President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

Yes, in your rush to hate you betray your goal of the exclusively 'white' utopia you imagine when your country's black population is eliminated.

But then you and those like you will adamantly claim to not be racists.

Or will you and those of your ilk even try to deny anymore?

Oh wait a second, you mean to say that gasoline prices can be up or down regardless of what the president is doing?

Because it sure sounds like the formulas rightwingers keep using doesn't have any room for those factors.

[Democrat in the WH] + [increase in gasoline price] = bash Democrat as the cause and throw around words like socialism.

[Republican in the WH] + [increase in gasoline price] = some other excuse...but just in case bash Democrats anyway.

I don't know what you're talking about, racist.

Your leftist dingbat said gas prices were down because demand was down. I said also supply was up.

You're an anti-fact Democrat, facts piss you off. I got it.


Can you hear me now, racist?

Have you read what other rightwingers are saying in this thread? If you disagree with them that Joe caused it then go ahead and TELL IT TO THEM, instead of defending their bullshit from the sideline.

This whole discussion is spawned from comment from JGalt that gasoline prices are up because of "Biden's socialism". Why don't you call him on it if you disagree?

I've responded to everyone that I saw.

Given how you leftist morons blame Republicans for literally everything it's hard to feel bad for you. Maybe that's the point they are making.

So to be clear, you do NOT blame Trump for gas prices when he was President. Can you say that? I can and have said that Biden isn't responsible for gas prices now
Trump's stump speeches in which he promotes racism and hate won't do it for him anymore.

He's going to need to inciting violence in order to get the notice he needs.

But if he does, he could easily step out of bounds on what is acceptable by law.

America draws closer to the fascist peril and only the elimination of the cause is going to be able to restore some degree of normal.
Yes, in your rush to hate
I have a rush to hate? Then why didn't you copy an example of it HERE, Douche bag? You want to see hate? Go to a BLM or Antifa protest. Black hoods, baseball bats with nails, Molotov Cocktails, attacking innocent senior citizens, destroying public and private property, endangering lives------ all you. Want to see love, peace and harmony? Go to a Trump rally.


you betray your goal of the exclusively 'white' utopia you imagine when your country's black population is eliminated.
And just when did I do all of that, moron? Two of my best friends ever were black dudes. Used to work for black bosses! Just how do you propose I get rid of them all?

But then you and those like you will adamantly claim to not be racists.
I don't need to claim. All I need to do is watch you tearing down all these statues, trying to change our history, and attacking whole blocks of people here on their personal life choices of WHERE they live or HOW they vote to see all the racism I need to see IN YOU. Anyone who simply stands up to you or refuses to have your BULLSHIT rammed down their throat, you call a "racist."

Or will you and those of your ilk even try to deny anymore?
The only denial here is looking right back at you in the mirror.
Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

Demand was down, but there is no question that supply was up, racist.

What a moron.

And your demand we continue to buy from and fund repressive governments rather than expanding production at home more is more of your moral depravity

When there is no demand supply tends to contract in response.

Joe is in office for what? 6 months? What the f do you idiots imagine he did during that time except oversee economic expansion?

We've had 8 years of Obama with production exploding, you still call him a socialist, so there is obviously nothing to these claims but politico convinience with a side of ignorance.

"When there is no demand supply tends to contract in response."

So? What difference does it make what "typically" happens when that isn't what happened, racist? I'd explain about fracking and advancing technology and that energy exploration and development are long term, but that's clearly above your pay grade. You're just a "parrot talking points" Democrat​

"Joe is in office for what? 6 months? What the f do you idiots imagine he did during that time except oversee economic expansion?"

Actually, I've said consistently and repeatedly I do NOT think gas prices are high and they never have been, including now under Biden. I just corrected the statement that gas prices are only down because demand is down. Also production is up, that's a fact. I realize Democrats are anti-fact, you're also racists​

"We've had 8 years of Obama with production exploding, you still call him a socialist, so there is obviously nothing to these claims but politico convinience with a side of ignorance."

Yes, though Obama did nothing but fight it. Advancing technology was too much for him to stop. Your point other than that you're a racist?​

LOLOL Why do you think the rig count went higher than it had been in 40 years?

Fracking has been around for 70 years. We just didn't do it in the US because the ppb was too low for the investment.

You want cheap gasoline? That will put domestic producers out of business, moron.


The dumb Saudi chick still doesn't know the difference between horizontal and vertical fracking.

And the rig count is an amalgamation of all exploration and technologies. I don't even know what point you think you made.

What was Obama's policy that expanded energy? Name it. Obviously you can't because he fought it tooth and nail. Just energy technology was booming and he couldn't stop it.

1) You don't understand the difference or implications of horizontal versus vertical fracking

2) You don't know about advancing technology to get more oil out of the same oil fields.

Those are just two of the big ones. You don't know shit about energy
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.

You're trying too hard. You can unclench now
Well, his little sideshow has come and gone. Would you care to point out anything new he had to say?

Biden couldn't get anyone to show up when he was running for President. He needed Democrats to stuff the ballot box to win. Trump can pack them in when he's not even running yet.

The butt hurt is strong in this one ...
So you didn't see anything new from that orange pig either. He had a few thousand come to see his snake oil show. How many voters do you think there are in the US?

Hate makes you ugly
So does a fake orange tan and hair.

True. I'd rather get the Trump tan though than spend my life full of hate like you racist fuck wads
Lol yes I am such a racist when it comes to fake orange tans on insecure, desperate idiots in their 70’s like Trump.

Democrats are the weirdest people. And I was talking about how you subjugate and exploit blacks. You target any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation. You're Archie Bunker. Blacks are to think what you do or let em know you still believe in slavery.

You know what the difference between a Democrat in 1860, 1920 and 2015 is in your attitude to blacks? Nothing, you're still racists and believe blacks are your property
You know who doesn't agree with you? --- Blacks.

You couldn't have more completely proven my point, could you, racist? You polled your plantation and they told you blacks like slavery, so that justifies your hunting down and dragging back any black who's tried to leave. You're a sick fuck
You silly right wingers are amazing. You make up these elaborate stories, and repeat them in hopes that someone will eventually care what you are ranting about. Your absurd accusations of slavery, and plantations might get some traction if you could get black folk to fall for them, but we both know that's not happening. It was the same with that dumb Walk Away hoax that you had such high hopes for, and the hysterics you suffered from your failed attempt to make Hunter Biden an issue. Your frantic attempts to manufacture something ... anything is quite entertaining.

You're the racist who thinks your white ass speaks for all black people. Hey, are you Joe Biden?

That's YOU, racist
You felt the sting of my comments didn't you!
You were careless and now your cover has been blown.

Do you think the black people were photoshopped into the picture or do you think Trump's organizers went to all the trouble to set up a portion of the audience that could be so nicely framed?

Not unusual at all to place the children in a row of seating in front of their parents! This is the kind of nonsense that makes it all so plain and ugly. It's tailor made for low intelligent people who need to believe!

"When there is no demand supply tends to contract in response."

So? What difference does it make what "typically" happens when that isn't what happened, racist? I'd explain about fracking and advancing technology and that energy exploration and development are long term, but that's clearly above your pay grade. You're just a "parrot talking points" Democrat​

"Joe is in office for what? 6 months? What the f do you idiots imagine he did during that time except oversee economic expansion?"

Actually, I've said consistently and repeatedly I do NOT think gas prices are high and they never have been, including now under Biden. I just corrected the statement that gas prices are only down because demand is down. Also production is up, that's a fact. I realize Democrats are anti-fact, you're also racists​

"We've had 8 years of Obama with production exploding, you still call him a socialist, so there is obviously nothing to these claims but politico convinience with a side of ignorance."

Yes, though Obama did nothing but fight it. Advancing technology was too much for him to stop. Your point other than that you're a racist?​

LOLOL Why do you think the rig count went higher than it had been in 40 years?

Fracking has been around for 70 years. We just didn't do it in the US because the ppb was too low for the investment.

You want cheap gasoline? That will put domestic producers out of business, moron.


The chart is highly misleading since Obama actually OPPOSED increased oil production. It was the STATES allowing increased oil production that was the main cause of the increase.

It's how leftists argue.

- Here's a statistic

- Obama was President, so he gets credit. Note Democrats only automatically get credit for good things, bad things are the fault of their Republican predecessor. Only bad things are automatically caused by Republican presidents. Good things were caused by their Democrat predecessor. It really is that stupid.

She can't give a single thing he did to cause it, of course to your point he didn't. But he was President. That's as deep as brainless Saudi girl goes
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No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

Joe Biddum got 81 million ballots counted in his favor that no one can verify, all the traceability on most of them was discarded, and a great many of them at that violated state laws and should not have been counted.
Trump's stump speeches in which he promotes racism and hate won't do it for him anymore.

He's going to need to inciting violence in order to get the notice he needs.

But if he does, he could easily step out of bounds on what is acceptable by law.

America draws closer to the fascist peril and only the elimination of the cause is going to be able to restore some degree of normal.
Democrats are the lawless ones.
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

Joe Biddum got 81 million ballots counted in his favor that no one can verify, all the traceability on most of them was discarded, and a great many of them at that violated state laws and should not have been counted.
Nope never happened, that biden got 81 million votes is a collective mass delusion
Why should the truth sting you so much?
Many of Trump's racist supporters have moved on from denial.
You need to get with the program that claims black people and other non-white Americans are to blame.

That's the message that is going to draw large numbers of former Democrat supporters over to Trump's side.

What can you do to help?
If Trump won the popular vote over Biden, then his challenge shouldn't have been mismanaged the way it was allowed to happen with the Arizona audit.

There's no Trump credibility that can possibly come out of that irregular and illegal process.

Was there no legal way of gaining back the presidency for Trump?
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

You're completely deranged. Even Fox News said Biden got 81 million votes....

No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

Joe Biddum got 81 million ballots counted in his favor that no one can verify, all the traceability on most of them was discarded, and a great many of them at that violated state laws and should not have been counted.
Nope never happened, that biden got 81 million votes is a collective mass delusion
A pity you still can't prove that. :(
Corruption and racism in America crosses all party lines. Patriotic Americans should be taking measures that could help in restoring sanity and decency to their country.

From a Canadian's POV, that could be working to change government's corruption that's claimed both political parties.
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Just because you don't feel like accepting reality doesn't mean your fantasies are fact.

Fact of record is that 81 million people voted for Biden and AGAINST TRUMP, when you say that "can't" be true, without any evidence of massive fraud, you sound like a soft in the head idiot.
LOL we now have another fool that can not prove that 81 million people voted for Trump.

Thats probably because as a matter of fact they didn't vote for Trump dummy....but you probably meant Joe Biden, in which case yes dumbass they voted and as a result Biden became the President of the United States and Trump had to get the f out of the WH.

I know this is a painful reality for you to cope with, but you should probably find some way to do it without looking like a crazed loser.
Actually there were not 81 million votes for Xiden or Trump now that you bring it up?

This seems to be a sore point for Xiden voters

You are actually a loser that cannot come to terms with the reality of electoral loss.

It's sad whatching you Trump mind fucked idiots suffer this way - don't you have even an ounce of self respect?
And you are the doof who still believes that Biden got 81 million votes
Because he did retard, and is now the President. Anyway I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled not-dealing-with-reality.
Again no one even says that biden got 81 million votes

You're completely deranged. Even Fox News said Biden got 81 million votes....

Nope FOX news never said that biden got 81 million votes. Why do you persist in this delusion

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