President Trump in Michigan vs Hacks at Press Dinner. Who won?

The Left Wingers are drowning in their own meanness, viciousness and hate

I agree.

I didn't watch the Correspondence Dinner, but have seen the clip of the haughty, elitist, asshat, NeverHeardOfHer--Bitch....the one who attacked Sarah Sanders mercilessly over and was the most disgusting thing I have seen in a long while.

Liberals have been embarrassing themselves since the Election...many months ago now.

Will the Butt-Hurt ever end?

Is TDS completely incurable? Can't even be treated?

That performance against Sarah Sanders by that unadulterated ass was the last excess of deserves a a storm of obloquy and a place in infamy. I hope it will come to be seen as the furthermost point to which Insanity was taken during this Liberal-Turd-Temper-Tantrum....and that a reaction back to basic American Decency will soon begin.
yeah, I bet that won demolosers more votes, not. Shit, out of the same losers in the audience that didn't find it at all funny.

What's sad is that some people out there think that these boobs are "real" Americans.

Worse yet is that you pretend to be a real American.

I don't "pretend." I AM a real American. I don't run around in shirts that say "fuck" on them. I don't support people who consort with the leadership of countries that oppose us. I don't support openly promiscuous people who laugh about sexually molesting others and hire prostitutes and worry about getting STDs and then try to impose a dirty theocracy on our country. I could go on. The people in this photo openly admitted that they are trash.

What's sad is that some people out there think that these boobs are "real" Americans.

Worse yet is that you pretend to be a real American.

I don't "pretend." I AM a real American. I don't run around in shirts that say "fuck" on them. I don't support people who consort with the leadership of countries that oppose us. I don't support openly promiscuous people who laugh about sexually molesting others and hire prostitutes and worry about getting STDs and then try to impose a dirty theocracy on our country. I could go on. The people in this photo openly admitted that they are trash.
I think the shirts describes your post to a 'T'.
Obviously Trump won. The WHCA is struggling to exist today. And it should not. The purpose of this annual dinner was to raise money for scholarships for journalism students. That's secondary to bashing the white house and anyone connected to the white house. It is a democrat platform. Shut it down. And that's what more and more people are saying.

Interestingly enough, while the WHCA is fighting for its life, democrats are still mewing about republicans not liking them.

Are republicans traitorous, you bet your ass republicans stand against each and every thing remotely connected to democrats. This house is filled with democrat cockaroaches, burn the fucker down. We need a national exterminator like the white house had to have an exterminator kill the vermin after the filth of the obamas left. It is not lost on the public that after that black family moved out, the white house needed 17 days of the Orkin Man. The rest of the country is just as bad off.

You’re the perfect blend of stupidity, xenophobia, and racism. Congratulations on the multi-task.
Obviously Trump won. The WHCA is struggling to exist today. And it should not. The purpose of this annual dinner was to raise money for scholarships for journalism students. That's secondary to bashing the white house and anyone connected to the white house. It is a democrat platform. Shut it down. And that's what more and more people are saying.

Interestingly enough, while the WHCA is fighting for its life, democrats are still mewing about republicans not liking them.

Are republicans traitorous, you bet your ass republicans stand against each and every thing remotely connected to democrats. This house is filled with democrat cockaroaches, burn the fucker down. We need a national exterminator like the white house had to have an exterminator kill the vermin after the filth of the obamas left. It is not lost on the public that after that black family moved out, the white house needed 17 days of the Orkin Man. The rest of the country is just as bad off.

You’re the perfect blend of stupidity, xenophobia, and racism. Congratulations on the multi-task.
you would know you drink it daily.
Wasn't a competition. The orange clown was afraid to show up and compete. He chose instead to go hide in his happy place, in front of his cheer leading squad where he knew they would cheer any stupid thing he might say. Just another example of his childish cowardice.

You know Trump cheated those little girls in the first video out of their pay for that performance, don't you? The man is a crook.
says the poster disrespecting Sara with their own avater. Hey pot meet kettle.

What is there to respect in sara? She knew what she was doing when she took the job. Sure, she's the child of a trashy imbecile, but she's an adult now.
hahahaahahahaa loves hypocrisy openly.

So how is sara respectable? She chose what she's doing, even if she has a stupid bitch for a father.
says the poster disrespecting Sara with their own avater. Hey pot meet kettle.

What is there to respect in sara? She knew what she was doing when she took the job. Sure, she's the child of a trashy imbecile, but she's an adult now.
hahahaahahahaa loves hypocrisy openly.

So how is sara respectable? She chose what she's doing, even if she has a stupid bitch for a father.
it's ok, you don't believe in respect. You've become useless to the discussion of respect.
I almost felt sorry for poor Sarah Potatohead Huckabee Sanders
no I felt sorry for the failed comic.

I'm pretty sure she doesn't really care what you might think.
she should, she flopped bigly.

Yes. Trump drones were unimpressed. I'm sure Alex Jones and fox believers didn't appreciate her commedy. Oh well.......
the people at the dinner didn't appreciate it. that's what's funny. bigly flopped.
I almost felt sorry for poor Sarah Potatohead Huckabee Sanders
no I felt sorry for the failed comic.

I'm pretty sure she doesn't really care what you might think.
she should, she flopped bigly.

Yes. Trump drones were unimpressed. I'm sure Alex Jones and fox believers didn't appreciate her commedy. Oh well.......
the people at the dinner didn't appreciate it. that's what's funny. bigly flopped.
Her act did suck
She had a few good lines but most of her big set ups flopped
Did you see that “Trump is not a millionaire” bit? Not even close

As a liberal, I am disappointed. I hold liberal comics to a higher standard
We all know conservatives can’t do comedy......but liberals should know better

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