President Trump Is To Blame For Democrats' / Biden's Vehement Opposition To Fact COVID-19 Was Created In A CCP Lab


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

If President Trump had not pointed out the obvious - what the Democrats are now calling 'Politicizing' the proven idea that the CCP manufactured the virus, that it leaked out, that China knew as early as May 2020, and that they hid it from the world - Democrats would not have lied, denied, and opposed reporting the truth / facts for so long.

If Trump had either said nothing or do what the Democrats have done - lied to the American people and declared the CCP had nothing to do with the creation of the virus, the Democrats would have immediately blamed the CCP for the pandemic.

TDS was so deep, so strong, the Democrats based the majority of their opinions on saying / doing the complete opposite of what Trump did simply because they hated him so much. The Trump travel ban is a perfect example. Biden immediately led the Democrat opposition to the move, Democrats in Congress rushed to pass legislation to block the ban and strip Trump of other powers he wielded that he could use to keep Americans safe, and Biden even called the move 'Xenophobic'....only to later admit it was a good idea...and even though not long ago he implemented his own Travel Ban on India, I believe.

"The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman was on CNN this morning where she blamed former President Trump for politicizing the theory that COVID-19 leaked out of a lab in Wuhan, China"

(The same NY Times who was exposed for intentionally pushing the Barry failed coup attempt propaganda, for which they received awards.....for lying.)

"Important to remember … then-Pres Trump and Pompeo both suggested they'd seen evidence this was formed in a lab … but they refused to release the evidence … because of that, that made this instantly political."

“Trump made us do it”


"Trump said the virus came from a lab leak. It's Trump's fault we in the media called it a conspiracy theory and banned the news from Facebook, Twitter, and our prestigious places of journalism."
— Melissa Mackenzie (@MelissaTweets) May 25, 2021


"He was 100% correct back then and journos, blinded by their hatred of the president, missed it"

"Donald Trump told the world last year that COVID started in the Wuhan lab. He cut off funding to the same Wuhan lab, over Fauci objections, and left the WHO over their pro-China bias. Now Joe Biden wants an independent investigation… by the same WHO."

....the same WHO was caught / exposed lying and attempting to protect the CCP.

The only people who POLITICIZED COVID-19 were the DEMOCRATS as a result / due to their extreme, irrational, political hatred of President Trump, which put American lives in danger and resulted in thousands of needless deaths of American citizens; meanwhile, CCP Joe - the President who took over $1 BILLION from the CCP, is STILL protecting China instead of putting Americans 1st and holding China accountable for the worldwide pandemic and thousands oif American deaths.

WATCH: Maggie Haberman blames Trump for politicization of the Wuhan lab-leak theory
Well that, and Obiden helped fund the creation of this bioweapon.

China developed this bioweapon to use against Hong Kong. A means to crush the pro-democracy movement. Obama-biden supported that move and may have supported using it on the US population. There is no evidence that the attack was approved by Obiden, it may be that once China engaged in biological warfare against Hong Kong it just got out of control. But the biological warfare did give the democrat Reich everything they wanted. There was NO way to defeat Trump before the biological attack.
Obama-biden supported that move and may have supported using it on the US population.

And Martians live on Mars they just can't be seen because they have cloaking abilities...You do know how asinine and belligerently insane you sound?
Yes, the US does pay people to research corona virus variations, how else do you think vaccines are developed?
What does that have to do with the OP?
If you can't figure it out what does that say about your reasoning abilities?

There is no substantial clear proof that China somehow created the virus variant to release on the world including itself for manipulative purposes..An accident is closer to other possibilities. The US pays people to do research to develop vaccines, the only way to develop the vaccine is to develop the virus or disease to kill it...
If President Trump had not pointed out the obvious - what the Democrats are now calling 'Politicizing' the proven idea that the CCP manufactured the virus, that it leaked out, that China knew as early as May 2020, and that they hid it from the world - Democrats would not have lied, denied, and opposed reporting the truth / facts for so long.

If Trump had either said nothing or do what the Democrats have done - lied to the American people and declared the CCP had nothing to do with the creation of the virus, the Democrats would have immediately blamed the CCP for the pandemic.

TDS was so deep, so strong, the Democrats based the majority of their opinions on saying / doing the complete opposite of what Trump did simply because they hated him so much. The Trump travel ban is a perfect example. Biden immediately led the Democrat opposition to the move, Democrats in Congress rushed to pass legislation to block the ban and strip Trump of other powers he wielded that he could use to keep Americans safe, and Biden even called the move 'Xenophobic'....only to later admit it was a good idea...and even though not long ago he implemented his own Travel Ban on India, I believe.

"The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman was on CNN this morning where she blamed former President Trump for politicizing the theory that COVID-19 leaked out of a lab in Wuhan, China"

(The same NY Times who was exposed for intentionally pushing the Barry failed coup attempt propaganda, for which they received awards.....for lying.)

"Important to remember … then-Pres Trump and Pompeo both suggested they'd seen evidence this was formed in a lab … but they refused to release the evidence … because of that, that made this instantly political."

“Trump made us do it”


"Trump said the virus came from a lab leak. It's Trump's fault we in the media called it a conspiracy theory and banned the news from Facebook, Twitter, and our prestigious places of journalism."
— Melissa Mackenzie (@MelissaTweets) May 25, 2021


"He was 100% correct back then and journos, blinded by their hatred of the president, missed it"

"Donald Trump told the world last year that COVID started in the Wuhan lab. He cut off funding to the same Wuhan lab, over Fauci objections, and left the WHO over their pro-China bias. Now Joe Biden wants an independent investigation… by the same WHO."

....the same WHO was caught / exposed lying and attempting to protect the CCP.

The only people who POLITICIZED COVID-19 were the DEMOCRATS as a result / due to their extreme, irrational, political hatred of President Trump, which put American lives in danger and resulted in thousands of needless deaths of American citizens; meanwhile, CCP Joe - the President who took over $1 BILLION from the CCP, is STILL protecting China instead of putting Americans 1st and holding China accountable for the worldwide pandemic and thousands oif American deaths.

WATCH: Maggie Haberman blames Trump for politicization of the Wuhan lab-leak theory
Trump was right again but the democrats hate Trump more than they love this country.
If President Trump had not pointed out the obvious - what the Democrats are now calling 'Politicizing' the proven idea that the CCP manufactured the virus, that it leaked out, that China knew as early as May 2020, and that they hid it from the world - Democrats would not have lied, denied, and opposed reporting the truth / facts for so long.

If Trump had either said nothing or do what the Democrats have done - lied to the American people and declared the CCP had nothing to do with the creation of the virus, the Democrats would have immediately blamed the CCP for the pandemic.

TDS was so deep, so strong, the Democrats based the majority of their opinions on saying / doing the complete opposite of what Trump did simply because they hated him so much. The Trump travel ban is a perfect example. Biden immediately led the Democrat opposition to the move, Democrats in Congress rushed to pass legislation to block the ban and strip Trump of other powers he wielded that he could use to keep Americans safe, and Biden even called the move 'Xenophobic'....only to later admit it was a good idea...and even though not long ago he implemented his own Travel Ban on India, I believe.

"The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman was on CNN this morning where she blamed former President Trump for politicizing the theory that COVID-19 leaked out of a lab in Wuhan, China"

(The same NY Times who was exposed for intentionally pushing the Barry failed coup attempt propaganda, for which they received awards.....for lying.)

"Important to remember … then-Pres Trump and Pompeo both suggested they'd seen evidence this was formed in a lab … but they refused to release the evidence … because of that, that made this instantly political."

“Trump made us do it”


"Trump said the virus came from a lab leak. It's Trump's fault we in the media called it a conspiracy theory and banned the news from Facebook, Twitter, and our prestigious places of journalism."
— Melissa Mackenzie (@MelissaTweets) May 25, 2021


"He was 100% correct back then and journos, blinded by their hatred of the president, missed it"

"Donald Trump told the world last year that COVID started in the Wuhan lab. He cut off funding to the same Wuhan lab, over Fauci objections, and left the WHO over their pro-China bias. Now Joe Biden wants an independent investigation… by the same WHO."

....the same WHO was caught / exposed lying and attempting to protect the CCP.

The only people who POLITICIZED COVID-19 were the DEMOCRATS as a result / due to their extreme, irrational, political hatred of President Trump, which put American lives in danger and resulted in thousands of needless deaths of American citizens; meanwhile, CCP Joe - the President who took over $1 BILLION from the CCP, is STILL protecting China instead of putting Americans 1st and holding China accountable for the worldwide pandemic and thousands oif American deaths.

WATCH: Maggie Haberman blames Trump for politicization of the Wuhan lab-leak theory

Note the fact that Trump cut off funding over Dr Fauci's objections.
I also would like to note that Fauci was yelling at Sen Ron Paul over Gain Of Function research that was going on at the Wuhan labs. Fauci was very loud when he denied something that was indeed going on in that lab, claiming it had nothing to do with him.
I would like to also point out that Dr Fauci was also involved in the AIDs pandemic in the 80s and 90s.

"When the pandemic first began in earnest, Fauci was packaged up and sold to the president and worried American populace as “the foremost epidemiologist in America” and innumerable other permutations of this outright falsehood.​
Based on the past year, Anthony Fauci is nothing of the sort; he’s not even close to the “foremost,” “most prominent” or “most respected” epidemiologist this country has."​
"We were told Fauci had been a fairytale hero of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s. We were told he was a savior of the SARS virus. And we were told repeatedly by a complicit press that he was just the man to beat the daylights out of COVID-19. Again, here he was nothing of the sort.​
The real truth about Dr. Fauci is that he did very little to solve the AIDS or SARS problems and actually made them worse. His real goal, it seems, was conducting vast media campaigns touting his own imaginary triumphs to be used later for more false hopes in a medical crisis."​
If President Trump had not pointed out the obvious - what the Democrats are now calling 'Politicizing' the proven idea that the CCP manufactured the virus, that it leaked out, that China knew as early as May 2020, and that they hid it from the world - Democrats would not have lied, denied, and opposed reporting the truth / facts for so long.

If Trump had either said nothing or do what the Democrats have done - lied to the American people and declared the CCP had nothing to do with the creation of the virus, the Democrats would have immediately blamed the CCP for the pandemic.

TDS was so deep, so strong, the Democrats based the majority of their opinions on saying / doing the complete opposite of what Trump did simply because they hated him so much. The Trump travel ban is a perfect example. Biden immediately led the Democrat opposition to the move, Democrats in Congress rushed to pass legislation to block the ban and strip Trump of other powers he wielded that he could use to keep Americans safe, and Biden even called the move 'Xenophobic'....only to later admit it was a good idea...and even though not long ago he implemented his own Travel Ban on India, I believe.

"The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman was on CNN this morning where she blamed former President Trump for politicizing the theory that COVID-19 leaked out of a lab in Wuhan, China"

(The same NY Times who was exposed for intentionally pushing the Barry failed coup attempt propaganda, for which they received awards.....for lying.)

"Important to remember … then-Pres Trump and Pompeo both suggested they'd seen evidence this was formed in a lab … but they refused to release the evidence … because of that, that made this instantly political."

“Trump made us do it”


"Trump said the virus came from a lab leak. It's Trump's fault we in the media called it a conspiracy theory and banned the news from Facebook, Twitter, and our prestigious places of journalism."
— Melissa Mackenzie (@MelissaTweets) May 25, 2021


"He was 100% correct back then and journos, blinded by their hatred of the president, missed it"

"Donald Trump told the world last year that COVID started in the Wuhan lab. He cut off funding to the same Wuhan lab, over Fauci objections, and left the WHO over their pro-China bias. Now Joe Biden wants an independent investigation… by the same WHO."

....the same WHO was caught / exposed lying and attempting to protect the CCP.

The only people who POLITICIZED COVID-19 were the DEMOCRATS as a result / due to their extreme, irrational, political hatred of President Trump, which put American lives in danger and resulted in thousands of needless deaths of American citizens; meanwhile, CCP Joe - the President who took over $1 BILLION from the CCP, is STILL protecting China instead of putting Americans 1st and holding China accountable for the worldwide pandemic and thousands oif American deaths.

WATCH: Maggie Haberman blames Trump for politicization of the Wuhan lab-leak theory
There is no proof that the covid 19 was created in the lab at Wuhan.
If President Trump had not pointed out the obvious - what the Democrats are now calling 'Politicizing' the proven idea that the CCP manufactured the virus, that it leaked out, that China knew as early as May 2020, and that they hid it from the world - Democrats would not have lied, denied, and opposed reporting the truth / facts for so long.

If Trump had either said nothing or do what the Democrats have done - lied to the American people and declared the CCP had nothing to do with the creation of the virus, the Democrats would have immediately blamed the CCP for the pandemic.

TDS was so deep, so strong, the Democrats based the majority of their opinions on saying / doing the complete opposite of what Trump did simply because they hated him so much. The Trump travel ban is a perfect example. Biden immediately led the Democrat opposition to the move, Democrats in Congress rushed to pass legislation to block the ban and strip Trump of other powers he wielded that he could use to keep Americans safe, and Biden even called the move 'Xenophobic'....only to later admit it was a good idea...and even though not long ago he implemented his own Travel Ban on India, I believe.

"The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman was on CNN this morning where she blamed former President Trump for politicizing the theory that COVID-19 leaked out of a lab in Wuhan, China"

(The same NY Times who was exposed for intentionally pushing the Barry failed coup attempt propaganda, for which they received awards.....for lying.)

"Important to remember … then-Pres Trump and Pompeo both suggested they'd seen evidence this was formed in a lab … but they refused to release the evidence … because of that, that made this instantly political."

“Trump made us do it”


"Trump said the virus came from a lab leak. It's Trump's fault we in the media called it a conspiracy theory and banned the news from Facebook, Twitter, and our prestigious places of journalism."
— Melissa Mackenzie (@MelissaTweets) May 25, 2021


"He was 100% correct back then and journos, blinded by their hatred of the president, missed it"

"Donald Trump told the world last year that COVID started in the Wuhan lab. He cut off funding to the same Wuhan lab, over Fauci objections, and left the WHO over their pro-China bias. Now Joe Biden wants an independent investigation… by the same WHO."

....the same WHO was caught / exposed lying and attempting to protect the CCP.

The only people who POLITICIZED COVID-19 were the DEMOCRATS as a result / due to their extreme, irrational, political hatred of President Trump, which put American lives in danger and resulted in thousands of needless deaths of American citizens; meanwhile, CCP Joe - the President who took over $1 BILLION from the CCP, is STILL protecting China instead of putting Americans 1st and holding China accountable for the worldwide pandemic and thousands oif American deaths.

WATCH: Maggie Haberman blames Trump for politicization of the Wuhan lab-leak theory
There is no proof that the covid 19 was created in the lab at Wuhan.
Yeah....keep repeating that lie......and maybe you can make yourself believe it.
Course....there will come a time when you will realize that you have been snookered...yet again.
If President Trump had not pointed out the obvious - what the Democrats are now calling 'Politicizing' the proven idea that the CCP manufactured the virus, that it leaked out, that China knew as early as May 2020, and that they hid it from the world - Democrats would not have lied, denied, and opposed reporting the truth / facts for so long.

If Trump had either said nothing or do what the Democrats have done - lied to the American people and declared the CCP had nothing to do with the creation of the virus, the Democrats would have immediately blamed the CCP for the pandemic.

TDS was so deep, so strong, the Democrats based the majority of their opinions on saying / doing the complete opposite of what Trump did simply because they hated him so much. The Trump travel ban is a perfect example. Biden immediately led the Democrat opposition to the move, Democrats in Congress rushed to pass legislation to block the ban and strip Trump of other powers he wielded that he could use to keep Americans safe, and Biden even called the move 'Xenophobic'....only to later admit it was a good idea...and even though not long ago he implemented his own Travel Ban on India, I believe.

"The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman was on CNN this morning where she blamed former President Trump for politicizing the theory that COVID-19 leaked out of a lab in Wuhan, China"

(The same NY Times who was exposed for intentionally pushing the Barry failed coup attempt propaganda, for which they received awards.....for lying.)

"Important to remember … then-Pres Trump and Pompeo both suggested they'd seen evidence this was formed in a lab … but they refused to release the evidence … because of that, that made this instantly political."

“Trump made us do it”


"Trump said the virus came from a lab leak. It's Trump's fault we in the media called it a conspiracy theory and banned the news from Facebook, Twitter, and our prestigious places of journalism."
— Melissa Mackenzie (@MelissaTweets) May 25, 2021


"He was 100% correct back then and journos, blinded by their hatred of the president, missed it"

"Donald Trump told the world last year that COVID started in the Wuhan lab. He cut off funding to the same Wuhan lab, over Fauci objections, and left the WHO over their pro-China bias. Now Joe Biden wants an independent investigation… by the same WHO."

....the same WHO was caught / exposed lying and attempting to protect the CCP.

The only people who POLITICIZED COVID-19 were the DEMOCRATS as a result / due to their extreme, irrational, political hatred of President Trump, which put American lives in danger and resulted in thousands of needless deaths of American citizens; meanwhile, CCP Joe - the President who took over $1 BILLION from the CCP, is STILL protecting China instead of putting Americans 1st and holding China accountable for the worldwide pandemic and thousands oif American deaths.

WATCH: Maggie Haberman blames Trump for politicization of the Wuhan lab-leak theory
There is no proof that the covid 19 was created in the lab at Wuhan.
Yeah....keep repeating that lie......and maybe you can make yourself believe it.
Course....there will come a time when you will realize that you have been snookered...yet again.
Well show me proof that Wuhan Lab created the virus from a reputable source.
Yes, the US does pay people to research corona virus variations, how else do you think vaccines are developed?
What does that have to do with the OP?
If you can't figure it out what does that say about your reasoning abilities?

There is no substantial clear proof that China somehow created the virus variant to release on the world including itself for manipulative purposes..An accident is closer to other possibilities. The US pays people to do research to develop vaccines, the only way to develop the vaccine is to develop the virus or disease to kill it...
There's no need for a vaccine to kill a virus that would have never developed naturally to begin with, especially in a Chinese lab that doesn't adhere to comprehensive security levels to keep their employees safe. It's evil research for evil purposes, and it should be stopped and no longer funded.
If President Trump had not pointed out the obvious - what the Democrats are now calling 'Politicizing' the proven idea that the CCP manufactured the virus, that it leaked out, that China knew as early as May 2020, and that they hid it from the world - Democrats would not have lied, denied, and opposed reporting the truth / facts for so long.

If Trump had either said nothing or do what the Democrats have done - lied to the American people and declared the CCP had nothing to do with the creation of the virus, the Democrats would have immediately blamed the CCP for the pandemic.

TDS was so deep, so strong, the Democrats based the majority of their opinions on saying / doing the complete opposite of what Trump did simply because they hated him so much. The Trump travel ban is a perfect example. Biden immediately led the Democrat opposition to the move, Democrats in Congress rushed to pass legislation to block the ban and strip Trump of other powers he wielded that he could use to keep Americans safe, and Biden even called the move 'Xenophobic'....only to later admit it was a good idea...and even though not long ago he implemented his own Travel Ban on India, I believe.

"The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman was on CNN this morning where she blamed former President Trump for politicizing the theory that COVID-19 leaked out of a lab in Wuhan, China"

(The same NY Times who was exposed for intentionally pushing the Barry failed coup attempt propaganda, for which they received awards.....for lying.)

"Important to remember … then-Pres Trump and Pompeo both suggested they'd seen evidence this was formed in a lab … but they refused to release the evidence … because of that, that made this instantly political."

“Trump made us do it”


"Trump said the virus came from a lab leak. It's Trump's fault we in the media called it a conspiracy theory and banned the news from Facebook, Twitter, and our prestigious places of journalism."
— Melissa Mackenzie (@MelissaTweets) May 25, 2021


"He was 100% correct back then and journos, blinded by their hatred of the president, missed it"

"Donald Trump told the world last year that COVID started in the Wuhan lab. He cut off funding to the same Wuhan lab, over Fauci objections, and left the WHO over their pro-China bias. Now Joe Biden wants an independent investigation… by the same WHO."

....the same WHO was caught / exposed lying and attempting to protect the CCP.

The only people who POLITICIZED COVID-19 were the DEMOCRATS as a result / due to their extreme, irrational, political hatred of President Trump, which put American lives in danger and resulted in thousands of needless deaths of American citizens; meanwhile, CCP Joe - the President who took over $1 BILLION from the CCP, is STILL protecting China instead of putting Americans 1st and holding China accountable for the worldwide pandemic and thousands oif American deaths.

WATCH: Maggie Haberman blames Trump for politicization of the Wuhan lab-leak theory
There is no proof that the covid 19 was created in the lab at Wuhan.
Yeah....keep repeating that lie......and maybe you can make yourself believe it.
Course....there will come a time when you will realize that you have been snookered...yet again.
Well show me proof that Wuhan Lab created the virus from a reputable source.
Do you actually watch the news, keep up with the most current events, have a 'Google'-accessible computer?

Your posts suggest the answer is 'No'.
Last edited:
That shit was created right here in the good old USA When it was time for gain of function, Obama sent it and 3.7 million of good old USA money to Wuhan to be released. This time from N.C. since Harvard failed to deliver:

What we did was grow a biochemical weapon of war, and gave it to China to use against us. And Fauci who has been running this country for the past year was up to his neck in all of it. And we are stupid enough to pay for the pleasure of biochemical death.
According to China, they have put us back in our place. And they have...

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