he's doing to cutting off your feet because you want to lose weight. Trump doesn't see beyond his own carp lips. All bluster and no brains. You'll see. And you won't have to be very patient because prices on everything will rise soon. This is madness from a madman.
When U.S. steel is produced here and is competitive with Asian steel...who the fuck are other industries going to buy from? They going pay to ship it from China...or send it by train from Cleveland?

In any case, we will pay more and costs on everything related to whatever products with attached tariffs will rise. That's me and you. Trump doesn't give a shit if working folks get stiffed. Just so long as he gets to rant against every fuckin body. He's a mean spirited, moron and he's destroying the fabric of America and everything we've held dear. And you think that's just wonderful. This country should be renamed Moronica, land of Adolf Trump.
When U.S. steel is produced here and is competitive with Asian steel...who the fuck are other industries going to buy from? They going pay to ship it from China...or send it by train from Cleveland?

For every job you gain in steel manufacturing, you’re losing 5 jobs in manufacturing. That doesn’t seem very smart to me.

The BEST thing Trump can do to grow the economy is to provide stability in governance. Without stability in markets and in government trade policies, business leaders can’t plan or even begin to develop market.

Harley had planned to expand in the US, but the combination of tariffs on steel and the retaliatory tariffs from the EU was too much for them. Their main competition are the bikes coming out of Japan. Harleys are already highest priced production motorcycles in the market. The company is going to eat the EU tariffs to the tune of $90,000,000 to try to remain competitive.

The Chinese and the EU have been very specific in their retaliatory tariffs. Harley was targeted to cause harm in Paul Ryan’s State. Kentucky Bourbon from McConnell’s state, and the Chinese picked soy beans because Midwestern farmers voted overwhelmingly for Trump.

Farmers are already losing. China has ordered farmers to grow more soy beans. Mexico will get their soy from Argentina. One farmer said his farm has lost $200,000 in value since Trump started his trade war.
Great. We've been needing a good trade war. MAGA!!!!
View attachment 179718
/——/ You incompetent boobs had it your way for decades and only screwed thing royally. Now get out of the way and let President Trump fix things.

You mean like he fixed the Harley manufacturing plants, or the few coal jobs? Harley is leaving the US, and because of gutting the EPA and tax breaks for corporations, coal companies are better off, but coal workers haven't seen the return of all those jobs.
/——/ Harley isn’t leaving the US, they are opening a plant in EU to sell bikes to them. They will still be manufacturing in the US you blithering idiot.
Great. We've been needing a good trade war. MAGA!!!!
View attachment 179718
/——/ You incompetent boobs had it your way for decades and only screwed thing royally. Now get out of the way and let President Trump fix things.

You mean like he fixed the Harley manufacturing plants, or the few coal jobs? Harley is leaving the US, and because of gutting the EPA and tax breaks for corporations, coal companies are better off, but coal workers haven't seen the return of all those jobs.
/——/ Harley isn’t leaving the US, they are opening a plant in EU to sell bikes to them. They will still be manufacturing in the US you blithering idiot.

Bikes sold in the EU have always been built here. Those jobs will go away. You don't get that?
In greater detail, let’s summarize the outcomes from protectionist trade policy in the form of steel tariffs: 1) Domestic steelmakers will win with higher steel prices, higher profits and share prices (U.S. Steel’s stock has nearly doubled since January 1), and greater market share, but 2) Domestic steel-using manufacturers will lose because of higher input prices, lower profits, and possibly reduced sales and market share) and 3) Millions of American consumers and businesses will lose when they now pay higher prices for everything that contains steel, including cars, appliances, tractors, tools, construction materials, wind turbines, forklifts, pipelines, and airplanes.

US steel tariffs: A case study in protectionism, economic losses on net, and 'legal plunder' - AEI

That's what the Free Traders said back in the 80s.

Their policy did not give US the results promised.

Time to admit failure and move on.

Trump asked Michigan, WI & PA what they had to lose by voting for him. How about Harley Davidson?

Harley-Davidson says it plans to move production of motorcycles it sells in Europe overseas in response to growing trade friction between the United States and Europe.

European officials last week imposed stiff tariffs on a wide range of U.S.-made goods sold within the European Union. The response came to President Trump's recent decision to slap tariffs on European imports.

In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday, Harley-Davidson said the tariffs imposed by the EU "would have an immediate and lasting detrimental impact to its business in the region."

The company reported $5.65 billion in revenues last year and Europe is its largest overseas market, with almost 40,000 customers buying motorcycles there in 2017.

The European tariffs have jumped from 6 percent to 31 percent, the company said. That increase will add on average $2,200 to the cost of each motorcycle sold in the EU, and would cost the company $90 million to $100 million a year, the filing said.

"Increasing international production to alleviate the EU tariff burden is not the company's preference, but represents the only sustainable option to make its motorcycles accessible to customers in the EU and maintain a viable business in Europe," the filing said.

The company did not say where production would be shifted, or how many jobs might be affected, but said the move would take nine to 18 months to complete.

It also did not say which U.S. factories would be affected. The company's U.S. factories are in York, Pa.; Kansas City, Mo., and Menomonee Falls, Wis.

There is a serious internal contradiction in this.

People opposed to Trump doing this, have been denying that Trade Deficits/surpluses matter, or that significant jobs can be brought back.

So, when you point out that our trading partners are reacting strongly, you are supporting the idea that trade balance DOES matter, or at least our trading partners think so,

and when you point out to possible job losses due to trade barriers, you support the idea that we have lost jobs to such trade barrier to our trading partners markets.

Can you see that?
In greater detail, let’s summarize the outcomes from protectionist trade policy in the form of steel tariffs: 1) Domestic steelmakers will win with higher steel prices, higher profits and share prices (U.S. Steel’s stock has nearly doubled since January 1), and greater market share, but 2) Domestic steel-using manufacturers will lose because of higher input prices, lower profits, and possibly reduced sales and market share) and 3) Millions of American consumers and businesses will lose when they now pay higher prices for everything that contains steel, including cars, appliances, tractors, tools, construction materials, wind turbines, forklifts, pipelines, and airplanes.

US steel tariffs: A case study in protectionism, economic losses on net, and 'legal plunder' - AEI

That's what the Free Traders said back in the 80s.

Their policy did not give US the results promised.

Time to admit failure and move on.

Trump asked Michigan, WI & PA what they had to lose by voting for him. How about Harley Davidson?

Harley-Davidson says it plans to move production of motorcycles it sells in Europe overseas in response to growing trade friction between the United States and Europe.

European officials last week imposed stiff tariffs on a wide range of U.S.-made goods sold within the European Union. The response came to President Trump's recent decision to slap tariffs on European imports.

In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday, Harley-Davidson said the tariffs imposed by the EU "would have an immediate and lasting detrimental impact to its business in the region."

The company reported $5.65 billion in revenues last year and Europe is its largest overseas market, with almost 40,000 customers buying motorcycles there in 2017.

The European tariffs have jumped from 6 percent to 31 percent, the company said. That increase will add on average $2,200 to the cost of each motorcycle sold in the EU, and would cost the company $90 million to $100 million a year, the filing said.

"Increasing international production to alleviate the EU tariff burden is not the company's preference, but represents the only sustainable option to make its motorcycles accessible to customers in the EU and maintain a viable business in Europe," the filing said.

The company did not say where production would be shifted, or how many jobs might be affected, but said the move would take nine to 18 months to complete.

It also did not say which U.S. factories would be affected. The company's U.S. factories are in York, Pa.; Kansas City, Mo., and Menomonee Falls, Wis.

There is a serious internal contradiction in this.

People opposed to Trump doing this, have been denying that Trade Deficits/surpluses matter, or that significant jobs can be brought back.

So, when you point out that our trading partners are reacting strongly, you are supporting the idea that trade balance DOES matter, or at least our trading partners think so,

and when you point out to possible job losses due to trade barriers, you support the idea that we have lost jobs to such trade barrier to our trading partners markets.

Can you see that?
I can see what trumps doing isn’t working. Can you see that? Now sell me on why this will be good in the long run
Great. We've been needing a good trade war. MAGA!!!!
View attachment 179718
/——/ You incompetent boobs had it your way for decades and only screwed thing royally. Now get out of the way and let President Trump fix things.

You mean like he fixed the Harley manufacturing plants, or the few coal jobs? Harley is leaving the US, and because of gutting the EPA and tax breaks for corporations, coal companies are better off, but coal workers haven't seen the return of all those jobs.
/——/ Harley isn’t leaving the US, they are opening a plant in EU to sell bikes to them. They will still be manufacturing in the US you blithering idiot.

Bikes sold in the EU have always been built here. Those jobs will go away. You don't get that?
/——/ Yeah I get that but numbnuts said the company is moving to Europe. They aren’t. You don’t get that?

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