President Trump arrives in Singapore... *vid*


Gold Member
Sep 2, 2016

We are about to witness a historic event. A historic event made possible by the strongest president we’ve had in recent history. An event that could lead to long lasting positive change for the future of millions.

I couldn’t be prouder of President Trump. The man has an amazing ability to make things happen. :)

How do you see this playing out?
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I simply don't know..............Don't know if Jong is really ready.......given his past.................don't really know..........

Hope for the best.....expect the worst..............predictions...............A stalemate.
I simply don't know..............Don't know if Jong is really ready.......given his past.................don't really know..........

Hope for the best.....expect the worst..............predictions...............A stalemate.
I’m feeling optimistic about this meeting.
How do you see this playing out?

Trump and the guy with a silly haircut make a deal. Orange Jesus worshippers become orgasmic, proclaiming Trump The Greatest Human Being to Have Ever Lived, which is what they do every day anyways.

Five years later, North Korea is testing another nuclear missile, leading to big headaches for President Rodman.
How do you see this playing out?

Trump and the guy with a silly haircut make a deal. Orange Jesus worshippers become orgasmic, proclaiming Trump The Greatest Human Being to Have Ever Lived, which is what they do every day anyways.

Five years later, North Korea is testing another nuclear missile, leading to big headaches for President Rodman.
Hope something good comes out of meeting but feel we won't know for 5 years. I don't trust what Trump says. I sure don't trust what Kim says. Certainly with only Trump, Kim and their interpreters in the room none of the media will have a clue. Will have to stay tuned for subsequent actions and not words.

I find any video of Air Force One in motion to be awesome.
First of all, both President Trump and Kim Jong-un will each claim crushing victories regardless of the outcome, and it will bolster both of their reputations within their own countries.

Other than that, I don't know. Kim is getting what he wanted just by virtue of getting the meeting without having to make significant concessions, which will further legitimize his autocracy in the eyes of his people and the rest of the world, but I don't think President Trump cares about (or even realizes) that. The President, fresh off of what he considers a crushing blow dealt at the G-7 G-6 summit, wants to be able to take credit of whatever is about to happen in North Korea, and will likely storm in with the usual amount of bluster.

If I had to bet, I'd think that we're about to get taken advantage of and will allow a tinpot dictator to bolster his banana republic. There's also a small but measurable chance that both manchildren will storm red-faced out of the meeting, grab an aide each, open the suitcase they're carrying, and slam their tiny, clenched fists on the "Launch Nuke" buttons within.
I find any video of Air Force One in motion to be awesome.
I know, right? The scenes in Air Force One and Independence Day with the President's jet escaping those explosions were almost tear-inducing.
TheOldSchool Porn


We are about to witness a historic event. A historic event made possible by the strongest president we’ve had in recent history. An event that could lead to long lasting positive change for the future of millions.

I couldn’t be prouder of President Trump. The man has an amazing ability to make things happen. :)

How do you see this playing out?

The beast car is there..

Inside Trump's new car dubbed the 'Beast' | Daily Mail Online

Inside Trump's new car dubbed the 'Beast': £1.2m Cadillac has eight-inch thick doors, can survive a roadside bomb and has an an oxygen system in case of a chemical attack

We are about to witness a historic event. A historic event made possible by the strongest president we’ve had in recent history. An event that could lead to long lasting positive change for the future of millions.

I couldn’t be prouder of President Trump. The man has an amazing ability to make things happen. :)

How do you see this playing out?

Cons blasted Obama for 8 years for suggesting he'd meet with the president of North Korea.
My, how things changed.

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