President Trump Has Disavowed Hate Groups for Decades - Biden Refuses to Disavow Antifa and BLM

Liberals lie.

Biden is a racist who locked up thousands of undeserving blacks. What an absolutely piece of trash.
Stop pretending you actually care what happens to black people. Your faux outrage is so transparent.

There it is. You scum. All conservatives are racist. You are the racist, Exploiting blacks for your own political advantage.

How many blacks have been killed by abortion? 20 million? Thats genocide you sick person.
Conservatives are either racist or they aren’t racist but don’t actually care what happens to black people either way.
Why must Leftists like you always label. Just call all of us people. Jeezuz you’re stupid.

When does Biden tell the truth and why do liberals ignore him calling a leader of the KKK a friend, mentor, and guide?

Liberals are such hypocrites, Joe Bidens friend, mentor and guide was an EXAULTED CYCLOPS OF THE KkK.
Liberals lie.

Biden is a racist who locked up thousands of undeserving blacks. What an absolutely piece of trash.
Stop pretending you actually care what happens to black people. Your faux outrage is so transparent.

There it is. You scum. All conservatives are racist. You are the racist, Exploiting blacks for your own political advantage.

How many blacks have been killed by abortion? 20 million? Thats genocide you sick person.
Conservatives are either racist or they aren’t racist but don’t actually care what happens to black people either way.
Why must Leftists like you always label. Just call all of us people. Jeezuz you’re stupid.

When does Biden tell the truth and why do liberals ignore him calling a leader of the KKK a friend, mentor, and guide?

Liberals are such hypocrites, Joe Bidens friend, mentor and guide was an EXAULTED CYCLOPS OF THE KkK.
That was long ago in a galaxy far-far away...
Funny thing is his dear old dad was in the KKK, get real Dude.

Was he friends with Biden's idol Robert Byrd?
Probably you just never know. It was a different world back then.

A world in which Trump condemned the KKK, while Biden was sniffing children.

Lots of things change in a decade apparently. I am waiting for gravity to start working upwards any second now.
Maybe after you smell yer own you may earn enlightenment to reverse flow gravity.
Funny thing is his dear old dad was in the KKK, get real Dude.

Was he friends with Biden's idol Robert Byrd?
Probably you just never know. It was a different world back then.

A world in which Trump condemned the KKK, while Biden was sniffing children.

Lots of things change in a decade apparently. I am waiting for gravity to start working upwards any second now.
Maybe after you smell yer own you may earn enlightenment to reverse flow gravity.

Let's make one thing clear Moondear, we NEVER smell children here. It must be some alternative fake news history that you are reading where this happens.
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He gets paid he has to by law, what he does with it is his business..
He gives it all back. You have nothing except semantics, which is actually a tacit admission of defeat. Thanks for playing.

He serves American people.

Biden serves his purse, and his family's as he is unable to keep his children in check and away from crack.
Biden will do the bidding of death cults.

Trump will serve Americans, he has disavowed all death cults. Pro life in every sense.
The Left is a repulsive bunch of creatures.....liars and savages......may GOD never let them be in power again!

Enough said. :mad-61:

New day.... of Biden not condemning extremists again.

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