President Trump just filed a lawsuit against Hillary over the "Russian Collusion" allegations

Trump got Mexico to keep the other illegals out------and you still bitch. What trump did to stop the illegals was amazing.
You may be pissy because I mentioned the Cry Baby Loser's "big, beautiful wall!" that he made Mexico! pay for.
(He had mentioned it quite often.)


Illegal immigration across the southern border increased in November and December, 2020:

The national unemployment rate at that time had soared by 2 full points above what it had been in January, 2017.

Screen Shot 2020-07-27 at 4.27.08 PM.png
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Hillary paid for the Russian dossier that opened the way for FISA the warrants that were used to spy on the Trump campaign...
The record shows that the rightist Washington Free Beacon paid Steele to investigate Trump, and the DNC and Clinton Campaign paid to continue it as opposition research.

Apparently, you can't cite a single, documented statement by Hillary Clinton that Trump actively conspired with Russia in the 2016 election.

Noting that Trump was unable to contrive any credible charges against Clinton during the four years he had the investigative services of the U.S. Department of Justice serving him exposes the reality, and makes the Weird Worshipers very pissy.

The FBI's counterintelligence investigation into whether Trump campaign officials had improper contacts with Russia was triggered by information the bureau obtained about George Papadopoulos, a former adviser to the Trump campaign, according to the memo released by House Intelligence Committee Republicans.

Trump falsely claimed that the Russia probe began with the so-called Steele dossier.
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He documented the meetings between Russian intel and your blob.
If by my “blob,” you are talking about President Trump, your boy Mueller likely didn’t remember documenting any such meetings and wouldn’t stand by the reports anyway. Further, on the unlikely event that President Trump “met” with any Russian intel critters, the conclusion you choose to draw is not supported. A meeting or meetings doesn’t begin to address much less show “collusion.”

Otherwise, your post has no merit. And considering what you did say and imply, it still has no merit.

Do I think Hillary is guilty? Yes

Will she pay?

Hell no, the entire Federal system is built around people like her.

Do I think Hillary is guilty? Yes

Will she pay?

Hell no, the entire Federal system is built around people like her.

Do I think Hillary is guilty? Yes.

Do I think Trump is as guilty for the stolen election lies? Yes.
What?.... If a crime is suspected and there is evidence of the crime a grand jury can be utilized and Trump can be compelled to testify.... but there isn't any evidence or even a charge of a specific malfeasance.... a witch hunt that finds nothing is not evidence of a crime and would not be grounds to compel anyone to testify under oath... its evidence of an overzealous prosecutor only... something libs not that long ago used to be against....
Do you apply the same standards to Hillary?
It's a shame this is just a civil suit and can't put Hillary in prison where she belongs.
Your have been waiting for Hillary get locked up, and nothing. Now you hope the civil lawsuit doesn't get shredded by a judge.
Good luck, lol
Do you apply the same standards to Hillary?
Yes...Durham's investigation shows that she did try and frame a sitting president and used the Obama FBI and CIA to do it....I have little respect for anyone that says Hillary is as clean as the wind driven snow...her and Bill set new heights for suggest that's not the case is pure denial....
If my lost you mean Dems RIGGED it and STOLE it then yes. Even your own news media said it's like Trump is still president. Go busy yourself trying to defend dufus Biden. :itsok:
Why don't you bring a lawsuit against fraudulent elections? Oh wait. There were like 80 failed lawsuits already. 😋
Send me a PDF of her WhiteWater indictment please.
Sure, I'll include her TravelGate indictment too. Just as soon as they come out. I'm surprised she was never charged with negligence or spousal abuse because it was her job to give BJs, not some interns.

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