President Trump in Michigan vs Hacks at Press Dinner. Who won?

The correspondent's dinner should be ended. Failing that, no one in government, especially the white house should go. You have not seen hate until you see what happens to the next democrat president.
Judging from the audience response, it was certainly Trump. Everyone enjoyed themselves and no one got up and walked out.
Judging from the audience response, it was certainly Trump. Everyone enjoyed themselves and no one got up and walked out.

So trump's a sheep herder, so what.

He still lost Michelle was better TV.
Any time people in the audience gets up and leaves. The performance is poorly received.

Wolf needs to be more profane and insult more people. She has gotten the base to love her. Yes she lost a few, but what the hell. She will get more. She needs to start skewering the kids. Joke about Barron fucking his mother. That should do it.
Judging from the audience response, it was certainly Trump. Everyone enjoyed themselves and no one got up and walked out.

So trump's a sheep herder, so what.

He still lost Michelle was better TV.
Any time people in the audience gets up and leaves. The performance is poorly received.

Wolf needs to be more profane and insult more people. She has gotten the base to love her. Yes she lost a few, but what the hell. She will get more. She needs to start skewering the kids. Joke about Barron fucking his mother. That should do it.

Does anyone care if some snowflake conservative gets up and leaves?

She told the skewer truth about adults and YOU react like a kid.
Judging from the audience response, it was certainly Trump. Everyone enjoyed themselves and no one got up and walked out.

So trump's a sheep herder, so what.

He still lost Michelle was better TV.
Any time people in the audience gets up and leaves. The performance is poorly received.

Wolf needs to be more profane and insult more people. She has gotten the base to love her. Yes she lost a few, but what the hell. She will get more. She needs to start skewering the kids. Joke about Barron fucking his mother. That should do it.

Does anyone care if some snowflake conservative gets up and leaves?

She told the skewer truth about adults and YOU react like a kid.
She and others like her should be encouraged. Wolf was too mild. She needs to kick it up s couple of notches.
Judging from the audience response, it was certainly Trump. Everyone enjoyed themselves and no one got up and walked out.

So trump's a sheep herder, so what.

He still lost Michelle was better TV.
Any time people in the audience gets up and leaves. The performance is poorly received.

Wolf needs to be more profane and insult more people. She has gotten the base to love her. Yes she lost a few, but what the hell. She will get more. She needs to start skewering the kids. Joke about Barron fucking his mother. That should do it.

Does anyone care if some snowflake conservative gets up and leaves?

She told the skewer truth about adults and YOU react like a kid.
She and others like her should be encouraged. Wolf was too mild. She needs to kick it up s couple of notches.

Damn right.
Wasn't a competition. The orange clown was afraid to show up and compete. He chose instead to go hide in his happy place, in front of his cheer leading squad where he knew they would cheer any stupid thing he might say. Just another example of his childish cowardice.
Without the President, the event is a big nothing, and they didn't exactly shower themselves in glory on this outing.
Trump said....... have you seen this guy?
Proving he had seen the guy

He is not very good at impressions but is Scum for mocking the disabled

You had your chance to answer the question.

You know that the reporter is not spastic, and that Trump was not mocking his disability, and that you have been lying, because you know that the Truth is not on your side.

YOU are defining the reporter by his disability, not his character or his actions.

Not Trump. Trump showed him the respect of treating him like any other enemy.
Your question was answered
You just don’t like the answer

Trump was SCUM for lying about Muslims celebrating
Scum for saying Kovaleski agreed with him
Scum for attacking Kovaleski for not supporting his lie
And REAL SCUM. For mocking the disabled

Sorry, your entire argument is based on a lie, and you show that, by the way you keep coming back to it.

You can't pretend to care at all, about any other point, when you keep harping on the lie, that you know I will call you on.

If you really thought that the other complaints carried any weight, you would let the lie go, so you could focus on the rest.

BUT, you know that the Media, has given as far more shit, than Trump has been able to dish out to them. Or even will be able to, in the rest of his life.

SO you have to lie.

And you demonstrated that you know it's a lie, by not answering my question about your lie, over and over again.

No lie

The video is quite real.
Trump mocks a handicapped man and has fun doing it

Yes. You lied.

And you demonstrated that you know it's a lie, by not answering my question about your lie, over and over again.

Trump slammed a reporter. Like he has done to many of his enemies.
What made Kovaleski his “enemy”?
What a dumb thread.....really dumb. Scary dumb. Holy cow are people really this dumb.
Well it’s important if republicans are going to be snowflakes when we make jokes about cheating on melania or grabbing pussies.

I don't care of the quality, or lack there of, of the jokes.

I just think that pretending that the media is not your implacable enemy, when you are a republican, is a game we cannot afford and should not play.

Are you kidding the media loves trump and he loves them. They got him elected.
And this is what this is all about for you.

Because you know that the Press is rightfully held in contempt by most Americans.

So you can't discuss this honestly. You have to lie.

THe reporter is not spastic.

Trump was not mocking his disability.

You lose.

Epic fail on your part.

Please confirm your assertion that "most Americans" hold the press "in contempt."

Trump once ran an ad calling for the death penalty for those accused of being the Central Park rapists. It turned out that these men were innocent. Please explain.

The media.

Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low


Also, the Central Park 5 were guilty as fuck, and their being let off the hook was a racist miscarriage of justice and they did deserve the death penalty.

How do you know? Just how? Enlighten us with your insider knowledge as to who was guilty in the Central Park rape case, since you apparently were there. And yes, there has been an effort to make Americans distrust the "media," but this effort has been run by by people who themselves are not trustworthy.

I read their confessions. ANd I have the brain to know that dna evidence that one person raped a woman, does not mean that others did not.

NOT to mention that sexual assault that does NOT result in penetration or climax still counts as rape, such as "holding her down" while someone else rapes.

And the media are the ones who have destroyed their own credibility.

You asked me to support my claim that most americans hold the media in contempt. I have done so.

What connection do you have to the people involve in this case? To the NYPD? To the New York courts? Enlighten us as to your insider sources.

No. you have NOT supported your contention that "most Americans hold the the media in contempt." Your assertions are nothing but supposition and fantasy.

YOu asked me to support my position that most Americans hold the media in contempt. I posted a poll showing that only 32% of Americans believe that the media is dong a good or fair job, and dropping fast.

That means that a large majority of Americans believe that they are doing a bad job.

YOu asked me how I know that the Central Park 5 were guilty and I told you that I read their confessions, and that DNA evidence, as used, does not exonerate rapists and I explained why.

You challenged none of that, and refuted none of my points.
And this is what this is all about for you.

Because you know that the Press is rightfully held in contempt by most Americans.

So you can't discuss this honestly. You have to lie.

THe reporter is not spastic.

Trump was not mocking his disability.

You lose.

Epic fail on your part.

Please confirm your assertion that "most Americans" hold the press "in contempt."

Trump once ran an ad calling for the death penalty for those accused of being the Central Park rapists. It turned out that these men were innocent. Please explain.

The media.

Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low


Also, the Central Park 5 were guilty as fuck, and their being let off the hook was a racist miscarriage of justice and they did deserve the death penalty.

How do you know? Just how? Enlighten us with your insider knowledge as to who was guilty in the Central Park rape case, since you apparently were there. And yes, there has been an effort to make Americans distrust the "media," but this effort has been run by by people who themselves are not trustworthy.

I read their confessions. ANd I have the brain to know that dna evidence that one person raped a woman, does not mean that others did not.

NOT to mention that sexual assault that does NOT result in penetration or climax still counts as rape, such as "holding her down" while someone else rapes.

And the media are the ones who have destroyed their own credibility.

You asked me to support my claim that most americans hold the media in contempt. I have done so.

What connection do you have to the people involve in this case? To the NYPD? To the New York courts? Enlighten us as to your insider sources.

No. you have NOT supported your contention that "most Americans hold the the media in contempt." Your assertions are nothing but supposition and fantasy.
i hold 'em that way. they're ratings whores, not news.

the only time people use or support a "news" source anymore is when they align with their own views and suddenly the station is genius.

for now.

our news media - sucks.
Wasn't a competition. The orange clown was afraid to show up and compete. He chose instead to go hide in his happy place, in front of his cheer leading squad where he knew they would cheer any stupid thing he might say. Just another example of his childish cowardice.
Without the President, the event is a big nothing, and they didn't exactly shower themselves in glory on this outing.

Yes, it would have been better if he was there so he could be ridiculed to his face.
Wasn't a competition. The orange clown was afraid to show up and compete. He chose instead to go hide in his happy place, in front of his cheer leading squad where he knew they would cheer any stupid thing he might say. Just another example of his childish cowardice.
Without the President, the event is a big nothing, and they didn't exactly shower themselves in glory on this outing.

Yes, it would have been better if he was there so he could be ridiculed to his face.
Trump .."I moved on her like a bitch i grabbed their pussy's"" Repubs ,,But Wolfe"???

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