President Trump in Michigan vs Hacks at Press Dinner. Who won?

The Left Wingers are drowning in their own meanness, viciousness and hate

I agree.

I didn't watch the Correspondence Dinner, but have seen the clip of the haughty, elitist, asshat, NeverHeardOfHer--Bitch....the one who attacked Sarah Sanders mercilessly over and was the most disgusting thing I have seen in a long while.

Liberals have been embarrassing themselves since the Election...many months ago now.

Will the Butt-Hurt ever end?

Is TDS completely incurable? Can't even be treated?

That performance against Sarah Sanders by that unadulterated ass was the last excess of deserves a a storm of obloquy and a place in infamy. I hope it will come to be seen as the furthermost point to which Insanity was taken during this Liberal-Turd-Temper-Tantrum....and that a reaction back to basic American Decency will soon begin.

It's the same way Trump acts at his rallies. So if you criticize one, how can you let the other have a pass?

Because, like any rational person, I equate the behavior with the circumstance. Sarah Sanders was grossly abused sitting right there at the her face.

Trump was at a campaign rally.

I don't defend Trump for all he says or does. He is a flawed man. I voted for him only because my other choice was Dumb, Drunk and Depraved. But if he, or any of his people would have treated a Black Woman in the Obama Administration the way Sarah Sanders was treated last night....there would have been Apoplexy...and that there is not Apoplexy is the purest hypocrisy I have seen for a long time.


Well I think we can all agree that the jokes about Sarah were mean (some might say she deserves it, though I won't go that far), but is it really worse to abuse someone verbally who is sitting nearby compared to someone who isn't? I'm not sure if that's really a valid argument.
Will take a few years, no one won we all will lose. what rewards are there in hate of your fellow man.
Americans just need to wake up and realize that evil pervert Elites control the entertainment industry. It's especially true of Hollywood and the Music Business. Too many Americans have stopped worshipping God, and are now worshipping the entertainment perverts. They don't realize it, but they're worshipping pure evil. I pray more Americans find God. Have a great Sunday. God Bless. :)
Wasn't a competition. The orange clown was afraid to show up and compete. He chose instead to go hide in his happy place, in front of his cheer leading squad where he knew they would cheer any stupid thing he might say. Just another example of his childish cowardice.

He had the balls to go against all of establishment, against a candidate with decades worth of experience with half the funding.

He came on top. Then again, this is just a other example of projection. You guys were pissing pants when Trump won, now there is some bravery right there!

Bit of a distinction...

Don't be silly. He never intended to do anything but boost his name recognition. He never expected to win, and didn't even have an acceptance speech prepared. It took Comey's unprecidented remarks about Clinton while not mentioning that Trump was under investigation, the help from Russia, and a fluke of the electoral college (Hillary had 3 million more votes) to give him the win. That's not courage. That's luck.

^^ This is what some actually believe.

And it's of course completely conjured up from the ass.

It's also noted how you claim relying on the US electoral system is "luck". What about that specifically has anything to do with luck? The fact that enough illegals didn't show up to vote for Hillary?

Trump is a courageous winner, get over it.

Trump is a spoiled coward who got lucky. The country will make sure that doesn't happen again.

We can only hope

Never underestimate the gullibility of the voting public

The voting public is intelligent here, not enough 3rd worlders with mean 70 IQ.

I am sorry, your looting is done for. Hard working Americans will vote Trump again.
It was nice to finally see somebody grow a pair and call out Sanders and Conway to their faces
Americans just need to wake up and realize that evil pervert Elites control the entertainment industry. It's especially true of Hollywood and the Music Business. Too many Americans have stopped worshipping God, and are now worshipping the entertainment perverts. They don't realize it, but they're worshipping pure evil. I pray more Americans find God. Have a great Sunday. God Bless. :)
What a bunch of pussies Republicans are

Whine that everyone is against them....the media, comedians, Hollywood, scientists, historians
He had the balls to go against all of establishment, against a candidate with decades worth of experience with half the funding.

He came on top. Then again, this is just a other example of projection. You guys were pissing pants when Trump won, now there is some bravery right there!

Bit of a distinction...

Don't be silly. He never intended to do anything but boost his name recognition. He never expected to win, and didn't even have an acceptance speech prepared. It took Comey's unprecidented remarks about Clinton while not mentioning that Trump was under investigation, the help from Russia, and a fluke of the electoral college (Hillary had 3 million more votes) to give him the win. That's not courage. That's luck.

^^ This is what some actually believe.

And it's of course completely conjured up from the ass.

It's also noted how you claim relying on the US electoral system is "luck". What about that specifically has anything to do with luck? The fact that enough illegals didn't show up to vote for Hillary?

Trump is a courageous winner, get over it.

Trump is a spoiled coward who got lucky. The country will make sure that doesn't happen again.

We can only hope

Never underestimate the gullibility of the voting public

The voting public is intelligent here, not enough 3rd worlders with mean 70 IQ.

I am sorry, your looting is done for. Hard working Americans will vote Trump again.

Ummm......most Americans voted against him last time
Americans just need to wake up and realize that evil pervert Elites control the entertainment industry. It's especially true of Hollywood and the Music Business. Too many Americans have stopped worshipping God, and are now worshipping the entertainment perverts. They don't realize it, but they're worshipping pure evil. I pray more Americans find God. Have a great Sunday. God Bless. :)
What a bunch of pussies Republicans are

Whine that everyone is against them....the media, comedians, Hollywood, scientists, historians

That's actually just pointing out a fact.

Whinery is what you snowflakes specialize in:

After over a year I am still not sure of the gender of this person. I am sort of starting to understand your gender confusion.
Americans just need to wake up and realize that evil pervert Elites control the entertainment industry. It's especially true of Hollywood and the Music Business. Too many Americans have stopped worshipping God, and are now worshipping the entertainment perverts. They don't realize it, but they're worshipping pure evil. I pray more Americans find God. Have a great Sunday. God Bless. :)
What a bunch of pussies Republicans are

Whine that everyone is against them....the media, comedians, Hollywood, scientists, historians

That's actually just pointing out a fact.

Whinery is what you snowflakes specialize in:

After over a year I am still not sure of the gender of this person. I am sort of starting to understand your confusion.

Maybe everyone is a fucking snowflake.
Americans just need to wake up and realize that evil pervert Elites control the entertainment industry. It's especially true of Hollywood and the Music Business. Too many Americans have stopped worshipping God, and are now worshipping the entertainment perverts. They don't realize it, but they're worshipping pure evil. I pray more Americans find God. Have a great Sunday. God Bless. :)
What a bunch of pussies Republicans are

Whine that everyone is against them....the media, comedians, Hollywood, scientists, historians

That's actually just pointing out a fact.

Whinery is what you snowflakes specialize in:

After over a year I am still not sure of the gender of this person. I am sort of starting to understand your confusion.

Maybe everyone is a fucking snowflake.

only RW's whine 24/7 about everything - look at this thread and all the RW pussies- its totally pathetic.
Americans just need to wake up and realize that evil pervert Elites control the entertainment industry. It's especially true of Hollywood and the Music Business. Too many Americans have stopped worshipping God, and are now worshipping the entertainment perverts. They don't realize it, but they're worshipping pure evil. I pray more Americans find God. Have a great Sunday. God Bless. :)
What a bunch of pussies Republicans are

Whine that everyone is against them....the media, comedians, Hollywood, scientists, historians

That's actually just pointing out a fact.

Whinery is what you snowflakes specialize in:

After over a year I am still not sure of the gender of this person. I am sort of starting to understand your confusion.

Maybe everyone is a fucking snowflake.

only RW's whine 24/7 about everything - look at this thread and all the RW pussies- its totally pathetic.

Says the guy who is literally whining about whining.
Of course, no one can take this seriously. The video evidence is overwhelming.

One crowd cheering, the other pissing their pants.
Americans just need to wake up and realize that evil pervert Elites control the entertainment industry. It's especially true of Hollywood and the Music Business. Too many Americans have stopped worshipping God, and are now worshipping the entertainment perverts. They don't realize it, but they're worshipping pure evil. I pray more Americans find God. Have a great Sunday. God Bless. :)
What a bunch of pussies Republicans are

Whine that everyone is against them....the media, comedians, Hollywood, scientists, historians

That's actually just pointing out a fact.

Whinery is what you snowflakes specialize in:

After over a year I am still not sure of the gender of this person. I am sort of starting to understand your confusion.

Maybe everyone is a fucking snowflake.

only RW's whine 24/7 about everything - look at this thread and all the RW pussies- its totally pathetic.

Says the guy who is literally whining about whining.
Of course, no one can take this seriously. The video evidence is overwhelming.

One crowd cheering, the other pissing their pants.

One side won, the other lost. You'll see the same kind of reaction at high-stakes athletic events, like the Super Bowl.

Of course, you know this and are just trying to troll now.
What a bunch of pussies Republicans are

Whine that everyone is against them....the media, comedians, Hollywood, scientists, historians

That's actually just pointing out a fact.

Whinery is what you snowflakes specialize in:

After over a year I am still not sure of the gender of this person. I am sort of starting to understand your confusion.

Maybe everyone is a fucking snowflake.

only RW's whine 24/7 about everything - look at this thread and all the RW pussies- its totally pathetic.

Says the guy who is literally whining about whining.
Of course, no one can take this seriously. The video evidence is overwhelming.

One crowd cheering, the other pissing their pants.

One side won, the other lost. You'll see the same kind of reaction at high-stakes athletic events, like the Super Bowl.

Of course, you know this and are just trying to troll now.

So you are in agreement that they pissed their pants?

Indeed.... snowflakes they are.

Never seen these kinds of reactions this strong to a sports event.

That's actually just pointing out a fact.

Whinery is what you snowflakes specialize in:

After over a year I am still not sure of the gender of this person. I am sort of starting to understand your confusion.

Maybe everyone is a fucking snowflake.

only RW's whine 24/7 about everything - look at this thread and all the RW pussies- its totally pathetic.

Says the guy who is literally whining about whining.
Of course, no one can take this seriously. The video evidence is overwhelming.

One crowd cheering, the other pissing their pants.

One side won, the other lost. You'll see the same kind of reaction at high-stakes athletic events, like the Super Bowl.

Of course, you know this and are just trying to troll now.

So you are in agreement that they pissed their pants?

Indeed.... snowflakes they are.

If Trump lost, it would have been flipped. Everyone who cares about something is apparently a "snowflake", I guess. You'd have to be a complete nihilist (mainstream definition) to avoid falling under someone's definition of the term.
Maybe everyone is a fucking snowflake.

only RW's whine 24/7 about everything - look at this thread and all the RW pussies- its totally pathetic.

Says the guy who is literally whining about whining.
Of course, no one can take this seriously. The video evidence is overwhelming.

One crowd cheering, the other pissing their pants.

One side won, the other lost. You'll see the same kind of reaction at high-stakes athletic events, like the Super Bowl.

Of course, you know this and are just trying to troll now.

So you are in agreement that they pissed their pants?

Indeed.... snowflakes they are.

If Trump lost, it would have been flipped. Everyone who cares about something is apparently a "snowflake", I guess. You'd have to be a complete nihilist (mainstream definition) to avoid falling under someone's definition of the term.

when the media roasted Obama RW snowflakes pee'd their panties cheering for more ...

F 'em
Part of the fun was having Sanders and Conway sitting there unable to respond at all. It was no competition. That's a silly suggestion. One side gets to vomit and the other side can do nothing but sit there. It might have been entirely different had Sanders and Conway been allowed to take the podium and throw a few insults of their own, but that's not allowed. It was satisfying to see the honorable people who just got up and walked out.

Trump was the clear winner and a win that will have repercussions for a long time to come.
Part of the fun was having Sanders and Conway sitting there unable to respond at all. It was no competition. That's a silly suggestion. One side gets to vomit and the other side can do nothing but sit there. It might have been entirely different had Sanders and Conway been allowed to take the podium and throw a few insults of their own, but that's not allowed. It was satisfying to see the honorable people who just got up and walked out.

Trump was the clear winner and a win that will have repercussions for a long time to come.

Actually it was just a comedian who got up there and said offensive things for publicity. Same thing Trump used to do to make himself president. Same thing he still does to this day, to entertain his followers who like having a comedian as president.

It will indeed have repercussions ... for Michelle Wolf's career. One way or the other. Most likely she will become more popular. As for everything else? Not really.
Americans just need to wake up and realize that evil pervert Elites control the entertainment industry. It's especially true of Hollywood and the Music Business. Too many Americans have stopped worshipping God, and are now worshipping the entertainment perverts. They don't realize it, but they're worshipping pure evil. I pray more Americans find God. Have a great Sunday. God Bless. :)
What a bunch of pussies Republicans are

Whine that everyone is against them....the media, comedians, Hollywood, scientists, historians

That's actually just pointing out a fact.

Whinery is what you snowflakes specialize in:

After over a year I am still not sure of the gender of this person. I am sort of starting to understand your gender confusion.

Yes, we were disappointed that America elected the worst president in history

But in spite of winning the White House and Congress they whimper that everyone is out to get them

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