President Trump gives NY AG the middle finger.

What happened to the grand jury Letitia James conveigned to charge Trump? Oh, that's right. It dissolved after never hearing a single bit of evidence.
You see the mob takes the Fifth,” Trump said in a speech. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

He does know this is a civil case and it can be used against him right?
"If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"
-- Donald J. Trump

"You see the mob takes the Fifth."
-- Donald J. Trump

my favorite part of the Bible is where people that Jesus absolutely despised He answered them never a word.
The same people who believe the FBI is planting evidence on Trump -- are the same people who will believe the cops -- even when you show them ACTUAL PROOF of cops planting evidence on someone -- only if that someone belongs to a certain demographic......

I guess it is only back the blue when the blue is brutalizing the black....
Good for him. He should cut off all cooperation with all these Banana Republic smear campaigns.

Trump says he refused to answer questions from New York attorney general's office​

Former President Donald Trump, in a statement Wednesday, said he refused to answer questions from the New York attorney general's office during a deposition in the civil investigation into the Trump family’s business practices

"Accordingly, under the advice of my counsel and for all of the above reasons, I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution," he said.

"What Letitia James has tried to do the last three years is a disgrace to the legal system, an affront to New York State taxpayers, and a violation of the solemn rights and protections afforded by the United States Constitution," Trump added. "I did nothing wrong, which is why, after five years of looking, the Federal, State and local governments, together with the Fake News Media, have found nothing."

We all know that the brilliant and learned New York Attorney General dislikes the Honorable Donald J. Trump.

I am glad that he did not deign to answer any of her insolent questions.
I was surprised that Trump would admit he is guilty
Liar. He did no such thing.

President Trump's quote:

I once asked "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" Now I know the answer to that question. When your family, your company, and all the people in your orbit have become the targets of an unfounded, politically motivated Witch Hunt supported by lawyers, prosecutors, and the Fake News Media, you have no choice. If there was any question in my mind, the raid of my home, Mar Lago, on Monday, by the FBI, just two days prior to this disposition, wiped out any uncertainty. I have absolutely no choice because the current Administration, and many prosecutors in this Country have lost all moral and ethical bounds of decency.
He really put that uppity black whore in her to go Trump!!!

..Like remember when Hillary was under oath for 11 hours and plead the 5th the whole time..oh wait!
The D.C. corridor is corrupted to the core. Progs believe their own do no bad. They do. We have a 50/50 government and Progs go much of their pork/corruption/payoffs to their special groups since Biden's installation. We all are going to lose with wasted printed up dollars. Most other nations would be devastated and have been. We are suffering inflation and a slow growing government if itis growing at all, and we export inflation to other countries also with our reserve currency worth less.

These folks still think we care about quaint things like hypocrisy, after they've been swilling it for decades
Good for him. He should cut off all cooperation with all these Banana Republic smear campaigns.

Trump says he refused to answer questions from New York attorney general's office​

Former President Donald Trump, in a statement Wednesday, said he refused to answer questions from the New York attorney general's office during a deposition in the civil investigation into the Trump family’s business practices

"Accordingly, under the advice of my counsel and for all of the above reasons, I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution," he said.

"What Letitia James has tried to do the last three years is a disgrace to the legal system, an affront to New York State taxpayers, and a violation of the solemn rights and protections afforded by the United States Constitution," Trump added. "I did nothing wrong, which is why, after five years of looking, the Federal, State and local governments, together with the Fake News Media, have found nothing."

According to his own words it means he is guilty or a mobster, maybe both!

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