President Trump in Michigan vs Hacks at Press Dinner. Who won?

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 8h8 hours ago
The White House Correspondents’ Dinner was a failure last year, but this year was an embarrassment to everyone associated with it. The filthy “comedian” totally bombed (couldn’t even deliver her lines-much like the Seth Meyers weak performance). Put Dinner to rest, or start over!



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Well according to CNN Trump won pretty easily.
Hahaha too damn funny.
Several lefties have come out against the hate that was spewed by this person.

I'd think most of the electorate doesn't even know about it.

All in all, this will just be another example of zealots making things even worse. A symptom of a much larger problem.
What passes as humor among conservatives

Trump was not mocking that reporters disability. THat has been completely debunked.

Why are you lying? Are you seriously unable to find anything real to attack President Trump on?

Do you think it was funny or not?

So not even going to deny lying?

So you knew you were lying. That's a dick move on your part rw.

Why the fuck are you lying about Trump? Can you seriously not find a legitimate complaint to make about him?

I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???
Oh my, you're actually believing the propaganda. No one cares what someone did in their private life. What matters is his behavior in office.

It does kind of matter though. Simply because who you elect into office heavily reflects upon the character of the nation. It's the same reason why people abhorred the idea of electing Roy Moore. Even if he didn't perv on young girls while in office, the fact that he had a history of going after high school girls while he was in his thirties and in a position of power was disgusting, and electing him would be telling the world "this is what we're about in the United States".

Character matters. How Christians can condemn homosexuals for doing what God programmed them to do, while making excuses and hand-waiving the bad behavior of the president of the United States (and I'm assuming he wasn't simply born to be an obnoxious, philandering crook, by the way), is beyond me.
God didn't program queers. It's called "sin". As far as character, Obama used black thugs as martyrs for political purposes and trashed our brave police officers, then sent Sharpton to spread the big lie "hands up, don't shoot". Bill Clinton trashed the Presidency with Monica Lewinsky. Trump hasn't done anything to trash the office of the President like Obungo and Clinton did.

Holy ...

You're a special one, all right.

I think it's worth pointing out that God created everything, including sin. So He (assuming God has a gender, which I doubt) did indeed "program queers", because homosexuality has been shown to have a strong genetic component in twin studies. Not that I would expect you to understand the benefit of twin studies.
Not that I would expect you to understand that your so called studies are conducted by people with an agenda in mind. There is good and evil, light and darkness, righteousness and sin. No one is born queer anymore than someone is born a drunk, a liar, a thief or a queer. We're all born sinners. End of story.

How old are you? I hope you're on your way out soon.

A bigot is one thing. A religious maniac is another. But a bigoted, religious idiot? That is something better left in the ground.
Oh yeah, we're all bigots these days. Go ahead and spew your hateful propaganda. It's all you have left.
Done talking about a comedian doing her job while an unfit lunatic ruins democracy? While a traitorous GOP enables it? Using suppression and gerrymandering to control it? Ditto. 189 days to midterms. Register. Get IDs. Help others do the same. Focus. Let’s De-Trump America.
Good to see Trump out there with the folks. He needs to do more of that. Let the Communist/Democrat assholes be assholes. Much of America is tuning them and their Fake News out. They don't have the influence they once had. In fact, most of America despises them now. Go Trump!

What "most of America'? Look, you managed to cheat your whore into the Oval Office. What is there to respect in this?
Hillary won?

Ms. Clinton won the popular vote among those who cast ballots. Who is this "most of America"? Do we now count cows? Incidentally, your whore tweets about "Democrats" versus "us," showing that he is just a partisan hack loyalist, not POTUS of all Americans. In his own words. So don't try to sell him as "our president," given that he openly admits that he is not.
Good to see Trump out there with the folks. He needs to do more of that. Let the Communist/Democrat assholes be assholes. Much of America is tuning them and their Fake News out. They don't have the influence they once had. In fact, most of America despises them now. Go Trump!

What "most of America'? Look, you managed to cheat your whore into the Oval Office. What is there to respect in this?
Hillary won?

Ms. Clinton won the popular vote among those who cast ballots. Who is this "most of America"? Do we now count cows? Incidentally, your whore tweets about "Democrats" versus "us," showing that he is just a partisan hack loyalist, not POTUS of all Americans. In his own words. So don't try to sell him as "our president," given that he openly admits that he is not.

Clinton won the popular vote among illegals and felons so what --LOL

RW's always need to bring up winning. These losers must have never won anything in their entire life -- yada yada yada, the beat goes on.

Trump will forever win as long as his but lickers are around regardless where he lands - nothing else matters.

It was a roast and/or an ass kissing depending what you were contracted to do in front of the audience.

no winner or losers, just entertainment on Sat night

It you think that it was entertaining you're an idiot and a punk. It was a typical display of your typical Lefty with no class. You know, just like you.
What passes as humor among conservatives

Trump was not mocking that reporters disability. THat has been completely debunked.

Why are you lying? Are you seriously unable to find anything real to attack President Trump on?

Do you think it was funny or not?

So not even going to deny lying?

So you knew you were lying. That's a dick move on your part rw.

Why the fuck are you lying about Trump? Can you seriously not find a legitimate complaint to make about him?

I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???

We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?

Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

RW's always need to bring up winning. These losers must have never won anything in their entire life -- yada yada yada, the beat goes on.

Trump will forever win as long as his but lickers are around regardless where he lands - nothing else matters.

It was a roast and/or an ass kissing depending what you were contracted to do in front of the audience.

no winner or losers, just entertainment on Sat night

It you think that it was entertaining you're an idiot and a punk. It was a typical display of your typical Lefty with no class. You know, just like you.
If you voted for Donald, you can’t talk about class.
It you think that it was entertaining you're an idiot and a punk. It was a typical display of your typical Lefty with no class. You know, just like you.
If you voted for Donald, you can’t talk about class.[/QUOTE]

LOL, this is the Left, since THEY are all partisan hacks EVERYONE else is too. I didn't vote for him, the game is rigged. Now, given your avatar which indicates a predielctio for ass play you cannot talk bout "class".
Trumpkins' and their dear leader are the biggest snowflakes in the country right now.

Trumpflakes is what they are.

But he's always been a big fucking whiner. Now their dear Comrade (Russia's crime boss came to his rescue when Western banks would no longer loan him money), has converted the GOP to a bunch of whiny, traitorous brats who value party over country. But we've known about their position of Party over country for a long time.
It you think that it was entertaining you're an idiot and a punk. It was a typical display of your typical Lefty with no class. You know, just like you.
If you voted for Donald, you can’t talk about class.

LOL, this is the Left, since THEY are all partisan hacks EVERYONE else is too. I didn't vote for him, the game is rigged. Now, given your avatar which indicates a predielctio for ass play you cannot talk bout "class".[/QUOTE]
Cool story. I’m sure you’re on record criticizing Donald for his unsavory behavior and his party’s support of him.

And my avatar is an indication that I appreciate a good movie.
Wasn't a competition. The orange clown was afraid to show up and compete. He chose instead to go hide in his happy place, in front of his cheer leading squad where he knew they would cheer any stupid thing he might say. Just another example of his childish cowardice.

Obviously Trump won. The WHCA is struggling to exist today. And it should not. The purpose of this annual dinner was to raise money for scholarships for journalism students. That's secondary to bashing the white house and anyone connected to the white house. It is a democrat platform. Shut it down. And that's what more and more people are saying.

Interestingly enough, while the WHCA is fighting for its life, democrats are still mewing about republicans not liking them.

Are republicans traitorous, you bet your ass republicans stand against each and every thing remotely connected to democrats. This house is filled with democrat cockaroaches, burn the fucker down. We need a national exterminator like the white house had to have an exterminator kill the vermin after the filth of the obamas left. It is not lost on the public that after that black family moved out, the white house needed 17 days of the Orkin Man. The rest of the country is just as bad off.

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