President Trump just filed a lawsuit against Hillary over the "Russian Collusion" allegations

How many times did he testify under oath?
What?.... If a crime is suspected and there is evidence of the crime a grand jury can be utilized and Trump can be compelled to testify.... but there isn't any evidence or even a charge of a specific malfeasance.... a witch hunt that finds nothing is not evidence of a crime and would not be grounds to compel anyone to testify under oath... its evidence of an overzealous prosecutor only... something libs not that long ago used to be against....
I don't care about Trump.

One way or the other.

I just can't bring myself to care.

So sue me. :p
Durham, in reality has very little. Mueller had a lot more in indictments, charges, convictions. Either way there is nothing to sue for. He is just doing because likes to sue.
Last I checked, defamation can be very expensive.

The dossier is a clear cut case of payment with intent to defame.
I don't care about Trump. One way or the other. I just can't bring myself to care.

Care or choose NOT to care Scruffy, but like him or not, Trump is the closest thing you have to someone both willing and able to fight for you to preserve the quality American way of life as a shining superpower. Everyone else is selling you out as fast as they can to anyone who'll pay until all but the uber-rich are no better off than someone in India. In another generation or two, your children will be no better off than any 3rd worlder as they rob America of all her wealth to distribute among the world.
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"no less than twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000)"

I hope he wins. :auiqs.jpg:
They better put a suicide watch on Hillary "I forget" Clinton. Her lawyer-trick days are numbered. They also need to put suicide watches on crooked Nancy Pelosi, and the stalker, Maxine Waters. They're all using their offices and powers to "Get Trump" because they could. They also owe a stolen election from the American people's real choice. They sent all their minions to falsely accuse Republicans who know the election was stolen of interfering with #2 Biden's fake presidency since he didn't win. All that garbage about Republicans lying is false., Anything to illegally and maliciously grab and keep power to continue on their destructive path to easy-to-enslave-the-population socialism better known as deceptive Communism, which the anti-Communism Act of 1954 warned of
I have to question the basis for the $24 million that Trump is suing for. I can see his damages of $400K for four years as president being mitigated by his donating his salary. Which only leaves business losses, for a business he's not supposed to have any control over. Trump isn't allowed to do any personal business for which he could suffer a loss from.

In short, Trump would have to show how he suffered damages to his reputation, that being impeched TWICE would pale to.
You're forgetting how Maxine Waters told her toadies to go out and stalk President Trump's staff. You're forgetting how the arrogant Nancy Pelosi gave away gold pens to celebrate President Trump's impeachment for which he was deemed innocent of the false charges the Democrats leveled at him. I'm here to tell you that if the courts exhibit any measure of craven cowardice, there will be severe consequences from the heart of the majority of American voters who were cheated in 2020.
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They better put a suicide watch on Hillary "I forget" Clinton. Her lawyer-trick days are numbered. They also need to put suicide watches on crooked Nancy Pelosi, and the stalker, Maxine Waters. They're all using their offices and powers to "Get Trump" because they could. They also owe a stolen election from the American people's real choice. They sent all their minions to falsely accuse Republicans who know the election was stolen of interfering with #2 Biden's fake presidency since he didn't win. All that garbage about Republicans lying is false., Anything to illegally and maliciously grab and keep power to continue on their destructive path to easy-to-enslave-the-population socialism better known as deceptive Communism, which the anti-Communism Act of 1954 warned of

You're forgetting how Maxine Waters told her toadies to go out and stalk President Trump's staff. You're forgetting how the arrogant Nancy Pelosi gave away gold pens to celebrate President Trump's impeachment for which he was deemed innocent of the false charges the Democrats leveled at him. I'm here to tell you that if the courts exhibit any measure of craven cowardice, there will be severe consequences from the heart of the majority of American voters who were cheated in 2020.
I'm all in favor of severe consequences.
This will likely go nowhere but the shitstorm in the swamp world will be MAGAnificent! The disclosures during discovery will be an 11 on the dial.
If the blob ever goes under oath...he's going to jail for perjury. He's physically incapable of telling the truth.
As opposed to people like you who make excuses for and look the other way on traitors who sell out their own country and people to foreign enemies for a lump of gold.
The only Traitors out there are those that went out to overthrow the US government on 1/6.
  • I'm here to tell you that if the courts exhibit any measure of craven cowardice, there will be severe consequences from the heart of the majority of American voters who were cheated in 2020.
  • I'm all in favor of severe consequences.

What do you have in mind, good posters 'beautress' & 'scruffy'?

A civil suit should bring what kind of 'severe consequences' to the defendants?

Or, are you suggesting that if the defendants aren't found liable the judge will suffer your 'severe consequences'?

Just exactly what are you two suggesting?
Strongly worded letters-to-the-editor?

Or, and I mean no disrespect, is this a situation where the good posters should reduce their dosage of Dramaqueen pills?

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