President Trump can start laying off furloughed workers after 30 days

CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
NASA- Tesla has shown they can do just as good of a job NASA can no reason to keep funding that when a private company can do the same thing
TSA-Should be a state or private company thing
U.S. Agency for global media-WTF we need this for?
Peace Corps- WHY is the government paying for this? PLENTY of rich folks who like helping the poor in other countries let them pay for it
Holocast museum-shut it down personally or just let a private entity control it
National Gallery of Arts and the National Endowment for the arts-again we should not be funding art and music let private entities do this.
As for almost ALL other agencies slash their budgets AND how many workers they have.
Surely he has the sense not to hand the Dems a gift like that.

CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
NASA- Tesla has shown they can do just as good of a job NASA can no reason to keep funding that when a private company can do the same thing
TSA-Should be a state or private company thing
U.S. Agency for global media-WTF we need this for?
Peace Corps- WHY is the government paying for this? PLENTY of rich folks who like helping the poor in other countries let them pay for it
Holocast museum-shut it down personally or just let a private entity control it
National Gallery of Arts and the National Endowment for the arts-again we should not be funding art and music let private entities do this.
As for almost ALL other agencies slash their budgets AND how many workers they have.
So you don't appreciate exploration, safety in transportation, history or art.
Surely he has the sense not to hand the Dems a gift like that.

By now you KNOW President Trump doesn't care what the leftists think,he does what is best for the country and shrinking government is best. How many of these workers are already gonna be looking for new jobs anyways.
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
NASA- Tesla has shown they can do just as good of a job NASA can no reason to keep funding that when a private company can do the same thing
TSA-Should be a state or private company thing
U.S. Agency for global media-WTF we need this for?
Peace Corps- WHY is the government paying for this? PLENTY of rich folks who like helping the poor in other countries let them pay for it
Holocast museum-shut it down personally or just let a private entity control it
National Gallery of Arts and the National Endowment for the arts-again we should not be funding art and music let private entities do this.
As for almost ALL other agencies slash their budgets AND how many workers they have.
So you don't appreciate exploration, safety in transportation, history or art.
Didn't say I didn't appreciate it I said GOVERNMENT shouldn't be paying for it. I stated why in each sentence I posted. We have PLENTY of museums government doesn't pay for along with historical places and as I said Tesla already sends shuttles and rockets to space why the need for the government to pay for it?
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
/---- / Start with the Dept of Education and then the Dept of Energy or maybe the EPA.
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
FBI (-:
Meh. We do need a federal investigation agency but those at the top should be fired and charged for sure.
So you don't appreciate exploration, safety in transportation, history or art.

The federal government is charged with commerce between states, so transportation safety is not a matter of appreciation. As for exploration and art, probably outside of the control of government. NASA however, has responsibilities in weather and climate too. That seems to fall under the umbrella of security/protecting us citizens.
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
/---- / Start with the Dept of Education and then the Dept of Energy or maybe the EPA.
I agree with all 3! Especially Education department. The parents in my county have a LOT of say so over things and we do pretty good dealing with things here. Return it to the states.
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
NASA- Tesla has shown they can do just as good of a job NASA can no reason to keep funding that when a private company can do the same thing
TSA-Should be a state or private company thing
U.S. Agency for global media-WTF we need this for?
Peace Corps- WHY is the government paying for this? PLENTY of rich folks who like helping the poor in other countries let them pay for it
Holocast museum-shut it down personally or just let a private entity control it
National Gallery of Arts and the National Endowment for the arts-again we should not be funding art and music let private entities do this.
As for almost ALL other agencies slash their budgets AND how many workers they have.
So you don't appreciate exploration, safety in transportation, history or art.
/----/ What did we do for all that stuff before the Gubmint Bureaucracies?
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
FBI (-:

My first "layoff" will be the Special Counsel
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
ICE...DHS... All the police state bullshit created after 9/11.
What a great precedent Trump can set for the next Democratic president to follow...
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
ICE...DHS... All the police state bullshit created after 9/11.
/----/ ICE and DHS... Two Departments that are actual Constitutional requirements of the Federal Gov and you want them abolished. Oh, but we got to pay for the NEA and crucifixes in glasses of urine.
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
The "workers" who dont do shit.. that is a good start. Believe me there is plenty of PORK in the workplace of the gubermint...

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