President Trump in Michigan vs Hacks at Press Dinner. Who won?

So not even going to deny lying?

So you knew you were lying. That's a dick move on your part rw.

Why the fuck are you lying about Trump? Can you seriously not find a legitimate complaint to make about him?

I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???

We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.
I have repeatedly posted that I did not find Michelle Wolf funny

Why can’t you say the same about Crooked Donnie?

I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.
So not even going to deny lying?

So you knew you were lying. That's a dick move on your part rw.

Why the fuck are you lying about Trump? Can you seriously not find a legitimate complaint to make about him?

I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???

We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.

He was mocking the guy with disabilities. You think this was debunked?

Trump lied and said : I have no idea who this reporter is, what he looks like or his level of intelligence. I don’t know if he is J.J. Watt or Muhammad Ali in his prime or somebody of less athletic or physical ability. Despite having one of the all-time great memories, I certainly do not remember him. I merely mimicked what I thought would be a flustered reporter trying to get out of a statement he made long ago. If Mr. Kovaleski is handicapped, I would not know because I do not know what he looks like. If I did know, I would definitely not say anything about his appearance.

Trump’s claims to non-memory were widely considered to be disingenuous, as Kovaleski had covered Trump extensively while working for the Daily News from 1987 to 1993 and had interviewed and talked to the business magnate numerous times during that period:

Correll, are you going to admit you got this wrong?

Kovaleski said "Donald and I were on a first-name basis for years. I’ve interviewed him in his office. I’ve talked to him at press conferences. All in all, I would say around a dozen times, I’ve interacted with him as a reporter while I was at The Daily News."
Correll is a Trump apologist regardless of how bad his behavior may be
I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???

We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.
I have repeatedly posted that I did not find Michelle Wolf funny

Why can’t you say the same about Crooked Donnie?

I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.
My post was not a lie
Regardless of whether he was mocking a disabled person or just mocking a reporter who dared to not support his lies........his humor was not funny

I posted that Trump was not funny in that clip
Why don’t you agree?
Do you find that funny?
So not even going to deny lying?

So you knew you were lying. That's a dick move on your part rw.

Why the fuck are you lying about Trump? Can you seriously not find a legitimate complaint to make about him?

I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???

We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.
I have repeatedly posted that I did not find Michelle Wolf funny

Why can’t you say the same about Crooked Donnie?

I had never heard of Wolf before but her delivery wasn't very good and IMO, its a shame that the Correspondent's Dinner is getting way laid.

Its supposed to be a celebration of the First Amendment and free press as well as raising money for scholarships for future journalists.

Sanders is perfect in that job. She learned to lie, cheat and steal at her father's knee and he's still out there hawking his phony cures for cancer and diabetes. She lies almost daily and apparently feels no shame about that.

About Wolf - meh.

RWNJs said worse about Obama and Hillary and they were fine with it. Now, they're ready to lynch Wolf. Hypocrisy, thy name is RWNJs.
I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???

We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.

He was mocking the guy with disabilities. You think this was debunked?

Trump lied and said : I have no idea who this reporter is, what he looks like or his level of intelligence. I don’t know if he is J.J. Watt or Muhammad Ali in his prime or somebody of less athletic or physical ability. Despite having one of the all-time great memories, I certainly do not remember him. I merely mimicked what I thought would be a flustered reporter trying to get out of a statement he made long ago. If Mr. Kovaleski is handicapped, I would not know because I do not know what he looks like. If I did know, I would definitely not say anything about his appearance.

Trump’s claims to non-memory were widely considered to be disingenuous, as Kovaleski had covered Trump extensively while working for the Daily News from 1987 to 1993 and had interviewed and talked to the business magnate numerous times during that period:

Correll, are you going to admit you got this wrong?

Kovaleski said "Donald and I were on a first-name basis for years. I’ve interviewed him in his office. I’ve talked to him at press conferences. All in all, I would say around a dozen times, I’ve interacted with him as a reporter while I was at The Daily News."
Correll is a Trump apologist regardless of how bad his behavior may be

A Russian

I just love the Trumptard snowflakes melting down over jokes at a toast when they voted for a man who frequently insults women, minorities and the disabled, and who bragged about sexually assaulting women.

You just can’t make this shit up

The fact you had to lie shows that you know you are on the wrong side.

Its obvious that trump doesn't know the InterWebs stores damn near everything he has done and said. He obviously doen't know there are videos that prove how he has always treated others.

Apparently, this ignorance is shared by RWNJs.

Hint: Correll What J.E.D. is fact.
I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???

We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.
I have repeatedly posted that I did not find Michelle Wolf funny

Why can’t you say the same about Crooked Donnie?

I had never heard of Wolf before but her delivery wasn't very good and IMO, its a shame that the Correspondent's Dinner is getting way laid.

Its supposed to be a celebration of the First Amendment and free press as well as raising money for scholarships for future journalists.

Sanders is perfect in that job. She learned to lie, cheat and steal at her father's knee and he's still out there hawking his phony cures for cancer and diabetes. She lies almost daily and apparently feels no shame about that.

About Wolf - meh.

RWNJs said worse about Obama and Hillary and they were fine with it. Now, they're ready to lynch Wolf. Hypocrisy, thy name is RWNJs.
I saw Michelle Wolf in an HBO special
She was OK but mostly raunchy relationship stuff

She is obviously poorly suited for political humor and her act was pretty lame. I enjoy a good Trump joke as much as the next guy but I see better material every night on late night talk shows
Well according to CNN Trump won pretty easily.

Hahaha too damn funny.

Poor con snowflakes, their sensitivities are so easily bruised. Go find your safe space cupcakes.

And in the future no cons should attend these events. Save yourselves from the humiliation and espouse your political correctness from home at your tv. Conservatives cry about the 'Mainstream Media'. Cons you don't fit in the Mainstream. It isn't everyone else, though apparently you want everyone else to accomodate your gentile natures and not say anything harsh to you. You should just accept who you are, you are not Mainstream and never will be. The rest of human society marches to a different drum than you do and as you are in the minority it is on you to conform rather than demand everyone else change to suit you. But you won't do that because you are selfish, it is one of the defining qualities of a conservative, selfishness. You want desperately to be considered part of the 'Mainstream' but you make no effort to join the Mainstream.

You are like the fat kid in high school that can't laugh at himself ever. All he and you have is anger. And fear. It's your job to get past that not everyone elses.
hahahaahahahaa loves hypocrisy openly.

So how is sara respectable? She chose what she's doing, even if she has a stupid bitch for a father.
it's ok, you don't believe in respect. You've become useless to the discussion of respect.

You don't understand the concept of "respect." I believe in it, but the concept includes being worthy of respect. I think that this woman knows exactly what she's doing.
why isn't she worthy of respect? she did something to you? you personalize this now. so what did she do to you?

A professional liar who works to protect a professional liar She doesn't have to do anything to me personally. She is working to destroy my country. I's pretty sure that her white-trash father put her up to this, but she didn't have to follow along. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree.


I agree. This is why Spicer left. He couldn't go out there and lie every day. Sarah can lie with the best of them.

Next up, the blond ditzy hag who actually admitted trump tells "alternative facts".

Well according to CNN Trump won pretty easily.

Hahaha too damn funny.

Poor con snowflakes, their sensitivities are so easily bruised. Go find your safe space cupcakes.

And in the future no cons should attend these events. Save yourselves from the humiliation and espouse your political correctness from home at your tv. Conservatives cry about the 'Mainstream Media'. Cons you don't fit in the Mainstream. It isn't everyone else, though apparently you want everyone else to accomodate your gentile natures and not say anything harsh to you. You should just accept who you are, you are not Mainstream and never will be. The rest of human society marches to a different drum than you do and as you are in the minority it is on you to conform rather than demand everyone else change to suit you. But you won't do that because you are selfish, it is one of the defining qualities of a conservative, selfishness. You want desperately to be considered part of the 'Mainstream' but you make no effort to join the Mainstream.

You are like the fat kid in high school that can't laugh at himself ever. All he and you have is anger. And fear. It's your job to get past that not everyone elses.

That's been trump's approach. He just hides out. He learned from Pence's Hamilton disaster.

Supposedly he was good at baseball (in spite of those pesky bone spurs - He's so brave ...), but he didn't throw the ball out, as has been the tradition for presidents.

Another tradition - sports teams visiting the WH but none want to go to trump's dump.

Same with A list performers and actors. He's got his Communist porn actress wife but that's it. Oh wait, he's got Poopy Pants Nugent and has been Kid Rock.

One ALMOST feels sorry for trump. ALMOST.
So not even going to deny lying?

So you knew you were lying. That's a dick move on your part rw.

Why the fuck are you lying about Trump? Can you seriously not find a legitimate complaint to make about him?

I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???

We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.

He was mocking the guy with disabilities. You think this was debunked?


NOte how different your response is from Rightwinger's.

That is because you believe this story, while RW, knows that he wanted to avoid discussing it.

The reporter in question, is not spastic. His disability does not result in a shaking or wild flailing motions,

but instead the exact opposite.

His joints are stiff. His posture very rigid.

Rightwinger's claim, that Trump mocked this reporter's DISABILITY is a lie and he knows it.
I just won't let you play by the old rules,


"Look at that face," "Would anyone vote for that?"

"Can you imagine that, the face of our next next president?" Mr Trump continued. "I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?"


"blood coming out of her … wherever"

Rules for thee but not for me........IC

Better than the bat shit crazy and hateful shit that Hillary had to say about Trump and his supporters.
I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???

We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.

He was mocking the guy with disabilities. You think this was debunked?

Trump lied and said : I have no idea who this reporter is, what he looks like or his level of intelligence. I don’t know if he is J.J. Watt or Muhammad Ali in his prime or somebody of less athletic or physical ability. Despite having one of the all-time great memories, I certainly do not remember him. I merely mimicked what I thought would be a flustered reporter trying to get out of a statement he made long ago. If Mr. Kovaleski is handicapped, I would not know because I do not know what he looks like. If I did know, I would definitely not say anything about his appearance.

Trump’s claims to non-memory were widely considered to be disingenuous, as Kovaleski had covered Trump extensively while working for the Daily News from 1987 to 1993 and had interviewed and talked to the business magnate numerous times during that period:

Correll, are you going to admit you got this wrong?

Kovaleski said "Donald and I were on a first-name basis for years. I’ve interviewed him in his office. I’ve talked to him at press conferences. All in all, I would say around a dozen times, I’ve interacted with him as a reporter while I was at The Daily News."
Correll is a Trump apologist regardless of how bad his behavior may be

Said the liar.
We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.
I have repeatedly posted that I did not find Michelle Wolf funny

Why can’t you say the same about Crooked Donnie?

I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.
My post was not a lie
Regardless of whether he was mocking a disabled person or just mocking a reporter who dared to not support his lies........his humor was not funny

I posted that Trump was not funny in that clip
Why don’t you agree?
Do you find that funny?

HUGE difference between mocking a reporter and mocking a man's disability.

One is completely called for, the other is not.

That is why you lied about it. Now you are minimizing the difference between the two.

If the distinction was minor, you would not have lied about it.

You did not bring up your lie, because you wanted to discuss how funny he was, or was not.

You brought it up to lie about his character, to smear him with a false accusation.

And THAT is really not funny, RW. It is a dick move.

On your part.
Well according to CNN Trump won pretty easily.

Hahaha too damn funny.

Poor con snowflakes, their sensitivities are so easily bruised. Go find your safe space cupcakes.

And in the future no cons should attend these events. Save yourselves from the humiliation and espouse your political correctness from home at your tv. Conservatives cry about the 'Mainstream Media'. Cons you don't fit in the Mainstream. It isn't everyone else, though apparently you want everyone else to accomodate your gentile natures and not say anything harsh to you. You should just accept who you are, you are not Mainstream and never will be. The rest of human society marches to a different drum than you do and as you are in the minority it is on you to conform rather than demand everyone else change to suit you. But you won't do that because you are selfish, it is one of the defining qualities of a conservative, selfishness. You want desperately to be considered part of the 'Mainstream' but you make no effort to join the Mainstream.

You are like the fat kid in high school that can't laugh at himself ever. All he and you have is anger. And fear. It's your job to get past that not everyone elses.

You lacking morality =/= anyone else being a snowflake.
So how is sara respectable? She chose what she's doing, even if she has a stupid bitch for a father.
it's ok, you don't believe in respect. You've become useless to the discussion of respect.

You don't understand the concept of "respect." I believe in it, but the concept includes being worthy of respect. I think that this woman knows exactly what she's doing.
why isn't she worthy of respect? she did something to you? you personalize this now. so what did she do to you?

A professional liar who works to protect a professional liar She doesn't have to do anything to me personally. She is working to destroy my country. I's pretty sure that her white-trash father put her up to this, but she didn't have to follow along. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree.


I agree. This is why Spicer left. He couldn't go out there and lie every day. Sarah can lie with the best of them.

Next up, the blond ditzy hag who actually admitted trump tells "alternative facts".

Says the obammy supporters! You loved his lies
I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???

We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.

He was mocking the guy with disabilities. You think this was debunked?


NOte how different your response is from Rightwinger's.

That is because you believe this story, while RW, knows that he wanted to avoid discussing it.

The reporter in question, is not spastic. His disability does not result in a shaking or wild flailing motions,

but instead the exact opposite.

His joints are stiff. His posture very rigid.

Rightwinger's claim, that Trump mocked this reporter's DISABILITY is a lie and he knows it.
Let’s go there AGAIN

Trump claimed Kovaleski supported his claim that Thousands of Muslims celebrated on 9-11. Kovaleski said he had never made such a claim. There was no attack against Trump, Kovaleski just refused to support his lie

For that, Trump mocked his disability and tried to get others to laugh at Kovaleski

When challenged, Trump claimed he had never met Kovaleski and had no idea he was disabled. THAT WAS ANOTHER LIE by Trump who had repeatedly met the guy one on one

Weeks later, Trump apologists came up with film that claims to show Trump made similar (but not the same) moves before. Only then did Trump change his story

Trump demonstrated that he was scum for attacking a reporter for not supporting his lies about Muslims
Trump is bigger SCUM for mocking a disabled man.......”Have you seen this guy?”
We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.

He was mocking the guy with disabilities. You think this was debunked?


NOte how different your response is from Rightwinger's.

That is because you believe this story, while RW, knows that he wanted to avoid discussing it.

The reporter in question, is not spastic. His disability does not result in a shaking or wild flailing motions,

but instead the exact opposite.

His joints are stiff. His posture very rigid.

Rightwinger's claim, that Trump mocked this reporter's DISABILITY is a lie and he knows it.
For that, Trump mocked his disability and tried to get others to laugh at Kovaleski...”

And this is what this is all about for you.

Because you know that the Press is rightfully held in contempt by most Americans.

So you can't discuss this honestly. You have to lie.

THe reporter is not spastic.

Trump was not mocking his disability.

You lose.

Epic fail on your part.
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.

He was mocking the guy with disabilities. You think this was debunked?


NOte how different your response is from Rightwinger's.

That is because you believe this story, while RW, knows that he wanted to avoid discussing it.

The reporter in question, is not spastic. His disability does not result in a shaking or wild flailing motions,

but instead the exact opposite.

His joints are stiff. His posture very rigid.

Rightwinger's claim, that Trump mocked this reporter's DISABILITY is a lie and he knows it.
For that, Trump mocked his disability and tried to get others to laugh at Kovaleski...”

And this is what this is all about for you.

Because you know that the Press is rightfully held in contempt by most Americans.

So you can't discuss this honestly. You have to lie.

THe reporter is not spastic.

Trump was not mocking his disability.

You lose.

Epic fail on your part.
Trump is SCUM

As he said.......Have you seen this guy?
Meaning HE HAD SEEN him and proceeded to do an impersonation

As usual, Trumps first inclination was to make up a LIE saying he had never met the guy
I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.

He was mocking the guy with disabilities. You think this was debunked?


NOte how different your response is from Rightwinger's.

That is because you believe this story, while RW, knows that he wanted to avoid discussing it.

The reporter in question, is not spastic. His disability does not result in a shaking or wild flailing motions,

but instead the exact opposite.

His joints are stiff. His posture very rigid.

Rightwinger's claim, that Trump mocked this reporter's DISABILITY is a lie and he knows it.
For that, Trump mocked his disability and tried to get others to laugh at Kovaleski...”

And this is what this is all about for you.

Because you know that the Press is rightfully held in contempt by most Americans.

So you can't discuss this honestly. You have to lie.

THe reporter is not spastic.

Trump was not mocking his disability.

You lose.

Epic fail on your part.
Trump is SCUM

As he said.......Have you seen this guy?
Meaning HE HAD SEEN him and proceeded to do an impersonation

As usual, Trumps first inclination was to make up a LIE saying he had never met the guy


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