President Trump just filed a lawsuit against Hillary over the "Russian Collusion" allegations

Former President Donald Trump is suing 2016 Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in a sprawling case that accuses her of conspiring with dozens of other actors — frequent targets of Trump’s conspiracy theories and rage — to topple his presidency.

The new lawsuit, filed Thursday in federal court in Fort Pierce, Fla., accuses Clinton, her campaign, various campaign aides, former FBI Director James Comey, the Democratic National Committee and others of racketeering conspiracy for allegedly joining in “an unthinkable plot” to falsely accuse Trump of colluding with Russia in the 2016 presidential election.

“In the run-up to the 2016 Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton and her cohorts orchestrated an unthinkable plot – one that shocks the conscience and is an affront to this nation’s democracy,” the complaint says. “Acting in concert, the Defendants maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative that their Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, was colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty.”
Long overdue, Donald Trump suing Hillary and her cabal of criminal accomplices in high offices.
I hope dozens of Democrats go to prison.
Really? You actually think Trump has more skeletons from just four years in office from things nearly all now proven untrue than 50 years of Hillary's corruption, theft and murder in politics? Gee, CNN sure has done a number on you.
I think people have been looking for Hillary's 'corruption' for 50 years and I have yet to hear of any coming to light. Trump is the one under current investigation.
Oh the dreams of the Trump Cult. It will get thrown out, as most do.

Durham has convictions and guilty pleas for lying to fisa.

NYT verified laptop real. the media. there's a good 8 scandals on top of this.

this is not your run of the mill case. the evidence is there.

Durham has convictions and guilty pleas for lying to fisa.

NYT verified laptop real. the media. there's a good 8 scandals on top of this.

this is not your run of the mill case. the evidence is there.
There is no evidence. I haveto wonder if you even know what case you are talking about.
The last thing Donald Trump wants is to be asked about HIS Russian connections, which is what would happen if this case ever went anywhere.

This is a hoax, folks. Theater for you rubes.

And when it goes nowhere, he will whine to all of you tards that he was defeated by the D33P STAIT.

You really need to stop drinking his piss straight from the tap.

Durham has convictions and guilty pleas for lying to fisa.

NYT verified laptop real. the media. there's a good 8 scandals on top of this.

this is not your run of the mill case. the evidence is there.
Durham, in reality has very little. Mueller had a lot more in indictments, charges, convictions. Either way there is nothing to sue for. He is just doing because likes to sue.
Durham, in reality has very little. Mueller had a lot more in indictments, charges, convictions. Either way there is nothing to sue for. He is just doing because likes to sue.
I don't see this as a single move.

the Biden laptop. suddenly it's real? game changer.

this lawsuit

going after big tech in similar fashion?

I don't think it's over yet. no idea where this will head but some interesting things are in motion.
Go ahead and bookmark it. I got here 8 years before you did and I'll be here 8 years after you're gone.
Unfortunately for your, this thread will be here longer than you or me. Future generations of USMBers will remember you as failed lawsuit believer.

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