President Trump in Michigan vs Hacks at Press Dinner. Who won?

I just love the Trumptard snowflakes melting down over jokes at a toast when they voted for a man who frequently insults women, minorities and the disabled, and who bragged about sexually assaulting women.

You just can’t make this shit up
Yeah, those crazy trump fans on CNN whining about it being inappropriate are crazy
I just love the Trumptard snowflakes melting down over jokes at a toast when they voted for a man who frequently insults women, minorities and the disabled, and who bragged about sexually assaulting women.

You just can’t make this shit up
Yeah, those crazy trump fans on CNN whining about it being inappropriate are crazy
So, you agree with CNN.
I just love the Trumptard snowflakes melting down over jokes at a toast when they voted for a man who frequently insults women, minorities and the disabled, and who bragged about sexually assaulting women.

You just can’t make this shit up
Yeah, those crazy trump fans on CNN whining about it being inappropriate are crazy
So, you agree with CNN.
Didn't watch either political shows. Zero interest. I just think CNN trying to take the moral ground after all this time is hysterical
I just love the Trumptard snowflakes melting down over jokes at a toast when they voted for a man who frequently insults women, minorities and the disabled, and who bragged about sexually assaulting women.

You just can’t make this shit up
Yeah, those crazy trump fans on CNN whining about it being inappropriate are crazy
So, you agree with CNN.
Didn't watch either political shows. Zero interest. I just think CNN trying to take the moral ground after all this time is hysterical[/QUOTE


they one upped Trump if they even brushed elbows with anything moral
Caught a clip of Michelle Wolf's performance last night on YouTube. That OP clip of CNN (with exception being Perry Bacon) saying how Wolf handed the night over to Trump on a silver platter was quite accurate. While the usual clips from these events tend to be lame, this one reached a new low. I agree with media on this, they rightfully should be embarrassed with what took place.
Didn't watch either political shows. Zero interest. I just think CNN trying to take the moral ground after all this time is hysterical

And conservatives trying to take the moral ground after voting for the immoral Trump is not side-busting funny to you?
Didn't watch either political shows. Zero interest. I just think CNN trying to take the moral ground after all this time is hysterical

And conservatives trying to take the moral ground after voting for the immoral Trump is not side-busting funny to you?
No idea what you are talking about. Trump didnt win on the conservative vote alone.
Wasn't a competition. The orange clown was afraid to show up and compete. He chose instead to go hide in his happy place, in front of his cheer leading squad where he knew they would cheer any stupid thing he might say. Just another example of his childish cowardice.

He had the balls to go against all of establishment, against a candidate with decades worth of experience with half the funding.

He came on top. Then again, this is just a other example of projection. You guys were pissing pants when Trump won, now there is some bravery right there!

Bit of a distinction...

Don't be silly. He never intended to do anything but boost his name recognition. He never expected to win, and didn't even have an acceptance speech prepared. It took Comey's unprecidented remarks about Clinton while not mentioning that Trump was under investigation, the help from Russia, and a fluke of the electoral college (Hillary had 3 million more votes) to give him the win. That's not courage. That's luck.

I’m okay with being lucky. We are lucky that the hildabeast is not president.

Then admit your luck and quit trying to pretend Trump won because more people wanted him to win.
not sure….the loser? people of Flint

Thanks to their black democRAT mayor, city council, and crooked EPA administrator. Nobody is buying it was Governor Snyder's fault so shove that one where the sun don't shine.

And the race card gets played yet again by a Conservative.

There is a certain segment of the "conservative" (cough) population on here that is flat-out racist. There are a small handful of "liberals" who are anti-white as well, but the KKK folks definitely have the lead as of right now.

I believe our idiot friend Tom Horn would fall into the former category.

You know, I was listening to a program today that states that simple-minded people are more likely to end up with Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia. I'd be interested in a comparison between left and right when it comes to dementia.
The left and political establishment elites whine and cry about the President and his language while they sip cocktails and laugh their hypocritical asses off at the filthiest vile at a press dinner. Typical.
The left whines and cries about the President and his language while they sip cocktails and laugh their hypocritical asses off at the filthiest vile at a press dinner. Typical.

that same vile wasnt so filthy when it was directed at Obama was it.
The left whines and cries about the President and his language while they sip cocktails and laugh their hypocritical asses off at the filthiest vile at a press dinner. Typical.

that same vile wasnt so filthy when it was directed at Obama was it.
There wasn't anything as filthy directed at Obama.

and Obama didnt fuck porn stars, plaboy models, grab pussy and lie 2000 times in his first year either did he.
The left whines and cries about the President and his language while they sip cocktails and laugh their hypocritical asses off at the filthiest vile at a press dinner. Typical.

that same vile wasnt so filthy when it was directed at Obama was it.
There wasn't anything as filthy directed at Obama.

and Obama didnt fuck porn stars, plaboy models, grab pussy and lie 2000 times in his first year either did he.
His supposed immoral behavior gives the press a free pass to act like uncivilized buffoons?
The left whines and cries about the President and his language while they sip cocktails and laugh their hypocritical asses off at the filthiest vile at a press dinner. Typical.

that same vile wasnt so filthy when it was directed at Obama was it.
There wasn't anything as filthy directed at Obama.

and Obama didnt fuck porn stars, plaboy models, grab pussy and lie 2000 times in his first year either did he.
Oh my, you're actually believing the propaganda. No one cares what someone did in their private life. What matters is his behavior in office.

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