President Trump in Michigan vs Hacks at Press Dinner. Who won?

I almost felt sorry for poor Sarah Potatohead Huckabee Sanders
no I felt sorry for the failed comic.

I'm pretty sure she doesn't really care what you might think.
she should, she flopped bigly.

Yes. Trump drones were unimpressed. I'm sure Alex Jones and fox believers didn't appreciate her commedy. Oh well.......
the people at the dinner didn't appreciate it. that's what's funny. bigly flopped.

I heard plenty of laughter.
no I felt sorry for the failed comic.

I'm pretty sure she doesn't really care what you might think.
she should, she flopped bigly.

Yes. Trump drones were unimpressed. I'm sure Alex Jones and fox believers didn't appreciate her commedy. Oh well.......
the people at the dinner didn't appreciate it. that's what's funny. bigly flopped.

I heard plenty of laughter.
I heard moans and groans and I think a boo or two. some that laughed are as low as the person providing the flop.
says the poster disrespecting Sara with their own avater. Hey pot meet kettle.

What is there to respect in sara? She knew what she was doing when she took the job. Sure, she's the child of a trashy imbecile, but she's an adult now.
hahahaahahahaa loves hypocrisy openly.

So how is sara respectable? She chose what she's doing, even if she has a stupid bitch for a father.
it's ok, you don't believe in respect. You've become useless to the discussion of respect.

You don't understand the concept of "respect." I believe in it, but the concept includes being worthy of respect. I think that this woman knows exactly what she's doing.
says the poster disrespecting Sara with their own avater. Hey pot meet kettle.

What is there to respect in sara? She knew what she was doing when she took the job. Sure, she's the child of a trashy imbecile, but she's an adult now.
hahahaahahahaa loves hypocrisy openly.

So how is sara respectable? She chose what she's doing, even if she has a stupid bitch for a father.
it's ok, you don't believe in respect. You've become useless to the discussion of respect.

You don't understand the concept of "respect." I believe in it, but the concept includes being worthy of respect. I think that this woman knows exactly what she's doing.
why isn't she worthy of respect? she did something to you? you personalize this now. so what did she do to you?
What is there to respect in sara? She knew what she was doing when she took the job. Sure, she's the child of a trashy imbecile, but she's an adult now.
hahahaahahahaa loves hypocrisy openly.

So how is sara respectable? She chose what she's doing, even if she has a stupid bitch for a father.
it's ok, you don't believe in respect. You've become useless to the discussion of respect.

You don't understand the concept of "respect." I believe in it, but the concept includes being worthy of respect. I think that this woman knows exactly what she's doing.
why isn't she worthy of respect? she did something to you? you personalize this now. so what did she do to you?

A professional liar who works to protect a professional liar She doesn't have to do anything to me personally. She is working to destroy my country. I's pretty sure that her white-trash father put her up to this, but she didn't have to follow along. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree.
hahahaahahahaa loves hypocrisy openly.

So how is sara respectable? She chose what she's doing, even if she has a stupid bitch for a father.
it's ok, you don't believe in respect. You've become useless to the discussion of respect.

You don't understand the concept of "respect." I believe in it, but the concept includes being worthy of respect. I think that this woman knows exactly what she's doing.
why isn't she worthy of respect? she did something to you? you personalize this now. so what did she do to you?

A professional liar who works to protect a professional liar She doesn't have to do anything to me personally. She is working to destroy my country. I's pretty sure that her white-trash father put her up to this, but she didn't have to follow along. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree.
well name something. your rage is very real I see, so name something she did. Why can't you?
no I felt sorry for the failed comic.

I'm pretty sure she doesn't really care what you might think.
she should, she flopped bigly.

Yes. Trump drones were unimpressed. I'm sure Alex Jones and fox believers didn't appreciate her commedy. Oh well.......
the people at the dinner didn't appreciate it. that's what's funny. bigly flopped.
Her act did suck
She had a few good lines but most of her big set ups flopped
Did you see that “Trump is not a millionaire” bit? Not even close

As a liberal, I am disappointed. I hold liberal comics to a higher standard
We all know conservatives can’t do comedy......but liberals should know better

I agree with you... She could have been a lot better... The jokes write themselves... Sara Sanders has the hardest

She behaved like trump did for one night and the Trumpeters when ballistic... Lets remember she is a comedian, Trump is the President.
It is a simple case of giving it but unable to accept it...

Saying that there was so many jokes she could have used... Kelly Anne Conway has the hardest job in Washington but is failing miserably, not only can she not get the phone off the president, her husband starting at it too...
So how is sara respectable? She chose what she's doing, even if she has a stupid bitch for a father.
it's ok, you don't believe in respect. You've become useless to the discussion of respect.

You don't understand the concept of "respect." I believe in it, but the concept includes being worthy of respect. I think that this woman knows exactly what she's doing.
why isn't she worthy of respect? she did something to you? you personalize this now. so what did she do to you?

A professional liar who works to protect a professional liar She doesn't have to do anything to me personally. She is working to destroy my country. I's pretty sure that her white-trash father put her up to this, but she didn't have to follow along. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree.
well name something. your rage is very real I see, so name something she did. Why can't you?

Don't think she was funny? but did her jokes reveal the truth? try this one.
"Democrats are harder to make fun of because you guys don't do anything, people think you may flip the house & senate in nov.
but you guys always find a way to mess it up, your some how going to lose by 12 points to a guy named jeff pedophile Nazi doctor"
I'm pretty sure she doesn't really care what you might think.
she should, she flopped bigly.

Yes. Trump drones were unimpressed. I'm sure Alex Jones and fox believers didn't appreciate her commedy. Oh well.......
the people at the dinner didn't appreciate it. that's what's funny. bigly flopped.
Her act did suck
She had a few good lines but most of her big set ups flopped
Did you see that “Trump is not a millionaire” bit? Not even close

As a liberal, I am disappointed. I hold liberal comics to a higher standard
We all know conservatives can’t do comedy......but liberals should know better

I agree with you... She could have been a lot better... The jokes write themselves... Sara Sanders has the hardest

She behaved like trump did for one night and the Trumpeters when ballistic... Lets remember she is a comedian, Trump is the President.
It is a simple case of giving it but unable to accept it...

Saying that there was so many jokes she could have used... Kelly Anne Conway has the hardest job in Washington but is failing miserably, not only can she not get the phone off the president, her husband starting at it too...

You could have pulled bits that Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert or any of the late night comics do and it would have been not only funnier but appropriate for the venue

Wolf's routines were a stretch and she received pity applause
The president of the WHCA, Margaret Talev has been reduced to apologizing, groveling and begging to keep the organization alive. Too bad. The dinner is done. Mostly because it has marginalized itself into total partisanship. If they bother to have a dinner next year it will be democrats only. They can shout in their own echo chamber.
it's ok, you don't believe in respect. You've become useless to the discussion of respect.

You don't understand the concept of "respect." I believe in it, but the concept includes being worthy of respect. I think that this woman knows exactly what she's doing.
why isn't she worthy of respect? she did something to you? you personalize this now. so what did she do to you?

A professional liar who works to protect a professional liar She doesn't have to do anything to me personally. She is working to destroy my country. I's pretty sure that her white-trash father put her up to this, but she didn't have to follow along. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree.
well name something. your rage is very real I see, so name something she did. Why can't you?

View attachment 190783
homemade fliers how sporty.
hahahaahahahaa loves hypocrisy openly.

So how is sara respectable? She chose what she's doing, even if she has a stupid bitch for a father.
it's ok, you don't believe in respect. You've become useless to the discussion of respect.

You don't understand the concept of "respect." I believe in it, but the concept includes being worthy of respect. I think that this woman knows exactly what she's doing.
why isn't she worthy of respect? she did something to you? you personalize this now. so what did she do to you?

A professional liar who works to protect a professional liar She doesn't have to do anything to me personally. She is working to destroy my country. I's pretty sure that her white-trash father put her up to this, but she didn't have to follow along. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree.

If she destroys whatever makes this country attractive to democrats and forces them out and into some muddy hole she will have earned her place in heaven. Everyone with a soul should work to destroy what democrats have done.
Nothing pussy like about calling a filthy liar, a filthy liar.

But you are a filthy liar, and you were a piece of shit about it, when I called you on it.

See how what you say is bullshit, but you know what I say is true.

Fuck you some more, piece of shit.
Triggered! :lol:

Nope. Just calling you on your bullshit.

It's something I do.
Apparently, being a pussy is something you do

Nah, I already explained how stupid that claim of yours was.

But mine, about you being a lying piece of shit. THAT makes complete sense, and you couldn't touch it.

Why are you like this? I can't see how being a lying piece of shit, doesn't make you feel bad about yourself.

Or are you such a mess, that being a piece of shit, is something you ASPIRE to?
Ah, the little pussy is hurt :( I think they make a cream for that

Nope, just calling you on your bullshit.

And pointing out what a piece of shit you are.

Really. You are. And you know it.
Trump was not mocking that reporters disability. THat has been completely debunked.

Why are you lying? Are you seriously unable to find anything real to attack President Trump on?
Do you think it was funny or not?

So not even going to deny lying?

So you knew you were lying. That's a dick move on your part rw.

Why the fuck are you lying about Trump? Can you seriously not find a legitimate complaint to make about him?

I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???

We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.
Do you think it was funny or not?

So not even going to deny lying?

So you knew you were lying. That's a dick move on your part rw.

Why the fuck are you lying about Trump? Can you seriously not find a legitimate complaint to make about him?

I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???

We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.
I have repeatedly posted that I did not find Michelle Wolf funny

Why can’t you say the same about Crooked Donnie?
Well according to CNN Trump won pretty easily.

Hahaha too damn funny.

Thanks for proving the media isn't liberal. They aren't speaking for us.

How come Trump can make fun of handicap people but it crosses the line to make fun of his crew?

Snowflakes don't even know what the 1st amendment is all about.
Do you think it was funny or not?

So not even going to deny lying?

So you knew you were lying. That's a dick move on your part rw.

Why the fuck are you lying about Trump? Can you seriously not find a legitimate complaint to make about him?

I brought it up as an example of what conservatives think is funny

Did you think it was funny???

We've covered this before.

I reject the idea that liberals, such as your self, have the right to ignore the rules of civic debate, such as answering a question,

while still expecting conservatives to follow such rules, such as answering questions they get asked.

So, stop wasting my time, by playing that stupid game.

We both know that your post was a lie. The question is, why did you lie?

Trump is a controversial figure. You really couldn't find something factual to complain about? YOu had to lie?
Why are you ducking a simple question?

The thread is about comedy, do you think Trump was funny or not

I'm not.

I just won't let you play by the old rules, where you libs got to be utterly disrespectful, and we cons just let it ride.

I would be happy to answer your questions. If you would answer mine.

As you won't, we are at an im passe.

BUT, I will restate, that your post, was a vile lie, and you should be ashamed.

AND that you know it was a vile lie, because we have discussed it before.

He was mocking the guy with disabilities. You think this was debunked?

Trump lied and said : I have no idea who this reporter is, what he looks like or his level of intelligence. I don’t know if he is J.J. Watt or Muhammad Ali in his prime or somebody of less athletic or physical ability. Despite having one of the all-time great memories, I certainly do not remember him. I merely mimicked what I thought would be a flustered reporter trying to get out of a statement he made long ago. If Mr. Kovaleski is handicapped, I would not know because I do not know what he looks like. If I did know, I would definitely not say anything about his appearance.

Trump’s claims to non-memory were widely considered to be disingenuous, as Kovaleski had covered Trump extensively while working for the Daily News from 1987 to 1993 and had interviewed and talked to the business magnate numerous times during that period:

Correll, are you going to admit you got this wrong?

Kovaleski said "Donald and I were on a first-name basis for years. I’ve interviewed him in his office. I’ve talked to him at press conferences. All in all, I would say around a dozen times, I’ve interacted with him as a reporter while I was at The Daily News."
I just won't let you play by the old rules,


"Look at that face," "Would anyone vote for that?"

"Can you imagine that, the face of our next next president?" Mr Trump continued. "I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?"


"blood coming out of her … wherever"

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