President Trump in Michigan vs Hacks at Press Dinner. Who won?

Wasn't a competition. The orange clown was afraid to show up and compete. He chose instead to go hide in his happy place, in front of his cheer leading squad where he knew they would cheer any stupid thing he might say. Just another example of his childish cowardice.

Pahaha afraid of the fake news creating fake news?
The Donald was excellent as usual with his great sense of humor. He called CNN, "fake CNN." He didn't even want to dignify the company by saying the word "news." :p
One of the organizers was on Fox and said that the dinner was to heal the divide and in a spirit of unity.

Okay, but she was serious.
I just love the Trumptard snowflakes melting down over jokes at a toast when they voted for a man who frequently insults women, minorities and the disabled, and who bragged about sexually assaulting women.

You just can’t make this shit up
not sure….the loser? people of Flint

Thanks to their black democRAT mayor, city council, and crooked EPA administrator. Nobody is buying it was Governor Snyder's fault so shove that one where the sun don't shine.
Wasn't a competition. The orange clown was afraid to show up and compete. He chose instead to go hide in his happy place, in front of his cheer leading squad where he knew they would cheer any stupid thing he might say. Just another example of his childish cowardice.

He had the balls to go against all of establishment, against a candidate with decades worth of experience with half the funding.

He came on top. Then again, this is just a other example of projection. You guys were pissing pants when Trump won, now there is some bravery right there!

Bit of a distinction...

Don't be silly. He never intended to do anything but boost his name recognition. He never expected to win, and didn't even have an acceptance speech prepared. It took Comey's unprecidented remarks about Clinton while not mentioning that Trump was under investigation, the help from Russia, and a fluke of the electoral college (Hillary had 3 million more votes) to give him the win. That's not courage. That's luck.

I’m okay with being lucky. We are lucky that the hildabeast is not president.
I just love the Trumptard snowflakes melting down over jokes at a toast when they voted for a man who frequently insults women, minorities and the disabled, and who bragged about sexually assaulting women.

You just can’t make this shit up

You make shit up all the time, the Trump jet flying 2,600mph. :lol:
I just love the Trumptard snowflakes melting down over jokes at a toast when they voted for a man who frequently insults women, minorities and the disabled, and who bragged about sexually assaulting women.

You just can’t make this shit up

You make shit up all the time, the Trump jet flying 2,600mph. :lol:
You wanna stay on topic, pussy? Oh I’m sorry, did that offend you?

Maybe you should go watch Captain Kangaroo and have a bowl of oatmeal.
I just love the Trumptard snowflakes melting down over jokes at a toast when they voted for a man who frequently insults women, minorities and the disabled, and who bragged about sexually assaulting women.

You just can’t make this shit up

The fact you had to lie shows that you know you are on the wrong side.
I just love the Trumptard snowflakes melting down over jokes at a toast when they voted for a man who frequently insults women, minorities and the disabled, and who bragged about sexually assaulting women.

You just can’t make this shit up

The fact you had to lie shows that you know you are on the wrong side.
Does baby need a baba?
Part of the fun was having Sanders and Conway sitting there unable to respond at all. It was no competition. That's a silly suggestion. One side gets to vomit and the other side can do nothing but sit there. It might have been entirely different had Sanders and Conway been allowed to take the podium and throw a few insults of their own, but that's not allowed. It was satisfying to see the honorable people who just got up and walked out.

Trump was the clear winner and a win that will have repercussions for a long time to come.

Actually it was just a comedian who got up there and said offensive things for publicity. Same thing Trump used to do to make himself president. Same thing he still does to this day, to entertain his followers who like having a comedian as president.

It will indeed have repercussions ... for Michelle Wolf's career. One way or the other. Most likely she will become more popular. As for everything else? Not really.

I just think the thing wasn’t what the Press Corps needs
They are accused of being partisan and Wolfs act was nothing but a mean spirited attack

Well, like she said, I guess they should have done their homework on her before inviting her to speak. Too bad.

In practical terms, it doesn't make a difference. Trump has already convinced his supporters that the media always lies. People who don't like Trump loved Wolf. Everyone else has kind of caught on to the media bias and started looking for reliable news sources outside the mainstream. I mostly listen to neutral stations on Sirius XM, for example. I rarely ever listen to CNN, FOX, or others of their kind.
And that is the point
The press corps is not supposed to present a “we don’t like Trump” comedian. The event is supposed to be light and funny with both sides giving and getting

Problem for Trump is he really can’t function in a comedic or satiricle environment. He just doesn’t get it

That leaves a vacuum where one side is mocking Trump and nobody can respond
The Donald was excellent as usual with his great sense of humor. He called CNN, "fake CNN." He didn't even want to dignify the company by saying the word "news." :p
Fake CNN.....So original and witty

He missed his calling on the comedy circuit

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